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727 {RULES}

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2015 11:23 pm
by insertnamehere
727 is a highly experimental game of "mafia" where the players basically participate in a Role Playing Game, such as Dungeons and Dragons or Call of Cthulhu, but members of the group are actively working against the best interests of the group, and you have to identify and deal with those people. So, think D&D on an airplane, and you have to catch baddies.

So, how does this even work?

It's fairly simple, each day counts as a "turn". Each turn, you can do two things. A: Interact. This could mean that you inspect an item, person, or situation, or maybe you would like to interact with another person on the plane. You can put items in your inventory, and you can also use an item that you currently have in your inventory on another item or person. This could include using a weapon on another person.


B: Move. The Plane is divided into 5 parts, the Cockpit and 5 other sections. There are also 2 small bathrooms at the rear end of the plane. Using up an action, you could move from say, the Cockpit to Section A, or Section D to the Men's Bathroom.

On a turn you can do two separate interactions, move two areas in the plane, or interact and move. It's your call on how to play.

The game will be played, more or less, via PM. There will be a "main thread", but it will be locked. Each "turn", I will PM you about the results of the previous turn, and ask you for your next two actions.

How do roles and stuff work? And how does anyone win?

Roles are probably the most important part of the game. Your role is more of a "character" and you will be expected to act and talk like that that character. That's where the "role playing" thing comes from. If your character is 50 year old professor, you probably shouldn't walk around saying "k" and "ture". If your character is a 20 year old mother traveling with her child, you shouldn't immediately abandon your child, grab a parachute, and jump out of the plane. This game would probably fall apart if everyone isn't 100% committed to this. Reply with the word aardvark to show that you understand the rules. This also means no fourth wall breaking. Instead of asking "who do you think is a baddie", say "Have you seen any suspicious characters afoot?" Instead of "do you think inh is bad?", say "Gee, I sure do wonder what bee is up in the golly-gobblin' hussyface of David McCathaway!"

Each person has an inventory which can hold up to 2 objects. Some roles start with objects. You can also pick items up, and trade items to other people.

Each character also has different skills or stats. There are four different skills in 727. Aim, Strength, Piloting, and First Aid. If, for example, you have a gun, and you attempt to shoot at someone, your aim skill will determine how effective you are.

All of the characters, except for the baddies, are working towards a primary objective, which will be posted in the main thread. This objective can and will be changed over time.

Each character has their own personal objective that they have to accomplish also.

You have to accomplish your primary objective, and your personal objective in order to win 727.

If you are interested in playing 727, post the secret word hidden in the rules to show that you have read them.

Thank you, and enjoy your flight.

Re: 727 {RULES}

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2015 12:15 am
by insertnamehere

Each character has two stats that directly correlate with combat, Aim and Strength.

Strength can also be used to life heavy objects, and other similar tasks.

Here's an example of the combat system.

A player with an Aim stat of 6 PM's me saying that he wants to shoot another player in the head with a gun from their inventory. At this point, I'll use's random number generator. If the number is lower than six, the player's aim stat, the result will be a success, and the person they were aiming at will instantly die. If the number is 7, 8, 9, or 10, the bullet will miss.

The Health system in this game is also fairly simple. If you choose to shoot someone in the head, and succeed at it, that person is dead. People usually don't survive being shot in the head at point-blank range on an airplane. However, if you punch someone in the head, they won't instantly die, but they may pass out. If someone is shot in the arm or chest, or if someone suffers any non-fatal injuries, those can be taken care of using the First Aid kit. The effectiveness of this is dependent on your stats and the severity of the injury. If someone has a paper cut, that will be much easier to treat than a bullet to the lung.

The piloting system is very important. If the plane crashes, everyone could die and lose. Every turn, I'll randomly pick a number between 1 and 10. If the combined piloting score of the people currently piloting plane is higher than the random number I select, the plane keeps flying. This may seem pretty easy, but things can get dicey if one person is left alone in the cockpit, or if the combined score of the two in the cockpit is lower than ten.

If the randomly picked number is LOWER than the combined piloting score, the plane will sink closer to the ground. If this occurs a second time, the plane will crash. If, after this, the number is higher than the combined stats, the plane will return to it's normal altitude.

The plane has a limited amount of fuel, and if the plane flies long enough, it will begin to run out of it. So you need to keep an eye on that, and possibly stop to refuel the plane at a certain point.

You can land the plane if the combined piloting score of the two people piloting the plane is higher than fifteen. You can also attempt to land the plane with a lower stat, but it will be risky.