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ASOIAF: War of the Five Kings Mafia

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 4:24 pm
by insertnamehere
This is going to be a mix of Risk and Mafia, and have 35 players. It will also be a sockpuppet game.

You win the game by being on the winning side of the war. Only one can win, however. You defeat other kings by taking their cities, and eventually killing their king. Each king starts off with three cities, and they can attack the two cities closest to them geographically. For example, the Lannisters can attack one of Renly's cities and one of Stannis's at the beginning of the game, because they are the two closest cities to them. You win battles by having more troops then the other king at a certain city.

Each role has a certain amount of troops at their command. They can choose where they want to place their troops. They can place them in a city owned by their kingdom in order to defend that city, or attack another city.

Each kingdom has three roles, and each of these role is stationed in a city. They can choose to move to a different city, but it will take a round for them to get there. In each thread, the players will vote on where they would like to place their troops, and if they would like to vote to eliminate a house.

The King: The weakest and most important piece in the game. Once a king is dead, their advisors are eliminated also, but every house chooses which team they would like to go to. They also have a moderate amount of troops in order to protect them. Their vote also counts as two in the lynch.

The Spymaster: They have BTSC with everyone in the game. This means that they can make deals with other houses to get information or troops. This is maybe the most important role in the game. They have a relatively small amount of troops at their command.

The Commander: This role has the most troops at their command, and has a large influence on military decisions.

Each kingdom needs minor houses to support them, and supply troops. Each house starts out aligned with a kingdom, however they can switch sides, and/or provide information to the spymaster. If a house want's to switch allegiances to another king, they have to PM me, and then the kingdom that the house wants to switch to will vote on whether they would like to let that house into their kingdom. Of course, a house could offer to join another kingdom only to really be a mole. A house can only switch allegiances twice. Every round, all of the players in a kingdom can vote for if they would like to possibly vote out a house the next round. If even one person votes yes, there will be a lynch the next day. Every player in a kingdom can vote for if they think a house is betraying them. You can also abstain. If the majority of players vote for a person, that house is publicly executed, and eliminated from the game.

When a King eliminates another king, they can choose to let the houses that supported the dead king join their kingdom, or execute them.



Joffery Baratheon: The King
Tywin Lannister: The Spymaster
Jaime Lannister: The General
House Stokeworth
House Rosby
House Slynt
House Rykker

HOUSE STARK "Winter Is Coming"

Robb Stark: The King
Catelyn Stark: The Spymaster
Brynden Tully: The General
House Karstark
House Bolton
House Manderly
House Mormont

HOUSE BARATHEON OF DRAGONSTONE "The Night Is Dark And Full Of Terrors"

Stannis Baratheon: The King
Lady Melisandre: The Spymaster
Davos Seaworth: The General
House Celtigar
House Bar Emmon
House Velaryon
House Sunglass


Renly Baratheon: The King
Margaery Tyrell: The Spymaster
Loras Tyrell: The General
House Errol
House Morrigen
House Penrose
House Swann


Balon Greyjoy: The King
Asha Greyjoy: The Spymaster
Victarion Greyjoy: The General
House Harlaw
House Goodbrother
House Farwynd
House Blacktyde

Each of the Five Kings (Stark, Lannister, Renly, Stannis, and Greyjoy.) will each have their own private thread.

Re: ASOIAF: War of the Five Kings Mafia

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 4:46 am
by bea
Interesting concept. I was wondering how you would work this as I started the read. So basicly each house has it's own thread. I assume there is also a main thread for everyone to post in? Will traditional lynches happen in the main thread?

Does each *major* house have only 7 players? Or are there several people in the minor houses? If there are several players in the minor houses, does each one have a speratate vote? How does that work out? Does each minor house have it's own thread while they try to decide if they want to change major houses?

Also - as a fan girl. I call shenanagans on no Littlefinger or Visareys. :(

Re: ASOIAF: War of the Five Kings Mafia

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 10:24 am
by insertnamehere
bea wrote:Interesting concept. I was wondering how you would work this as I started the read. So basicly each house has it's own thread. I assume there is also a main thread for everyone to post in? Will traditional lynches happen in the main thread?

There's a main thread for everyone to post in, but it won't be used that frequently. The lynching process is a bit complex, every round, everyone in a house can vote on if they would like to lynch someone the next round. If even one person says yes, there will be a lynch next round. The lynch will be standard, but only the minor houses are nominated. Also, there is an abstain option. Remember, this is to get rid of players that might switch allegiances

Does each *major* house have only 7 players? Or are there several people in the minor houses? If there are several players in the minor houses, does each one have a speratate vote? How does that work out? Does each minor house have it's own thread while they try to decide if they want to change major houses?

Minor houses = 1 person
It's pretty much a role.

Also - as a fan girl. I call shenanagans on no Littlefinger or Visareys. :(
Littlefinger is not really bound to a certain king, and Dany and Vieserys are an ocean away, and not really of importance to the war. There are many games based broadly on the whole show, I wanted to focus one on a specific part of the show.

Re: ASOIAF: War of the Five Kings Mafia

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 6:00 pm
by bea
crap - I did fangirl badness - I ment spider - but your explanation of Littlefinger is also very aplicable there as well.

Re: ASOIAF: War of the Five Kings Mafia

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2014 7:11 pm
by insertnamehere

Re: ASOIAF: War of the Five Kings Mafia

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2014 12:23 am
by DharmaHelper
I came.

Re: ASOIAF: War of the Five Kings Mafia

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2014 12:31 am
by insertnamehere
DharmaHelper wrote:I came.
I saw.

Re: ASOIAF: War of the Five Kings Mafia

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2014 1:29 am
by DharmaHelper
insertnamehere wrote:
DharmaHelper wrote:I came.
I saw.
I conquered the Seven Kingdoms. :sigh:

Re: ASOIAF: War of the Five Kings Mafia

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 2:23 pm
by DharmaHelper
When a king kills another king, is their choice to execute or pardon that king's houses wholesale or case-by-case?

Re: ASOIAF: War of the Five Kings Mafia

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 2:27 pm
by insertnamehere
DharmaHelper wrote:When a king kills another king, is their choice to execute or pardon that king's houses wholesale or case-by-case?
The houses choose which kingdom they would like to join. But they lose all of their troops in the city where the king is captured.