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AtLA mafia (full game submission)

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2020 12:59 pm
This game will be role madness, can take as many people as sign up. Will utilize a quasi-rock paper scissors system for abilities—characters that are Benders will have stronger abilities, but will not be able to target players of the opposite element (i.e., a Fire Bender’s ability won’t work on a Water Bender and vise versa, same for earth and air). There will be Non-Benders whose abilities work regardless of element, but their abilities generally won’t be as strong. Flavor will influence roles, but will be untied to alignment (Aang can be Mafia, azula can be town, etc.).

I’m aware this is the same theme as another game of mine, but I think a full role madness game unconstricted by a post cap will do the theme much better justice and will be a pretty fun game.

I’d like to run this some time in October or early November if at all possible, can wait longer if there are people ahead of me in the queue.