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by Scotty
Tue Jun 27, 2023 11:35 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Se7en Mafia [GAME OVER- MAFIA WIN]
Replies: 3949
Views: 1011301

Re: Se7en Mafia [GAME OVER- MAFIA WIN]

@Dennis @pyxxy @S~V~S @Thunal33

Here is a static Winner Banner if you'd like:

by Scotty
Tue Jun 27, 2023 10:59 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Se7en Mafia [GAME OVER- MAFIA WIN]
Replies: 3949
Views: 1011301

Re: Se7en Mafia [GAME OVER- MAFIA WIN]

Various Notes:
-Porscha dying early was a bummer for town. She could have shot off her one vig shot, but I can understand why she would hold it as well. Day 1 was a crapshoot and always would be.

-SVS was very lonely until she learned pyxxy joined the circus top of N2. But pyxxy died via a roundabout Envy ability on them, and never got to chat. But Dennis got to chat the day he was full blown obvious yeet. And as soon as he left, thunal joined BTSC at top of N3. So it was a revolving door there for a bit in mafia chat lol

-Only 2 sins (Lust and envy) were made to turn mafia if they turned. The other 5 could go both ways, with Dennis being able to choose at the end of N1. He originally was going to townside but Kate BTSC’d with him and he changed his mind. Got the win because of it!

-falcon got his positive check on Seanzie on n2- he learned Seanzie was either a civilian or mafia-aligned. Took the shot on Seanzie early in D3, cost him his vote for the rest of the game. Would have got a positive check on nook the next night and got his 2nd shot, but rondo blocked him.

-town broadcasting that Dennis was the obvious chop helped with John doe’s ability of predicting a chop to get an additional NK the next night. That, paired with the Lust ability used N3, helped the death-a-palooza ensue.

-Matahari never had a chance to acquire a Dummy, though she would have if the game had gone on to Day 6. If SVS or Thunal were eliminated today, Matahari would have been able to have a chance to win with her vote manipulation ability
by Scotty
Tue Jun 27, 2023 10:23 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Se7en Mafia [GAME OVER- MAFIA WIN]
Replies: 3949
Views: 1011301

Re: Se7en Mafia [GAME OVER- MAFIA WIN]

Michelle wrote: Tue Jun 27, 2023 10:20 pm
Thunal33 wrote: Tue Jun 27, 2023 10:14 pm
Scotty wrote: Tue Jun 27, 2023 10:08 pm Dubz has been straddling turning for a while- if Michelle had been yeeted instead, Dubz would have turned mafia and win with them.
I thought Michelle was the virtue, but I knew I couldn't push her. I'm curious what Wilgy and Falcon's roles did.
Of course I was, and I was the one with the post restriction as well. The limit was 10 posts and it put 2 votes on you when exceeding it and i targeted you N1 because i misread it and I thought i give you the power of 2 votes.
Svs was a SR but she succeed to talk me out of that suspicion.

Scotty, can you share all the actions?
I can do my best to do so via words but there were so many actions…

I have opened most of the channels that wanted me to open on the discord and those have all the roles pinned. I’ll do some work putting it in the op over the next few hours
by Scotty
Tue Jun 27, 2023 10:14 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Se7en Mafia [GAME OVER- MAFIA WIN]
Replies: 3949
Views: 1011301

Re: Se7en Mafia [GAME OVER- MAFIA WIN]

Thanks for playing y’all. I’ve been tinkering with this game off and on for 2 years and it’s nice to see it be played by people who showed up to play it. That’s all I can ask, and while it is role madness, the swings kept the sides super close all the time. Every day phase the pendelum was swinging.

If anyone has any questions on the happenings I’ll do my best to answer.

I’ll say the biggest wtf moment for me was tutuu opening up a 1 in 3 gift from a dead Kate and her having a 10% chance to die from it. I don’t know what the actual odds are on that, but that Hail Mary kill blew my mind
by Scotty
Tue Jun 27, 2023 10:08 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Se7en Mafia [GAME OVER- MAFIA WIN]
Replies: 3949
Views: 1011301

Re: Se7en Mafia [GAME OVER- MAFIA WIN]

Dubz has been straddling turning for a while- if Michelle had been yeeted instead, Dubz would have turned mafia and win with them.
by Scotty
Tue Jun 27, 2023 10:02 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Se7en Mafia [GAME OVER- MAFIA WIN]
Replies: 3949
Views: 1011301

Re: Se7en Mafia [END- MAFIA WIN]

End of Day 5


The man heaved the refrigerator close to two feet out of its nook, and found the plastic coating on the floor splintering beneath the movement. As if he had done it before, he maneuvered the errant leg as an improvised writing utensil. This part took a while, but he knew that the overall picture was only as complete as the sun of its details. Moaning erupted from the dining room. He sighed inwardly as he completed his ministrations and gathered a sizable handful of plastic shavings from the floor. Whistling, he opened a can of tomato sauce and brushed the contents of his fist into the sauce. The water from the spaghetti he was cooking had started to boil over, so he moved to turn off the burner. Then, not to splash the sauce, he poured it into the freshly made bowl of spaghetti. With a chef’s kiss, he picked up the dish to deliver to its intended patron.

As the man entered the dining room, Bob Harmon moaned louder behind his gag. Bound by his ankles and wrists, he dreaded being force-fed spaghetti, even if it was his childhood favorite. That “favorite” was quickly losing its luster after the 7th bowl, however.
The man was smiling as he lowered the plate in front of Bob.
“Make sure you eat it all, piggy,” he mocked.
The man removed the duct tape over Bob’s mouth and pulled the stuffed rag out of his mouth.
“Look, I can’t eat any more. I swear!” sputtered Bob.
The man tsk’d. “You can. You always can.”
He pointed to the plate. “We’ll revisit once you’re properly satiated.”
Bob shook his head. “I can’t! I…I’m too full!”
The man growled reproachfully. “You. Can.” Emphasizing the ‘can’, he shoved Bob’s face into the plate. “Piggy found his trough. Piggy loves his trough. You’ll be here as long as it takes you to finish it all.”
Bob was crying now, his sobs coming in waves, spittle and tomato sauce cascading down his multiple chins in between choking on the suffocating meal; as he slurped up pint after pint of sauce and noodles, he tried his damnedest to hold down that awful feeling in his gut.


The first thing they noticed was the smell. Like a dumpster of used baby diapers and vomit in the sun. Mills especially liked that description when the attending officer allowed him to offer it as the group was brought into the flat of Bob Harmon. Autumn couldn’t help but notice the stockpiling of cheap, off-brand tomato sauce, spam and soups. She followed a small battalion of cockroaches with her flashlight into the next room, and there was the source of the smell: Bob Harmon. He had to have been 400 pounds, and must have been sitting on 3 days of excrement, at least.
Mills decided against covering his nose, in what Autumn would consider ‘acting tough’, but she wasn’t abashed from acknowledging something foul when she saw it.
“Detectives?” inquired an officer in the kitchen.
Autumn followed the voice as Mills picked up the dead man’s head by the hair, then released him with a resounding plop in the plate of spaghetti.

The officer motioned to the floor behind the refrigerator. Moving it aside, Mills could read scratched markings resembling “GLUTTONY” and a scribbled note reading “Long is the way and hard, that out of hell leads to light”.
“This John Doe thought himself a poet,” Autumn said.
“I got a poem for the sick bastard,” Mills said, slightly retching, “You’re getting back everything you’ve dished out, ten times over, mark my words.” He paused, waiting for a response.
Autumn shook her head with mock disbelief.
Mills shrugged, as if offended. “What? It was a haiku or something.”

He noticed a shape shift in the window, out on the fire escape. Without thinking, he drew his gun and yelled, “Hey! Hey!”
The figure disappeared and Mills started firing in that direction. The glass shattered and without further consternation, launched himself through the small window onto the fire escape.

Autumn watched as David Mills did what she assumed he did best- or worst in this moment: pursuing a suspect with wild abandon.
When she peered out onto the fire escape, she heard Mills fire more shots beneath them, with a suspect already near the ground below them. Was Mills looking to jump? Mills was no gymnast, but that didn’t mean Mills didn’t know that. So Autumn took it upon herself to remind him.

“You’re not a gymnast,” she snarked.
Mills, who had climbed onto the outside of the fire escape, paid her no mind. In a brief and seemingly meticulous calculation, Mills readied and jumped out to catch the bottom of awning to the left of the fire escape, miraculously catching the fringe of the awning, hanging about 3 stories above the ground now.

Still grasping the awning, Mills smiled, “You were saying?”
Autumn scrunched her mouth. “I stand by it. You’re still not a gymnast.”

Mills flashed a white smile and began monkey climbing up the awning a la King Kong. Once at the top, he even beat his chest in an act of triumph.
Autumn checked her watch. “And it has now been 1 minute and 17 seconds wasted when we could be scoping it out from a distance or calling this in.”

Mills dropped his act and chided, “I’m a man of action, partner. You gotta get used to that!” And that’s when the awning Mills had climbed ripped.

She saw the man falling, falling, and landing with a mortifying crack and thud.

She stood in shock, watching her partner on the street, convulse and seize, his neck most likely broken. But he was flashing his teeth in some form of smile as if to say everything was okay.
Autumn cursed loudly, and radioed in that her partner was down.


With her partner still in critical condition and en route to the hospital from his fall, Autumn knew the case wasn’t going to solve itself, and time was not on her side. It felt like every person involved with this case was meeting their demise, and she although wasn’t the superstitious type, she didn’t want to wait around until it was her town.
When Autumn arrived back at the police station, she had to squeeze through a crowd of press and officers, all of them stunned onlookers. Startled, Autumn moved faster into the station to get a closer glimpse of the object of fascination. The interim police chief, only a few days into his new position, met the detective outside the interrogation room. He was pale as a sheet. “He refused to talk to anyone but you.”

Autumn felt a chill. “Who?” Autumn inquired, even though she knew the answer. Her captain shoved open the door, revealing a smallish, nondescript man in the chair. He looked up and without expression, drolled “Detective! Come in,” as inviting someone into his very house. Autumn glanced back at the gathering police officers, who were all solemn and expectant. She steeled herself, then entered and closed the door.

Walking to the chair opposite the man, she began, “You turned yourself in?”
As if not hearing the question, the man continued. “Your partner almost made me wish I wasn’t so nosy. Though I do wish I weren’t so nosy. Human nature is the true bastion of transparency to see this world for the hell it truly is. How is…Detective Mills, was it?”

Attempting to gain control of the interrogation again, Autumn pressed, “Why did you want to talk to me?”

For the first time, the man smirked slightly, then coughed as if breathing in water. After he was settled, he still had trouble talking. “Unfortunate side effect. All the rest were attempting to stop the wheel from turning. But the wheel has turned, detective. For example, there is a man- or what used to be a man- decaying in a room at this very moment. Farnsworth Condomeniums, unit 7. It is nearly done, presumably.” Autumn looked out at the two way mirror as if to give direction, then leaned in.
“But why did you do it?”

“I only showed the world human nature. Those people embodied the extreme nature of all seven sins, and they weren’t hard to find. They’re everywhere. Which one…” he stopped, and keeled over, sputtering. After a minute of coughing, he picked himself back up gingerly to sit in the chair upright. “Which…which one are you?” Then he collapsed onto the ground, his hands chained to the table by the wrist, so he was splayed awkwardly with his hands raised above his head.

Autumn rushed around as the door opened and more officers came barreling in.

She noticed the blood growing larger through the man’s shirt in his chest. How did no one see this before?
But Autumn knew the puzzle wasn’t over. Logic said that John Doe had another murder to be discovered: Envy.

The man’s eyes were closed, but he was still conscious. Autumn spoke assertively, “where is the 7th murder? Where is Envy?”

John Doe’s eyes shot open, and he garbled slowly. “Detective Mills helped me along back there with his gun. I’ve always been envious of you people living in blissful ignorance. I’ve…always been…”

The rest was nonsensical babbling whilst choking on blood. It never was as peaceful as shown on television, death by internal bleeding. But Autumn knew that she had bared witness to a series of murders that she- and the world- would not soon forget.

@Matahari has been eliminated. She was
Spoiler: show
You are Gluttony, one of the Seven Deadly Sins.


You are self aligned. Your current win condition is to be the last man standing. Alternatively, if your personal vote is worth at least 4, your alignment will change:
-If your Dummies have never been killed, you will become town-aligned.
-If any of your Dummies have ever been killed, you will become mafia-aligned, gaining BTSC with all other members a full phase after becoming mafia.

You represent over-indulgence and over-consumption of food, drink or wealth items

If you vote for Temperance, your vote will be worth +1.

Your vote is normally worth 0.
As a night action, target a player. They will be told that “it would be wise to post a lot” the next day phase. 
-If your target posts at least 70 times or else in top 3 of posters that phase, you will gain control of a dummy account the following day that steals the vote of the player the dummy votes for.
-If your target doesn’t follow the instructions, you will steal their vote that day, making your vote worth as much as theirs was.

When a Dummy votes for another player, ???

If any of your dummies are ever lynched, ???

Your active Dummies must post at least once a day, or you lose them.

With Matahari dead, Dubz changes alignment to Town. In the night, falcon45ca would die from his wounds, and Thunal carried out the kill. This cannot be blocked.

Therefore, so as not to drag this out unnecessarily another phase, Mafia reach parity with town and WIN!

Congratulations to the mafia team of @S~V~S, @Thunal33, @pyxxy and @Dennis

Spoiler: show
by Scotty
Tue Jun 27, 2023 10:00 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Se7en Mafia [GAME OVER- MAFIA WIN]
Replies: 3949
Views: 1011301

Re: Se7en Mafia [Day 5]

Locked. Mods don’t post
by Scotty
Sun Jun 25, 2023 10:00 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Se7en Mafia [GAME OVER- MAFIA WIN]
Replies: 3949
Views: 1011301

Re: Se7en Mafia [Day 5]



Mallory Franks frankly didn’t care for boys. Well, it wasn’t that she didn’t care for them per se, but she didn’t care for their burgeoning hormones. She’d been accosted by countless men ever since her breasts had started to become noticeable, and even though she was 19, she had endured what felt like an exhaustive 30 years of advances and come-ons. At her mom’s insistence, she agreed to attend bible camp in her sophomore year of high school, and had found comfort and security in the warm embrace of the Lord. Men were callous, and she knew now that until she met her true love- the man she would be with for the rest of her mortal life- she could be strong and reserve her most private moments with God.

It was apt tonight that after turning down another frat boy at the bar she worked at, she decided to accept the offer to take a ride home from her friend Sharon. Mallory rarely talked to her coworkers if she didn’t have to- perhaps the lecherous men in her life had stunted her desire to remain outwardly social. Her drive back to her apartment across town with Sharon passed uneventfully enough- but it wasn’t until Sharon left that the man emerged from the shadows while Mallory fiddled with the keys from her purse.

@RondoDimBuckle has been killed. He was
Spoiler: show
Chastity, one of the Seven Virtues.


You are town. Eliminate all threats to town in order to win.


Additionally, @falcon45ca is in CRITICAL CONDITION.

It is now Day 5. You have 48 hours to solve the case

Spoiler: show
by Scotty
Sat Jun 24, 2023 10:01 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Se7en Mafia [GAME OVER- MAFIA WIN]
Replies: 3949
Views: 1011301

Re: Se7en Mafia [Day 4]

End of Day 4


Father Clancy lifted another can from the top of his cupboard and bent his creaky knees off the step stool into the box. The offering bowl at his church had been running disappointingly low of late- it simply wasn’t looked at as necessary by some of the man’s constituents. Who was he to deny them? God existed without titheing from the congregation, and it was up to His other servants to carry the load of others.

The local can drive had been a monthly excuse to give back to the community in meaningful, practical ways; this month only the Barts and the Smiths were as privileged to donate their soups and vegetables, so, like usual, Father Clancy picked up the slack and gave what little he had to the drive. The 70-year-old wasn’t resentful of this, of course. It was the humble job of a servant, and the cans were only a start. There was still so much to give to those less fortunate.

He put all his weight again on that bad knee and lurched up onto his toes to reach the last few cans. The step stool he stood on had been in his house since before his late wife moved in with him, and just as time merely served as a neutral arbiter during the late, awful stages of her thyroid cancer, so too did it incur a splintering in the leg of Father Clancy’s step stool. With one nonchalant snap, the support collapsed, and with it, the greatest benefactor to the town’s monthly can drive.

@NANOOKTHEGREATANDFEARSOME has been eliminated. He was
Spoiler: show
Charity, one of the Seven Virtues.


You are town. Eliminate all threats to town in order to win.

You represent the friendship of man for a higher power.

If you vote for Greed, your vote will be worth +1.

Twice during the game, as a night action, you may choose a player that received at least 1 vote from the day before. That player will be removed from the poll the next day. You may not target the same player more than once in the game. Additionally, you may not choose a player of which you were the sole voter that day. You may self target.

This ability goes away if there are 6 or fewer remaining players.

It is now Night 4. You have 23 hours to get your actions in

Spoiler: show
by Scotty
Sat Jun 24, 2023 10:00 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Se7en Mafia [GAME OVER- MAFIA WIN]
Replies: 3949
Views: 1011301

Re: Se7en Mafia [Day 4]

Spoiler: show
No votes
Voters: None
No votes
Voters: None
No votes
Voters: None
No votes
Voters: None
Voters: falcon45ca, Thunal33, Dubz, RondoDimBuckle, Michelle, S~V~S, Matahari
No votes
Voters: None
No votes
Voters: None
No votes
Voters: None
No votes
Voters: None
by Scotty
Sat Jun 24, 2023 10:00 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Se7en Mafia [GAME OVER- MAFIA WIN]
Replies: 3949
Views: 1011301

Re: Se7en Mafia [Day 4]

Thread locked. Mods don’t post.
by Scotty
Thu Jun 22, 2023 10:00 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Se7en Mafia [GAME OVER- MAFIA WIN]
Replies: 3949
Views: 1011301

Re: Se7en Mafia [Day 4]



“Perp spotted on 58th and Main. Two officers pursuing south on foot. Request flank,” the captain overheard on his walkie.

While he was no spring chicken, he knew his days of field work were coming to a close. A bad knee and a stiff lower back from merely existing these days made sure of that.
But a simple flank? He could handle that. At worst, he could engage if he had to be a wall, and at best, he could do his damned job.

He cinched his belt an extra size, cutting into his midriff, and made sure his gun holster had a gun in it. ‘Well of course it does, you idiot,’ he inwardly chided himself. Force of habit. But better to be safe than sorry.

He had already directed his two officers to lead the offensive on the perp that held up a bodega, and pulled in a rookie cop to be his trainee for the day. Lucky him.

“Come on rookie, let’s head around the corner and try and cut him off,” he commanded in a faux bravado voice. The rookie was bouncing- actually bouncing from foot to foot with excitement. ‘He’ll get over that nervous excitement soon enough,’ the captain thought, then broke into a jog with the rookie close behind.

As he approached the corner after only a block of running, he kicked himself inwardly for skipping the gym the past week. And the month before that. He was wheezing.
“You okay?” The rookie asked as they stopped.

Huffing with a stitch in his side, the captain pointed forward, “I’m fine, be right there.” The rookie, for his part, ignored the physical limitations of the captain, and went on ahead. As he stopped near a back alley leaning against a light pole to catch his breath, a man in a hoodie approached running full speed. Seeing this, the captain knew instinctively that something was wrong with this person and reached for his gun.

But the man in the hoodie already had a gun drawn, and in a flurry, fired three times, striking the captain twice in his groin and once in his heart.

His last thought as he lay bleeding out, besides ‘Oh god’, was ‘I should’ve worked out more’.

@Macdougall has been killed. He was
Spoiler: show
Police Captain, Civilian


You are town. Eliminate all threats to town in order to win.


Nancy Garrison checked herself in the car mirror one more time. She didn’t know why she was so nervous all of a sudden. Years of build up and today was the day of retribution, the day she would finally gain closure. It felt ironically like she was going to meet her high school date at his house those many years ago, but this was anything but romantic. She closed her eyes and inhaled another useless breath into her lungs. It seemed to only intensify her anxiety.

The viewing room had a drab, blinding feel to it- the fluorescent lights only drowned everything and everybody in attendance in a pale, squalid hue. Hell, they looked just as somber to be here as she did. She sat down and counted down the minutes until she could just get it over with and she could move on with her life. That’s all she wanted, after all.

Finally, with a hush from the officers, the curtain of the execution chamber opened, and there he sat: the man who had slaughtered her son in cold blood those many years ago. He looked different now- his face was woefully sunken and he had no life left in his eyes. She almost felt…pity, or…but no- she had waited for this moment for 7 years. It was time to end this chapter and hold it together. The chaplain fulfilled his ministrations and the mic popped on.
“The floor is open for any final words”
There was a pause, then, in a broken, despondent voice- “I was an idiot then, and nothing can bring back your son. For that I am sorry, and I only ask that you can forgive me.”
Then it all happened so fast: the injection, the eyes fluttering closed, never to open again. It was then that she started seeing white.
It felt as if her very soul retched, and like a blinding light, a resolve washed over her, She did forgive him. She really did. It was finally at an end.

The official cause of death in the coroner’s report was an aneurysm, clotting resulting from the body going into shock. Mrs. Garrison nary felt a thing, they said.

@jackofhearts2005 has been killed. He was
Spoiler: show
Forgiveness, one of the Seven Virtues


You are town. Eliminate all threats to town in order to win.


His wife had packed tikka masala for his lunch break, which wasn’t ideal for the eventual resulting acid reflux. He told her just last week that he couldn’t eat Indian. He figured in this moment that his wife was doing it just to spite him- after 20 years of marriage, it felt like they were going on 50, and his wife had developed a wicked streak the past few years- perhaps it was the banality of everyday living, or her true self had taken this long to materialize, but at the end of the day, their relationship was becoming strained to say the least.

He had 45 minutes extra today for lunch, as one of his assistants had offered to take the newest intakes. He was grateful for the breather, and would probably grab a bite at the deli down the street instead of this spicy garbage. He checked in with his assistant on his way out, and, receiving acknowledgement, headed to his car.

Once inside, he smelled a whiff of a foreign smell- sort of like after-shave. He didn’t wear after shave. That’s when he heard a rustling and then a sharp prick into his neck. He tried in vane to fight back against this hidden assailant, but the figure moved back too far. He wrenched open the car door, and stumbled out, gasping for air. How had his muscles seized up so fast? He knew instinctively that an agent moving this fast through his system required at least an Epinephrine injection to negate which was located just inside his office, but his legs refused to work, and he resorted to crawling. But that only worked for 5 seconds before even that was too much work. All of his muscles had contracted into stone, and his eyes began to roll up into his head.
“Good night, Doctor. Sweet dreams,” said a somber voice above him.

But this was a different sleep, where Doctor Beardsley would never dream again.

@Roxy has been killed. She was
Spoiler: show
Dr. Beardsley, Civilian


You are town. Eliminate all threats to town in order to win.


The garage smelled of slick motor oil, copper and a dash of body odor, which was the life dew of Dmitri Yakamov’s place of work. He used to like his work- that was before work became work, as it does. Since his first week, he’d been burning the candle at both ends, dealing with abysmal work conditions from his boss, inconsistent hours, and, most recently, a home life colder than the compressed air he was currently using to spray off the air ducts on the engine of the clunker that had just rolled in. He sat back for a moment on a high bench and wiped some sweat that had accrued on his eyebrows. And he fumed.

He fumed a lot these days. Things weren’t fair to people like him. His wife acting like a complete stranger lately was the final straw that broke the camel’s back. He knew she at least owed it to him to tell him who it was.

And he know it was a who. He knew it. Even once the honeymoon phase wore off, she at least touched him on the shoulder, or let him kiss her. Now? Not even a reprieve of a gentle glance and smile. Sometimes he felt like there was nowhere to go- he was too angry to bring it up, and she was too distant to initiate.

“Hey! I don’t pay you to daydream about some hot waitress you wanna screw!” a gruff voice rang out in the garage. Momentarily roused from his consternation, Dmitri pulled his head out of the car to see the red face of his boss.
“Sorry,” Dmitri muttered apathetically.
“Yeah, you’re gonna be sorry. You’re on the clock, and the customers don’t want to wait 5 business days to get driving again,” the boss aggrieved, gesturing to the window looking into the lobby.

Dmitri wore no expression, but seethed inwardly to the point where he felt his jawbone might snap from clenching. “It’s basically done anyway. 5 minutes,” he offered finally. His boss just shook his head and went back into his back office.

Dmitri dropped the hood back down and went around to start the car and finish this monotonous lunkjob so he could advance to the next terrible job on the list. When he reached for the key to turn the ignition- that’s when he saw it.

He got it on their first vacation 6 years ago at a Margaritaville: a keychain with a shitty logo of the restaurant that seemed so spur of the moment, something he used for his first clunker of a car that he remembered he left next to the stovetop and melting the edges just enough that he through it into the junk drawer never to be seen again.

And yet, here it was- the Margaritaville logo with a distinct burn distorting the entire half. He knew immediately this was his keychain, taken from his junk drawer.

He sat for what seemed like hours, staring at the keys, before the owner of the car stepped around the side. “Is it all fixed? The guy at the counter said I could pay and go,” the man inquired to Dmitri.

Dmitri didn’t so much see red, as much as he didn’t see reality. Something snapped in him, and, as the police report would attest, so did the man’s neck around Dmitri’s hands.

Unseen in the moment was a nondescript man who stashed a different keychain in a coat left in the lobby- a keychain that had actually belonged to the owner of the car and one that needed to disappear so that another man could be pushed to reach his full potential.


The scene was grisly. The owner of the auto shop said only fists were involved, but the way the blood was splattered, but the scene resembled that of a Jackson Pollack painting.

Dmitri Yakamov had no priors or history of unleashing such destruction upon another human being, but Autumn knew better. Anger in its own uncontained form has a way of bursting out the seams if not given a proper escape valve, and from the confession given, Dmitri was inconsolable with rage over the man. Or what was left of the man.

Dmitri was led to believe that his wife was sleeping with the deceased based on the keychain in the Vic’s car. This made sense as a motivation. What didn’t make sense to first responders was the original keychain found in the Vic’s coat pocket, with the tag ‘WRATH’ etched in the decal.

Autumn didn’t need to stay long at the crime scene to know this was another act of their serial killer. Mills, chomping off a bite of the chocolate bar he had procured from the vending machine in the lobby, didn’t seem too bothered with the mess of the shop. Autumn didn’t know if he felt better or worse that Mills was becoming more desensitized to the crime scenes.

“Guy thinks other guy is shtupping his girl. Gets angry, lets ‘im have it. Makes sense to me. I feel like I’d probably do the same if someone waited around to find out with Tracy.”

Autumn rolled her eyes. ‘Hot shot really could live up to his name one day,’ she thought.

@Epignosis has been killed. He was
Spoiler: show
Wrath, one of the Seven Deadly Sins.


You are currently self-aligned.

It is now Day 4. You have 48 hours to solve the case

Spoiler: show
by Scotty
Wed Jun 21, 2023 10:01 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Se7en Mafia [GAME OVER- MAFIA WIN]
Replies: 3949
Views: 1011301

Re: Se7en Mafia [Day 3]

End of Day 3


He opened his eyes, and instinctively reached for his throbbing head. It was then that he discovered his hands were bound, and he was tied to his desk chair in the middle of his office. He could just make out a figure shrouded in shadow, cast from light the cityscape outside the high rise.

Eli Gould was no idiot. He had been skating on thin ice over the years dealing with drug lords and disgruntled mob members that he had the misfortune of putting behind bars, and knew it was only a matter of time before the stove became too hot. This scumbag in his office certainly had some nerve.
“You,” he sputtered, “You’re extorting me? How much you want?”

The figure only stood up in response, and moved towards Eli with an oblong metal object. What was he looking to do with that? Because he knew what he wanted to do to this asswipe.
The figure stopped short, and gingerly placed the object down in front of him. Eli didn’t understand.
The man perked up. “You’ve dedicated your life to making money. And doing so by lying with every breath you make to keep murderers and rapists walking the streets.”

Eli kept himself calm. So the man was a petty bitch and taking the moral high ground. No matter. He cleared his throat. “It’s my job as an attorney to find the good in all my clients. Whether or not they did what they’re accused of is none of my business,” he said matter-of-factly.

“It’s precisely your business. Don’t think I haven’t done my due diligence on you. I know you told your clients you would commit perjury and fudge some details on the case to get them to walk free. For a steep price, of course.”

Eli was frankly getting sick of this faux Batman persona his captor was putting on.
“So you think you can just waltz in here, tie me up and blackmail me, do you? Is that it, you religious nutbag?”

The man was still in shadow, but Eli could swear he could see a smirk forming on his face. Then the figure reached in his pocket and produced a small Swiss Army knife.

Eli wasn’t backing down. “Now look here, dickwad. I value my life. If it’s money you want, I can help you with that.”

“Money is what you want. I want something far more intangible.”
The man slowly reached forward with the knife. Eli braced himself for the worst, yet with a *snap* the bindings of his right hand were broken. Then the man handed him the knife. Eli was confused. He hesitated. What game was this man playing?

Then the man produced what was undoubtedly a handgun and pointed it right at Eli.

“A pound of flesh, to pay back in full all that you owe.”

Eli was flabbergasted. This man couldn’t be suggesting what he thought he was suggesting, could he? The man flipped on Eli’s desk lamp to reveal the object in front of him: a weighted scale, with a stack of money- no doubt from his safe- on one pedestal.
“Cut it out from yourself. A pound of flesh is a only paltry fraction of what you owe, but it will do just as well. For your salvation.”

Eli began to scream, but even he knew the futility of anyone hearing- he had soundproofed his office to protect against prying ears, after all.
The man cocked the gun.
“Begin. Or else I will do it for you.”

He brought the knife down slowly, and as each agonizing saw of the blade ripped off a bigger chunk of his skin, the reality set in just too late how expansive a pound of flesh really was.


“Eli Gould. Scummy lawyer. Heh, pretty apt name I think,” Mills stood peering over the man strapped to a chair, his chest hanging open in a wide margin.

Autumn studied the scale set up on the desk, with a pile of flesh weighed down against a stack of money, ‘GREED’ spray painted over the eyes of the portrait hanging above the desk.

“Man, he’s an artist. Fucked-up artist, but an artist,” Mills seemingly admired, and stood up contemplating, “What do you think this art is trying to say?”
Autumn looked around the office, ignoring her partner’s admiration. “He obviously wasn’t after the money. His message is obviously in an example of delusion of grandeur.”

“You know what I see?” Mills held his face in one hand. “I see a deconstruction of capitalistic over-accumulation with a post-modern flair.”

Autumn shook her head and leveled her eyes. “It’s Greed, Mills. You’ve just described Greed.”

Mills shrugged. “Well, that’s your interpretation. Let’s get lunch. Your buying this time, moneybags.”

@Dennis has been eliminated. He was
Spoiler: show
Greed, one of the Seven Deadly Sins (Mafia-aligned)


You have become mafia-aligned.
You start self aligned. Your starting win condition was to be the last man standing.
Alternatively, if you purchase the private yacht, your alignment will change depending on your choice at the end of Day 1:
-You become town-aligned
-You become mafia-aligned; if you do, you will gain BTSC with all other members a full phase after becoming mafia.

You represent the desire of material wealth or gain, ignoring the realm of the spiritual.

If you vote for Charity, your vote will be worth +1. 

>By the end of Night 1, you must choose an alignment. Should you meet your alternate win condition, you will switch to that alignment.<

As a singular night action, target 2 players: a target and a recipient. The target will be told that “it would be wise to vote for” a player of your choice the next day, provided both are still alive and on the poll (If those conditions aren’t met, this action will fail).
If your target follows the instructions, ???
If your target doesn’t follow the instructions, ???

Additionally, any time another player uses the number “7” in their post during the day, ???

At any point, you may purchase from the store anything you can afford with the $$ you receive. But you may only purchase one item a cycle.
The store is as follows:
$1- ???
$1- ???
$1.50- ???
$2- ???
$5- ???

It is now Night 3. You have 23 hours to get your actions in
Spoiler: show
by Scotty
Wed Jun 21, 2023 10:01 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Se7en Mafia [GAME OVER- MAFIA WIN]
Replies: 3949
Views: 1011301

Re: Se7en Mafia [Day 3]

Vote count
Spoiler: show
Voters: DrWilgy, S~V~S, Jackofhearts2005, NANOOKTHEGREATANDFEARSOME, Thunal33, Epignosis, Matahari, Roxy, RondoDimBuckle
No votes
Voters: None
No votes
Voters: None
No votes
Voters: None
No votes
Voters: None
No votes
Voters: None
Voters: Seanzie
No votes
Voters: None
No votes
Voters: None
Voters: Dubz, Michelle
Voters: falcon45ca
No votes
Voters: None
No votes
Voters: None
Voters: MacDougall
No votes
Voters: None
by Scotty
Wed Jun 21, 2023 10:00 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Se7en Mafia [GAME OVER- MAFIA WIN]
Replies: 3949
Views: 1011301

Re: Se7en Mafia [Day 3]

Thread locked. Mods don’t post
by Scotty
Tue Jun 20, 2023 10:09 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Se7en Mafia [GAME OVER- MAFIA WIN]
Replies: 3949
Views: 1011301

Re: Se7en Mafia [Day 3]


A knock wrapped on the heavy wooden door. Martin looked up from his notepad to see the friendly profile of the clerk, “I need to lock up soon, Martin. You almost finished in here?”

Martin batted sleep out of his eyes several times and checked his watch. “Oh crap, sorry Steiner, I’ll be a couple more minutes.”

“Okie dokie, if you wouldn’t mind heading out the back and lock the door behind you. Oh, and remember to turn off the overhead light this time,” the clerk chided playfully, and upon Martin agreeing, closed the door behind him.

Martin Talbot rubbed his eyes drearily. He’s been getting into a nasty habit recently after particularly short trials to hole himself away in a side office to get work done on the more complex cases. This John Doe case was particularly messy, and was a no-go until the detectives could pinpoint a suspect, which in and of itself seemed fruitless after so many days. So he kept himself busy with the smaller cases. If he kept himself busy, he wouldn’t have to play the losing battle of sleeping soundly at night- he would just pass out from exhaustion.

He was just turning his murky attention to a statute that applied to the case on the docket in the morning when he heard the latch of the door. Hyper-focused on transcribing the statute in his notepad, he didn’t think to look back, and just asked, “Steiner? You still around?”

With no response, Martin Talbot turned to a flash of a knife that connected with his jugular. He staggered back, blood all over his books, trying to get a hold of his assailant, but the assailant was already gone- out the back door.

The overhead lights weren’t turned off that night.

@Seanzie has died. He was
Spoiler: show
Martin Talbot, the DA


You are town. Eliminate all threats to town in order to win.

Do not vote for Seanzie in the poll

Spoiler: show
by Scotty
Mon Jun 19, 2023 11:56 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Se7en Mafia [GAME OVER- MAFIA WIN]
Replies: 3949
Views: 1011301

Re: Se7en Mafia [Day 3]

Please stop claiming a role on the list, even in jest. I have let them slide so far, but I don’t want to set the precedent that everyone can just claim a role because they know it will be taken as a joke. There will be consequences going forward.
Spoiler: show
by Scotty
Mon Jun 19, 2023 11:06 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Se7en Mafia [GAME OVER- MAFIA WIN]
Replies: 3949
Views: 1011301

Re: Se7en Mafia [Day 3]

The question was posed: ‘what is a full phase?’

I classify phases as a day or night period (ie N2 or D3). A cycle is Day and night pair (ie Day 2 and Night 2)
by Scotty
Mon Jun 19, 2023 10:38 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Se7en Mafia [GAME OVER- MAFIA WIN]
Replies: 3949
Views: 1011301

Re: Se7en Mafia [Day 3]

Tutuu is still listed in the poll due to host error. Please do not vote tutuu in the poll
by Scotty
Mon Jun 19, 2023 9:56 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Se7en Mafia [GAME OVER- MAFIA WIN]
Replies: 3949
Views: 1011301

Re: Se7en Mafia [Day 3]



Larry Tegan popped another sweet roll into his mouth and looked hurriedly around for a napkin or a towel to wipe the residue from his fingers. Finding neither, he wiped them hastily on his pants and put both hands back on the steering wheel, watching as the distant hillside obscured the setting sun. Larry, ever the pragmatist, had left early on his expedition to the city in his quest to make the queue for his favorite author’s book signing. By his calculations, he was going to just make it after picking up some snacks from the gas station stop shop.

It was when he was reaching for his last sweet roll that Larry spotted him- a vagrant a quarter mile down, maybe- a guitar case slung around his back and an outstretched thumb. Normally, Larry wouldn’t stop for hitchhikers- and normally he wasn’t on a time crunch- but today he felt different. Perhaps it was the sugar and his black coffee creating chemical reactions in his brain, perhaps it was merely happenstance. But he decided to stop, and help the stranger that day.

He never did make it to that book signing.

@Zenon has been killed. She was
Spoiler: show
Kindness, one of the Seven Virtues.


You are town. Eliminate all threats to town in order to win.


When she woke, the first thing she noticed was the pain. Even before she opened her eyes, she tried to scream from that intense pain, only to find her mouth gagged and taped shut. When she opened her eyes, she was staring at herself. Or, at least faint shadings of her former self. The woman staring back at her was almost inhuman- where there had been a beautiful, perfect nose after 4 plastic surgeries now sat a bleeding crater, as if haphazardly ripped from her face. She tried to scream again in agony, but her protests were swallowed entirely.

“Ah, you’re awake,” came a voice. She couldn’t see it, but as she looked past the horror of her nose, she realized she was bound from the waist down, and was forced to sit up on her bed looking at herself in the full mirror she usually kept at the end of the room.
“There you are, as close to your former self as God intended.”
She couldn’t see the source of the voice, but he was somewhere beyond the mirror. She looked further and realized she had both hands wrapped in duct tape: she could make out a bottle of pills in one hand, and her cell phone in the other.

The mirror was yanked away and she could see him in the dim light of her bedroom. His hair was short, if not slightly balding. A face you would see every day without thinking twice about- no definition and muted colors. He was quite especially average in all sense of the word.
“You might have noticed your predicament. Which, to be sure, is something you probably rarely encounter in your every day life. Am I right?”
He waited for a response, and she tried screaming at him, struggling against her bonds. To no avail.
“Tsk. Because I’m sure you were put on this earth as a beautiful human being. Now look at you.”
He sat on the bed. Tears began running freely down her face. She wanted to know why. She wanted to strangle this man that, she only just started to realize, destroyed her modeling career. She couldn’t show her face in the industry. The man seemed to see this transformation on her face, for he continued: “So now that you see, I’m leaving the next part up to you. You can call for help, or, if you think there is nothing that can help you…”
He unceremoniously ripped the tape off her mouth and took the sock out of her mouth. She made to scream, but inwardly held back this time. Her vision swam and the tears were mixing with her cratered nose, stinging painfully.
“W-why…?” she sobbed.
He got up and made his way towards the door. Without much thought, he said wryly on his way out: “Are you as pretty on the inside as you think you were on the outside?”
Then he left her to cry. And cry.


Mills and Autumn departed the brownstone of the woman that had graced the covers of various magazines and billboards. She was unrecognizable now.

Mills spat as they walked along the street.
“Damned shame. Do you think our John Doe did it?”

“Doubtful,” responded Autumn. “But no way to truly know. He wanted us to think she had a choice.”

Mills swatted at a low branch as they walked. “I don’t think I’d want to go on living like that. And I don’t even have a modeling career. Yet. Maybe if I could shack up with Jennifer Aniston or something.”

“You’re married, Mills,” Autumn said with side-eye.

“And you’re a mirthless robot who can’t take a joke. Anyway, we’re gonna catch this bastard and when I do, I’ll rip his nose off. For now..lunch. You’re buying.”

“Why am I buying? I bought the last time.”

Mills put his hands up. “See? Mirthless robot. That was a joke and you failed.”

@pyxxy has been killed. He was
Spoiler: show
Pride, one of the Seven Deadly Sins.


You are currently mafia aligned.

It is now Day 3. You have 48 hours to solve the case

Spoiler: show
by Scotty
Sun Jun 18, 2023 10:39 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Se7en Mafia [GAME OVER- MAFIA WIN]
Replies: 3949
Views: 1011301

Re: Se7en Mafia [Night 2]


Poor Richard, which is what his cousins used to call him, loved nature. He had used to be in the financial sector, but had felt boxed in and analogous with the most despicable big wigs that he liquidated his property and moved out to the country with only camping supplies and weekly rationed cash to scrape by on. It wasn’t as if he was actually poor- his assets were secure in trusts and ETFs if he were to ever come back into the “real world”. But after 7 years in the woods, reliant on his own intuition and inner peace, Poor Richard felt richer as a person. Instead of hedge-fund managers breathing down his neck, he had far simpler conflicts to deal with: coyotes, javelinas and, if he were SK lucky, the occasional black bear. It had truly become a spiritual experience without the earthly burdens of capitalistic greed.

Poor Richard had recently had his bi-weekly excursion from the confines of his self-made cabin in the woods into town to pick up more supplies, and had headed back the long way- his favorite way- the scenic route.

He had picked up many skills as he became more of a permanent resident in the woods: fishing, carpentry, hunting. Everything a survivalist would need on a macro level. Unfortunately, he hadn’t the proper knowledge-base of foraging, and after gorging on an unscrupulous amount of berries he found along a gorgeous ridge hike, he began feeling quite ill. Chalking it up to acute dehydration, he continued on with his mission and sauntered further and further away from civilization into his own private bubble of a cabin, where hikers ultimately discovered his dead body 7 weeks later, half devoured by the animals he grew to live with.

@tutuu has died. She was
Spoiler: show
Humility, one of the Seven Virtues.


You are town. Eliminate all threats to town in order to win.

Spoiler: show
by Scotty
Sun Jun 18, 2023 10:01 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Se7en Mafia [GAME OVER- MAFIA WIN]
Replies: 3949
Views: 1011301

Re: Se7en Mafia [Night 2]

End of Day 2


Charity Nichols knocked 4 times and coughed. She always knocked 4 times and coughed- that way, the john knew it was her, and not some nosy neighbor looking to start trouble.
In a way, she always felt her name was fitting- a street worker giving out satisfaction to those in need. Did her mother have this life in mind when she named her? She didn’t know. It didn’t matter, anyway. Her mother was long dead and buried, but not before instilling in Charity a sense of purpose: that she had the assets and the means to provide it. Like mother like daughter, she’d probably say.

The john opened the door. He didn’t look like much, but then again, few did. He took one look at her bust, gave a quick nod and then turned around on his heels and walked back into the recesses of his living room. Creepy vibes aside, it seemed like this was going to be either a quick sale or else a glorified therapy session. She was fine with either- it had been a slow day. They often were just lonely men wanting company. And, well, she was very good at giving company.


Mills stood in the corner of the basement apartment- about as far away from the body without appearing to be.

After his new partner had been immediately shot, he was a bit on edge with this new case. His new partner, Autumn, was not as practiced as Somerset seemed to be, but they had to head into this headfirst together for better or worse.

Autumn picked up the Polaroid on the foot of the bed.
“He made me do it! He- he made me, you gotta believe me! Get these things off me!” A near-inconsolable man wriggled out of his leather bonds in the chair with the help of a police officer. “He forced me down and held a- held a gun…oh my god…to my head and told me to…use that THING on her. Oh my god, oh my god, my wife. She can’t know about this.”
Mills lifted the bloody bedsheet, but immediately dropped it, recoiling in disgust. Damn. Damn damn.
“Did he say anything else to you?” Autumn inquired
The man simply sputtered.
“Did…did he? Yes, I mean, oh my god. I can’t- she was screaming. It was awful, he-“
“Did he talk about why?” Mills cut in, moving away from the corner.
“Why? Why he…yes. He kept…he kept asking me if I found her pretty. If I…fantasized about her. I- well, I wasn’t gonna say no with a gun to my head, was I?! Oh my god, oh my god, my wife. I need to get home to my wife!”
Autumn gestured to the door. “Get him out of here. We’ll have more questions later.” Autumn had more questions now, but they were piling upon each other. She glanced up at the word carved into the bed post above the body of Charity Nichols.

@Kate has been eliminated. She was
Spoiler: show
Lust, one of the Seven Deadly Sins.


You are self aligned. Your current win condition is to be the last man standing.
Alternatively, if 2 different players that open one of your gifts are killed in any way, your alignment will change:
-You will become mafia, gaining BTSC with all other members a full phase after becoming mafia.

You represent the inordinate craving for the pleasures of the body.

If you vote for Chastity, your vote will be worth +1. 

Each day, target both a player and a gift from your list of gifts.
Once a gift is sent, it cannot be sent again, even if that player never opens it.

The target will receive ???

The list of gifts to be sent are as follows:

It is now Night 2. You have 23 hours to get your actions in

Spoiler: show
by Scotty
Sun Jun 18, 2023 10:01 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Se7en Mafia [GAME OVER- MAFIA WIN]
Replies: 3949
Views: 1011301

Re: Se7en Mafia [Day 2]

Spoiler: show
Voters: Zenon, RondoDimBuckle
No votes
Voters: None
No votes
Voters: None
No votes
Voters: None
No votes
Voters: None
No votes
Voters: None
Voters: MacDougall, pyxxy, Jackofhearts2005, Michelle, Thunal33, Seanzie, S~V~S, tutuu, DrWilgy
Voters: falcon45ca
No votes
Voters: None
No votes
Voters: None
No votes
Voters: None
No votes
Voters: None
No votes
Voters: None
Voters: Dennis
Voters: Epignosis
No votes
Voters: None
Voters: Kate
Voters: Matahari
Voters: Roxy
by Scotty
Sun Jun 18, 2023 10:00 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Se7en Mafia [GAME OVER- MAFIA WIN]
Replies: 3949
Views: 1011301

Re: Se7en Mafia [Day 2]

Thread is locked. No one post.
by Scotty
Fri Jun 16, 2023 10:00 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Se7en Mafia [GAME OVER- MAFIA WIN]
Replies: 3949
Views: 1011301

Re: Se7en Mafia [Day 2]



Fern Silva seemed to have a death wish. A bottle of cleaning solution fell from one of the overflowing buckets she lugged up the 6th flight of stairs. These damned tenants always seem to live in a 7th floor walk up, and at the ripe old age of 56 she was sure to keel over any day now from the mountainous effort it required to haul the cleaning supplies up to clean apartments. This was just the way it had to happen.

Over the years she’d thought about just retiring: not in the normal “Americanized” sense, but at least scaling back her workload to a place where she could take a day off or three. But juggling 3 jobs is the only way to make sure she could provide for her family in Belize- it was just the way things had to happen. She was the matriarch and provider of the household, after all, and if it required her to take a 4th job to put her children through college, then so be it- this was just the way it had to happen.

When the bottle fell from the bucket, the cap to the cleaning solution came loose, resulting in the floor tile becoming instantly slick, and Fern couldn’t find the railing to hold on to when she slipped. And in this case, it couldn’t be helped: this was just the way it had to happen.

And she hit every step on her descent down.

@DaughterOfOmega has been killed. She was
Spoiler: show
Diligence, one of the Seven Virtues.


You are town. Eliminate all threats to town in order to win.

It is now Day 2. You have 48 hours to solve the case

Spoiler: show
by Scotty
Thu Jun 15, 2023 10:02 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Se7en Mafia [GAME OVER- MAFIA WIN]
Replies: 3949
Views: 1011301

Re: Se7en Mafia [Day 1]

End of Day 1


He’d been shot. That much he knew.
He tasted copper and spat up blood.

What a waste. And he didn’t even solve the case. That was perhaps more insulting than dying. How did he get shot? Where even was he? He was outside the courthouse, wasn’t he? Yes, that’s right. Where was his partner? His experience was a mess of colors and sounds. His consciousness was fading in and out.

He was so close to retirement. He perversely wished he had at least achieved that.

But no, the day had set on Somerset. Permanent retirement. It was getting harder to get any breath without choking. The pain was excruciating, and then suddenly it wasn’t.
What a way to go.

@Porscha has been eliminated. She was
Spoiler: show
Detective Lieutenant William Somerset


You are town. Eliminate all threats to town in order to win.

An experienced and methodical homicide detective, you have seen so much human suffering in your time on the force that you have formed a detached, clinical viewpoint of your fellow man.

You are a parity cop. 
Four times in the game, as a night action, target a player. You will learn a color assigned to that player corresponding to their alignment, but you will not know what colors are assigned to which alignment.

You also have a one-shot day vigilante shot. If you ever use this shot, your other role power will be permanently disabled.

Your vigilante shot has no expiration, and will fire immediately*

*Note that I will do my best to be present as much as I can, but I do have a job and need to sleep, so be prepared for the off-chance that I might not be able to present results right away.

It is now Night 1. You have 23 hours to get your actions in

Spoiler: show
by Scotty
Thu Jun 15, 2023 10:00 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Se7en Mafia [GAME OVER- MAFIA WIN]
Replies: 3949
Views: 1011301

Re: Se7en Mafia [Day 1]

Spoiler: show
Voters: Epignosis
No votes
Voters: None
No votes
Voters: None
No votes
Voters: None
No votes
Voters: None
Voters: Seanzie
Voters: pyxxy
No votes
Voters: None
No votes
Voters: None
No votes
Voters: None
No votes
Voters: None
No votes
Voters: None
Voters: tutuu, MacDougall, RondoDimBuckle, Roxy, Zenon, Jackofhearts2005, Thunal33, Dennis, Kate, falcon45ca
No votes
Voters: None
No votes
Voters: None
No votes
Voters: None
No votes
Voters: None
No votes
Voters: None
Voters: Matahari, Porscha, DrWilgy, DaughterOfOmega, Dubz, S~V~S, Michelle
No votes
Voters: None
No votes
Voters: None
by Scotty
Thu Jun 15, 2023 10:00 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Se7en Mafia [GAME OVER- MAFIA WIN]
Replies: 3949
Views: 1011301

Re: Se7en Mafia [Day 1]

Locked. No one post
by Scotty
Thu Jun 15, 2023 6:02 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Se7en Mafia [GAME OVER- MAFIA WIN]
Replies: 3949
Views: 1011301

Re: Se7en Mafia [Day 1]

Due to egregious Host error, the poll ends in an hour.

The end of day isn’t until 4 hours from now. So I am going to change the time, which will delete all votes. I profusely apologize.

Spoiler: show

I will honor any votes that are currently in this no need to revote in thread if you have already voted. For ease of readability, I would invite you to please revote in the poll.

Spoiler: show
No votes
Voters: None
No votes
Voters: None
No votes
Voters: None
Voters: Zenon
Voters: Seanzie, tutuu
Voters: pyxxy
No votes
Voters: None
Voters: Michelle, Jackofhearts2005
Voters: RondoDimBuckle
Voters: DaughterOfOmega
No votes
Voters: None
Voters: MacDougall
No votes
Voters: None
Voters: Dennis
No votes
Voters: None
No votes
Voters: None
No votes
Voters: None
No votes
Voters: None
Voters: Kate, DrWilgy, Dubz, Thunal33, falcon45ca
No votes
Voters: None
Voters: S~V~S


by Scotty
Wed Jun 14, 2023 10:55 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Se7en Mafia [GAME OVER- MAFIA WIN]
Replies: 3949
Views: 1011301

Re: Se7en Mafia [Day 1]

Kate wrote: Wed Jun 14, 2023 10:27 pm are everyones posts edit-able? @Scotty
I don’t know, but posts shouldn’t be edited anyway.

Do not edit your posts.

Also, I have added ISOs to the OP
by Scotty
Tue Jun 13, 2023 10:00 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Se7en Mafia [GAME OVER- MAFIA WIN]
Replies: 3949
Views: 1011301

Re: Se7en Mafia [Day 1]


‘Has my desk always been this filthy?’
Detective Lieutenant William Somerset sat back in his office chair sipping his third cup of chamomile tea and brushed some stray toast crumbs off the morning paper. He hated tea, but had recently decided to cut back on caffeine and go cold turkey on coffee. It was bad for acid reflux, they said. The results were concurrent with that advisory, but damn was tea a lousy substitute.

He’d be remiss if he didn’t admit that he was going to miss the job. Seven days seemed like only a blip on his storied career, but he knew it would feel like a month until he actually retired. To test his patience further, a new hotshot from out of town was transferring in today. Great.

“He’s got something to prove, that’s for sure,” he remembered the Captain interring after a case briefing. “A real hot-head. But he’s good, Somerset. He’s got a lot of potential.”
‘Potential. Is that what they’re calling it nowadays?’ Somerset chuckled ruefully to himself of the thought and flipped to a new page in the paper. This page had the normalized spread of opinion pieces on local ordinances and promotionals on community gatherings. Jargon and puff pieces, all of them- and for what? A drab existence, squawking about anything and nothing.

Damn. When had he become so cynical?

His attention was drawn to a disturbance down the hall. Craning his head out his domain, he found the source of his solitary cessation: a demonstrably chipper man- presumably the new detective, David Mills- cozying up to other members of the department with a six pack of beer in each hand. The man was obviously trying too hard.
Laughter filled the station nonetheless. Just what he needed to close out this week. ‘Seven more days and you’re free, Bill.’

Maybe a cup of coffee wasn’t out of the question today after all.


He came back from lunch to find Mills sitting on his desk.
“I have a chair, you know,” Somerset sighed. Mills sprung up and made a beeline to the corner.
Mills was only one man, yet his presence seemed to crowd Somerset’s cramped office nonetheless.
“You got mail. Er, okay, we got mail.”

The greeting card on Somerset’s desk had no return address, nor had it any signifying feature or signal. It was shrouded in a plain envelope, with “To Detectives Somerset and Mills” scrawled on the middle. So some peeping Tom knew not only his name but also the name of his newly assigned partner. That was interesting.
David fidgeted in the corner.
“Did it arrive ripped like this?” asked Somerset, referring to the haphazard tearing.
“No, I took the liberty of seeing what this fuckface had to say,” replied Mills.
Somerset frowned. “Did you not stop to think that this could have had a foreign body or deadly substance inside? Use your brain, Mills!” scolded Somerset.
Mills smacked his teeth. “Yeah, well. He’s a shitstain. Read it,” he offered.

Somerset did. The card inside the envelope was as ordinary as the outside, and had a smiley face on it. The handwritten chicken scratch on the inside was reminiscent of a 12-year-old applying cursive for the first time. It read:
“If you are reading this, then this is my sic semper tyrannis. I assure you that the work is not yet finished, but it is important that you are the ones to investigate, for the beginning is of the end, and the end is beginning to reveal itself. So it is in man, and from his endless contagion of sin rises Icarus and hell on Earth.”
Somerset was lost in thought. This individual was no trifle, and obviously had some sort of god complex.
“Sic semper tyrannis is a reference to Wilkes Booth after he killed Lincoln,” announced Mills. “He thinks he’s tough shit.”
Somerset rolled his eyes inwardly. This man was almost as obsequious as he was dim.
The police chief moved into the office with a grim expression.
“We’ve got a body.”
Mills and Somerset exchanged glances.
Somerset picked up his hat and frowned.

“So it begins.”

It is now Day 1. You have 48 hours to lynch someone

Spoiler: show
by Scotty
Mon Jun 12, 2023 12:51 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Se7en Mafia [GAME OVER- MAFIA WIN]
Replies: 3949
Views: 1011301

Re: Se7en Mafia [PREGAME]

Day 1 will begin on Tuesday 6/13 at 10p EST
by Scotty
Mon Jun 12, 2023 12:49 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Se7en Mafia [GAME OVER- MAFIA WIN]
Replies: 3949
Views: 1011301

Re: Se7en Mafia [PREGAME]

  • 48/24 cycles, locked nights.
  • No vanilla roles; many roles will have unconventional powers.
  • Role claiming is NOT ALLOWED; info dumping IS allowed, but do so at your own risk.. (this means do not claim or hint at your character by name, but you can claim what ability/action you have)
  • You may not share a picture of or quote word-for-word anything from your Role PM
  • Most, if not all, of a role’s descriptions may be revealed with lynches. However, only role names are usually revealed with any other types of kills.
  • All communication, including the initial role PM, will be handled via your private discord channel in the Se7en server
  • No outside communication with players unless specifically authorized
  • Always remember that we are playing a game together on an Internet forum. Be kind and considerate as you are also being competitive, and be mindful of how your words might be received by others beyond the scope of a Mafia game.
Spoiler: show
  • Please submit all actions 1 HOUR before end of phase unless explicitly stated, for my sanity. Or what’s left of it.
  • NO double targeting
  • You MAY NOT self-target, unless the role specifies otherwise.
Spoiler: show
  • You MUST post your vote in thread as well as the poll to count.
  • There are no hammers; votes may be changed at any time.
  • Voting is by plurality
  • Ties will be randomized
Spoiler: show
There will be SPOILERS in this game if you haven’t seen the movie. I have taken liberties with some plot lines, but the essence is the same. So...I’d suggest watch the movie before playing, because it’s an amazing movie.
Also note that I have attempted extensive play testing with the balance of this game, and while I think it is as fair as I can make it, it is a role madness type where things can swing wildly depending on choices made. In the spirit of all things transparent, there are elements to this game that some might consider “unconventional”:
-There is vote manipulation tied to role abilities.
-3rd Parties have the opportunity to change alignment in this game, and have been notified as such.
-There are no jesters, no death millers, no resurrections. All lynch reveals will be genuine, with alignment given. Most importantly, host posts and messages directly from me will never lie.
All relevant info will be revealed postgame.
by Scotty
Mon Jun 12, 2023 12:46 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Se7en Mafia [GAME OVER- MAFIA WIN]
Replies: 3949
Views: 1011301


Se7en Mafia


  1. S~V~S - John Doe (Mafia) posts
  2. DrWilgy - Tracy Mills (Town) - posts
  3. Michelle - Temperance (Town) - posts
  4. Dubz - Sloth (Deadly Sin, Town-aligned) - posts
  5. Thunal33 - Envy (Deadly Sin, Mafia-aligned - posts
  1. Porscha - Eliminated Day 1- Det. Lt. William Somerset (Town) - posts
  2. DaughterOfOmega - Killed Night 1 - Diligence (Town) - posts
  3. Kate - Eliminated Day 2 - Lust (Deadly Sin) - posts
  4. tutuu - Died Night 2 - Humility (Town) - posts
  5. Zenon - Died Night 2 - Kindness (Town) - posts
  6. pyxxy - Died Night 2 - Pride (Deadly Sin - Mafia-aligned) - posts
  7. Seanzie - Shot Day 3 - Martin Talbot, DA (Town) - posts
  8. Dennis - Eliminated Day 3 - Greed (Deadly Sin - Mafia-aligned) - posts
  9. Macdougall - Killed Night 3 - Police Chief (Town) - posts
  10. Epignosis - Killed Night 3 - Wrath (Deadly Sin) - posts
  11. jackofhearts2005 - Forgiveness (Town) - posts
  12. Roxy - Dr. Beardsley (Town) -posts
  13. NANOOKTHEGREATANDFEARSOME - Eliminated Day 4 - Charity (Town) - posts
  14. RondoDimBuckle - Killed Night 4 - Chastity (Town) - posts
  15. Matahari - Eliminated Day 5 - Gluttony (Deadly Sin) - posts
  16. falcon45ca - Killed from Poison N5 - David Mills (Town) - posts
Phase End Summaries
  1. Day 1 Start
  2. End of Day 1 - Porscha is eliminated
  3. Day 2 Start - DaughterOfOmega is killed
  4. End of Day 2 - Kate is eliminated; Night 2 - tutuu dies
  5. Day 3 Start - Zenon and pyxxy die; Seanzie is shot
  6. End of Day 3 - Dennis is eliminated
  7. Day 4 Start - jackofhearts2005, Roxy, Macdougall, and Epignosis die
  8. End of Day 4 - NANOOKTHEGREATANDFEARSOME is eliminated
  9. Day 5 Start - RondoDimBuckle dies
Day 1:
Spoiler: show
Voters: Epignosis
No votes
Voters: None
No votes
Voters: None
No votes
Voters: None
No votes
Voters: None
Voters: Seanzie
Voters: pyxxy
No votes
Voters: None
No votes
Voters: None
No votes
Voters: None
No votes
Voters: None
No votes
Voters: None
Voters: tutuu, MacDougall, RondoDimBuckle, Roxy, Zenon, Jackofhearts2005, Thunal33, Dennis, Kate, falcon45ca
No votes
Voters: None
No votes
Voters: None
No votes
Voters: None
No votes
Voters: None
No votes
Voters: None
Voters: Matahari, Porscha, DrWilgy, DaughterOfOmega, Dubz, S~V~S, Michelle
No votes
Voters: None
No votes
Voters: None
Day 2:
Spoiler: show
Voters: Zenon, RondoDimBuckle
No votes
Voters: None
No votes
Voters: None
No votes
Voters: None
No votes
Voters: None
No votes
Voters: None
Voters: MacDougall, pyxxy, Jackofhearts2005, Michelle, Thunal33, Seanzie, S~V~S, tutuu, DrWilgy
Voters: falcon45ca
No votes
Voters: None
No votes
Voters: None
No votes
Voters: None
No votes
Voters: None
No votes
Voters: None
Voters: Dennis
Voters: Epignosis
No votes
Voters: None
Voters: Kate
Voters: Matahari
Voters: Roxy
Day 3:
Spoiler: show
Voters: DrWilgy, S~V~S, Jackofhearts2005, NANOOKTHEGREATANDFEARSOME, Thunal33, Epignosis, Matahari, Roxy, RondoDimBuckle
No votes
Voters: None
No votes
Voters: None
No votes
Voters: None
No votes
Voters: None
No votes
Voters: None
Voters: Seanzie
No votes
Voters: None
No votes
Voters: None
Voters: Dubz, Michelle
Voters: falcon45ca
No votes
Voters: None
No votes
Voters: None
Voters: MacDougall
No votes
Voters: None
Day 4:
Spoiler: show
No votes
Voters: None
No votes
Voters: None
No votes
Voters: None
No votes
Voters: None
Voters: falcon45ca, Thunal33, Dubz, RondoDimBuckle, Michelle, S~V~S, Matahari
No votes
Voters: None
No votes
Voters: None
No votes
Voters: None
No votes
Voters: None
Day 5:
Spoiler: show
No votes
Voters: None
Voters: Matahari
No votes
Voters: None
Voters: Thunal33, Michelle, S~V~S, falcon45ca
No votes
Voters: None
Voters: DrWilgy
No votes
Voters: None
No votes
Voters: None


Town (13):
Eliminate all threats to town in order to win.

Det. David Mills
Spoiler: show

You are town. Eliminate all threats to town in order to win.

A dedicated and highly motivated individual striving to make an impact, Det. Mills perhaps has an impatient and hotheaded nature that may propel him into dangerous situations.

Each ODD night, target a player. If they are either a Virtue or Deadly Sin, you will receive a positive check.
Each EVEN night, target a player. If they are either a civilian (non-Virtue) or mafia-aligned, you will receive a positive check.

The first two times you receive a positive check, you will receive a 1-shot Day vigilante gun. If you choose to use your day kill, and your target is ever town-aligned, your vote will permanently be worth 0. If you shoot again and hit a town-aligned player for a second time, you will die instead.

If Tracy Mills ever dies, you will become bereft, and your checks will have a 25% chance to fail each night.

Your guns have no expiration, and will fire immediately*

*Note that I will do my best to be present as much as I can, but I do have a job and need to sleep, so be prepared for the off-chance that I might not be able to present results right away.

Det. Lt. Somerset
Spoiler: show

You are a parity cop. 
Four times in the game, as a night action, target a player. You will learn a color assigned to that player corresponding to their alignment, but you will not know what colors are assigned to which alignment.

You also have a one-shot day vigilante shot. If you ever use this shot, your other role power will be permanently disabled.

Your vigilante shot has no expiration, and will fire immediately*

*Note that I will do my best to be present as much as I can, but I do have a job and need to sleep, so be prepared for the off-chance that I might not be able to present results right away.

Tracy Mills
Spoiler: show

You are town. Eliminate all threats to town in order to win.

You are high school sweethearts with David Mills, and that love has carried you both into this big city with David pursuing his passion. One day you’d like to have kids, and it’s probably going to be sooner rather than later...

Each EVEN day phase (up to 1 hour before End of Day), choose a player. If they weren’t lynched, they will receive an extra use of their role action the next night/day, if they have one. This includes if a limited ability has already been expended.
If you ever target David Mills, you will also learn his identity.

Police Captain
Spoiler: show

You are town. Eliminate all threats to town in order to win.

You’ve been around the block with bizarre and gruesome cases, but you are about to be tested with one of the toughest of your career. Make sure you put your trust in the right people.

You are a tracker.
Each ODD night, target a player. You will learn who that player targeted, if anyone, during this night and/or the previous day.

Martin Talbot (The DA)
Spoiler: show

You are town. Eliminate all threats to town in order to win.

Your job is to litigate, and find the justice in the world. You just hope that the evidence points to you putting the right people behind bars.

Five times in the game, at night, target a player. You will gain BTSC with that player lasting to the end of the ensuing day phase. 
While you have BTSC with them, you MUST choose to either 
a) Cut them a Deal* or 
b) Press Charges

If you Cut them a Deal, they cannot be killed in the ensuing night phase, but they will also be roleblocked during this day and ensuing night phase.

If you Press Charges, they will receive an unannounced extra vote against them in the poll.

Both options must be sent privately to me at least 1 hour before end of day. If an action isn’t sent, the action will be randomized.

*If you Cut a Deal twice in a row, you will be roleblocked the following night.

Dr. Beardsley
Spoiler: show

You are town. Eliminate all threats to town in order to win.

Dr. Beardsley has worked in the medical field for over 30 years and few things surprise him any more.

As an even day action, you may choose to attempt to save any player from death this cycle (this day and ensuing night). You MUST send this action in at least 1 hour before end of day.
If that player were to be lynched during the day, they will be killed at the end of the following night instead.
If that player were to be killed in any other way than lynch during the day, they will be protected.
If that player were to be killed during the night, they will be protected.*

*If the protected player is to be nightkilled, they will also start the following day with 2 votes against them.

You may target yourself.

7 Virtues:
If voting for your sinful counterpart, your vote will be worth +1.

Temperance (countering Gluttony)
Spoiler: show

You are town. Eliminate all threats to town in order to win.

You represent moderation and self-restraint.

If you vote for Gluttony, your vote will be worth +1.

As a night action, you may target a player. They will be told that “it would be wise to not talk much” in the next day phase. 

If your target posts 10 times or fewer during the day, they will receive -1 vote on the day poll.
If your target posts more than 10 times, they will receive +2 votes on the day poll, unknown to them.

You may only target each player once in the game. This ability goes away with 4 or fewer people left in the game.

Charity (countering Greed)
Spoiler: show
Charity, one of the Seven Virtues.[/size]


You are town. Eliminate all threats to town in order to win.

You represent the friendship of man for a higher power.

If you vote for Greed, your vote will be worth +1.

Twice during the game, as a night action, you may choose a player that received at least 1 vote from the day before. That player will be removed from the poll the next day. You may not target the same player more than once in the game. Additionally, you may not choose a player of which you were the sole voter that day. You may self target.

This ability goes away if there are 6 or fewer remaining players.

Diligence (countering Sloth)
Spoiler: show

You are town. Eliminate all threats to town in order to win.

You represent carefulness and persistence in effort and work

If you vote for Sloth, your vote will be worth +1.

Your vote is normally worth 1. Each day, as a day action targeting yourself, you may choose to sacrifice* your vote, making it secretly worth 0. Each time you do, your vote the next cycle will be worth +1. You may continue this up to 3 times in a row.
Voting when your vote is worth more than 0 sends your vote value back to 1 the next phase, resetting the process.
If your vote is ever worth 3, you may vote with it or sacrifice it;
If you sacrifice it, you either gain a one-shot night action protect (blocking all actions against your target), OR gain a one shot alignment check night action. All options reset your vote to be worth 1 the next day phase.

*You MUST let me know at least an hour before End of Day. Just sending “sacrifice” to me in your discord server will suffice.

Chastity (countering Lust)
Spoiler: show

You are town. Eliminate all threats to town in order to win.

You place desire of sexual pleasure under the strict restriction of reason and faith.

If you vote for Lust, your vote will be worth +1.

Three times in the game, as a night action, target a player to roleblock. This will negate any of tonight’s abilities and tomorrow’s day abilities. Roleblocked players will be notified only that their action failed.

Humility (countering Pride)
Spoiler: show

You are town. Eliminate all threats to town in order to win.

You represent the self-realization that your abilities and actions are not better or less.

If you vote for Pride, your vote will be worth +1.

Five times in the game, as a night action, choose a player. If that player is targeted to be nightkilled, you will be killed instead, and the following night phase will be open. Additionally, your grave will become memorialized as a Wishing Well.

If this happens, it will be announced that every day each player may make a wish at your grave by proclaiming “RIP [Player]” in the thread. 
If a player makes a wish, they will have a 15% chance of being lynch immune that day, and a 15% chance of becoming poisoned, which will kill them at the end of this day phase unless healed.

Kindness (countering Envy)
Spoiler: show

You are town. Eliminate all threats to town in order to win.

You represent sympathy, affection, warmheartedness and consideration.

If you vote for Envy, your vote will be worth +1.

Five times during the game, as a night OR day* action, target a player to receive a giftbox. You may only send a gift once per phase, and gifts will be sent at the end of the phase in which you send an action.

When you use your action, pick 2 gifts (if applicable): I will flip a coin on which is actually sent. You have 5 gifts in your arsenal:
-First Aid Kit: protects recipient from all negative actions this phase and the next phase. This also eliminates any status conditions that player may have, if any. This does not protect from a lynch, however.
-CPR Certification: the recipient receives a 1-shot night protection from kills. This expires 2 full cycles after being opened
-New Sneakers: The next time the recipient uses an action, it will be first priority
-New Underwear: The recipient’s next vote will be worth 3.
-Birthday Cake: The recipient may make a wish by selecting any one player during any day phase; they will learn the actual vote total of that player and any players that share the same vote total at end of day

The target must opt to actually open a box, and will only activate the gift if they open the box; there is no expiration date. Once a giftbox is sent, that item is expended from your inventory.

*if you send a day action, send it no later than an hour before end of day. You may only send this action once a cycle (i.e. Night 1 and Day 2, but not then also Night 2)

Forgiveness (countering Wrath)
Spoiler: show

You are town. Eliminate all threats to town in order to win.

You represent the value of releasing guilt or anger for wrongs done

If you vote for Wrath, your vote will be worth +1.

You will learn the identity of Tracy Mills at the end of Night 1.

Five times during the game, as a night action, target a Role*. Some** of that role’s abilities and associated secrets will be revealed in the original post.
If Tracy Mills is ever night killed, you will lose this ability.

*This may only be blocked if you are blocked, not if the player matching that role is protected
**If a role already has secrets, not all secrets will be revealed the first time. Revealing further will reveal the full role.

Deadly Sins (7):
Current win conditions: ???
If voting for your virtuous counterpart, your vote will be worth +1.

Gluttony (countering Temperance)
Spoiler: show

You are self aligned. Your current win condition is to be the last man standing. Alternatively, if your personal vote is worth at least 4, your alignment will change:
-If your Dummies have never been killed, you will become town-aligned.
-If any of your Dummies have ever been killed, you will become mafia-aligned, gaining BTSC with all other members a full phase after becoming mafia.

You represent over-indulgence and over-consumption of food, drink or wealth items

If you vote for Temperance, your vote will be worth +1.

Your vote is normally worth 0.
As a night action, target a player. They will be told that “it would be wise to post a lot” the next day phase. 
-If your target posts at least 70 times or else in top 3 of posters that phase, you will gain control of a dummy account the following day that steals the vote of the player the dummy votes for.
-If your target doesn’t follow the instructions, you will steal their vote that day, making your vote worth as much as theirs was.

When a Dummy votes for another player, that Dummy will absorb/steal that person’s voting power into your own personal voting power. This means that Dummies never have voting power but can cumulatively increase your own player voting power from the default of 0.

If any of your dummies are ever lynched, all dummies in play will die and your vote will permanently be worth 2.
If you switch alignment to town, any dummies in play will die, and your vote will permanently be worth 2.

Your active Dummies must post at least once a day, or you lose them.
If multiple Dummies vote for the same player, only 1 Dummy will absorb the voting power.

Greed (countering Charity)
Spoiler: show

You are self aligned. Your current win condition is to be the last man standing.
Alternatively, if you purchase the private yacht, your alignment will change depending on your choice at the end of Day 1:
-You become town-aligned
-You become mafia-aligned; if you do, you will gain BTSC with all other members a full phase after becoming mafia.

You represent the desire of material wealth or gain, ignoring the realm of the spiritual.

If you vote for Charity, your vote will be worth +1. 

>By the end of Night 1, you must choose an alignment. Should you meet your alternate win condition, you will switch to that alignment.<

As a singular night action, target 2 player: a target and a recipient. The target will be told that “it would be wise to vote for” a player of your choice the next day, provided both are still alive and on the poll (If those conditions aren’t met, this action will fail).
If your target follows the instructions, you will gain $1.
If your target doesn’t follow the instructions, they will be punished with an extra 2 votes against them in the poll at the end of the day, known to them.

Additionally, any time another player uses the number “7” in their post during the day, you gain $0.05, up to $2.00/day (this does not apply to quoting another player, but does apply to the word “seven/se7en” in any capacity. Feel free to ask for clarification if needed. I will do my best to keep track of this, but if you feel I have made an error in counting, let me know)

At any point, you may purchase from the store anything you can afford with the $$ you receive. But you may only purchase one item a cycle.
The store is as follows:
$1- vote worth +1 for the current or next phase (if bought at night) (infinite)
$1- permanently receive $2 when targets complete your task (1x)
$1.50- On an EVEN night, target a player. You will learn who that player targeted, if anyone, during this night and/or the previous day. (3x)
$2- roleblock a player during the night and following day phase (2x)
$5- private yacht (1x)

Sloth (countering Diligence)
Spoiler: show

You are self aligned. Your current win condition is to be the last man standing.
Alternatively, your alignment can change:
-if all other Deadly Sins die or change alignment before all Virtues are dead, you will become town-aligned
-If all Virtues die before all other Sins die, you will become mafia, gaining BTSC with all other members a full phase after becoming mafia.

You represent the avoidance of physical or spiritual work

If you vote for Diligence, your vote will be worth +1. 

As a night action, you may target a player. They will be told “it would be wise to not talk much” the following day. 
If your target doesn’t post more than 6 times, you will steal their vote that day, making your vote worth as much as theirs was.
If your target does post 7 times or more, you will roleblock them this cycle.

You may only ever target each player once in the game.

Lust (countering Chastity)
Spoiler: show

You are self aligned. Your current win condition is to be the last man standing.
Alternatively, if 2 different players that open one of the gifts labeled from you are killed in any way, your alignment will change:
-You will become mafia, gaining BTSC with all other members a full phase after becoming mafia.

You represent the inordinate craving for the pleasures of the body.

If you vote for Chastity, your vote will be worth +1. 

Each day, target both a player and a gift from your list of gifts.
The gifts vary and will be sent wrapped. When sent, the target will receive 3 mystery boxes, each labeled with a different name (From [Player]). One of the gifts will be labeled from you, and the remainder from other random players. Once a gift is sent, it cannot be sent again, even if that player never opens it.

The target will receive the notification that they received presents at end of day and a prompt indicating that they may select one- and only one- of the presents to open by the end of the ensuing night phase.
If they open the box from you, the gift you selected will go into effect immediately (without them being notified what the gift does), and you will be notified as such. If an action is associated with the gift, it can be blocked.
If your target opens a box not belonging to you*, they will instead be forced to give compliments to the player from whom ‘the gift was from’ in every post until the end of the next day.
For each day you send out a gift where the target does not open the box labeled from you, the next day there will be one fewer box for the target to choose from (minimum 1). If there is only 1 box to choose, then it becomes mandatory for that player to open it.

The list of gifts to be sent are as follows:
-Teddy Bear (watch target that night and next day)
-Slightly Used Lingerie (if the target receives any info this night, you also receive it. Does not apply to BTSC)
-Burner Phone (BTSC with target until end of next night)
-Pager (Send an anonymous message via the host to the target (150 characters or less). Must send with gift)
-Friendship Bracelet (Any votes this player casts for you is worth 0 for the remainder of the game)
-Chinese Finger Trap (if you die before the target, there is a 50/50 chance they die too)
-Fruitcake (10% chance to kill upon opening; otherwise does nothing)

*all gifts not labeled from you are Fruitcakes, for your information

Pride (countering Humility)
Spoiler: show

You are self aligned. Your current win condition is to have 2 different people in possession of your photograph lynched.
Alternatively, if the player holding your photograph is killed in any way other than by lynch, your alignment will change:
-If Humility and Envy are dead, you will become town-aligned.
-If Humility or Envy are still alive, you will become mafia-aligned, gaining BTSC with all other members a full phase after becoming mafia.

You represent the feeling of deep pleasure derived from one’s own importance.

If you vote for Humility, your vote will be worth +1. 

You start with a photograph. Each night, if you are in possession of the photograph, you may target a player to be the recipient of this photograph- include with it a brief caption (4 words or less), written by you. The photograph will be a selfie of the recipient of the photograph. 

If the player holding your photograph is lynched, the photograph goes back to you, and you may send it off again at night. After the 2nd time this happens, the photograph will be destroyed and you will leave the game in victory.

Additionally, if anyone mentions the current holder of the photograph (excluding you) during the day, the holder will secretly receive an extra vote against them in the poll that day. A player can only receive one vote per player per day that mentions them, UP TO A MAXIMUM OF 3.
If no player mentions the holder of the photograph during any day after receiving the photograph, you will watch them during the following night.

Envy (countering Kindness)
Spoiler: show

You are self aligned. Your current win condition is to receive the results of your target’s action three times. If you do so, you will be removed from the game.
Alternatively, if you
-use another player’s night action twice
-outright kill your target

your alignment will change:
You will become mafia-aligned, gaining BTSC with all other members a full phase after becoming mafia.

You represent the feeling of intense jealousy over the blessings and circumstances of others.

If you vote for Kindness, your vote will be worth +1. 

At night, target a player.
-If you are not targeted this night and your target uses a night action on another player, you will copy their ability as a limited one-shot to use the next day or night*
-If you are targeted this night, and your target had a night action used on them, you will receive the result of that action.**
-The first time neither you nor your target are targeted by any other player in that cycle, you will kill your target, and your alignment will change to mafia; After this happens once in the game, this conditional kill goes away.

*the day/night designation is determined by the ability, and will be in place of your normal role action; it resets the following day.
**receiving a result will not specify which player targeted your target; it will only specify the result on your target.

Wrath (countering Forgiveness)
Spoiler: show

You are self aligned. Your current win condition is to be the last man standing.
Alternatively, you may change alignment after you successfully shoot and kill twice:
-If you shoot two mafia/independently aligned, you will become town-aligned
-If you shoot two town members, OR you shoot one town member and David Mills has personally shot a town-aligned player, you will become mafia-aligned, gaining BTSC with all other members a full phase after becoming mafia.
-If you shoot one town and one independent/mafia, you will permanently remain last man standing, and will gain a night kill every night instead of your normal power.

You represent the feeling of anger manifesting as unbridled fury or revenge.

If you vote for Forgiveness, your vote will be worth +1. 

Each night, target* one player PLUS players up to as many votes as you received during the previous day (self-votes do not count). If any one of those players is eliminated the following day, you will gain a one-shot loud vigilante kill to be used** during the following night or day.
Once you gain and successfully use 3 total shots during the game, or you have shot 1 town and 1 independent/mafia, this power goes away.

When using the kill, you will obscure the role reveal to everyone but yourself. The kill will resolve immediately (or as immediate as the host can make it- note that I am trying to be as active as possible but I do have my own life, so be prepared for it to not activate immediately if I am away from thread).

*this counts as one action for game purposes

**shots expire at the end of the next day, so if you do not use it, you lose it for that cycle.

Mafia (1+):
To win: Achieve parity with town.
May kill every night.

John Doe
Spoiler: show

You win when you achieve parity with the town.
You may kill every night.

You are a man beset on a masochistic path of morbid curiosity surrounding the fulfillment of the Seven Deadly Sins manifested in the world. You are highly intelligent and manipulative, and firmly believe that a higher power has ordained you to reveal to mankind the tragic farce the world has become.

You start with no teammates. If a Deadly Sin changes to align with you, you will immediately know their identity but will only gain BTSC with them after a delayed phase. They will not know their teammate(s) until that time. You may only assign another member to kill after gaining BTSC.
If you die and you have not assigned the factional kill to a teammate, it will be transferred to another random player on your team as soon as another player joins your faction.

In addition to using your normal factional kill, you may employ one of the following one-shot actions each night:
  1. Gluttony: Target a player to start the day with 3 votes cast against them, unknown to them.
  2. Greed: Target a player; if that player is lynched the next day, the following night your faction will be able to factionally kill 2 people.
  3. Sloth: Target a player; their vote is worth -1 the next day.
  4. Lust: Target a player and a corresponding role; if correct, that player will die in the night.
  5. Pride: this targets yourself. Once activated, you will receive the actual vote totals of all players at the end of every day for the rest of the game.
  6. Envy: Select a role; you will learn which player the selected role targeted this cycle, if any; if they didn’t target any, you will instead learn your target’s entire role.
  7. Wrath: Target a player; that player will be announced as “in critical condition” and will die at end of the following night unless healed.
When you use an action that corresponds to a Deadly Sin, you may also send a brief message (<250 characters) to the matching Sin if they are not already aligned with you.

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