U.S.S. Tempest - Crew Logs

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U.S.S. Tempest - Crew Logs


Post by Spacedaisy »

This is where we will post our Mission logs and Personal logs. Below you will find a hyperlink index for ease in locating information on each log pertaining to particular missions or stardates.

Training Cruise Pt 1- Stardate: 47393.90 - Commodore Jenkins
Training Cruise Pt 2 - Stardate: 47395.22 - Commodore Jenkins
Training Mission: Distress Signal - Stardate: 47820.72 - Commander Oliver Savage
Training Mission: Planet Fall Pt 1 - Stardate: 47821.10 - Commander Oliver Savage
Training Mission: Planet Fall Pt 2 - Stardate: 47821.24 - Commander Oliver Savage
Training Mission: Planet Fall Pt 3 - Stardate: 47823.01 - Commander Oliver Savage
Training Mission: Planet Fall Pt 4 - Stardate: 47823.77 - Chief Medical Officer Elianna Kestran
Federation News Network Broadcast #1
Training MIssion: Planet Fall Pt 5 - Stardate: 47823.66-47877.67 - Cmdr T'Mora (USS Bradbury), Dr. Montgomery (SF:Medical), Captain Savage

"Recovery" Part 1 - Stardate: 47880.93 - Mission Recap/No Log
"Recovery" Part 2 - Stardate: 47881.13 - Captain Oliver Savage
"Recovery" Part 3 - Stardate: 47917.20 - Captain Oliver Savage
"Recovery" Part 4 - Stardate: 47918.72 - Captain Oliver Savage

"Shakedown" Part 1 - Stardate: 47922.08 - Captain Oliver Savage
"Shakedown" Part 2 - Stardate: 47922.06 - Captain Oliver Savage
"Shakedown" Part 3 - Stardate: 47923.85 - Captain Oliver Savage
Federation News Network Broadcast #2 - Stardate: 47924.99
"Shakedown" Part 4 - Stardate: 47925.39 - Captain Oliver Savage
"Shakedown" Part 5 - Stardate: 47938.62 - Captain Oliver Savage

"Through the looking glass" - Part 1 - Stardate: 48162.96 - Captain Oliver Savage
"Off Duty - Holodeck Antics" - Stardate: 48161.04 - Captain Oliver Savage
"Through the Looking Glass" - Part 2 - Stardate: 48163.06 - Captain Oliver Savage
"Through the Looking Glass" - Part 2 - Stardate: 48163.06 - Commander Sully Derringer
"Through the Looking Glass" - Part 3 - Stardate: 70921.01 - Captain Oliver Savage
"Through the Looking Glass" - Part 4 - Stardate: 70924.97 - Captain Oliver Savage
"Through the looking glass" - Part 5 - Stardate: 70927.15 - Captain Oliver Savage, Cadet Cameron Corcoran

"The Quake" - Part 1 - Stardate: 70927.67 - Captain Oliver Savage, Cadet Cameron Corcoran
"The Quake" - Part 2 - Stardate: 70927.90 - Captain Oliver Savage, Cadet Cameron Corcoran, Ensign Eldrida Trost
"The Quake" - Part 3 - Stardate: 70928.09 - Captain Oliver Savage, Lt. Cmdr Elianna Kestran, Cadet Cameron Corcoran, Lt. Jg. Johnny Cleveland, Ensign Eldrida Trost
"The Quake" - Part 4 - Stardate: 70928.21 - Captain Oliver Savage, Lt. Cmdr Elianna Kestran, Cadet Cameron Corcoran
"The Quake" - Part 5 - Stardate: 70930.87 - Captain Oliver Savage
"The Quake" - Part 6 - Stardate: 70848.84 - Captain Oliver Savage

"Temporal Headache" - Part 1 - Stardate: 70931.17 - Captain Oliver Savage
"Temporal Headache" - Part 1 - Stardate: 70931.23 - Councilor Trost
"Temporal Headache" - Part 1 - Stardate: 70931.19 - Lieutenant Junior Grade Cameron Corcoran
"Temporal Headache" - Part 2 - Stardate: 70931.40 - Councilor Trost
"Temporal Headache" - Part 2 - Stardate: 70931.32 & 70932.08 - Captain Oliver Savage
"Temporal Headache" -
Part 2 - Stardate: 70932.10 - Lieutenant Junior Grade Cameron Corcoran

"Temporal Headache" - Part 3 - Stardate: 73932.43 - Captain Oliver Savage
"Temporal Headache" - Part 3 - Stardate: 73932.43 - Lieutenant Commander Eliana Kestran
"Temporal Headache" - Part 3 - Stardate: 73932.43 - Commander Sully Derringer
"Temporal Headache" - Part 4 - Stardate: 73932.60 - Captain Oliver Savage
"Temporal Headache" - Part 5 - Stardate: 73932.83 - Captain Oliver Savage
"Temporal Headache" - Part 6 - Stardate: 73975.16 - Captain Oliver Savage

"Prisoner Transfer" - Part 1 - Stardate: 73976.76 - Captain Oliver Savage
Joint post by Oliver Savage (SokothQultuq) & Elianna Kestran (SpaceDaisy)
Personal Log by Elianna Kestran (SpaceDaisy)
Personal Log by Elianna Kestran (Space Daisy)
"Prisoner Transfer" Part 2 - Stardate: 73973.92 - Captain Oliver Savage
"Prisoner Transfer" - Part 3 - Stardate: 73976.72 - Captain Oliver Savage
Captain Oliver Savage - Personal Log - Stardate: 73975.34

"Mental Layover" - Part 1 - Stardate: 73977.04 - Captain Oliver Savage

"Odyssey" - Part 1 - Stardate: 73977.65 - Captain Oliver Savage
Captain Oliver Savage - Subspace Communique - Stardate: 73980.65
Captain Oliver Savage - Personal Log - Stardate: 73983.10
"Odyssey" - Part 2 - Stardate: 73984.37 - Captain Oliver Savage
"Odyssey" - Part 3 & 4 - Stardate: 73991.29 - Captain Oliver Savage
"Odyssey" - Part 5 - Stardate: 74021.55 - Captain Oliver Savage

"The Coming Storm" - Prelude - Stardate: 74037.65 - Captain Oliver Savage
Captain Oliver Savage - Communique - Stardate: 74051.37
Captain Oliver Savage - Personel Log 1 - Stardate: 74066.71
Captain Oliver Savage - Personal Log 2 - Stardate: 74066.71
Captain Oliver Savage - Personal Log 3 - Stardate: 74072.71
Captain Oliver Savage - Personal Log 4 - Stardate: 74105.13
Captain Oliver Savage - Personal Log 5 - Stardate: 74119.06
Captain Oliver Savage - Personal Log 6 - Stardate: 74145.05
"Coming Storm" - Part 1 - Stardate: 74170.54 - Captain Oliver Savage
Personal Log by Elianna Kestran
"The Coming Storm" - Part 2 - Stardate: 74170.85 - Captain Oliver Savage
"The Coming Storm" - Part 3 - Stardate: 74171.04 - Captain Oliver Savage
"The Coming Storm" - Part 4 - Stardate: 74171.17 - Captain Oliver Savage
"The Coming Storm" - Part 5 - Stardate: 74171.31 - Captain Oliver Savage

50th Mission Milestone! Congrats!

"The Coming Storm" - Part 6 - Stardate: 74171.44 - Captain Oliver Savage
"The Coming Storm" - Part 7 - Stardate: 74171.47 - Captain Oliver Savage

This Mission Marks 52 Missions - That is entire Year's worth of Weeks of Sims. Congrats on making it this far, usually most of these RPs die out before or right around this mark, and I feel like were still going strong so Thank you guys! I really do appreciate you making this continue to work even with our small fluctuating crew!

"The Coming Storm" - Part 8 - Stardate: 74171.53 - Captain Oliver Savage
"The Coming Storm" - Part 9 - Stardate: 74605.20 - Captain Oliver Savage
"The Coming Storm" - Part 9.5 - Stardate: 74670.91 - Personal Log of Oliver Savage
"The Coming Storm" - Part 10 - Stardate: 74883.69 - Captain Oliver Savage
"The Coming Storm" - Part 11 - Stardate: 74631.93 - Captain Oliver Savage
"The Coming Storm" - Part 12 - Stardate: 74634.36 - Captain Oliver Savage
"The Coming Storm" - Part 13 - Stardate: 74633.99 - Captain Oliver Savage

"Flight Data Recorder Transcript" - This is the actual Chat Log Transcript if you want to read exactly what happened instead of the Mission Log Synopsis. This will give you more detail and also a good way to learn how things work essentially.
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Re: Syndicate Sim


Post by SokothQultuq »

Mission 1 – Training Cruise 1
Sim Date: 5/28/2016
IC Date: May 24, 2370 TIME: 18:36:00
Stardate: 47393.90
Attendance: 6

Sim Master - SokothQultuq
Commanding Officer - SpaceDaisy42
Helmsman - MovingPictures07
Chief Engineer - JaggedJimmyJay
Tactical Officer - InsertNameHere33
Dharmahelper – Chief of Security

OOC Notes:
Granted it was only 6 people it was still a great start to this, everyone picked up on these things very well. Looks like we will end up with a continuation unexpectedly but all the same its turning out great. There was a great ad-lib in there that introduce a random Romulan element to the story line which was good. I hope to see more people as we go, and if this is well liked enough I think we might have a good solid base for something a bit more permanent. Your welcome to start thinking about actual characters and if you would like help let me know. Though I have to caution before we know what era this is going to take place in I wouldn't dive too deep into the character creation yet, just maybe get an idea going in your head on what you want to do. I look forward to seeing you guys again next week!

================ =/\= ========================= =/\= ==================
Mission Briefing: Your mission tonight will be an exploration of the Orion Nebula, It’s been a while since anyone’s visited this nebula which is one of the closest to earth. You’re at Starbase 001 in orbit of Earth, docked.

================ =/\= ========================= =/\= ==================
Location: Starfleet Academy, San Francisco, Earth
Duty Log Entry: Commodore Jenkin, Andrew Brian

The screen comes alive and focuses on Commodore Jenkins standing at a set of floor to ceiling windows looking out at the Starfleet Academy campus below watching the cadet’s move below. “Commandants log, Stardate 201605.28,” His brow wrinkled as turned back to his desk. “The USS Texas still has not returned from the Orion Nebular, the sensor feed from the ship showed something unexpected as they approached the Orion Nebula, a debris trail. The ship’s Acting Captain made the decision to enter the nebula and follow the debris trail. Luckily the sensor buoys set in place to observe them as they explored the nebula are still transmitting back so we were able to see what the Texas found.” He shifted in his chair uneasy. “A massive ship. I’ve never seen anything like it. The Captain was right to follow her intuition. As the Texas approached the vessel we lost our sensor feed from the Texas after they passed into the vessels gravity field. So now we wait to see what the outcome will be. At the moment we have the USS Bradbury standing by in case of trouble but we’ll let the Cadets go for gold, it’s not every day you get this sort of opportunity.” He said shifting in his chair a good bit uneasy and shut down the recording device. The Starfleet emblem appears and the screen fade’s to black.
================ =/\= ========================= =/\= ==================

Flight Data Recorder - USS Texas
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Re: Syndicate Sim


Post by SokothQultuq »

Mission 2 – Training Cruise Continued
Sim Date: 6/4/2016
IC Date: May 25, 2370 TIME: 06:11:19
Stardate: 47395.22

Attendance: 6
SpaceDaisy – Commanding Officer
DharmaHelper – Chief of Security
InsertNameHere33 – Tactical Officer
FourOfShades – Chief Science Officer
MovingPictures – Helmsman
SokothQultuq – Sim Master

================= =/\= ============================ =/\= =================

Mission Briefing: The USS Texas (A Miranda class vessel) Entered the Orion Nebula after spotting a debris trail leading into the nebula. They have docked with a massive egg like ship that is very old, has sustained damaged to its starboard engine as far as you can see from the exterior. Communication was established only after docking was made with the vessel, though alarming it seemed harmless. A "HELP" message was transmitted to the crew prompting an away team to board the vessel. The Captain and Chief Engineer headed aft towards the engine room while the Security and Tactical Officer headed forward where they found 2 dead Romulan Corpses. The Chief Engineer began detecting an overload from the vessels battery system which has been caused by damage to the engines.

================= =/\= ============================ =/\= =================

Location: Starbase 001, Docking Level, USS Texas
Duty Log Entry: Commodore Jenkins, Andrew Brian

The commodore sat just outside the airlock gantry staring out at the USS Texas, he had a bit of a grin gracing his lips as he watched the ship finish powering down after a successful docking. The ships Acting Captain strolled off the ship and over to where he was sitting flopping down into the chair. “Captain,” he said with a nod. “You look well.” He said ribbing the woman who had just had to undergo radiation treatments.

“Aye,” she said, holding her stomach as she leaned back into the cushy chair. “An experience I don’t wish to repeat anytime soon.” She shifted uneasy in the chair. “I take it this isn’t a simple social call since you’ve denied everyone aboard shore leave?” she asked with mild curiosity in her voice.

“Indeed, your very astute.” He held out a Padd. “You’ve been authorized a training cruise. You’ll take the current crew with a few additions out on a six month training cruise. I’m fairly certain you can handle it.” He nodded to the Texas. “How’d she fair?”

With an eyebrow raised she slowly looked from the Padd to the Commodore. “It’s been a while since we’ve done a training cruise this long, the last one was what. The Enterprise?”

He nodded sagely. “A disaster to be sure. Starfleet feels like this would be a good time to try a simple cruise, not too far from Earth and out of the way of all the trouble area’s Starfleet is managing right now.” He reached down beside him and took up a mug. “This could be a good thing for Starfleet.” The man took a long pull from the mug. “Think you can handle a bunch of cadets for six months on some routine cruise?”

She nodded. “They did very well with the Alien vessel we encountered, a little rowdy but they did well.” She stood slowly. “I guess we had better get under way then…” she said nodding to the Commodore.

“Bring my ship back in one piece will ya?” he said, a smile gracing his lips.

“No promises…. They are cadets!” she disappeared through the airlock.

Slowly he stood himself and turned back to the recording device. “For the record,” a frown slowly returned. “I think this is a bad idea…” he looked down at his cup then back out at the ship as it began powering back up. “God speed!” he turned and started to walk away. “End log!” he said and the recording stopped replaced by the Starfleet Logo.

================== =/\= ============================ =/\= ======================

Flight Data Recorder - USS Texas
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Re: Syndicate Sim


Post by SokothQultuq »

Mission 3 – Training Mission: Distress Signal
Sim Date: June 11, 2016
IC Date: October 27th, 2370
Stardate: 47820.85

Attendance: 6
Commanding Officer – JaggedJimmyJay
Sim Master – SokothQultuq
Helmsman – SpaceDaisy
Tactical Officer – Dharma
Chief of Security – InsertNameHere
Chief Engineer – MovingPictures

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Pre Sim Information:
It has been 5 months since you’ve started your Training Cruise, you’ve had some fun times and some not so fun times but it has been relatively busy the entire time. You visited the following locations Tellar, Terra Nova, Mizar, and the Plexion Nebula. The USS Texas is currently in orbit of the Trill home world as a resupply layover before starting back towards the SOL system to return to Earth and your final days at Starfleet Academy.

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Mission: The Texas crew has bed down for the night, it is about 23:00 Hours aboard ship. Most of the cargo has been loaded and the crew was brought back from leave planet side earlier that day. In the morning they will be starting to make their way back to the Sol System and Earth. Duty Starts at 0600.

================= =/\= ============================ =/\= =================
Location: Lyshan III
COM UNIT 3252B21-116 - Emergency Log Recorder

The Audio recording comes active, there is a ting of static but the voice comes through clearly. “Commander Savage’s Log,” there is a long pause. “I have no idea what the current Stardate is. The USS Lake Stevens, Texas, and USS Syndicate (Place holder name…) engaged a hostile alien vessel which was in pursuit of the Lake Stevens. All three of our vessels were either destroyed or damaged to the point where we were force to abandon ship. I managed to dump our core and antimatter pods on the thing before sending my ship off away from the alien vessel, hopefully she’s still up there. I’ve not had a chance to regroup with my people or anyone else for that matter I’m still working on treating wounded including myself. They are here!” he paused a moment. It sounds as if he’s drinking from a canteen. “I saw their drop ships for lack of a better term, they didn’t appear powered came straight down like a meteor. I’ve got to find my crew and meet up with the rest of the other Starfl…” the sound of something snapping twigs can be heard. “End log!”

Audio Recording: Com Unit 3252B21-116 - Download
Flight Data Recorder - USS Texas

Flight Data Recorder - USS Tempest
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Re: Syndicate Sim


Post by SokothQultuq »

Mission 4 – Planet Fall - Part 1
Sim Date: June 18, 2016
IC Date: October 27, 2370 Time: 16:50:18
Stardate: 47821.10

Attendance: 4
This was a Free Form sim mostly in which we used character names so they will be referenced here instead of posts.
<Oliver> ^& SM = SokothQultuq
<Johnny> - InsertNameHere
<Elianna> - SpaceDaisy
Spectator - MovingPictures

================= =/\= ============================ =/\= =================
Mission Update: The crews of the USS Texas, Lake Stevens, and USS Syndicate have all gone to ground on planet. There are survivors spread out all over the planet. Some that you may or may not have met up with have spotted odd craft much like meteors come down the planet. You've got your escape pod an all its equipment. Which is roughly I believe 58 days of Food and Water.

================= =/\= ============================ =/\= =================
Location: Lyshan III, Tropical Rain Forest
COM UNIT 3252B21-116 - Emergency Log Recorder

There is a slight burst of static as the recording device comes online the audio sounds a bit as if its underwater for a moment then becomes clear. “Commander Savage’s log Supplemental. We’ve managed to account for about 83 survivors so far as people continue to come out of the woods into the camp. Sixty one from the Lake Stevens, thirteen from the Syndicate and only nine from the Texas so far.” He pauses as there is some commotion nearby. “More arrivals!” he says.

“One of the Cadets took a small party out along with some Lieutenant from the Stevens, his name was…” he pauses as if trying to remember the name. “Johnny Clever, or Cleveland I think. Bit of a cowboy I think. They ran into something which he could only describe as cat like but fish like.” Another long pause. “They of course shot at it. All I could get from his companions was they shot at it, it shrugged it off seemingly and jumped into the trees out of sight. The way Johnny tells it is the most heroic story you’ve ever heard. So it remains to be seen what comes next. We are setting up a good perimeter and sending patrols out during the day to scout for food and water and any other building materials.”

“I spoke to one of the engineers who says he does not believe our distress beacon is getting out of the atmosphere because were getting bleed over from it on our comm’s which has pretty much made communicators useless. This has me worried. It’s starting to get dark out and I’m told this isn’t exactly the best time to be out here on this planet. It’s already starting to rain. I’m not looking forward to whatever is around the corner. End Log!”

Flight Data Recorder

Audio File: COM UNIT 3252B21-116 - Emergency Log Recorder
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Re: Syndicate Sim


Post by SokothQultuq »

Mission 5 – Planet Fall Pt. 2
Sim Date: June 25, 2016
IC Date: October 27, 2370 TIME: 18:03:44
Stardate: 47821.24

Attendance: 4
SokothQultuq – SM/Oliver Savage
InsertNameHere33: Johnny Cleveland
SpaceDaisy42: Elianna
MovingPictures07: Homer
DeezNutzRRipe: Spectator
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Pre Sim Information:

================= =/\= ============================ =/\= =================
It has been about 3 hours since the incident with the odd looking kitty. It’s starting to get very dark, and the rain is picking up as is the wind. There is a purple hue to the sky/clouds. Any attempts to use communicators has been met with signal issues due to the distress transmissions from the various escape pods. So they are essentially useless.
Most of the wounded have been stabilized but medical supplies are running somewhat low. Food stores from the escape pods here as well as what was brought by foot should hold out for about
30 days total. A roof has been erected, it’s not perfect but it’s helping keep the rain at bay.

For this sim you will be essentially posting as your characters just as we did last time. I will throw in some actions to move things along but otherwise its free form sim.

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Location: Lyshan III
COM UNIT 3252B21-116 - Emergency Log Recorder

The recorder begins and the slight trill of a sound occasionally can be heard as it continues to play. “Commander Savage’s log…” the sound of thunder can be heard outside. We’ve taken refuge in the escape pods for the night as a tremendous storm has rolled in but not before our resident…” he pauses for a moment. “I want to say trouble maker but it’s not too fitting. More like Trouble Magnet maybe. Johnny Freaking Cleveland…” he shifts in the confined space. “He apparently spotted something in the trees and began firing like a mad man which brought well… the entire forest came down on us. Couldn’t see what they were but they were not happy about being shot at by us. Part of me enjoyed stunning him when he wouldn’t stop but then I realized I had to drag him back to the escape pods and keep them off him. I’m glad that others came to help at that moment. Let’s hope he doesn’t hold a grudge when he realizes what happened entirely. We will have to see how the morning looks when we get there. This is one hell of a storm. End log!”

Flight Data Recorder

AUDIO FILE: COMM UNIT 3252B21-116-Emergency Log Recorder
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Re: Syndicate Sim


Post by SokothQultuq »

Mission 6 – Planet Fall Part 3
Sim Date: July 2, 2016
IC Date: October 28, 2370 Time: 09:34:03
Stardate: 47823.01

Attendance: 5
Sim Master (SM) & Oliver Savage = SokothQultuq
Johnny Cleveland – InsertNameHere
Sully – DharmaHelper
Captain CoolBreeze – DezNutz
Elianna – SpaceDaisy
================= =/\= ============================ =/\= =================
Pre Sim Information:
As Johnny Cleveland and Sully awaken they find themselves in a damp cave like structure, the smell of saltwater fills the air. They both find themselves bound to flat rock slabs, tight binding material much the consistency of sea weed wrapped around them and the rock. Their bodies feel as if they cannot move anyhow, it’s as if they were given a paralytic. A creature, large an imposing is nearby moving their hands around in a tank full of aqua blue fluid, it almost glows.
The creature which you wager is about nine and half foot-tall hovers over Johnny, its features remind you of a cross between a cow and a fish. It has scales like a fish, gills, but it has the features of a cow. It runs a device across Johnny’s body then moves back over to the tank pulling what looks very much like a star fish from the tank then moves back over pulling Johnny’s mouth open and dropping the thing on it. As much as he wants to move, yell, scream at the thing he can’t as his body is immobile.
There is a brief moment of panic as he feels something force its way down his throat, a sharp pain but only briefly. The cow like creature lifts Johnny gently from the stone and he’s suddenly dropped into a deep tank of water where he is met by another of those cat like creatures he met before and took several shots at. This one grabs him and drags him along towards the bottom of the tank until he’s pushed against an upright slab in front of three aging cats, all with grey scales, long whiskers. Shortly after Sully joins him in front of them.
Johnny & Sully both notice that they are breathing fine under water. There are several sounds that can be heard in the water, slowly those sounds become words and are intelligible. It’s almost like a universal translator has suddenly been turned on.
“What species are you?”

================= =/\= ============================ =/\= =================
Mission: Johnny and Sully have been captured by the alien species, they are in a tank filled with water, there are lights which give the chamber an electric blue ambiance. They are able to breath thanks to the starfish like things that were placed over their nose and mouth. They also appear to act as a translator as they are able to understand the voices around them which previously just sounded like whale or dolphin like sounds or growls.
Oliver, Coolbreeze, and Elianna have just come to the edge of what they are certain is the camp. There is a large unnatural rock or coral like protrusion from the ground and what appears to be the makings of a small village around it. There is food cooking, and aliens roaming about, but the only signs of Starfleet are some remnants of uniforms and equipment that’s been gathered into a pile. The entrance to the large coral/rock like protrusion is guarded. There are no sentries around the camp but its clear that there are armed individuals in the camp. Some of the aliens milling about look like giant cats but with scales not fur, some look more like cows but with scales, they all have these blue glowing contraptions around their necks that look as though they are filled with a liquid substance. They seem to be going about their daily routines, oblivious to the presence of the team.

================= =/\= ============================ =/\= =================
Location: Lyshan III
COM UNIT 3252B21-116 - Emergency Log Recorder
The sound of movement through brush and mud can be heard over the recording, its unmistakable. “Commander Savage Log supplemental. Early this morning another camp was attacked, we heard it in the distance and decided to set out with a team to investigate. We arrived a couple of hours after and based on what we found I can assume Johnny and Sully were here as well as we found some of their gear laying near the edge of the encampment. There was at least a dozen or more dead at the camp, we took the time to collect their communicator badges for identification purposes and buried the bodies we could find which ate some of our time but we couldn’t just leave them like that for the wildlife to pick at. Were currently following the tracks left behind by whatever took the survivors of the attack and what I can only assume is also what took Johnny and Sully. Knowing Johnny, they must have been taken by surprise as we heard no other weapons fire. As much as he is a pain in the ass I do hope he’s alright!”
“He’s only a cadet Oliver!” Elianna’s voice called over the recording. “He’ll grow out of it eventually, may just be the stress of what happened, we all deal with it differently!”
“I know, and I agree with you. Hopefully he grows out of that before he goes into deep space or he could cause something very bad to happen.”
“He will, give him time!”
“Wishful thinking I think! Hopefully this will lead us to the camp of whatever took them. Either we’ll shoot our way in and out or I will need to come up with some kind of diplomatic solution to this. We just need to make contact! End Log!” the transmission ends with a pop.

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Flight Data Recorder
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Re: Syndicate Sim


Post by SokothQultuq »

Mission 7 – Planet Fall Part 4
Sim Date: 7/9/2016
In Game Date: October 28, 2371 - 16:15:28
Stardate: 47823.77
Attendance: 5

SokothQultuq as Oliver Savage & SM
Space Daisy as Elianna
DeezNutz as Captain CoolBreeze
InsertNameHere as Johnny Cleveland & Sully
MovingPictures as Homer

================= =/\= ============================ =/\= =================
Pre Sim Information:
329 survivors from the Lake Stevens, Texas, and Tempest have been recovered from the Camp of the “Kitties” 4 of the “Cats” helped direct and guide the large group back to camp without incident. Two reverently carried Oliver back after the doctor stabilized him but he’s currently in a medically induced coma as his injuries were sever.

Most of the prisoners aside from burns and other injuries sustained during the crash are in fairly good shape. Even the ones who were injured during the fighting and taken from our camp were healed and treated well.

The band of people is nearly at camp when we pick up in the next sim on 7/16/2016.

================= =/\= ============================ =/\= =================

Johnny and Sully have been captured by the alien species, they are in a tank filled with water, there are lights which give the chamber an electric blue ambiance. They are able to breath thanks to the starfish like things that were placed over their nose and mouth. They also appear to act as a translator as they are able to understand the voices around them which previously just sounded like whale or dolphin like sounds or growls.

Oliver, Coolbreeze, and Elianna have just come to the edge of what they are certain is the camp. There is a large unnatural rock or coral like protrusion from the ground and what appears to be the makings of a small village around it. There is food cooking, and aliens roaming about, but the only signs of Starfleet are some remnants of uniforms and equipment that’s been gathered into a pile. The entrance to the large coral/rock like protrusion is guarded. There are no sentries around the camp but its clear that there are armed individuals in the camp. Some of the aliens milling about look like giant cats but with scales not fur, some look more like cows but with scales, they all have these blue glowing contraptions around their necks that look as though they are filled with a liquid substance. They seem to be going about their daily routines, oblivious to the presence of the team.

================= =/\= ============================ =/\= =================
Location: Lyshan III
COM UNIT 3252B21-278 - Emergency Log Recorder
CMO Elianna Kestran

"It's been an eventful few hours here. Johnny's Kitties, as we've been taken to calling them, held some of our people captive. It would seem the Lake Stevens somehow personally offended their gods during their last mission and they were seeking to punish someone for it. Unfortunately, the result is that Commander Savage is now laying over in the triage area in a medically induced coma. I have no idea what they did to him because I can't properly diagnose it without something better than a basic medical tricorder!"

Elianna can be heard sighing in frustration, "I don't have the equipment available to treat him here. These damn cats tell us to leave, but we can't get our emergency transmission out so Starfleet can rescue us! I don't know how long they will let us wait before they decide we are trespassing. We need to get the signal through soon, or Oliver is going to die and we may not be far behind."

A woman's voice can be heard calling from afar, "Dr. Kestran, We need your help over here!"

"End recording."

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Flight Data Recorder
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Re: U.S.S. Tempest - Crew Logs


Post by SokothQultuq »


The normal Jingle for the Federation News Network begins to play as regular programming is interrupted...

"We interrupt your regular scheduled programming to bring you live news coverage from Starfleet Headquarters in San Francisco, we take you live to news Correspondent Richard Head on location..."

The image cuts away from the news room to the view of Starfleet Headquarters in San Francisco and an old man who appears to have prescription strength hair gel and a sour expression. “Were here live from Starfleet Headquarters where I’ve just been informed by sources inside that a great tragedy has occurred in the last few days. The USS Texas with a crew of 201 cadets and officers has disappeared along with two other vessels."

The camera pans around behind him as a group of starfleet brass come out of one door in a heated conversation while walking towards another door. "Lets get some Answers!" the reporter says as he starts walking towards the group. "Hello, Richard head, FFN. Can you take a moment to answer a few questions?"

"No!" one of them snaps holding a hand up in front of the camera.

"The Federation has a right to know what is happening!" Richard says a bit over dramatically.

"Fine! Fine!" one of them stops and shoes the others along their original path. "Here is what we know. A distress call was recieved from the USS Lake Stevens. The USS Tempest, and Texas were the closest ships and they responded and we lost contact with all three vessels. This is all we have at this time!"

"Is it the Borg?" Richard asks.

"No, its not the Borg. No further questions!" she says turning and walking away.

Richard stands there for a long moment scowling at the woman. "Well there you have it." he slowly turns back to the camera. "Three vessels lost, no clue what Starfleets next plan of action is or was. No news of survivors." he looks back at the disappearing Admiral and then turns back. "We will get back to you as more develops. Richard Head, at Starfleet Headquarters in San Fransico."

The image drops back to an official FFN splash screen and then returns to "regular scheduled programming".

((OOC: Something we used to do to relay clues to up coming future missions and other things. Figure why not bring back the FFN and everyones favorite news anchor. Richard Head. 8-) ))
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Re: U.S.S. Tempest - Crew Logs


Post by SokothQultuq »

Mission 8 – “Planet Fall” Part 5
Sim Date: 7/23/2016
In Game Date: October 28th, 2370 Time: 15:17:02
Stardate: 47823.66
SokothQultuq as Commander Oliver Savage & SM
SpaceDaisy as Lieutenant Commander Elianna Kestran
InsertNameHere as Cadet Johnny Cleveland
DeezNutz as Captain Coolbreeze & Kosh
MovingPictures as Ensign Ezron Sahl & Cadet Homer

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Pre Sim Information:
Rescue ships responding: USS Bradbury, USS Lexington, USS Merrimac, NAR-17675 Ichiban, NAR-16751 Tycon.
Total Survivors Rescued at your camp: 422
USS Texas – 105
USS Tempest – 191
USS Lake Stevens – 126
Total Rescued from Lyshan III:
USS Tempest: 912 Crew, 392 Civilians (1004 Crew, 412 Civilians) (112 Lost)
USS Lake Stevens: 795 Crew, 280 Civilians (1022 Crew, 312 Civilians) (259 lost)
USS Texas: 198 Crew, (201 Crew) (3 Lost)
Total Lost: 371
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Mission Briefing:
You are currently being escorted back to your camp by a couple of the Alien cat people. Return to Camp, figure out how you’re going to house all these people, take care of any wounded and above all else, survive.

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OOC: The following are logs that will help bridge the gap of time spent from where we left off up until the point where we pick up. Hopefully it helps.

Essentially about a months’ time will have passed by the time we pick up with the next Sim. You’ll have had some time with Starfleet Medical, perhaps even a little with Starfleet Security and Intelligence regarding your contact with the Lazan. Shore Leave will have also been given. So figure 1 week to debrief to a certain extent and 2 weeks’ shore leave.

I would encourage you to add your own personal flare and do some “Duty” or “Personal” logs. This is entirely up to you.

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Location: USS Bradbury NX-72307 – Sickbay
Stardate: 47825.19 - October 29, 2370 @ 04:41:00
Commander T’Mora

The video comes alive showing a Vulcan woman sitting behind a window view of Sickbay. The room itself was the symbol of calm while beyond the window it was clearly not. The area was teeming with injured folks. Some standing, leaning, or laying on beds. The Vulcan woman’s uniform was the site of a few horror movies, all manner of blood and fluid stains yet she remained stoic. “Chief Medical Officers Log, Stardate: 47825.19, the crews of the USS Tempest, Texas, and Lake Steven’s were recovered from the Planet Lyshan III. Most of the crews were found with the majority having survived. At present count across the rescue vessels I’m told there are 2,577 individuals of the 2,948 that departed on their respective missions. I was also informed that the Tempest was recovered albeit badly damaged.” The Vulcan woman took a sip from a plain tea cup before continuing. “Several of the crew, at last count one hundred and eight were listed in Critical Condition, another one hundred thirty-seven in serious condition, and a myriad of injures. Not all of which we have the capacity to treat. We are heading to Starbase 001 to drop the crew off to be taken care of and evaluated."

“Doctor, we need you right away.”

“I will be there in just a moment Ensign.” She nodded to the young officer who had just barged into her office. “Several of the crew were treated by these Lazan, they clearly did not understand the biological make up they were dealing with as many have serious infections as a result. We are having difficulties combating this with infection with standard practices. We’ve sent samples over to the Bio-Medical Labs for analysis but they have yet to find a solution.” She slowly stands taking another drink from her tea. “End Log” she disappears off screen as it goes blank.

================= =/\= ============================ =/\= =================

Location: Earth Orbit, Starbase 001, Starfleet Medical
Stardate: 47828.35 October 30, 2370 @ 08:24:00
Doctor Elizabeth Maria Montgomery

The camera panned to follow the amber haired doctor as she moved through a large medical facility full of Bio-beds. It was one of Starfleets Mass Trauma centers. They were still bringing people in and putting them into beds as they were being transferred over from the rescue ships. “Medical Officer’s Log, October 30th 2370 at 08:24 hours, the survivors of the incident in the Lyshan system have been slowly pouring in ever since the ships started to get into transporter range, the most critical patience first of course.” She stops and pulls the chart at the end of the bed and walks over running a scan. “Most of the Critical patience are suffering from a very aggressive strain of infection and a few have some significant injuries. We are working as quickly as we can to find a solution as the Bradbury’s crew was unable to find any significant solution.” She continued walking down the line, turning to walk into another room. Taking a moment to pick up a hypospray, she moves through a shimmering light of a sterile field. “Hello their Commander.” She begins to scan him.

She ran a scan of him using the hand held device just to confirm the same thing she was seeing on the bio bed display, pressing the hypospray to his neck and injecting the prescribed medications. “Not time to wake, keep fighting the good fight we’ll get you better soon!” she said quietly then went to the next bed repeating the same scenario. “We have eight individuals who’ve had to be put into medically induced coma to keep the infection and its side effects from doing harm to them. Hopefully soon we’ll have the ability to get them on the mend and back with us. Until then we just have to keep them as comfortable as possible. I’d say they are the lucky ones, most have not gotten that far and are absolutely miserable.” She dimmed the lights back down. “End Log”

================= =/\= ============================ =/\= =================

Location: Earth, Starbase 001, Starfleet Medical
IC Date: November 8, 2370 Time: 09:32:18
Stardate: 47853.14

Oliver sat upright in his Medical Suite at Starfleet medical staring out the window into the giant space dock watching as ships and small supply vessels moved about doing their normal every day routines. He was thankful to be finally eating solid foods. It has been a week long healing process leading up to finally eating, his next task wasn’t as fun but just as well he was almost out of this place. His right shoulder would still take a bit more healing and certainly Physical therapy before he was functioning at one hundred percent again.

“Oliver,” a silver haired man in a Starfleet Admiral’s uniform called out from the door as he entered the room. “How are you?” he asked approaching the bed.

Oliver shifted his position. “On the mend Admiral, how’s my crew?”
“The same,” he offered a smile. “It’s going to be a process. It’s not every day you get your butt handed to you and go through what you all did on Lyshan III. Starfleet most certainly wants to set up a debriefing with you to find out how you got everyone free and anything you can remember. We picked up some forensic materials that will help us learn a good bit more about these people or at least Intelligence hopes that is what happens.”

Oliver nodded. “As soon as they let me out of here.”

“Oliver, about the Tempest.”

“How bad was she?” Oliver asked, his voice taking on a mournful tone.

“She’s back at Utopia Planitia, you were due for an up fit so this just sped things up a good bit. She took a beating but held together. We’re replacing a lot but the yard master is pretty confident she’ll be good as new in a month or so.” The admiral said.

Oliver nodded. “That’s pretty quick even by yard standards!”

“Indeed.” The admiral moved around the bed and dropped into the chair. “But since most of the parts were already there and assigned to your ship anyhow so that’s helping considerably."

“When’s Captain Philips funeral?” Oliver asked shifting uneasy.

“All the families are getting together to do one mass funeral for all those lost since we were not able to recover all the bodies. Felt it would be best this way.” The admiral shrugged. “You know he thought very highly of you.”

Oliver looked up at the man. “Really?”

“Yeah,” the older man was staring out into the Starbase. “Said you were young, a little hot headed at first glance but when it came down to it you would lay it all on the line for your Captain and crew.”

“I thought he hated me.”

The old man chuckled. “All Executive Officers feel that way I think.” He shifted and reached into one of his pants pockets and pulled out a box. “It made this decision easy for us.” He tossed it onto the bed.

Oliver looked down at the box and slowly retrieved it. Opening the lid, he found a set of Captains Pips neatly set into the box. He glanced up at the Admiral.
“Once you’ve been released here you need to report to Utopia Planitia to finish overseeing the refit and repair of the Tempest, you’ll do a shake down and then be given your orders.” The older man smiled and stood. “Congratulations Captain, I just wish it was under better circumstances.”

“Thank you Admiral.” He nodded.

“Captain Philips would have been proud of you Oliver. Rest well.” He said as he headed for the door.

“Admiral Dwain!” Oliver called out stopping him at the door.

“That crew from the Texas, they did a hell of a job. We’ve got the space assuming the crews returning I’d like to take them on.” He said.

The Admiral turned and regarded him a moment. “Even the one you shot?”

Oliver nodded. “Especially him!” he offered a smile. “Reminds me of me when I was a young officer. He might be rough around the edges but there’s potential there.”

“Potential for trouble if you ask me, but so be it. I’ll talk to the Academy personnel office and set the request.” He nodded and left the room leaving Oliver to his thoughts holding the box.

Oliver watched as an old Excelsior class vessel made its transit through the cavernous space station and exited out into space. He always had an affinity for watching what happened inside the old Starbase. He actually spent many of his Academy days in the various observation lounges here on the station watching ships coming and going. He was rewarded with many conversations and tales of other officers and crewman’s adventures into space. It was one of those things that made him hungry for his own time out there. He looked down at the box in his hand. He had not had time to think about it until just this moment. His mentor, the man he thought that hated him so much was no longer there to be his backstop. He was gone. Oliver suddenly felt a great deal of sadness for the loss of this man. He was one of two who had helped shape his career.

About a week later… November 16, 2370 07:23:06 Stardate: 47874.81

Though Oliver wanted to be back to work as quickly as he could he was given mandatory leave to finish his recovery. He had taken the time to go back home to Oregon. Stayed with his family whom he had not seen in person in going on eleven years. It was refreshing to get a chance to be at home. But it was time to get back to work. He found himself standing in an observation lounge looking down at the Tempest floating in her drydock over Mars. It was time to have a conversation with the yard chief. It was one of those talks he was in some ways dreading. The doors opened behind him to admit someone, he continued staring down at the ship. Large sections of her hull had been removed and structural struts were being replaced. Equipment in some of those areas was being swapped out or worked on by men in space suits. It was a busy world down there.

“It’s never good to see your ship in such a condition sir.” A gruff voice said as the man came to stand next to him.

“Aye!” Oliver said.

“Starfleet gave us a deadline and I’ve managed to pull together enough man power to meet it, we should have you space ready in another week maybe two depending upon that replacement nacelle strut.” The man pointed to where the missing nacelle was and the strut that held it in place. “It was badly damaged so much we couldn’t just refit it.”

Oliver nodded. “How soon before she’s habitable? I can start recalling my crew and we can give you a hand, might help get things finished faster.” He turned to meet the man whom he was startled to find was obviously half Klingon by the looks of his complexion and forehead ridges.
The man nodded, and extended a hand. “SO’koth.”

Oliver shook the man’s hand. “Oliver!”

“We should have you done in no time, we’ve got a new project slated for this berthing so the faster we get you out we can start our next project.”

Oliver regarded the man. “If I’ve come to know anything about Starfleet practices, and you working here you’ll need all the help you can get.” He offered a smile to the man.

“Indeed.” He turned and regarded the vessel. “She took a beating, but most of her structure stayed in one piece. I’m surprise, it could have been a lot worse. That weapon the Lazan used on you liquefied entire sections of your hull. She was almost completely exposed to space.”

Oliver nodded. “You’re doing good work Commander; I’ll be sure to mention this in my report. I will start recalling my people, just let me know what you need and I will focus their first.”

The hybrid Klingon nodded, turned and departed.

Oliver smiled to himself, he liked a man who was straightforward and to the point. Made things much easier to do. They had a lot of work to do. He turned and he too left for his office which was down on Mars surface. He was going to have to recall his quartermasters so they could start organizing living space here on Mars, and or on the sparse accommodations on the stations above to get crew in place to start helping get the ship ready to go back into space.

================= =/\= ============================ =/\= =================

Location: Mars, Utopia Planitia Office Complex B - (Planet Side)
Stardate: 47877.67 November 17, 2370 @ 08:27:32
Captain Oliver Alexander Savage

The red landscape of Mars spread out a good distance beyond the windows that Oliver stood in front of. He never had a chance to spend any length of time down on Mars, only ever visited Utopia Planitia a handful of times and the stay was brief. He admired the view. He glanced down at the PADD in his hand, his other arm was still in a sling as he had several weeks of rehabilitation and physical therapy to go before he would have most of the use of it back.

“Captains Log, Stardate: 47877.67. I’ve arrived at the Utopia Planitia facility down on Mars and issued the recall of the Tempest’s crew. We’ve got a long couple of weeks ahead of us. The ship is still undergoing repairs and refit up in space and we’ve been asked to help with the research here on the Lazan. Starfleet seems to think since we’ve had some experience with them directly that we would be the best to assist them with it here. From the schedule it looks like we are also going to be speaking to Starfleet Security and Intelligence while were here. Not that my crew hasn’t already spent plenty of time doing that as it is.” He shifts uncomfortably and moves across the room, the camera following him past a large console with a display showing progress of the repairs and refit of the Tempest behind his desk. He slowly settles down into the chair with a pained look on his face.

“I spoke briefly again with Admiral Dwain and he has agreed to speak to the office of Starfleet Personnel about having the crew of the Texas brought aboard as replacements for the Tempest. Those cadets distinguished themselves not only in battle but in their ability to stay together and survive on the surface of Lyshan III. Johnny Cleveland may be a pain in the butt, but he kept it mostly together and helped drive things. His momentary lapse of judgement in the heat of battle aside he did a great job so much so that I’ve also written the Academy and the office of Starfleet Personnel recommending him for the rank of Lieutenant Junior grade after his performance not only on Lyshan III but in regards to the first contact mission with an alien species while on their first mission. It was impressive to say the least.” Oliver seemed to stop and stare off into the distance as if lost in thought for a few long moments. “I’m glad Elianna decided to stay with the Tempest.” He shifted in his chair. “With most of the Command crew having transferred away or passed away its left a bit of a vacuum that needs to be filled. Hell we still haven’t had a chance to have a proper ceremony yet for those lost. I spoke to the Captain’s wife, she was devastated by his passing. Though she seemed happy that I made it. I honestly had no idea that the Captain spoke so highly of me. His loss is a great one to Starfleet. He was a great mentor. End Log!”

The Starfleet Logo flashes on the screen and then goes blank.

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Flight Data Recorder
AUDIO FILE:Comm Unit: 357.1211.7M - Captain Savage, Oliver Alexander Audio Recording File
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Re: U.S.S. Tempest - Crew Logs


Post by SokothQultuq »

Mission 9 – “Recovery” Part 1
Sim Date: August 6, 2016
In Game Date: November 18, 2370 @ 13:00:00
Stardate: 47880.93
Attendance: 6
SokothQultuq as Captain Oliver Alexander Savage & Sim Master
SpaceDaisy as Lieutenant Commander Elianna Kestran – Chief Medical Officer
DeezNutz as Kosh the Chef
InsertNameHere as Lieutenant J.G. Johnny Cleveland – Chief Tactical Officer
Ceol as Lieutenant Vor Kozuhl – Chief Engineer
Moving Pictures as Ezron – Flight Operations Officer

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OOC & Pre Sim Information: Make sure you get your Biographies up on the boards as soon as you’re comfortable with what you’ve got.

I’ve been slowly adding specific events to the Timeline, this should give you a look into where we are in the timeline and where events in the Star Trek Universe taking place. If you can think of something that should be added, please let me know.

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Mission Briefing:

It’s been some time since you all were rescued from Lyshan III, you spent some time getting your wounds healed, and some minor debriefing by the combination of Starfleet Medical, Xenobiology, Security and Intelligence. You were then provided some shore leave. Now you’ve been recalled, and have reported to Mars at the Utopia Planitia offices on the planet and asked to conduct tests on materials found left behind by the Lazan as well as some additional meetings with Starfleet Intelligence and Security. You’ve just arrived and had enough of a chance to stow your gear, your due for a meeting with your new commanding officer soon but you have a bit of time before you have to report to that.

================= =/\= ============================ =/\= =================
This is more of a recap of what happened last sim because we stopped in the middle of a lunch meeting so wouldn’t have had the opportunity to do one yet. So here is what’s happened so far:

1.) New Chief Engineer Lieutenant Vor Kozuhl who is an Unjoined Trill joined the ship having transferred over from Utopia Planitia. His superiors requested he gain some experience in space.

2.) Oliver & Johnny Cleveland had a chat that didn’t involve anyone getting shot, and the fewest insults possible. Johnny was promoted for his actions on Lyshan III and the previous traning cruise. He was also officially posted as Chief Tactical Officer aboard the Tempest.

3.) Fluffy Is on the run. Not sure if it’s a game, or its trying to get Johnny killed yet, but we’ll see.

4.) Most of the crew has reported for the meet and greet get together and for Captain Savage to reveal their short term mission and goals and what’s to come next.

I think that about sums it up. Next sim we’ll have a brief lunch encounter were as stated above our future missions will be laid out. Then we will be getting to work!

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Re: U.S.S. Tempest - Crew Logs


Post by SokothQultuq »

Mission 10 – “Recovery” Part 2
Sim Date: August 13, 2016
In Game Date: November 18, 2370 @ 14:45:00
Stardate: 47881.13
Attendance: 6
SokothQultuq as Captain Oliver A. Savage – Commanding Officer
SpaceDaisy as Elianna Kestran – Chief Medical Officer
DeezNutz as Kosh – Head Chef
InsertNameHere as Lt. J.G. Johnny Cleveland – Tactical Officer
DharmaHelper as Commander Sully Derringer – Executive Officer
MovingPictures as Ezron Sal– Chief of Flight Operations

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OOC & Pre Sim Information: Don’t forget to put a Bio up on the forums.
Next Sim We Start out Shake Down cruise. Who knows what will happen. Hopefully you’ve enjoyed the progression of things so far. I’m open to suggestions if there is something more you’d like to see in the sim! Or less of!

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Mission Briefing: Everyone that is part of the ships senior staff has reported to a "Lunch Meeting" down on Mars at the Utopia Planitia Offices. Were basically picking up right were we left off. If you’re not at the meeting you should be heading there. Sully would have reported in with the Quartermaster and been issued Quarters. Next stop would be the meeting...

================= =/\= ============================ =/\= =================

Location: Mars, Utopia Planitia Fleet Yard offices (planetside)
M-U.P.-LCARS Log Recording System – Captain Savage, Oliver A.

The screen comes to live showing Oliver sitting behind a desk in an office, a nice stack of PADDs growing rapidly on his desk. “Captain’s log Stardate: 47881.13 supplemental. I’ve had a chance to sit down and brief the crew on our future missions and of course our busy work for the next several days. I have high hopes that we will meet our deadline for push off on time. I’m anxious to get back out there after all that’s happened.” He shifts his position leaning back in his chair. “I had a chance to meet with some of the returning crew and the new faces. This new chief engineer we’ve taken on seems very determined. I like having someone with that kind of attitude down in the engine room. Deep space mission will require determination and then some.” He leans forward and picks up a glass of water taking a drink.

“There was an apparent incident in which one of the Yardies were killed, it’s being chalked up as an accident and unfortunately Johnny and his friend were at the scene. Some people think it may have been Fluffy that caused the accident. Lucky for us it did reveal a flaw in one of the driver coil assemblies that was to be installed in just a few days. That certainly would have delayed our departure. But I cannot help but question if the creature is dangerous or just intuitive enough to be helpful in its own way.”

“I had a brief call from the yard chief engineer coordinating the upfit and repair of the ship, apparently were going to be the test bed for what’s to be a refit design warp coil system that Starfleet’s Corp of engineers is deeming safe for high warp travels. If this works it should eliminate any further issues with Subspace pollution which was discovered earlier this year. If this should go well the design should be rolled out to the fleet.” He takes another drink from his glass. “I cannot say that I have my own trepidations about being a test bed for something just after getting the ship put back together, but not my choice of course. End Log!”

OOC: Jumping ahead a few days here…
Date: November 30, 2370 @ 22:01:13
Location: Mars, Utopia Planitia Fleet Yard offices (planetside)
M-U.P.-LCARS Log Recording System – Captain Savage, Oliver A.

The screen flashes to life showing a picture of the Martian surface at night, Oliver is sitting in an empty dimly lit cafeteria silhouetted by the windows. A man appears seeming to glide out of the darkness setting a coffee cup and a sandwich down and drifting away without saying a word. Oliver looks down at the food and mug with surprise and yet satisfaction. After taking a drink from the mug he looks up, his eyes are tired. “Captain’s log, Stardate 47914.84. The last two weeks has been a ragged chain of events trying to get this ship ready for space again. We take occupancy tomorrow for the first time in months. Tomorrow is the first day a crew will actually start moving in. That’s a big deal for a ship. We cut the crew’s work schedules today to give them some additional time and tomorrows shift will only be four hours, the rest of the day we will spend moving the crew aboard, and a celebration. The crew’s earned some respite from the hard work they’ve put in. We’ve not managed to get too far ahead of schedule but we are making progress, most of what’s left to do is internal work.” He takes a bite of the sandwich.

“The yard chief says the new warp coil integration went extremely smoothly to his own surprise. The only exterior work that is left is the installation of our upgraded sensor pallets and the new phaser arrays. Outside of this the exterior work is done. The interior is another story all together. I have a feeling we will have some unfinished areas when we launch but that’s nothing the crew can’t handle. We’re going to focus on what’s important and safety of course first.” He pauses for a moment watching something off camera with mild curiosity.

“That thing eats so much it’s almost scary!” Oliver commented looking back at the camera. “Fluffy I mean.” He smiles. “Johnny’s got his hands full either way.”

“Unfortunately we will not be leaving dry dock with a full crew, most of them we will be picking up during our stop overs at our various lay over’s during our shakedown cruise. This is probably a good thing considering what we’re testing honestly. End log!”

OOC: Jumping forward again…
Date: December 8, 2370 @ 06:00:00
Location: Mars, Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards, USS Tempest NCC-1852-A
M-U.P.-LCARS Log Recording System – Captain Savage, Oliver A.

The screen comes a live, Oliver is standing in front of a mirror using a shaving device to shorten his facial hair to his usual desired length. His scars are pretty obvious showing where he was nearly gutted and pierced through the shoulder. “Personal log, Stardate: 47934.91, this is it! The big day!” there is a certain excitement in his voice. “We couldn’t get everything done as expected but we’ve taken on enough supplies to finish the job while underway. I’m proud of what my crew and the yardies were able to do working together on this project. It’s not every day you get both to work together as well, but I believe that is a testament to all the leadership involved. As expected were only leaving with just above half our crew but It’s a short hop to our first destination once we get going so that should not be a problem.” He took a moment to check his facial lines and continues to make small corrections for bits of hair that stood out still.

“We shove off at oh eight hundred. Ready or not galaxy, here we come! End Log!”

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AUDIO FILE: COMM UNIT 3252B21- Log Recorder
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Re: U.S.S. Tempest - Crew Logs


Post by SokothQultuq »

Mission 11 – “Recovery” Part 3 (Off Duty)
Sim Date: August 20, 2016
In Game Date: December 1, 2370 @ 18:45:00
Stardate: 47917.20
Attendance: 6
SokothQultuq as Captain Oliver A. Savage – Commanding Officer
SpaceDaisy as Elianna Kestran – Chief Medical Officer
DeezNutz as Kosh – Head Chef
InsertNameHere as Lt. J.G. Johnny Cleveland – Tactical Officer
DharmaHelper as Commander Sully Derringer – Executive Officer
MovingPictures as Ezron Sal– Chief of Flight Operations

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OOC & Pre Sim Information: Don’t forget to put a Bio up on the forums.

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Mission Briefing: Alright, then well do this: It's about 6:45 a night the day before launch.... you've just gotten off duty. Your welcome to pick where you are. We have occupied the ship so we are aboard the tempest.

================= =/\= ============================ =/\= =================

Location: Mars, Utopia Planitia Fleet Yard offices (planetside)
M-U.P.-LCARS Log Recording System – Captain Savage, Oliver A.

No Actual Log was necessary here as this was strictly an off duty adventure and unfortunately I was unable to attend long enough to get something going myself due to IRL Events. But the crew had a short off duty gathering which allowed them to interact further which is always great!

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Re: U.S.S. Tempest - Crew Logs


Post by SokothQultuq »

Mission 12 – “Recovery” Part 4
Sim Date: August 27, 2016
In Game Date: December 2nd, 2370 @ 08:00:00
Stardate: 47918.72
Attendance: 4
SpaceyDaisy as Elianna the Chief Medical Officer
InsertNameHere as Johnny Cleveland the Tactical Officer
DharmaHelper as Sully Derringer the Executive Officer
DeezNuts as Kosh the Chief

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OOC & Pre Sim Information: Once again I do apologize for not being able to attend as I was moving this week to a new home. I greatly appreciate SpaceDaisy taking the reins for this one and thank you all for making this happen for her.

If you know anyone who might be interested in the game, please feel free to talk to them about it and invite them. The more players we have the more we can do. This also gives people the freedom to come and go. I want to have some core players which we’ve built so far and others who can step in and out as they like. Variety is the spice of life! I am also seeking out a Story Teller, so if you know someone who knows a good amount of Trek and likes the story telling aspect of things, this is something I’m looking for as well. A very important position that needs to be filled.

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Mission Briefing: Mission Briefing: The refit of The Tempest is nearing completion, almost all of the crew has reported for duty by now as well. As we begin our crew members are now on board the Tempest bridge running some final diagnostics of their various systems in cooperation with the station crew in preparation for launch.

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Location: Mars, USS Tempest NCC-1852-A, Captains Ready Room
M-U.P.-LCARS Log Recording System – Captain Savage, Oliver A

The screen comes alive showing Oliver settled in at his new desk in the ready room just off of the bridge. Nearly all the real-estate on the desk is covered in PADDs. “Captains Log, Stardate 47918.72. I’ve just returned from a briefing with Starfleet Command with some rather disturbing news and only to get a taste of it here at Utopia Planitia. Starfleet has expressed some concerns with growing Orion Pirate activity in the sector and the surrounding area, naturally Starfleet has sent more ships along known shipping routes and dispatched intelligence officers to investigate the recent increase in activity. Little is known as of yet why there is a sudden spike in their activity throughout Federation Space but one thing is clear they are escalating. Case in point, the Tempest was the victim of a bombing which has been linked back to the Orion Syndicate. One of their operatives has been transferred aboard the Tempest for transport and of course we have been instructed to see what information we can garner from them regarding the bombing while we are on our shakedown cruise.” He shifts uneasy in his chair.

“It seems we keep taking on more and more mission parameters by the day. First study the Lazan artifacts, shake down, and now this. We’ve not even received our primary orders. I suppose Starfleet just wants to see what we can make of this and how versatile our crew truly will be. So we and our ship are put to the test.”

“Launch is just around the corner, hours instead of days. We’ve got much to work on and so little time. End Log.”

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AUDIO LOG: COMM UNIT 3252B21- Log Recorder
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Re: U.S.S. Tempest - Crew Logs


Post by SokothQultuq »

Mission 13 – “Shake Down” Part 1
Sim Date: September 3, 2016
IC Date: December 3, 2370 Time: 13:26:07
Stardate: 47922.08
Attendance: 4
SokothQultuq as Captain Oliver Savage – Commanding Officer/Sim Master
DharmaHelper as Commander Sullivan “Sully” Derringer – Executive Officer/Helmsman
SpaceDaisy as Elianna Kestran – Chief Medical Officer
InsertNameHere as Johnny Cleveland – Chief Tactical Officer

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OOC & Pre Sim Information:
Just so were aware of what our job’s are at this time and to help you with some busy work when were not focused on something specific here is a list of things were doing.
Shakedown Cruise – Testing of our ships systems to ensure space worthiness. We are currently in route to Vulcan as our first stop.
Lazan – A Background Task of going over items left behind by the Lazan.
Orion Piracy – We have an Orion Syndicate Operative aboard in our brig whom we are transporting to a location to which they will be transferred to another ship and sent to a location which has not been disclosed to us.

If you’ve not put a bio up on the Website, please do so we can get to know your character.

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Mission Briefing:
Launch day, we’ve got to vacate the dry dock that were occupying so the Yardies can start their next build. All the crew that was scheduled to report aboard are accounted for. Still plenty of work to be done on the ships interior but all her major systems are working and online.

All of the artifacts from the Lazan have been brought on board and stowed for the Science department to futz with.

Evidence of the recent bombing has also been brought on board in case further analysis needs doing.

The exterior damage to the ship that was sustained from the bombing has been repaired, internal repairs are under way but may take some time to complete, by passes are in place, and emergency bulkheads/airlocks are going to be staying up isolating that area just for safety until full repairs can be effected.

One arrest was made by Starfleet Security regarding the explosion. Michael Oxlong. Michael is currently being held in the Tempest brig shortly after a confession was provided. Michael was very proud of his actions as a matter of fact after having been outed. He also admits to having ties to an organization known as the Orion Syndicate. Though Michael was temporarily transferred to the stations security holding he was moved back to the ship at the Request of Captain Savage.

It’s just after lunch and were all reporting for duty now… Any questions?

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Location: USS Tempest NCC-1852-A, Deck 1 - Captains Ready Room

The camera comes on with the view of the Captains Ready room, the image slowly pans around to show the Captain laying back on the couch with a PADD in hand laying across his chest and his eyes closed. “Captain’s Log, Stardate: 47922.08. The USS Tempest was launched for trial runs today, our first task in testing some of our systems went very well up until we tried our first jump to Warp.” He frowned and slowly moved to sit upright. “The Chief is still hunting for the cause so currently were limping our way there at Full Impulse.”

Slowly rising from the couch he crosses the room to the replicator inset into the wall next to the door to the head. “Water with Ice.” He said and waited for the drink to shimmer into being. He then sat down slowly behind his desk. “For the time being main power is offline while the chief and his crew comb through the warp systems to ensure that nothing has been sabotaged or is out of place. These things do happen out of the yards so we don’t want to jump to any conclusions yet.” He took a moment to take a drink from the glass. “I’m confident he will find the issue soon. However, transporter room 3 is another story. No one has yet to get that thing worked out, everyone is staying the thing is cursed.”

“Just like any ship having left dry dock, we’ve got plenty of issues and lots of work to be done.” He shifts in his chair leaning back. “This increasing threat with the Orion’s is somewhat concerning, I just received a report from Starfleet Intelligence that implicates them in three other known bombings at various other Starfleet Instillations. This is pretty bold for even the Syndicate. They’ve managed to gain a little information in that there is a new leader within the syndicate who’s trying to stake a claim and make a name. There is no telling at this point what they might do. Poking something as large as the Federation and Starfleet with too big a stick usually ends up in a bad day for the one holding the stick. For now, we will focus on our doing our part. End log!” the image fades to black.

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AUDIO LOG: USS Tempest NCC-1852-A Log Log Recorder
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Re: U.S.S. Tempest - Crew Logs


Post by SokothQultuq »

Mission 14 – “Shake Down” Part 2
Sim Date: September 10, 2016
IC Date: December 3, 2370 @ 13:15:00
Stardate: 47922.06
Attendance: 4
SokothQultuq as Captain Oliver Savage – Commanding Officer/Sim Master
DharmaHelper as Commander Sullivan “Sully” Derringer – Executive Officer/Helmsman
SpaceDaisy as Elianna Kestran – Chief Medical Officer
InsertNameHere as Johnny Cleveland – Chief Tactical Officer
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OOC & Pre Sim Information:
If you’ve not put up a Bio yet, don’t forget to do so when you can. The more we know the more we can screw with you. LOL
If you know anyone who might have an interest in this activity, please feel free to actively recruit. The more we have the better.

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Mission Briefing:
Stuff is broken! Were still flying to Vulcan currently at Impulse power. Were basically picking up where we left off last sim.

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Location: USS Tempest NCC-1852-A, Deck 1 - Captains Ready Room
Captain Oliver Alexander Savage - Commanding Officer

The usual view of the Captain’s ready room appears on screen; Oliver is sitting at his desk reading a PADD. “Captain’s log, Stardate: 47922.06. Like most shakedown cruises this one is not without its issues. We’ve managed to get our Warp Drive back online and are running it through its paces.” He shifts in his chair. “I’ve perhaps found a hidden talent in Mr. Cleveland as I asked him to interrogate our Prisoner. He was able to find out with the help of Fluffy that he belongs to the Orion Syndicate. The apparent leader of this particular faction goes by the name Brek’udan”.
Leaning back into his chair. “Starfleet is concerned as there have been several other bombings to Federation and Starfleet installations and vessels. The USS Merrimac was nearly destroyed when an apparent suicide bomber detonated inside the engineering deck of the ship. Quick thinking by the ships chief engineer saved the ship but at the cost of their life.” He tosses the PADD onto his desk. “A bunch of misguided thugs if you ask me.” He collects a mug from the table and takes a drink staring into it with a sour face. Standing he crosses over to the Replicator, deposits the cup and hits the recycle button causing the usual whirling sound from the device. “Tea, Hot, with Lemon!” he says and again the machine makes its sound and he pulls forth a steaming mug. Crossing back to his chair. “Starfleet has decided to commit some resources to this problem and has started looking into who this person is “Brek’udan” as they obviously have some influence. There have been nineteen incidents to date, and at last report nearly one hundred dead.” He settles into his chair and takes a drink from his mug.
“Were not far out from Vulcan now, perhaps about another seven hours on our current schedule. We should be on time for our rendezvous with the prison transport ship and for our cargo exchange, then its on to Denobula for another cargo drop, this time medical supplies. End Log!”

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Audio Log: USS Tempest NCC-1852-A Log Recorder
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Re: U.S.S. Tempest - Crew Logs


Post by SokothQultuq »

Mission 15 – “Shakedown ” Part 3
Sim Date: September 17, 2016
IC Date: December 4, 2370 @ 05:00:00
Stardate: 47923.85
Attendance: 5
SokothQultuq as Captain Oliver Savage – Commanding Officer/Sim Master
InsertNameHere as Lieutenant J.G. Johnny Cleveland – Tactical Officer
SpaceyDaisy as Lieutenant Commander Elianna Kestran – Chief Medical Officer
Bea as Ensign Eldrida – Head Councilor
Epi as Corinthian – Security Officer

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OOC & Pre Sim Information:
The usual – Don’t Forget to post a biography of your character if you’ve not.
Recruiting – If you know anyone who might be interested in trying this please don’t hesitate to invite them. The more we have the better.
I found a way to better organize the Sim Master Actions from my Characters to better help with the flow of things in the Sim. Hopefully you will find this much easier to follow going forward.
We did have a visitor in Epignosis to try out the Sim but found it wasn’t for him. Hopefully he will give it a try again in the future.
Welcome to Bea as they have decided to join our intrepid crew as our new Head Councilor. Welcome aboard Bea.

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Mission Briefing:
The USS Tempest has spent the last few weeks making its way to Vulcan testing out our new Warp Drive. So far everything has gone well. Engineering has managed to get some of the Transporters up and running. Lighting restored on some decks and various other things fixed. (I will update the list later), the ship is coming up on Vulcan we are about 10 Minutes out at the moment. At this layover we will be offloading supplies in exchange for medical supplies for our next leg. We have a few new crewbies reporting aboard (This is where Epi & Bea can bring their characters aboard? You guys can start on Vulcan at the space port waiting for our arrival. Our prisoner will be leaving our care at this layover. Any questions, comments, concerns or death threats?

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Location: USS Tempest NCC-1852-A, Bridge
Captain Oliver Alexander Savage – Commanding Officer

The bridge of the USS Tempest appears; Oliver is pacing the bridge. He passes the viewscreen which shows an image of Vulcan passing by on the left and another vessel which has just come into orbit ahead of the Tempest. “Captain’s log, Stardate: 47923.85. We’ve made standard orbit at Vulcan and have begun our cargo exchange. We are still awaiting the arrival of the prison transport ship to take possession of our prisoner, we did receive a transmission from them letting us know they were running behind but should be here before our schedule departure time. So far the cargo exchange has gone well.” He stops pacing staring at the viewscreen.
“Lieutenant Cleveland has been rushed to Sickbay by the doctor and our new councilor after some incident involving fluffy, I’m still waiting for the details. Hopefully this is just something new with Fluffy and nothing seemingly life threatening. The doctor didn’t indicate that this was such but hopefully I will get an update soon. Part of me wants to go down there but I know I will just be in the way. So business as usual.” He walks across the bridge and settles into the command chair. The camera panning the bridge to follow.
“Chief Vor has provided an update on our outfitting and continued construction of the ship. He’s managed to make good headway despite having less staff. I assume that has more to do with the fact that he’s not dealing with the yard staff. They are a bright bunch over there but common sense seems to be lacking in most cases when you deal with intelligence. Seems to be a constant in the universe no matter what time your in. End Log.”

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Audio File: USS Tempest NCC-1852-A Log Recorder
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Re: U.S.S. Tempest - Crew Logs


Post by SokothQultuq »

Transmission Date: December 4, 2370 @ 14:57:01
Stardate: 47924.99

The normal intro music and image comes on screen of the Federation News Network indicating a special report is coming.

A surreal scene appears behind a young woman standing in front of what appears to be a cargo depot, in the background people are frantically running around and a unbelievable fire rages in a large building which has clearly spilled over into the cargo container space. “This is Balinda McCroy reporting to you live from Denobula where an outrageous attack believed to have been made by Orion Syndicate members on this medical supplies facility on Denobula Prime. It has severely crippled the Denobulan medical community and their need for critical supplies to continue the efforts fighting the Tenebula Cellular Necrosis virus. In those containers burning behind me was those much needed supplies. This in a string of brazen attacks made by members of the Orion Syndicate today.” The camera pans away to show the level of destruction which spreads beyond the camera’s view, several fires can be seen burning in other areas of the storage facility. “To date the Syndicate have hit in total now twenty-nine targets all throughout the federation and Starfleet specifically. This on the second day campaign by the Syndicate.” The camera pans back to the golden haired human. “Back to you in the studio!”

The view changes to a news room, several monitors in the background show pictures of various other incidents. “We’ve just been told that another incident has occurred aboard another Federation Starship, the USS Exeter which has left the vessel in grave danger. We go live to our correspondent who is aboard the Exeter. “the camera changes to a distorted image which clears up nearly to show the image of an Orion woman in a Starfleet Uniform who is checking the vitals of someone in the background who was dressed in civilian attire.

“What happened?” someone called out as they enter the camera’s view.

“Secondary explosion!” the Orion woman says as she stands up.

“Life support?”he asks staring into the gaping black hole. She simply shakes her head and the two move out of the view of the camera.

The sound of the intercom comes to life; a male voice fills the speaker. “This is the Captain speaking, all hands to emergency escape pods. All hands, abandon ship!”

The camera feed cuts back to the studio. “Something clearly terrible has happened aboard the Exeter. This has been the scene across the federation for the last two days. Bombs and sabotage. The death toll has risen to an estimated two hundred now. More as our story develops!” the image of the Federation news network appears on screen.
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Re: U.S.S. Tempest - Crew Logs


Post by SokothQultuq »

Mission 9 – “Shakedown” Part 4
Sim Date: September 24, 2016
IC Date: December 4, 2370 Time: 18:30:13
Stardate: 47925.39
Attendance: 5
SokothQultuq as Captain Oliver A. Savage – Commanding Officer & Sim Master
DharmaHelper as Sully Derringer – Executive Officer
SpaceDaisy42 as Elianna Kestran – Chief Medical Officer
InsertNameHere33 as Johnny Cleveland – Chief Tactical Officer
DeezNutzRripe as Kosh – Head Chef

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OOC & Pre Sim Information:
If you’ve not posted a Biography, please do so when you have time.
I posted a new Audio Log, hopefully will have time to catch up with more over the next few weeks.
The sim is going to pick up on the next day, we will have departed Vulcan and on our way to Denobula.
Updated the Timeline to reflect the last several sims.

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Mission Briefing:
We are essentially picking up form where we left off. The USS Tempest is currently in orbit still going through cargo transfer. The Transport were waiting for has been delayed. Johnny is just now being dragged into sickbay, Fluffy is nowhere to be found. Any Questions? Comments? Death Threats?
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Location: USS Tempest NCC-1852-A, Deck 1, Captains Ready Room
Captain Oliver Alexander Savage

The video recorder comes online showing Oliver standing against the star field of his window at the back of his ready room. “Captain’s log, Stardate: 47925.39, Supplemental. I’m sorry to report that it is likely that the crew of the S.S. Golden Nair was sacked by what we can only assume was Orion pirates. During our cargo exchange an audio report came in stating they had been attached and repelled but took damage to their comm systems. With some smart deductive thinking by our Executive Officer Derringer we were ready. The ship took very minimal damage, the chief tells me our shield grid handled the overload well and repairs were quick. We’ve finished our cargo exchange and will be departing from Vulcan in the morning.” He pauses in some sort of self-reflection. “I gave Sully the chance to lead the engagement against the S.S. Golden Nair, and he did exceptionally well. Though I had my doubts about taking on such a green executive officer I was very impressed with his reaction time and process.”
He shifts, “Mr. Cleveland seems to have recovered from his ordeal, from the doctors briefing it seems something happened between him and Fluffy which may have caused them to create some sort of bond. Deeper than just a chosen companion, a mental link. They can apparently talk and so far Johnny seems a bit…” he considers his words. “I am concerned, I thought this thing very well harmless until now and though it does seem to be harmless still I don’t know what to think of it. We do know that Fluffy is learning. So far it’s only really talked to the doctor and Johnny verbally so only time will tell. With them able to now scan fluffy who knows what we will find out about this creature.” He turns and glances at his desk and a pile of growing padds.
“Starfleet has informed me that at least six of their intelligence operatives were found by local authorities on Vulcan. They were brutally tortured which is likely how they knew about the prisoner transport. An encrypted message was found on one of the bodies, once Starfleet decrypts it they will be forwarding it on to us. For now our mission stays the same, on to Denobula for a cargo drop and continued shakedown of the ship. End log!”

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Re: U.S.S. Tempest - Crew Logs


Post by SokothQultuq »

Mission 17 – “Shakedown” Part 5
Sim Date: October 1, 2016
IC Date: December 9, 2370 Time: 14:20:55
Stardate: 47938.62
Attendance: 4
SokothQultuq as Captain Oliver Alexander Savage – Commanding Officer
DharmaHelper as Commander Sully Derringer – Executive Officer
SpaceDaisy as Lieutenant Commander Elianna Kestran – Chief Medical Officer
InsertNameHere as Lieutenant Junior Grade Johnny Cleveland – Chief Tactical Officer
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OOC & Pre Sim Information:
We had a visitor to the sim to observe who may choose to join us from time to time. JenTroy.
The usual – Don’t forget to post a Biography on the forums if you’ve not done so already.
Updated Fluffy’s bio.
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Mission Briefing:
The USS Tempest has left Vulcan behind and we are currently in transit to the Denobulan homeworld to deliver much needed medical supplies. It's about 14:20, and we've been in transit for about 5 days. We are currently on duty.
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Location: USS Tempest NCC-1852-A, Deck 1, Bridge
Captain Oliver Alexander Savage – Commanding Officer

“Captains log, Stardate: 47938.62, supplemental. The USS Tempest is currently in Transit to the planet Denobula to deliver much needed medical supplies in light of recent terrorist activity brought on by the Orion Syndicate. They’ve been bombing facilities all over the federation and word has reach Starfleet intelligence that the Klingons have been experiencing the same problems, though they are reluctant to divulge that information to us outright. Klingons have a certain way of not talking about their problems with outsiders. Regardless these supplies are much needed.” He shifts in his chair.

“Earlier this afternoon we ran across a surprise, a rather large comet. It didn’t really match anything in our database nor our hazardous spatial objects database so we choose to take a look. During routine scans we detect a structure on the large hunk of minerals and ice. Commander Derringer took a small away team over to the comet via shuttle to investigate. Their report upon coming back to the ship was nothing but a mystery. We spent the last several hours scanning, and sending over additional away teams to catalog the ruins and set up a navigational hazard bouy to keep ships from potentially running afoul of the thing.” He stands up and starts walking up towards the science stations behind the horseshoe taking a moment to look over one of the science officers shoulders a moment.

“While Sully’s team was exploring the ruins they came across a sort of chamber at the center of the only room, and of course Johnny Cleveland couldn’t help but touch the thing.” He nods, and starts moving back around towards the command area again. “There was a glowing object at the center of it, and upon contact with Johnny’s fingertips it cut him and caused the chamber to open. The Away team described a disembodied voice that spoke to them, and what they didn’t know is that we heard it here on the ship as well. It was quite disconcerting.” He shifts uneasy in his chair.

“So we’ve continued our exploration of this site, scans after the fact were able to determine that this was some sort of tomb as there was residual cellular decay found in the thing, and I’m told by the archeological team that the symbols found all over the interior are certainly from Earth, more specifically Greek origination, essentially its very old Cypriot Syllabary. Most of the writings are extremely worn but they were able to make out a few words, and what could only be a warning. Though they couldn’t make out the name entirely we know it contains the letters M, U, and S. The other three letters we have yet to make out. She clearly said she would be back which honestly makes me a little nervous. The doctor ran extensive scans of each of the away team members including Fluffy and were unable to find out anything specific that might have effected them adversely. I’ve informed Starfleet of the find, and they’ve given us another couple of hours to wrap things up since were needed terribly on Denobula. They have dispatched a science vessel to finish were we leave off. This has given us a chance to test our laboratories, as well as the ships sensor systems so it has been an advantageous diversion. End log!”

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Re: U.S.S. Tempest - Crew Logs


Post by SokothQultuq »

Mission 18 – “Through a looking glass” Part 1
Sim Date: November 5, 2016
IC Date: March 1, 2371 Time: 11:34:04
Stardate: 48162.96
Attendance: 5
SokothQultuq as Captain Oliver Alexander Savage – Commanding Officer
DharmaHelper as Commander Sully Derringer – Executive Officer
SpaceDaisy as Lieutenant Commander Elianna Kestran – Chief Medical Officer
InsertNameHere as Lieutenant Junior Grade Johnny Cleveland – Chief Tactical Officer
Bea as Ensign Eldrida– Ships Councilor

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OOC & Pre Sim Information:
Just as a reminder, ensure that you’ve gone onto Star Trek: Engages website and created your character profile on the site. Were almost set up with them, they just need our character profiles set up so they can assign them to the ship in their system. Soon we should have everything up and going over there.
Thank you guys for your understanding and patience while we make this transition. It’s most appreciated.

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Mission Briefing:
We’re jumping forward a ways, the Tempest made its rounds on its shakedown cruise coming back full circle to Utopia Planitia and was given her clean bill of health and set to operational status. We then transited on to our new duty station on the edge of Federation Space, a planet called Pacifica. An ocean world with very little land, which is primarily a resort. There is a small space station (Think Regula I sized) here which is a jumping off point for two other Starfleet Vessels exploring space near here as beyond this point is mostly unexplored. We left Pacifica about eight days ago and on our own mission of exploration. All in all, the trip has taken nearly 2 months to traverse from the SOL System to our present location. We've just dropped out of Warp near an unexplored solar system. It supports one class M world; most others are devoid of life but in some cases capable of supporting it.

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Location: USS Tempest, Bridge
“Captains Log, Stardate 48162.96. Were about eight days out of Pacifica in our exploration mission, we’ve happened upon a mystery. A planet with a sensor dead zone. Try as we might our sensor will not penetrate the field. The Science department has determined that the thing is about a mile in diameter, while engineering is telling me that it shares some properties with a Warp Field. A mystery to be certain. Commander Derringer, Doctor Kestran, Lieutenant Cleveland, and councilor Trost all headed down to the surface in a shuttlecraft to have a look in person. They are still some time from checking in but I find myself concerned as we’ve lost contact with them. About twenty minutes ago there was a spike in energy from the dead zone field.” He shifts in his chair. “There was a very small spike in Chronoton particles. That alone has me confused.” He says. “I’ll give the commander the benefit of the doubt and wait before I get too worried. Then again his methods are somewhat unorthodox so waiting is the best option at this time. End log!”

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Flight Data Recorder Transcript

AUDIO Log Recording
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Re: U.S.S. Tempest - Crew Logs


Post by DharmaHelper »

Mission 20 – “Through the looking glass” Part 2
Sim Date: November 26, 2016
IC Date: March 1, 2371 Time: 12:29:35
Stardate: 48163.06

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Location: USS Tempest, Personal Quarters of Sullivan Derringer, Executive Officer

Is this thing on? How do I even do one of these? I've gone ahead and borrowed the Captain's format for now. [Throat clearing] Mission report: I'll try to keep this brief. Our initial objective was to investigate the source of some interference coming from the target, an M-Class planet and the only one in the system we believed to have been likely of supporting any life. My initial hypothesis was that the interference, far too uniform to be unintentional, was being caused by some form of cloaking technology. This led me to believe that intelligent, potentially space faring life could be present on the planet.

When our away team was dispatched, the real trouble began. Our Tactical Officer, Cleveland, was almost actively belligerent at every opportunity. I can recall at least three occasions upon which my direct orders were expressly ignored. My first priority, once on the surface, was to insure that we did not unintentionally encounter any primative life. Officer Cleveland seemed to have other priorities, as he completely disregarded my order to remain together as we progressed, resulting in the rest of my crew following suit in order to keep pace with him. As expected, Cleveland's reckless advance ultimately ended with him stuck in a sinking mudpit. An apt metaphor for how ignoring my orders all mission put so many lives at risk.

I can't quite explain what happened next, and I'm almost positive it'll sound crazy if I say it out loud... So for now I'll just say that once we arrived at the....source... of the disturbance, I made yet another foolish attempt to get my unruly crew not to rush headlong into a potentially hostile environment. This time, our Chief Medical Officer joined in the rebellion against me, following Officer Cleveland directly into the abandoned vessel and leaving me alone to devise a safer, more direct path to our objective.

[Several moments of silence, shuffling, edited down]

What I saw on that bridge...I don't know if I'll ever be able to forget. At any rate, once I'd made my way to the aft ladderway, I reconnected with my wayward crewmates and what I would later come to find out was the lone survivor of this..event. The ship was starting to come down around us. I don't....remember much else after that. I do know that we...we got out just in time.

Why does this keep happening to me? End log.

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our Linkitis is our lives.

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Re: U.S.S. Tempest - Crew Logs


Post by SokothQultuq »

Mission 19 – “Off Duty - Holodeck Antics”
Sim Date: November 12, 2016
IC Date: February 28, 2371 Time: 18:45:00
Stardate: 48161.04 ST:E Stardate: 11911.12
Attendance: 4
DharmaHelper as Commander Sully Derringer – Executive Officer
SpaceDaisy as Lieutenant Commander Elianna Kestran – Chief Medical Officer
InsertNameHere as Lieutenant Junior Grade Johnny Cleveland – Chief Tactical Officer
Bea as Ensign Eldrida– Ships Councilor

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OOC & Pre Sim Information:
Due to unforeseen circumstances I was unable to be in attendance at this sim. Annie was great in taking the time to run something off-duty for the group that did show. Thank you!

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Mission Briefing:
This was an off duty simulation that took place between our arrival at Pacifica and embarking on our exploration of space in and around Pacifica. Elianna had a Holodeck program she wanted to try out and invited Eldrida, Johnny, and Sully along.

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Location: USS Tempest NCC-1852-A, Deck 1, Ready Room
“Captains Log, Stardate: 48161.04. The USS Tempest has been on our predetermined course for the last two days, we’ve not found much in our exploration duties. The ship and crew have been performing admirably. Crew rotations are still in the works and I’m operating with about two thirds of my crew. There were some issues with crew transfers which are being worked out. Were due to be out on exploration duty for two months then back to Pacifica for system’s diagnostics and leave.” He settles back in his chair. “Since most of the crew is still green and has not had much deep space experience were easing them in. I won’t complain about some R&R on Pacifica, but I am looking forward to getting back to exploring. End log.”

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Re: U.S.S. Tempest - Crew Logs


Post by SokothQultuq »

Mission 20 – “Through the looking glass” Part 2
Sim Date: November 26, 2016
IC Date: March 1, 2371 Time: 12:29:35
Stardate: 48163.06 ST:E Stardate: 11611.26
Attendance: 4
SokothQultuq as Captain Oliver Alexander Savage – Commanding Officer
DharmaHelper as Commander Sully Derringer – Executive Officer
SpaceDaisy as Lieutenant Commander Elianna Kestran – Chief Medical Officer
InsertNameHere as Lieutenant Junior Grade Johnny Cleveland – Chief Tactical Officer

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OOC & Pre Sim Information:
If you’ve not gotten your Character profile put up on ST:E site please do. We need to make an effort to have them up on the site by this coming Saturday so they can open us up to recruiting. They are also going to start actively recruiting for us at this time. We want to have you in there so they can assign your character to the ship in your position. That is why it is so important. They don’t want any confusion when it comes to what they are recruiting for. So please help me out by doing this before the sim on Saturday.
IMPORTANT: This coming Saturday’s sim is going to have a major character development plot point for everyone. We’ve just been shoved 20 years into the future. Everyone we’ve ever known has suddenly aged 20 years. Anyone you left behind has just aged 20 years. 20 years of history has just suddenly passed us by. We’re going to find this out, and have to cope with it. Did you have relatives that died? Family or friends that died during the Dominion War? All stuff to think about.
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Mission Briefing:
The away team has made it to the ship, you've detected a life sign coming from the ships Sickbay. You know that the ship is very old. It's been here for a long time, yet some of its systems are still functional. The vessel will of course never fly again. Life support systems are no longer functional accept for fans which help pump the outside air into the ship. It's rather dusty inside. Your still at the point of entry you made. I believe INH is still mostly covered in mud. If I missed something, please let me know.

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Location: USS Tempest NCC-1852-A, Deck 1, Bridge

“Captains Log Supplemental, Commander Derringer and the away team have been down on the surface for nearly an hour now. The Commander popped out about ten minutes ago from the bubble and made a quick report that has me a little worried about the state of affairs down planet side. I may need to work more closely with Sully on his personnel handling skills. But then again he is down on the planet with Johnny.” He sighs “Part of me misses that job, going down with the away team. But a Captain’s got his place. Over the course of the last twenty minutes we’ve recorded some strange fluctuations in that sensor dead zone.”
“Captain, I’m getting some strange readings from the surface!” The ships Operations officer called out suddenly. “The away team just exited the bubble and are running for their shuttle. The sensor dead zone is expanding. Rapidly.”
“Get me the away team!” he said.
“I can’t sir, interference from the bubble!” she called back to him.
“Helm prepare to break orbit!” he said standing and crossing the bridge.
“The shuttle is away sir, that bubble is hot on their tail. It’s expanding rapidly!” she ran her hands across the console in front of her. “I’ve got an incoming transmission from the shuttle.”
Sully’s voice suddenly came to live over the bridge intercom. “Away team inbound!”
Oliver let out a sigh of relief. “We see it, get the hell out of there now!” There was a brief pause.
“One… umm sur… One additional.” Sully said.
“They’ve landed!” the operations officer said. “The bubble is still expanding!”
“Helm, get us out of here. Enga…” there is a sudden spike in static, bunch of odd noises. Bodies hitting the floor. Then Silence. Unnerving silence. The log continues to record for about an hour then finally auto closes.

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Re: U.S.S. Tempest - Crew Logs


Post by SokothQultuq »

Mission 21 “Through the looking glass” Part 3
Sim Date: December 3, 2016
IC Date: December 4, 2393
Stardate: 70921.01 ST:E Stardate: 11612.04
SokothQultuq as Captain Oliver Alexander Savage – Commanding Officer
DharmaHelper as Commander Sully Derringer – Executive Officer
SpaceDaisy as Lieutenant Commander Elianna Kestran – Chief Medical Officer
InsertNameHere as Lieutenant Junior Grade Johnny Cleveland – Chief Tactical Officer
Glorfindle/Corky as Cadet Corcoran – Science Officer
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OOC & Pre Sim Information:
Thank you everyone for signing up for the Star Trek: Engage site so we can get set up. Our official launch should take place either prior to Christmas, or just after the new year I’d wager. They are very excited to have us. I’m likewise excited about our new partnership and what’s to come. Our crew should hopefully begin to round out. As soon as were live and our Forums are up on their site as well as our IRC channel has been added I will make sure to let you know.
For now, you should see a roster for the ship available on the site with your character’s listed in the positions they fill. ST:E does not technically have a “Councilors” position so Eldra Trost will be listed as an “AUX” or auxiliary position. Aohibe said she would be having the site admin fix everyone’s ranks so that should be done soon. (Hopefully they fix that glitch on the page too..)
Once we have forums up I will also be migrating our logs from the Syndicate site there too so there is a copy of the old logs as well on the new site. I will continue updating and posting logs to the Syndicate site too so we can keep up contact and appearance on the Syndicate site.
Thank you again for helping us make this transition. You guys and gals are awesome!

Another milestone and it may not seem like a lot but it is in today’s simming world, we’ve managed to break 20 Missions run. That’s 20 weeks and going. So congrats and great job. These things sometimes do not last very long when trying to kick start something in a seemingly stagnant world for Star Trek. So thank you very much for making this happen.

So it’s officially announced, your essentially 22 years in the future. Not aged a day, but the rest of the galaxy has been through it. So you understand where we are in the timeline, read this when you have time: http://www.startrekengage.com/odn/game_history

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Mission Briefing:
The USS Tempest is currently adrift and in low power mode. Those of you who were in the shuttle wake up in the shuttle. You feel like you've slept for many days. The egress hatch on the shuttle is open, and Sully appears to be missing. Sully is in his quarters shortly after having done his logs. most of the crew is starting to wake up at their posts, disoriented. There are some minor injuries from falling. 2 crewmen who fell a considerable distance will be brought into sickbay.
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Location: USS Tempest NCC-1852-A, Deck 8, Room 808 – Captain Savage, Oliver Alexander Quarters

“Captains log Stardate 70928.09, the last few days have been trying for both myself and the crew of the Tempest. Realization that were not where we belong. Were a crew and a ship out of time. The last few days has been trying as we’ve been trying to piece together what to do, we’ve determined through all the options we can think of that going back isn’t an option. We’ve jumped 22 years nearly into our future. Loved ones have moved on, or have been lost. Wars have been fought. The very fabric of the federation has changed with shifts in power.” He pauses taking a drink from a glass tumbler full of a brown liquid.
“I’ve been trying to think about how to approach both Johnny and Sully regarding their recent behavior towards one another. Their behavior upon returning from the away mission points towards some issues on both sides.” He pauses to consider his words. “Johnny has a lot to learn about his place in the world, owning up to his uniform and deciding if he wants to continue his career in Starfleet. It’s clear to me that if he continues on his course it will be a destructive one. Perhaps he’s my lost cause that I want to help find himself but I’m not sure if anyone can help Johnny but Johnny.” he takes another drink from the glass.
“Sully on the other hand is the other side of the spectrum, a dedicated officer who wants to do bigger and better things with his career.” He leans back on the small couch. “Watching Sully and how he interacts with the crew I cannot help but think that his Ego is a bit too inflated and he needs some humbling.” He sighs, “Maybe realization that Starfleet’s in a recovery phase and is looking for new Captain’s might put some pressure on him to perform differently. Maybe the weight of being displaced in time will also carry some weight.”
“Sully and Johnny did get into it on the bridge after returning from their mission, it was clear they had something they needed to work out so I let them. I took some time to think about bringing some sort of disciplinary action on the both of them but I have other things in mind. Sully will have to learn to work with Johnny, and Johnny’s going to have to learn to follow orders and to a certain extend respect the chain of command and Sully’s position. Going into the Academy my good friend Todd Neighbors and another Academy student Thomas Lightmore got into it nearly every single day at the Academy, all the way till our third year. They got sent off to do Survival Training together and when they came back the two of them were thick as thieves. Those two maintained a competitive spirit for a long time through the Academy, and even as they moved on. The two of them ended up as Captain and First officer on a ship during the Dominion war, they had a pretty amazing service record and survived all the way up to the last push on Cardassia where they both lost their lives.” He pauses and holds up his glass and takes a drink. “A lot of my classmates are gone.” He says mournfully.
“It’s a sobering fact when you look into history, even a quick abridged version of it. You realize that you likely would have been part of the casualty list with as often as the Dominion targeted Galaxy class vessels. Part of me thanks my lucky stars, but part of me knows that our fate would have been different.”
“Anyhow, I get the feeling that Sully knows more than he’s lead on. Speaking to Elianna about their return and waking up he wasn’t with them when they were conscious and the shuttle door was opened. Sully even made a log during his time still awake. Granted it wasn’t long before we all woke but why him? Why has he been reluctant to talk about it at all. I intend on discussing this with the councilor and suggesting strongly that she start seeing him. Might have to have Johnny go see her to work out some of his demons. Starfleet is already talking about sending extra councilors to see the crew to help them cope with what’s happened. We’re going to be here at Pacifica for a while so were going to make the best of it. Granted were mostly on shore leave until further notice, but who knows what kind of trouble that will bring.” He took another drink from his glass and paused for a long moment.
“I was relieved to hear that both of my Sisters made it through the wars, and while one is still playing an active role in Starfleet Security the other left Starfleet to start a private practice on Denobula Prime. She would choose the galactic epicenter for medical things to take her practice. She’s apparently had quite the success. Now I have to make that most interesting communications call, to let my family know I’m still alive. It should be a shock.” He said setting down the now empty glass. “My crew and I have a lot of history to catch up on. I wager it will not be an easy transition for many of them. They were all young kids mostly, now they are still young while everyone they knew is 20 years older. End log!”

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Re: U.S.S. Tempest - Crew Logs


Post by SokothQultuq »

Mission 22 – “Through the Looking Glass” Part 4
Sim Date: December 10, 2016
IC Date: December 4, 2393 Time: 14:48:05
Stardate: 70924.97
Attendance: 5
SokothQultuq as Captain Oliver Alexander Savage – Commanding Officer
DharmaHelper as Commander Sully Derringer – Executive Officer
SpaceDaisy as Lieutenant Commander Elianna Kestran – Chief Medical Officer
InsertNameHere as Lieutenant Junior Grade Johnny Cleveland – Chief Tactical Officer
Glorfindel as Cadet Cameron Corcoran – Science Officer
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OOC & Pre Sim Information:
Well the good news is we’ve already started getting new Crew on board, someone by the name of Sam has joined the crew as an Auxiliary crew person. Which I’m not sure what that equates to as far as a position yet but we’ve got our first crewperson from Star Trek: Engage!
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Mission Briefing:
The crew of the Tempest has returned to Pacifica, the ship has essentially been impounded and the crew subjected to a battery of medical checks and a large variety of security checks. With the ship having been listed as missing and persumed destroyed it's been an interesting situation to say the least. As of right now the crew were given permission to occupy the ship once more but were still essentially grounded for the time being and technically on shore leave indefinably. We've been given the stations facilities as well as permission to visit the planet Pacific itself. If your not familiar, Pacifica is a water world of sorts, it has very little land mass, extremely deep oceans. There are a few islands that the pacificans have turned into resorts for the crew. (About the planet: http://memory-alpha.wikia.com/wiki/Pacifica) (and about the inhabitants: http://memory-beta.wikia.com/wiki/Selkie) so you may choose to stay aboard ship or go roast on a beach or holodeck. Whatever your poison. Any questions, comments or death threats?

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Location: Pacifica, Lau Rhianna Continent, South Beach
Source: COM UNIT 3252B21-116 – Uplink – USS Tempest NCC-1852-A

A sounds of island music and a beach can be heard as the recording picks up. “Personal Log, I can’t help but feel like I’ve abandoned my crew, but at the same time I think it should help with team building. I did not lie about where I was heading. Now I’m deep into a good book on the beach drinking something tasty. Maybe Johnny is right, maybe it just hasn’t hit me yet.” He pauses. “Twenty years has passed, countless people have died, and I can’t understand why it is that I feel nothing.” He pauses lost in thought for a moment. “Something’s not right with Sully, he’s been acting strange since they came back from the USS Paris. I did take note of a security alert that Sully has been trying to access a level ten classified record. I took a bit of interest and attempted to access the file and found that I don’t even have access. I sent a request to command asking for access as part of our ongoing investigation, but so far I’ve gotten no reply. I’m starting to wonder if that’s why Starfleet is mulling over what to do with us, maybe were on to something. I think I’ll let Sully continue to poke around for a bit to see how it goes. I’ve got a backdoor program monitoring his progress so once he knows something I should as well. I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place not knowing what’s next, for now I guess I need to figure out my own issues with this and wait. Could be worse ways to wait.” He pauses as a very low rumble is picked up over the audio. “What the hell!” there are the sounds of concern in the background. “I think we just had an earthquake. End Log!”

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Re: U.S.S. Tempest - Crew Logs


Post by SokothQultuq »

Mission 23 – “Through the Looking Glass ” - Part 5
Sim Date: December 17th, 2016
IC Date: December 5th 2393 Time: 09:50:12
Stardate: 70927.15
SokothQultuq as Captain Oliver Alexander Savage – Commanding Officer
DharmaHelper as Commander Sully Derringer – Executive Officer
SpaceDaisy as Lieutenant Commander Elianna Kestran – Chief Medical Officer
InsertNameHere as Lieutenant Junior Grade Johnny Cleveland – Chief Tactical Officer
Glorfindel as Cadet Cameron Corcoran – Science Officer

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OOC & Pre Sim Information:
Well were edging closer to our official kick off date with ST:E! We ran 22 Missions during the 2016 year, which is a great start since we began this endeavor back with our First Sim on May 28th, 2016. I’m proud of what we’ve accomplished. We did not get to sim on every weekend but this is the trials and tribulations of starting up one of these things when Star Trek as a whole is kind of in a lull. You guys have been great both in understanding, working with me with such a small crew. I think our partnership with ST:E is going to bring great things in our future. Thank you guys!
I believe the plan is that we will be over on ST:E’s chat system starting this weekend coming up. It is our first sim, might even have our own SM/Game Director, which will give me a chance to participate as a played character more so I am excited about that prospect.
I am looking forward to what is coming next.

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Mission Briefing:
As a few of us are currently buried under rubble on the planet we will pick up where the new Game Master decides we need to kick off from otherwise I’ll twist something together. LOL So seeing that this stuff just happened and I’m buried with the rest of you, accept our Science Officer there will be no official log. LOL But it will all be summed up in my next one.
As of right now, here is where the crew stands.
Oliver, Johnny, and Elianna are buried by debris in the café they were in when the quake hit. However, no one is badly injured and the building materials were light since it was an open-air café not too hard to dig out.
Cadet Cameron was aboard the Tempest in orbit docked at the station, going over sensor readings. More of which will be revealed on the day of sim.
Commander Derringer was not with us so one can only assume he either went back to the ship or was in his room when the quake hit, and is otherwise unscathed.
Our councilor is still resting comfortably in sickbay.
Our new crewbies can decide where they want to start out from, just let myself or the Director know where you were when everything went down.

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USS Tempest Duty Log - SCI Cadet Cameron Corcoran - Stardate: 11701.01

I thought my studies at Starfleet Academy had prepared me for everything. I've quickly learnt that finishing first in my class in a host of courses like Applied Astrobiology count for very little out here on the edges of space. I suppose though, that nothing can ever prepare you for being flung twenty-two years into the future without aging a day. I look at the Captain and the XO and I wonder how they aren't more perturbed by this bizarre event than they appear to be. This is my first assignment to a Starship so I suppose it's mostly all of us creating a rapport.

And now, here I am - the remaining Bridge Officer on deck while the Captain, XO, CMO and Tactical Officer are all trapped below on Pacifica after the earthquake that took place. I've been trying to raise them but have heard nothing yet. I'm waiting for confirmation from the Geology Lab that the planet is sufficiently stable to attempt a rescue. We have an Away Team on standby as soon as I have confirmation that it's safe to return to Pacifica. The Captain seems like an immensly capable and resourceful man so I have a lot of confidence so I'm hopeful that they're all safe down there. For now though, it's just the waiting...

USS Tempest NCC-1852-A Official Log - SCI Cadet Cameron Corcoran reporting - Stardate: 11701.04

It has been 12 hours now since the earthquake on Pacifica and scans indicate the seismic activity appears to be continuing in slowly increasing frequency and intensity. Scans also indicate wide spread and severe structural damage to buildings in the proximity of the resort where the Captain and crew were staying. I have been able to identify signs of life of approximately 234 souls in the resort precincts but so far, have not been able to definitively lock on to the Captain or members of the crew. I'm working to the assumption that they have been either separated from their Comms Badges or they have been damaged.

In accordance with Star Fleet protocol, I have contacted the Madam Mulan Szechwan (the Governor of the province in which the resort lies). She has advised that she has organised Rescue and Recovery teams on the ground as soon as the aftershocks subside and the safety of her teams can be reasonable assured. I have contacted Star Trek Headquarters and provided them with a Sit Rep of these recent events. I was pleased once again, to speak to Commodore Cutler (one of my mentors from the Academy) who is currently heading up Operations & Logistics in this quadrant. I undertook to keep him informed of events and assured me that he stands ready to send any assistance that may be required.

Given the delay, a roster has been established for multiple away teams so that there will be a team at the ready as soon as we get the word. The Medical Bay is on High Alert and the Geoscience lab are working up different scenarios about the origin of the sudden seismic activity and potential patterns in the immediate and longer term future. I have kept the rest of the crew of the Tempest informed of the events by Ship-wide address so everyone is familiar with our situation. There appears little panic among the crew as I believe they too share my confidence in the resourcefulness of our Captain and crew.

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Re: U.S.S. Tempest - Crew Logs


Post by SokothQultuq »

Mission 24 – “The Quake” Part 1
Sim Date: January 7th, 2017
IC Date: December 5th 2393 Time: 14:25:00
Stardate: 70927.67 ST:E Stardate: 11701.07
SokothQultuq as Captain Oliver Alexander Savage – Commanding Officer
DharmaHelper as Commander Sully Derringer – Executive Officer
SpaceDaisy as Lieutenant Commander Elianna Kestran – Chief Medical Officer
InsertNameHere as Lieutenant Junior Grade Johnny Cleveland – Chief Tactical Officer
Glorfindel as Cadet Cameron Corcoran – Science Officer
CJ as Game Director

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OOC & Pre Sim Information:
We ran into some hiccups with IRC during our first attempts at running our show over on the ST:E site but we still managed to at least get part of a storyline run. It was great to be more of an active role in the Simulation after having a Game Director for our activity. (Thank you CJ!!!)
So here is a few things I recommend for those of you who had trouble with the IRC Client. I know one of the appealing ideas of ST:E was to not have to download a chat client but it might be advisable as a backup or a permanent solution. CJ the game director from this last weekend has a tutorial up on the ST:E forums which I will link below that suggests a client and gives a tutorial on how it’s used. I think I’m going to give it a try myself because it sounds like it might be less buggy and might have more features available than the Embedded one. Until James their network systems admin is able to add our room links to the IRC you will want to remember those command which I will also include those below.
Just a reminder that ST:E does have a language restriction, we need to try and start being mindful of this to respect other age brackets and maturity levels that may be attending or reading our log sin the future. Thank you!
Lastly thank you all for coming and being a part of our kick off mission officially with ST:E!

Here is the link to the “Quick and Dirsty IRC-Client How to” by C.J. Short: http://forums.startrekengage.com/viewto ... f=12&t=402

Join any of the existing vessels IRC rooms then once it loads type in /join #ST_MissionRoom1 which is our RP room and once that one loads type in /join #SomaLounge is our OOC room.

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Mission Briefing:
The USS Tempest remains in orbit of Pacifica, where Temporal Affairs has been investigating their sudden appearance 15 years after its disappearance. An odd earthquake had trapped part of the crew, though they are relatively unharmed, and are quickly being unburied. However, a new question has risen: what is the deal with that earthquake? As a terraformed world, it should have been minor at most...

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Location: USS Tempest NCC-1852-A, Deck 1, Ready Room
Captains Log Recording File
“Captains log Stardate: 70927.67.” He pauses for a moment and rotates an arm, grimacing. “A massive earthquake has devastated the planet Pacifica. The infrastructure on the planet was not intended to be involved in any sort of seismic event and it certainly shows. As of right now reports coming up from the surface indicate that nearly four thousand are wounded, and surprisingly only thirty seven dead so far. We’ve been lucky thus far and the Tempest crew has only seen injuries and no deaths but we still have several crew unaccounted for.” He pauses and leans back in his chair.

“I’ve never been buried by a quake before, and I can safely say it’s not an experience I wish to re-live. Myself, Elianna, and Johnny were at one of the local café’s getting breakfast when it hit, brought the whole damn place down around our ears. Let me tell you, it does not help with a hangover. My head is still pounding! We have been working closely with Emergency services to beam survivors out of rubble that search and rescue crews cannot access by conventional means, and all of our cargo bays, Soma Lounge and just about any empty space has been turned into a triage centers. We’re getting close to capacity as far as life support goes but were doing our part.” Standing he moves out from behind his desk, and begins pacing.

“We’ve detected some interesting readings on the other side of the planet in the uninhabited zone of the planet, were going to reposition the ship and see about taking a closer look.” He stops staring at a painting on the wall; he seems suddenly lost in his own thoughts. “End log!”

USS Tempest Duty Logs - SCI Cadet Cameron Corcoran - Stardate: 11701.08

I snap on the monitor as I sit at the desk here in my quarters and stare blankly at the screen. I scroll down the news updates from ships scattered across the quadrant - space anomaly alerts, warnings, births, marriages, obituaries, the list goes on. Promotion notifications - now there's something amusing! After today's mission, I can't see my name appearing on that list for a very long time. Then, something catches my eye.

The new Intrepid-class USS Darwin is under construction and will be commissioned next year. Apparently, it's being fitted out with the latest scientific equipment to carry out a special astrological research mission to the Gamma Quadrant. It all sounds so intriguing. I'd get to serve with a number of my professors from the Academy who are leading the expedition... Mhhmm? I think this may be a great career move for me. The crew of the Tempest are a great bunch but I'm not seeing that I'm really in a position help to them at the moment and I can't see my career as a Star Trek Officer advancing far given recent events. There's still a few months to apply for this position so I might think it over.

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Re: U.S.S. Tempest - Crew Logs


Post by SokothQultuq »

Mission 25 – “The Quake” - Part 2
Sim Date: 1/14/2017
IC Date: December 5th 2393 Time: 16:25:00
Stardate: 70927.90 ST:E Stardate: 11701.14
================= =/\= ============================ =/\= =================
Captain Oliver Alexander Savage – Commanding Officer
Commander Sully Derringer – Executive Officer
Lieutenant Commander Elianna Kestran – Chief Medical Officer
Lieutenant Junior Grade Johnny Cleveland – Chief Tactical Officer
Ensign Eldrida Trost
CJ as Game Director

Noteable NPCs:
Admiral Glenn
Science Officer Mendoza
Science Officer Nores
Navigator Des
Lieutenant Emily Reed – Formerly of the USS Paris – 102 Years from the past.

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OOC & Pre Sim Information:
Elianna Kestran has advised me that she will not attend this week due to work. Thank you Annie!
So it is official we will become one with Sigma Rho, ST:E management is working out those details. This just means our scope just got much bigger, and you now have more responsibilities. Not just aboard ship but aboard a Space Station. I would encourage you to get to know the Sigma Rho station; her particulars can be found on the website. This is exciting as we will be taking on a DS9’ish like approach where we split our time between the station and the ship. It will still be several weeks before that transition occurs. I’ll keep you posted as I know more.

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Mission Briefing:
I am going to say that two hours have passed. The rescue and recovery operation on the ground is well underway, so you can all have returned to the ship if you would like. In that time, the ship has been taking scans of the planet's surface and trying to determine the source of the quake.

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Location: USS Tempest NCC-1852-A, Deck 1, Bridge
Duty Log Recorder File: Savage, Oliver A

The bridge is once again bustling with life and the crew is bathed in the amber lighting of the yellow alert status as the image comes online. “Captains log, Stardate 70927.90 supplemental. We have had several startling revelations in the past few hours. Science officers Mendoza and Nores have been pivotal in finding more information on this quake that has devastated the planet Pacifica, a notation of their good work will be entered into their service jackets.” He glances off to the side of the bridge as he watches the Admiral exit the turbolift and head back into the conference room.

“Admiral Glenn came aboard at the start of all of this and has been taking a very active role in coordinating the surface search and rescue as well as helping to get the planetary infrastructure back up and running on its own. For the first several hours the Tempest was serving as the planetary communications network which slowed our initial process in getting to the bottom of whatever is causing this.” He shifts in his chair. “The Admiral has done a fantastic job and I’m happy to say he has kept to himself and his task other than asking for occasional updates on our progress. It’s nice to have a flag officer around who just lets us do our jobs.”

“We broke from our standard orbit and have taken up a geostationary orbit over where we believe the origin of the quake has occurred. To our surprise, we have detected what appears to be Plasma Energy weapon residuals so were operating at Yellow Alert until we can surmise what exactly is going on. To make matters more interesting the sensor reading is coming from under the surface of one of Pacifica’s many oceans. We have opted to send down a Class III Planetary survey probe to see if it can help us get clear readings on the anomaly. If that fails, we have been given the optional use of a submersible to investigate the area which is still up in the air.”

“I’m a little concerned about Mr. Derringer. He has been acting rather odd lately and I am not sure what to think of it. He is starting to turn into a bit of a conspiracy theorist. Of his latest one is a fascinating idea and something to look into regardless if it is our fault or not, but he feels that we might be out of tune essentially with the universe having been misplaced in time. I am not sure if it is as server as he believes but since we have never known to have anyone stuck out of time permanently other than Doctor Gillian Anderson I feel it is perhaps something worth exploring. Since my go, too Science officer has been ill I believe I will pass this on to him once he is well enough to report for duty. Mr. Corcoran seems to be a bit aloof since coming aboard. Too much Starfleet, not enough Cameron. Just like most Cadets fresh from the Academy he’s got a lot to learn, but I have a feeling he’s going to fit in just fine.”

“Councilor Trost finally awoke as did our other time traveler, Lieutenant Emily Reed. They have been in a coma like state since we arrived in this time. I am thankful that she is all right however; I am told that Emily may not have fared so well. Once the councilor is up too it she is going to have one heck of a job in front of her.” He glances up at the viewscreen for a moment watching the small timer in the bottom tick off. “It’s going to be a long day ahead of us still. End log!”

USS Tempest NCC-1852-A Official Log - SCI Cadet Cameron Corcoran reporting - Stardate: 11701.14

Opening my eyes, I struggle for a few moments to orient myself in these unfamiliar surroundings. This is not my quarters? I feel a hand gently touch my upper arm and feel strangely comforted by the gesture.
"It's OK, son." I'm assured by the smiling Medical Officer standing over me. "You're in the Medical Bay, Corky. There's no need to worry, we'll take good care of you." Confused, I try to respond, "But, what...?"
"You recall your migraine that you suffered on the away rescue mission on Pacifica?" he enquires. I nod in agreement. "Well, it seems that might be something a little more serious than just a migraine. As far as we can tell, your synaptic efficacy has been significantly disrupted hat's resulted in a number of serious symptoms including intermittent loss of consciousness. We are currently working on the theory that your condition may have been caused as a consequence of the temporal aftershock of the time shift we experienced. We're monitoring the rest of the crew for similar reactions to yours but so far, nothing's shown up."

"I need to get back to the bridge." I protest.

A burly Security Officer suddenly appears behind the MO looking at me from over his shoulder.

"You're not going anywhere, son." The doctor replies. "We can't have you passing out on the bridge in the midst of some emergency now, can we? I've informed the Captian. He he getting constant reports on your progress. We think your condition may be temporary but for now, we have no way of telling so we're going to continue to observe your vital signs."

I feel my head start to pound. "OK, Doc but..."

USS Tempest NCC-1852-A Official Log - SCI Cadet Cameron Corcoran reporting - Stardate: 11701.19

Doctor Campbell approached Bio-bed 4 and looked down at his latest patient. Removing his medical tricorder from its case on his waist, he detached the scanner and passed it over the young man lying motionless in front of him. With a frown creeping across his face like that a Talaxian moon casts, he took in the data his tricorder was giving him. "Damn it, Son! Come around!" he whispered under his breath. Searching the Med records, young Corky hadn't been conscious now for more than 24 hours and the duration of his periods of conciousness were increasing and the frequency of them was starting to decrease.

Lost in his thoughts, he didn't notice CMO Kestran appear at his side until she placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "How's young Corky progressing, Paul?"

"Not like I'd been hoping, Elianna." he replied shaking his head. "His vital signs are holding, but there are signs that his condition is starting to deteriorate. I've run regular neural imaging scans and they are revealing a significant and increasing reduction in the acuity of his neocortex consistent with the impact of a trans-dimensional disturbance. It's one of those times when I feel so frustrated and helpless. I mean we're doing everything we can, but I think it's over to Corky right now."

"I know what you mean, Paul. You'd think in the 24th century we'd be able to make this better... I know you're doing what you can and I'm sure Corky knows that too." Elianna responded with a comforting smile. "He's a good man and I know the Captain has high hopes for him as a member of our crew. I'm certain Corky won't give the Tempest up without a fight."

Duty Log Recorder - USS Tempest NCC-1852-A - Ensign Eldrida Trost

I have apparently been in a coma for 22 years. I just woke up today. I have a medical patient as my partner in sick bay. Emily. She's lost 102 years.

I hurt when I try to talk to people telepathically. I couldn't sense anyone on the ship till Emily woke up. Then I could sense her. And only her. Sitting up currently brings about the most awful dizzy spell ever.

My last memories were of me completely messing up being a Counselor. I kept trying to help them. Sully and Johnny. But somehow I kept always stepping in exactly the wrong place. I kept being the most fail "head shrinker" ever. Then they found a ship. And then everything went blank. The last thing I remember is Sully yelling at Johnny - "You have Fluffy!! THIS ONE IS MINE!! LET ME HAVE IT!!"

From what my good Doctor tells me, the reason I was kept in my state so long is because they sensed another presence besides me. But she was elusive when I asked if it had passed. Best she could give me is it was "Flufy like." I don't know at this point if it was a true Fluffy sort of gig or something nearish. I don't know if it's gone or not. I KNOW there are things my good Doctor isn't telling me and she swears she will tell me in a formal session. Honestly, this worries me from her. She should know that we can "session" whenever. Her Doctor brain saw me react to doing what comes natural and she recommended not trying to sense things, not using my telepathy.

Then Sully came to see me. And he wanted my help! He really wanted my help! He seemed to have a problem about knowing things. He thinks there are important to know but was worried about making the situation worse if he told people about them. I tried to help him as best I could. I really really think I gave him pretty good advice. I felt his relief when he did what he thought he should do. It made me smile.

I learned something with all of that. Working helps me. I am worried about Emily. She has so much to go through. And Johnny was MIA. I'm SUPER worried about how Johnny has been without Fluffy and without me to kinda talk to and be frenemies with.

It seems now, my working theory, is the more I work, the better I feel. I hope the sick bed doesn't deter people from finding their counselor.

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Re: U.S.S. Tempest - Crew Logs


Post by SokothQultuq »

Mission 24 – “The Quake” – Part 3
Sim Date: January 21, 2017
IC Date: December 5, 2393 Time: 18:04:27
Stardate: 70928.09 ST:E Stardate: 11701.21
================= =/\= ============================ =/\= =================
Captain Oliver Alexander Savage – Commanding Officer
Lieutenant Junior Grade Johnny Cleveland – Chief Tactical Officer
Cadet Cameron Corcoran – Science Officer
Ensign Eldrida Trost – Councilor
CJ as Game Director

Notable NPC’s Used:
Admiral Glenn
Science Officer Nores
Lietuenant Emily Reed – Formerly of the USS Paris – 102 years from the past.

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OOC & Pre Sim Information:
Great job at the last meeting everyone, a lot of dynamic player interaction. I enjoyed what I saw a lot and I know I’m not the only one.
I believe the plan right now is that once we conclude our current story arc we will be integrating Sigma Rho so that is our current time frame for that to happen.

================= =/\= ============================ =/\= =================
Mission Briefing:
The Tempest remains in orbit of Pacifica, where it has discovered the source of the quake: a plasma-based explosion on an ocean bed. An atmospheric probe is gathering more data.

================= =/\= ============================ =/\= =================
Location: USS Tempest NCC-1852-A, Deck 1, Ready Room
Duty Log Recording File: Savage, Oliver A

As the camera comes alive Oliver can be seen standing silhouetted by image of Star’s and a blue planet slipping past in the window at the back of the ready room. The camera slowly pans and zooms in, his expression somber as he stares out the window, his left hand holds what appears to be a clear liquid. “Captains Log Stardate 70928.09, Supplemental.” His voice is cold and distant, it’s as if he’s miles away.

“While conducting our survey with the Class III Planetary survey probe we lost contact with it for no specific reason. Before losing our telemetry with the thing we did determine that someone or something has mined the ocean bed and used some sort of Plasma Explosive to damage the sea bed. We have hypothesized that the debris that’s been stirred up down there may be preventing our sensors from penetrating all the way to the bottom.” He pauses and takes a drink from his cup.

“I’ve sent Lieutenant Cleveland, Ensign Cocoran and one of his fellow science officers Mr. Nores down to the planet surface to take a submersible down to investigate further. They were given orders to Observe and report back what they find. They didn’t even get into the turbolift before they began bickering.” He paused, his cheeks flushing a slight pink. “I clearly gave orders that Johnny was to be in charge of the mission, granted it is a Science mission but for whatever reason they decided it was a democracy.” He pauses as the color in his cheeks deepens. “I thought about stepping in and interjecting but as soon as I did Johnny seemed to put his foot down, and then summarily did a one eighty. I honestly don’t understand him sometimes.” He turned and leaned heavily against the window sill his attention on the small computer device sitting on his desk and the picture.

“Ms. Trost and Reed were apparently released from Sickbay, Eldrida was nice enough to see to our guests needs and get her settled in until we can figure out what to do with her. And ensure she’s in good health of course.” He closes his eyes for a moment then looks back out the window. “She’s going to have one hell of a job ahead of her. This crew needs help adjusting.”

“An update was sent up by the away team not long ago letting us know it would be about an hour before they arrive at the location of the disruption on the ocean bottom. So it’s a watch and wait game until then. End log!” The camera slowly fades to black.

Location: USS Tempest NCC-1852-A, Deck 1, Ready Room
Personal Log Recording File: Savage, Oliver A

The camera slowly fades in; Oliver can be seen sitting on the small couch up against the wall in his ready room. A P.A.D.D. held in his hands, his expression is one of unmistakable sadness. His eyes are clearly red, and his cheeks streaked. “Personal Log….” He pauses to take a drink from the glass of water he had been nursing for the last half hour. His throat felt dry. “Where do I start…” he stars down at the P.A.D.D. in his hands. “How do you come back from the dead?” he muttered. “My family buried me. There’s a tombstone in my families plot with my name on it.” He slumped a bit as he shifted. “I’m dead to them. They cannot even acknowledge that I am still alive. I’ve heard of the many stages of grieving but then how does one react to a loved one coming back from the dead.”

A tear slowly worked its way from the corner of his eye down his cheek. “Johnny asked me how I was able to keep a straight face through this. How I acted like it never happened.” He paused taking in a deep breath, then blowing it out. “How indeed.” His hands tightened on the device between them and it groaned in protest. “A Captain has to be a rock for his crew, someone that they can look to in order to see that everything is all right.”

The P.A.D.D. groaned further in protest of the heavy handed twisting motion it was getting as Oliver tensed. “I’m not alright damn it!” he blurted as the device sparked suddenly and split in half violently. Both pieces went spinning across the room as he hurled them away. “I’ve lost twenty-two years of my life!” he blurted. “I was buried! They had a damn funeral!” his chest heaved a few times as he tried to compose himself. “Twenty-two years!”

“We don’t even know how!” he said standing. “Why someone would just hold us suspended in time for twenty-two years and then send us on our way!” he began pacing. “A cruel freaking joke!” he said. “I’ve looked at the logs, there was no way we would have made it out of the range of that blast from the Paris. We should be dead, but were not!” he clinched his fists. He so very much wanted something to punch, some way to let this anger, frustration, and whatever else was welling up inside him to just be done with it. Letting out a loud growl, he dropped back down onto the couch holding his head in his hands for a long moment. “I am a rock, I am strong!” he muttered to himself barely audible. “They need me to be a rock!” Several long moments passed as he sat there holding his head whispering to himself. Willing his emotions back under control.

Slowly he sat back picking up the glass of water. “I used to go to Crater Lake with my father, we’d spend hours walking some of the trails, camping, even did a little fishing up there. It was some of the only time I ever got to see him when he wasn’t working. My father passed away while I was gone. I’ll never get that chance to see him, to tell him goodbye. The best I can do now is visit his grave.” He took a drink of water.

“My mother was put into an assisted living facility; her mind they say is gone. She does not even remember her kids anymore. Happened shortly after they lost my father and me. They said my mother took it terribly hard. I was asked not to go see my mother. They said it might confuse her, cause her more harm than good. Lost for twenty-two years and I cannot even see my mother if I wanted too!” he stood up abruptly again.

“Oh now let’s see, Hannah! My oldest sister, still trucking along in Starfleet. Won’t speak to me, or acknowledge that I’m alive. Blames me for mom. How great is that. Find out oh after all these years that your bother is alive and won’t even take my Comms!” he said.

“How about my sister Rachael! She won’t see anyone, not since she was injured during the war. I was able to look into that and found out that her ship was nearly destroyed with her aboard. She was apparently horribly disfigured, and left disabled. She’s apparently down the hall from my mother at the assisted living facility. The dominion maimed my sister. She won’t see anyone, not even her brother who she cannot admit is back from the dead either.”

The camera began to pan, and follow Oliver as he crossed the room. Switching angles as he passed into the space where the Head and the replicator sat. He thrust the cup into the replicator to recycle it, but in his distracted state hit the back shattering the glass. “Damn it!” he said pulling his hand back then dropping the handle in the machine, and very forcefully hit the recycle button causing it to whirl and dissipate the glass and liquid. “Damn!” he said again through clenched teeth.

“I’m a rock, my crew needs me!” he says again to himself. Stepping into the bathroom, the lights came on in the small space. Reaching out he activates the cold water. “I am a rock!” he repeats as he leans over the sink. His voice trembling. “I am a rock!” he says stopping and staring at himself at the edge of the mirror. Slowly he pulls water into his hands and splashes it onto his face. “I am a rock!” he says again, and splashes his face with water. He repeated this a few more times allowing the water to ease the redness of his eyes, and clear away the signs of tears.

Slowly he stood erect, staring into the mirror. He forces his expression to change. Pushed back the hate, frustration, and sorrow he felt. Slowly there were no signs that there was any trouble what-so-ever, his expression was neutral like a Vulcans. He quickly ran a comb through his hair, and aside from a bit of water on his uniform vest it was as if what had transpired over the last few minutes had not happened at all. Taking in a deep breath, he let it out slowly. “Rock! End log!” he said, and slowly the camera faded to black.

Location: USS Tempest NCC-1852-A, Deck 12, Sickbay, Chief Medical Officers Office
Log Recording - Lieutenant Commander Kestran, Elianna

Elianna takes a long sip of her coffee. The warm, bitter coffee goes down smoothly. Coffee was not something they drank much of on Betazed. They tended to be fond of sweets there. Bitter was not a pleasurable experience so it seemed most Betazoids never acquired a taste for coffee. Her slender finger tapped the side of the mug thoughtfully as she studied the report in front of her. The vitals were perplexing to her, no one but Cam had this reaction to their "time jump," as everyone was calling it now. Though technically they hadn't jumped time, it seemed they had been held in stasis by someone, at least that was what the initial medical exams seemed to indicate. She set her coffee cup down on her desk with a sigh. She looked out through the window into main sickbay and saw him lift his head and look in her direction. He was a good kid, she worried about him; he seemed kind. This gig was usually pretty hard on the ones with soft hearts. She gave him a grin and a wink, just a little encouragement. Patients with a positive attitude healed more quickly than those without.

He laid his head back down and Elianna leaned back in her chair with a sigh, staring up at the muted lights in the ceiling. Truth be told, she wasn't just stressed out about their Science Officer's medical condition. Counselor Trost had been discharged from sickbay already; Emily was still here but it wouldn't be long until she too was discharged. Telling that poor woman about the devastating loss she had unknowingly experienced was the hardest news she had ever had to give. Probably because she had a small taste of it herself. Everyone expected Elianna to have a handle on emotions because she was Betazoid, but reality was so much different. She could sense them and hear thoughts, but she never could get a handle on understanding them. The body was easy to understand and fix, there were symptoms and causes and solutions. Emotions were so much... messier. Solutions were so rare. And now, here they all were, a ship full of crew members that were set emotionally adrift. The lines between medical problems and emotional problems almost seemed to be blurred. And as much as she loathed to admit even to herself, she was adrift right along with them.

She leaned forward and tapped the console lightly, calling up a personnel file. Sahl, Ezron. He made it to Lieutenant Commander, before he died. She traced the face in the picture and then snapped the console closed roughly. How do they find their place in this future they were cast into, without any choice in it? The only thing she could do to keep it together was her job. Medicine was real, practical, tangible. She would anchor herself in her work and let the rest come as it may. Leave the messy stuff to Counselor Trost, that was her job anyway.


USS Tempest Duty Log - SCI Cadet Cameron Corcoran - Stardate: 11701.21

There is nothing but impenetrable darkness all around me and it feels like I'm restricted completely from all movement. My senses are all muted, dulled, anaesthetised. And yet, far away, there is a quiet murmour, unintelligible but I strain harder and harder to make it out. Frustratingly, I hear the sound become a little louder but only at the most excrutiatingly slow pace. The louder it becomes, the harder I strain to hear it, to make sense of it. After an absolute eternity, I can make out voices, muffled but definitely voices. My mind feels utterly spent but I've come too far to stop now. For a long time nothing seems to change then suddenly, without warning, I can hear the words with clarity. I open my eyes.

"Welcome back, Son. You've had us worried but we knew you were coming back to us, we've had to use some experimental procedures to re-align your synaptic patterns and it looks like you've responded exactly how we'd hoped." I try to lift myself from the bio-bed. The Medical Officer places his hand on my left shoulder and gently pushes me back to rest. "No need to be in such a hurry, Son! We've still got a few tests to run to make sure you're OK and won't be prone to an relapses, so just lie back and take it easy. You'll be back on the Bridge soon enough. I smile and dissolve back onto the bio-bed. The Medical Officer turns his face away. In the distance, I see CMO Kestran look up from her medical inventory and wink with a grin. I take a very deliberate deep breath and let out a relieved sigh.

==START LOG FILE - Lt. JG. Johnny Cleveland==

"Is this thing on? Hello? It says recording so it must be...

Uh, hi. My name is Johnny Cleveland, rank Lieutenant Junior something-something, and I'm being forced against my will to record these dumb little messages for...I don't even know why, to be honest. Are they supposed to help me, like emotionally? Is Captain Savage gonna watch these while he's in his underwear or what?

Anyway, yes. I'm here. I'm saying words into a camera, and I'm recording a log. Yep. You wanted it, now you have it.

So, I'm on a ship. I forgot the name of the ship, but I'm sure it has one. I'm going out along with two science nerds to investigate some probe that disappeared or got destroyed or something or other. It was there one second and gone the next. We still have about 45 minutes until we actually get to where it was, so I figured I'd burn some time by recording one of these pointless things.

Cameron is the main science guy out here with me. Frankly, I dislike him. I'm not entirely sure why I dislike him, but I do nevertheless. There's also some other dude, but I already forgot his name, so I'm just gonna assume he's irrelevant.

Oh yeah, freakin' Eldrida Trost decided to wake up again and make my life more miserable. I was hoping she just wouldn't wake up until she'd been transferred off the ship, far away from me. I gotta admit, I have absolutely no idea why she's even a psychologist, or a psychiatrist, or a therapist, or whatever someone who talks to people for a living is called. She's not very good at it. It's like she's super duper personally invested in her relationship with every single person on board, and if anyone is even slightly cold or wants a little bit of privacy, she takes it as a personal insult and starts blubbering. I wouldn't want talk to her about the weather, certainly not about my feelings.

The captain seems to be having a bit of a mental breakdown, and to be perfectly honest, it's making me like him a lot more. Before he was just this sociopathic chipper robot, but now he's all gloom and doom. It's much easier to work with.

Alright, looks like I've talked about everyone but myself, so that means it's time for me to end this. Now. I hear some kerfuffle from elsewhere in the ship. Okay, that's a lie. I'm just sick of looking at that blinking dot right next to the camera. Plus, I have to use the restroom. Cleveland out. Is that too miuch? Ah, screw it-"

Duty Log Recording - USS Tempest NCC-1852-A- Ensign Eldrida Trost

Emily and I were discharged from the med bay tonight. I got to go home. Emily not so much.

I tried to give her comfort food and I took off the alcohol inhibitors on the replicator, because if there is one night in the entire world you want to drink, it's the night you realize you've been asleep for 102 years and everyone you know and love is dead. I tried to give her her comfort food, but I know the recipe was wrong. I asked her for recipes for a reason. The more detailed you are with the replicator, the more awesome the results. Still the BEST home skool recipes call for a dash of this and a smidge of that. I know and she knows, it'll always be "just almost like I want it to be."

Then the boys started acting up. m

Corky was taunting Johnny and that set up my radar because Johnny.I checked in with him and he was all 'check in with everyone else,I'm good. *This response worries me. I KNOW Johnny needs to talk to me about Fuffy. I KNOW he hasn't talked to anyone about Fluffy yet. Since my sleep.*

I check in with Corky and he's all "I'm just fucking with Johnny cuz I can" and my heart breaks a little.

My CO wants time with me. And it's time I know we both need. But he refuses to do it till I have stuff ok with Emily. That is a herculean task.

I missed Elianna. I know she had other things to attend to today, but I could have used her help with Emily. And also I know we need time together soon for both her and I. I missed my friend.

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Re: U.S.S. Tempest - Crew Logs


Post by SokothQultuq »

Mission 27 – “The Quake” – Part 4
Sim Date: January 28, 2017
IC Date: December 5, 2393 Time: 19:10:22
Stardate: 70928.21

================= =/\= ============================ =/\= =================
Captain Oliver Alexander Savage – Commanding Officer
Commander Sullivan “Sully” Emily Derringer – Executive Officer
Lieutenant Commander Elianna Kestran – Chief Medical Officer
Lieutenant Junior Grade Johnny Cleveland – Chief Tactical Officer
Cadet Cameron Corcoran – Science Officer
Ensign Eldrida Trost – Councilor
CJ as Game Director

Notable NPC’s Used:
Admiral Glenn
Anarel – Sub Captain
The Naradra – Alien Species we’ve just made 1st Contact with.

================= =/\= ============================ =/\= =================
OOC & Pre Sim Information:
As you know our partnership with ST:E has been withdrawn, we are going to be working with CJ and Aoibhe when they get something going so for now were going to push forward. CJ has said he is going to stick with us. I am excited by that prospect alone. Yes, we have lost something but now have the exciting prospect of being part of something new. However, I am excited to continue working with these two amazing people and looking forward to what is to come. Thank you all for being patient and being so willing to work with us and push through some of the rough spots.

Crew logs can be posted on the Syndicate bulletin boards under the same board that I have been posting my Captain’s logs. This will help with continuity, as the logs will be lumped together.

================= =/\= ============================ =/\= =================
Mission Briefing:
The Tempest continued to investigate the quake that leveled much of Pacifica. Officers Cleveland, Corcoran, and Nores are on board a submersible headed for the site of an apparent explosion, and are about to arrive...

================= =/\= ============================ =/\= =================
Location: USS Tempest NCC-1852-A, Deck 1, Ready Room
The image fades into existence; a familiar sight of the Captain’s ready room appears. He can be seen standing in front of those windows again. This time with a steaming mug of dark liquid in hand. He takes a sip from the mug and nods as if confirming something to himself.

“Captains Log, Stardate 70928.21 Supplemental. We have been monitoring the situation down on the submarine with Lieutenant Cleveland since their first check in. Mr. Cleveland was kind enough to leave us an open communications channel as they explored the site of damage that this powerful quake originated. He apparently stumbled upon some alien species called the Naradra. I have to say their craft are interesting at first glance, elegant even as far as aquatic and space faring vessels are concerned.” He stops long enough to take another drink.

“Mr. Cleveland in his usual show of diplomacy nearly started a fight with our new found friends. I am reminded that he still needs time to develop. Commander Derringer has taken to reminding me of this fact and it is starting to become more frequent. I think their grudge match is starting to spill over, I’m honestly not sure right now if it’s the strain of the mission, or from our past experience that’s causing more issues between the crew.” He turns and moves over to his chair and drops down into it. “I managed to step in at just the right time and was able to open up a dialog with the Captain of the Naradra ship. Were set to have them come aboard for talks and perhaps dinner. They were kind enough to send us over their nutritional needs so we’ve got the Galley working up something special that will hopefully help smooth things over.” He frowns and leans forward.

“I’m actually a bit anxious about this meeting. This will be my first time meeting with an alien species as Captain, and a representative of the Federation. Even under my previous Captain, he handled most of our diplomatic encounters. I would like to think that I have learned a great deal but without any evidence, to the contrary I am concerned. My last diplomatic attempt almost ended with my life being lost.” He pauses and unconsciously rubs at one of his scars. “A hard lesson to learn, but worthwhile.”

“The Naradra Captain seemed to think that Pacifica was their home in time past, but it makes no sense. As far as we know the the Selkie species has always inhabited this world. It is possible that they could have been their prior to the Selkie, maybe they are related in some way. The Federation with the Selkie’s permission back in the 2260’s colonized Pacifica, and there is a fair amount of scientific history here. Doctor Gillian Taylor once conducted some oceanographic studies on the planet along with a companion humpback whale named Harpo.” He turned in his chair and stared out the window at the blue hue that was the planet. “Let’s hope for everyone’s sake that we can find a solution to this that is agreeable to all parties. I intend on asking Cadet Corcoran to look at the Selkie’s biological makeup and compare it with the Naradra to see if there is a connection. In addition, I intend on asking Commander Derringer to speak to the Selkie and see if they have anything in their history or even lore to account for this. A mystery needs careful unraveling. End log!”

Location: USS Tempest NCC-1852-A, Deck 12, Sickbay, Chief Medical Officers Office
Duty Log Recording: Lt. Cmdr. Kestran, Elianna

The screen comes to life and Elianna is sitting at her desk in her office yet again. A lock of hair has escaped from her hair clip and the circles under her eyes give away how tired she feels. There is a small smear of blood along the top of her collar.

"Personal log, stardate..." she sighs heavily, "I can't remember." She rests her head on the back of her chair and closes her eyes as she continues, "While the rest of the crew has been searching for the cause of the quake, I've been left to deal with some of the casualties. Most of the patients we took on board are stable, but we had three particularly difficult cases. After three emergency procedures, two are now stable but still in critical care under close observation. The third... well, I lost him." Elianna stood up and paced the room. "I'm beginning to feel like my list of failures and losses just keeps expanding with every situation we encounter. I felt less helpless when we were on Lyshan waiting for Johnny's damn kitties to let Oliver go than I do right now." She paused her pacing and stared off into space, recalling the experience for a moment. She shook her head in agitation, "Computer, end log."

USS Tempest NCC-1852-A Official Log - SCI Cadet Cameron Corcoran reporting - Stardate: 11701.28

There's something about the dark. As children and even sometimes as adults, we humans fear it for the terrors that we imagine it conceals from our sight. I think I've come to understand in my relatively brief life so far, that it's not the darkness outside us where we find that of which we are most afraid - those things are found in the inky blackness inside ourselves.

I've never really had a problem with the dark. Whether it's the dark of space or the dark outside of this submersible deep in this tranquil ocean on the planet Pacifica, I've always been excited by the knowledge that there is life out there, all around me and overcome with anticipation at exploring that which is different and growing as a result. That was, after all, my principal motivation for joining Star Fleet. As I look out into the darkness of the ocean around me, I wonder at the exotic species of marine life that we pass. I think I'd like to spend some more time in an environment like this one day - it's so peaceful and so beautiful...

It's been an interesting few hours. I'm grateful for the opportunity to spend some time away from the Tempest. The Captain in particular is under a great deal of stress as evidenced by his confusion around the management of this away mission. After all, it's basic Star Fleet protocol that the Chief Science Officer is in charge of all scientific expeditions unless the Captain is personally present. Why he would ignore that most basic protocol by putting the ship's Tactical Officer in charge is I think an indication of the stress he is under. Perhaps it's something I'll take up with Counsellor Trost upon my return to the ship. She seems like someone who is really easy to talk to and understanding and above all, someone really genuine in whom I'd feel confident to confide.

While I'm at it, I think I'll take up the matter of our Tactical Officer and my away team partner Johnny Cleveland. I really don't know about the guy. I get a sense that he really doesn't like me for some reason but despite that, he's professional enough to put those personal feelings aside for the good of our mission. The thing is, I kinda like him. He seems rather intense which is something I can certainly appreciate. I think we could work really well together on the Bridge and think I'll commit to trying to make things work with him. I'm sure Eldrida will be able to advise me on how I should deal with this.

We're almost at the site of the missing probe. Signing off for now.

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Re: U.S.S. Tempest - Crew Logs


Post by SokothQultuq »

Mission 28 – “The Quake” – Part 5
Sim Date: February 4, 2017
IC Date: December 6, 2393 Time: 18:27:11
Stardate: 70930.87 ST:E Stardate: 11702.04

================= =/\= ============================ =/\= =================
Captain Oliver Alexander Savage – Commanding Officer
Commander Sullivan “Sully” Emily Derringer – Executive Officer
Lieutenant Commander Elianna Kestran – Chief Medical Officer
Lieutenant Junior Grade Johnny Cleveland – Chief Tactical Officer
Cadet Cameron Corcoran – Science Officer
CJ as Game Director

Notable NPC’s Used:
Admiral Glenn
Darona – Naradra Captain/Leader
Senn – Naradra

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OOC & Pre Sim Information:
Ms. Trost has taken ill and would not be able to join us this night. She let me know prior to the sim. Thank you!

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Mission Briefing:
The Tempest remains in orbit of Pacifica, where member of the crew and at least
one drunk Andorian sea captain have encountered a species calling themselves the Naradra,
who claim the Federation have invaded and occupied their world for generations. Captain Savage has agreed to a neutral meeting with the Naradra, which will have to take place below the sea.

================= =/\= ============================ =/\= =================
Location: USS Tempest NCC-1852-A, Deck 1, Ready Room

Oliver’s desk is a disheveled mess, Padd’s, Isolinear chips, and the remains of his dinner or what was left of some kind of colorful fish can be seen as the camera comes into focus. Oliver is standing in front of the window looking out into space aft of the Tempest; the curve of blue representing the edge of Pacifica can just be seen from this angle. Oliver’s expression is one of concern, and it is very clear that he is fatigued. Anticipation was never one of his strong suites. He hated waiting. It was one of the worst parts about being in command; there was always something or someone to be waiting on.

“Captain’s Log, Stardate 70928.13 supplemental. It has been nearly twenty-four hours since we last spoke to the Naradra representatives. We provided them with all the information they need hopefully to sell peace and not war with their people. Neither of us clearly want war. I can see it in Darona’s eyes; he has seen plenty of death and suffering. It is clear that we made a grave error when we began to terraform this planet. However, it is also clear that the Selkie’s did not realize that the people they banished were still alive in the depths. They say that when your forced into an environment you adaptor or die, they clearly had too. The biggest failure here is that though the planetary lore included these people in their history, no one thought to go looking.” He pauses and takes a drink from a steaming mug.

“I’ve managed to get Admiral Glenn on board and we’ve stopped the terraforming process but the damage to the Naradra’s civilization is extreme. The Admiral has been in talks with the Selkie regarding the Naradra so they are aware of what has happened and that we are working towards trying to achieve some stability to the situation to hopefully prevent a war and try to bring the two factions back together. Were already starting to allocate the necessary resources to try to prevent further death. Every major department has ideas on how to best approach the situation, but in the end it will come down to the idea of the Naradra staying in the depths or coming back to the surface. Honestly that might be the safest bet but again it’s not up to us.” He slowly turns and heads over to settle onto the couch along the wall.

He takes another drink and sits in silence for a long moment. “Cadet Corcoran really did a great job in getting all the material together for each of our meetings thus far. He’s been shining pretty bright these last few days and with his cadet review and placement coming soon I’ve got a lot to think about.”

He sighs. “I’m still concerned about Commander Derringer…” he takes in a deep breath. “To be honest I am concerned about a lot of my crew. Adjusting to this time-period is starting to take its toll. I am not sure honestly, if Sully’s problems are related he has always been quirky but it is worse. He seems to be very paranoid, and I feel if he is not careful, he is going to get himself into some trouble.” He shifts uncomfortably. “I have to wonder how much of the increased tension between him and Johnny is being exasperated by recent events. Everyone deals with these things in their own way, I am no different, and I have found that I have been increasingly more agitated these last few days. I am not sure if that is a result of my being inside my own head about things, or my lack of sleep. It could be a combination of things. However, so far I have kept things together, and for the moment my crew has for the most part but I cannot help but think that were coming to an explosive spot. I am hoping that Ms. Trost has some ideas on how to handle things before it gets out of hand. She’s got her hands full.”

“This diplomatic situation has offered a place of focus for a few of us. I’m hoping that we hear back soon and those we’ve averted a war.” He glances down at his mug and the liquid swirling within. “Hmmm. End log!” he says and proceeds to drink the remainder of the liquid in the glass. The image fades into darkness.

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Re: U.S.S. Tempest - Crew Logs


Post by SokothQultuq »

Mission 29 – “The Quake” – Part 6
Sim Date: February 11, 2017
IC Date: December 6, 2393 Time: 19:50:36
Stardate: 70848.84 ST:E Stardate: 11702.11
================= =/\= ============================ =/\= =================
Captain Oliver Alexander Savage – Commanding Officer
Commander Sullivan “Sully” Emily Derringer – Executive Officer
Lieutenant Commander Elianna Kestran – Chief Medical Officer
Lieutenant Junior Grade Johnny Cleveland – Chief Tactical Officer
Cadet Cameron Corcoran – Science Officer --> Promotion to Lt. JG --> Re-posting as Chief Science Officer
Ensign Eldrida Trost – Councilor
CJ as Game Director

Notable NPC’s Used:
Admiral Glenn – Head of Starfleet’s Outpost on Pacifica
Darona – Naradra Captain/Leadership
Nores – Science Officer
Jonson – Temporal Agent
Johnson – Temporal Agent (No Relation)

================= =/\= ============================ =/\= =================
OOC & Pre Sim Information:
Great Sim everyone, it was a great job done by all.
I need to get a copy of the Chat log DH, if you have a copy and can send it to my E-Mail (CaptainVidiot@gmail.com) I would appreciate it.
As there is no time delay between this Sim and the next there is no Technical Log in Character so I’ll just give a quick recap below on what happened during the sim and once it’s proper in character for Oliver to make a log I will post one.
Congrats once again to Corky on the Promotion to Lt. JG.

================= =/\= ============================ =/\= =================
Mission Briefing:
At this point it had been 24 hours since our last contact with Darona, we are waiting to see what the Naradra decided. War, or Peace?

================= =/\= ============================ =/\= =================
1.) The crew is waiting for word from the Naradra on peace.
2.) Sully decides to jam out on the bridge to some music.
3.) Oliver is drinking coffee/Caffeine beverages like they are going out of style.
4.) Admiral Glenn contacts us and gives us some High Praise regarding our actions regarding rescue efforts on Pacifica and support of the same as well as how we have handled the situation with the Naradra having been caught off guard. Also informs us that were still stuck staying on station until the Office of Temporal Affairs has had a chance to meet with us. Let us know he would update us as soon as he knows when they will arrive.
5.) Cadet Cameron Corcoran is promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade and is assigned as Chief Science Officer officially.
6.) A General Broadcast is issued by the Naradra touting successfully achieving peace and accepting Starfleet Assistance and support to help save their civilization.
7.) Admiral Glenn contacts us to let us know that Temporal Agents are on site. Therefore, they appear on the bridge.
8.) The Temporal Agents take Johnny Cleveland as their first victim.
9.) The ships councilor drugs Captain Oliver to force him into getting some sleep.
That is where we left off. If I missed, something let me know and I will add it.

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Re: U.S.S. Tempest - Crew Logs


Post by SokothQultuq »

Mission 30 – “Temporal Headache” – Part 1
Sim Date: February 18, 2017
IC Date: December 6, 2393 Time: 21:05:11
Stardate: 70931.17 ST:E Stardate: 11702.18
================= =/\= ============================ =/\= =================
Captain Oliver Alexander Savage – Commanding Officer
Commander Sullivan “Sully” Emily Derringer – Executive Officer
Lieutenant Commander Elianna Kestran – Chief Medical Officer
Lieutenant Junior Grade Johnny Cleveland – Chief Tactical Officer
Lieutenant Junior Grade Cameron Corcoran – Chief Science Officer
CJ as Game Director

Notable NPC’s Used:
Jonson – Temporal Agent
Johnson – Temporal Agent (No Relation)

================= =/\= ============================ =/\= =================
OOC & Pre Sim Information:
Ms. Trost did inform me that she would not be able to attend last week due to Work Complications. I hope that she will be able to join us again soon.

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Mission Briefing:
With the situation on Pacifica under control both above and below the surface, the Tempest must now meet with Temporal Affairs regarding their time-hopping. Whether the Temporal Agents are able to get past Mr. Cleveland is anyone's guess.

================= =/\= ============================ =/\= =================
As our current state in Role Play does not allow the time to do a log just yet, here is an update on where we are:
The tempest is still in Orbit of Pacifica, and we have been locked out of most systems on the ship while were visiting with our friends the Temporal Agents Jonson and Johnson.
Johnny’s Interview with the Temporal Johnsons was completed.
Sully’s Interview with the Temporal Agents was completed.
Oliver’s Interview with the Temporal Agent’s has been completed.
And now on deck is the Good Doctor who was just called in.
Still yet to come are Corky and Eldrida.
Words have been exchanged between Dr. Kestran, Johnny, and Sully. Good or bad, who knows?
Some dancing was done, music was heard.

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Re: U.S.S. Tempest - Crew Logs


Post by Glorfindel »

USS Tempest NCC-1852-A Official Log - SCI LT JG Cameron Corcoran reporting - Stardate: 70931.19

I was very grateful to the Captain for giving me his permission to witness what was undoubtedly such an auspicious occasion - at least until I was summoned to my interview with Temporal Affairs. Watching the Selkie High Council debate how they were to deal with the discovery of their long lost sister civilisation (the Naradra) was sure to be an intriguing event. As I milled about the waiting lounge of the Observation Hall, I couldn't help but notice a curious thing. Along the eastern wall there was a long full height mural in a mixture of intertwining and brilliant blues and greens that swirled slowly together but remained distinctly separate. I pondered whether this motif would now become a metaphor for these two great nations - two peoples of the same ancient heritage that had developed completely independently of each other over more than a millenium.

There was a small group closest to the door dressed in deep blue uniforms with gold and crimson trim. Then one that had been standing with his back to me glanced over his shoulder at me with his cold black eyes. He parted from the group and strode purposefully over to where I was standing. I recognised him instantly. It was Senn, the adjutant to the Naradran Captain Darona in our encounter aboard the submarine on our initial away mission.
"Why are you here, Starfleet?" He enquired.
"For much the same reason you are, I'd imagine, Senn. And the name's 'Corcoran', Lieutenant JG Cameron Corcoran." I replied. He nodded in acknowledgement and then paused for a moment as deep in thought.
"You must sit with me and our delegation, Mr Corcoran - in a public display of support for the blossoming relationship between the Federation and my people."
I explained to him the nature of my visit here and that I could be called away at any time but he placed his arm around my shoulder and drew me over to where the remainder of his delegation were standing.

The Hall of the Selkie High Council was a place of extraordinary beauty. Formed in a remote, natural amphitheater high on the coastline and opening out over the Great Ocean of Pacifica it was a fitting venue for such an occasion. All technology had been disguised (even the cameras that would transmit the proceedings to the Observation Hall) and kept to a bare minimum to preserve the natural beauty of the place. As we sat waiting for proceedings to begin, I glanced across to my left at my new Naradran friends who sat in cold silence and pondered what they would make of this. The first address would be from the President on the the Naradrans - it was likely that whatever he said was going to be difficult for the Selkie to accept.

After a very generous invitation by the Chair of the High Council, the Naradran President approached the podium fittingly against the back drop of the sparkling ocean behind him. After thanking the Council Chair for the opportunity to address the Council, he launched into a history of his people, a history of which the majority of his audience knew nothing at all. He began at the point when their race was still one under the rule of King Rexis VIII. From my reading of Selkie history, I was familiar with his story. Coming to the throne at an early age (when the Selkie were a Monarchy) he was renowned as one of the great monarchs of the Selkie, uniting all of the known peoples of Pacifica for the first time and having done so with surprisingly little bloodshed. From my interpretation, it appears his achievement in this regard was more the product of opportunity than of any deliberate act. As the different nations of Pacifica experienced various famines and natural disasters, he would generously offer them assistance, at a high price.

As is so often the case in the history of all peoples, interpretations of the motivations and actions of individuals are always subject to a certain moral ambiguity and this was no exception. The Naradran president explained that from ancient lore handed down through the centuries, Rexis (in his later years) became so powerful that he began to threaten many of the basic freedoms of the people. Increasing his grasp on power however, was never going to go unchallenged. Dissenters (comprising the majority of academics and the more educated members of the population) led by one of his Chief Court advisors, (Marded) engaged in protests and a bitter struggle against Rexis and his laws. Economically, the Selkie continued to prosper under Rexis' reign so the the dissenter's numbers remained comparatively small.

Eventually after prohibitive taxation and other restrictions and a number of failed assassination attempts on Madred, Rexis expelled the declared or known followers of Madred (the Madré) from the Selkie lands. What was not clear from the Selkie archives was that the Madré were to settle in lands far from the Selkie. The reality was quite different however. The Madré were followed by covert elements from within the Selkie military and being largely unarmed, suffered heavy losses. It was at this point that the Madré discovered the Haven, a vast underground cavern that eventually would open to the ocean depths in which they made their new home.

The size of the Haven was immense, large enough to build and sustain the civilisation of the Naradran for generations to come. The fact that their number contained many of the scientists and brightest minds of the Selkie at that time explained how their civilisation flourished quickly whilst the remainder of the Selkie population and its allies remained stagnant for a very long time.

Just then, I heard the familiar chirp of my combadge.
"Sorry to interrupt you, Corky but you're up."
"No dramas, Captain. Beam me up." I replied. With a nod to my new friend Senn and his companions, I dematerialised and in seconds was back aboard The Tempest ready for ten rounds with our Temporal Affairs friends.
Dragon D. Luffy wrote:Glorfindel is always nicer than a puppy.

Golden wrote: I agree. Let glorf be glorf.
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Re: U.S.S. Tempest - Crew Logs


Post by bea »

Trost logs. Stardate: I'm not sure. My head is on fire.
IC Date: December 6, 2393 @ 21:34:29 Stardate: 70931.23

I finally got Emily to realize that neither I or the food replicator were out to poison her. This is a step forward.

I can't help thinking that Sully knows something he won't share with me. He's so interested in her progress. But won't talk to me or her. He is carrying a weight that I don't know about. And it's some how Emily tied. I wish he trusted me just a little.

I drugged my CO. I know it was a Betazied equvalant of Valarian root. It was really harmless. But kick you in the pants. I hope it helped him. He needs to be more alert than ever right now. And caffine won't make him as alert as real sleep will.
I was born to speak all mirth and no matter.... :wine:
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Re: U.S.S. Tempest - Crew Logs


Post by bea »

Trost logs - Time is a lie.
IC Date: December 6, 2393 @ 23:08:57 Stardate: 70931.40

Today was the worst day. Today was the sum of my failure. I tried so hard to help them. And they turn me down at almost every step. Today, Officer Johnson shot Sully. Maybe for the good, but never gave me the chance to try harder to defuse the situation. I'm deeply disgruntled that he has yet to talk to the counselor while I felt Elianna cry because she was being asked questions I should answer.

And honestly, I probably don't have the answers that Johnson and company want. They want textbook we can do this - this is the sum of that. And this is not the case with this crew. They are deep knit. And they are wary of strangers. And they do things their own way. Like children or drunk fools. Trust takes time to build and I was the new "head shrinker" and no one wants to be around the "Head shrinker." Then we lost 22 years.

I can't say I know the crew well. But I know they NEED me. And I want so very much to help them. My only hope now is that they defer to my help rather than what Johnson may or may not propose. I hope they ALL see - that time with me can help us all click off boxes and do our thing.

I am SO very worried about Sully and The Cap. I want to be worried about Johnny, but he keeps pushing me away at every step. I now that's the sign that I should love him even EXTRA. But confined to quarters how can I do that for everyone?

I'm also very happy that the command from Johnson was "to quarters" and not "to your quarters." Because if there is one set of quarters I MOST need to be in, it's with Emily. She is going to hate it. She barely tolerates both me and the replicator. But you know, in this case, I guess aversion therapy is the way to go. Cuz I need to be near her and monitor her and I can't do that from my quarters. Also -eventually - she will become familiar with me and open up. Sully could help me here, but you know....he got shot...
I was born to speak all mirth and no matter.... :wine:
Epignosis wrote:Bitch, my identity is my identity theft protection!
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Re: U.S.S. Tempest - Crew Logs


Post by SokothQultuq »

Mission 31 – “Temporal Headache” – Part 2
Sim Date: February 25, 2017
IC Date: December 6, 2393 Time: 22:25:45
Star Trek Stardate: 70931.32 Simple Stardate: 11702.25
================= =/\= ============================ =/\= =================
Captain Oliver Alexander Savage – Commanding Officer
Commander Sullivan “Sully” Emily Derringer – Executive Officer
Lieutenant Commander Elianna Kestran – Chief Medical Officer
Lieutenant Junior Grade Johnny Cleveland – Chief Tactical Officer
Cadet Cameron Corcoran – Science Officer
Ensign Eldrida Trost – Councilor
CJ as Game Director

Notable NPC’s Used:
Jonson – Temporal Agent
Johnson – Temporal Agent (No Relation)

================= =/\= ============================ =/\= =================
OOC & Pre Sim Information:
Due to a friend’s Birthday Party this coming Saturday, I will not attend myself. Please have a good time. Try not to kill one another, and have fun.

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Mission Briefing:
The Temporal Affairs interviews continue aboard the Tempest, where Johnson and Jonson now have substantial information regarding the mental states of the displaced crew, which is impressive considering they are not a family company

================= =/\= ============================ =/\= =================
Location: USS Tempest NCC-1852-A, Deck 8, Room 808

As the recording begins Oliver can be seen sitting on a couch in his quarters, he is no longer in uniform, just a pair of black sweat pants and a burgundy long sleeve shirt, a glass dangles from his fingertips containing a brown liquid and some ice. His eyes are locked on the Star’s hanging outside his window. “Captain’s log Stardate 70931.32. My crew and I have been relieved of duty. What more is there to say? We finally cracked. We let our emotions get the better of us. Did we deserve this? Yes, more than likely.” He pauses to take a drink, allowing the liquid to burn its way down his throat.

“Sully certainly went off the deep end after being confronted about his unexplainable time awake after our shift in time. He keeps professing that there isn’t anything more but it’s hard to say if he’s telling the truth or does not want to tell the truth.” He shifts uneasy.

“Johnny came to me concerned about it, so since it was not working itself out and the Commander was clearly not going to come forward about it on his own time, it seemed like the time to confront him about it. Sully and I had some words and he stormed out of my ready room. Then of course was confronted by the crew on the bridge. Johnny primarily. He proceeded to give the same account he had repeatedly stated and then as Johnny poked at him he snapped and drew his weapon. One of the Johnsons stunned him before he could do any harm. Councilor Trost nearly took the shot on his behalf. This turned into a giant mess.” He goes quiet for a long moment.

He takes another drink from the glass. “Johnny turned a bad situation that was slowly coming down into a worse situation. Yet again…” he takes another drink. “Now were all relieved of our duties, and forced into counseling. The entire crew!” he shifts his body curling up on the couch with his drink now, his feet up on the cushions. “Counseling!” he shakes his head. “There is no doubt we all need it. However, look how well we did working through this crisis on Pacifica! We did so well, only to fall apart as soon as the crisis was dealt with.”

“Captain Phillips, my predecessor always taught me that as a first officer and in any position of leadership you have to earn the respect of your crew. Every time you move from one ship, or one position. It did not matter. You had to earn the respect of your crew. If you ran to the Captain every time there was a problem with a crewmember who was skirting your orders or being belligerent you would never get it. Maybe this just is not the way I can work things. My intent was to allow Sully to deal with Johnny. After all, I am responsible for the overall performance of the ship, but it is the first officer’s job to deal with the crew. However, it is my fault for not taking a more active role in stopping the two of them. However, what will happen if I do? How can I get the two of them to come to the realization that as a crew working together they can be great? I see so much potential yet, Johnny is controlled by his anger towards his family for forcing him into Starfleet in the First place and that is a tough spot for anyone to be. Sully. Sully needs to learn to trust me, trust his crew, which is no doubt going to be hard, but he has to listen. He has to remember he is not the end all, be all. He has to find ways to get the crew to work for him but incorporate their ideals into his plans. Work the problem with their help and actually accept their ideas and acknowledge them correctly. He has to move his ego aside, which I feel is a barrier in his way.”

He lets out a resounding Sigh. “I screwed up. I allowed my own emotions to get in the way. I let my own desire to let them work it out in hopes that it would bring them together go too far before I realized that it was not going to work. I should have stepped in and dealt with it sooner. I owe Sully an apology over that, and perhaps Johnny as well. Once were past this we will need to have a talk.” He takes another drink from the glass, staring at it. “This last two days has been a gambit. I am not sure to be thankful for the rest or not. I am ready to scream right now, and climb out of my skin, but I need sleep. End log!” he drains the rest of the glass as the image fades.

================= =/\= ============================ =/\= =================
IC Date: December 7, 2393 Time: 05:01:27
Star Trek Stardate: 70932.08 Simple Stardate: 11702.25
Location: USS Tempest NCC-1852-A, Deck 8, Room 808

The image returns to that of the Oliver’s Quarters, Oliver is still in the Black Sweatpants and Burgundy shirt, but they and his hair are a bit disheveled from sleep. He yawns as he sets both a plate of eggs, ham, bacon, and toast down on the table followed by a steaming mug of liquid. He regards it for a moment then sits down. “Personal log, stardate…” he glances over at the door, and is clearly doing some math in his head. “Stardate 70932.08!” He takes a drink from the mug and leans back into the chair. “Five hours of sleep. Not much but it must do for now!” he shifts in the chair uneasy.

“I was lucky to get that honestly. I had nightmares last night. Seeing Sully lying dead on the bridge, Johnny laughing, everyone else staring at me in horror and betrayal. It was unnerving.” He took another drink from the mug. “I cannot help but think about last night, how much of a train wreck it really was. I need to not make decisions like that when I’m deprived of sleep, and I need to change how I work with Sully in the future. Let alone Johnny.” He leans forward staring down at the plate of food.

“I betrayed Sully last night. I realize that now, but at the same time it needed to be said. It was never my intention of accusing him of some sort of grievous thing, but he sure took it that way. I wanted so badly to throttle him when he walked out of my ready room, and that should have been a sign that things were more out of control than they should have been. While I feel I do owe him an apology, I do need him to deal with whatever demons he’s going through.”

He took a moment to cut up the eggs, and meat on the plate and stopped short of getting it into his mouth. “As much as it pains me, the Johnsons were right for taking us off duty. We’ve got to seriously get our heads screwed back on and until we do were not fit to be out there galivanting across the galaxy with such a dangerous piece of technology as this ship.”

He regarded the food on his plate for a moment, and dropped the fork with a resounding clatter of metal on glass. “I need to eat, but I really don’t feel like it.” He takes a drink from his mug. “I failed my crew. But at least I know it now and can start working towards fixing this. I need to take a harder line on Johnny, and I need to figure out how to get Sully to step up and be more proactive.” He stands and starts to pace the space between the table and the couch. “That look on Elianna’s face when I left the bridge. I cannot get that out of my head, she looked so…” he stopped pacing for a moment. “Disappointed, betrayed, I don’t even know. But it’s eating at me. I should never have left the bridge until they were all taken care of. But how can I look after others if I’m not in a good place myself. I’m supposed to be the rock. I clearly was not last night. By any means!” he begins pacing again in silence this time.

“This isn’t just the result of this time shift. This stems from our time back on Lyshan…” he stops pacing and drops back down heavily onto the couch having left behind his meal and coffee. “Did we really have enough time to deal with what happened there even? Did I?” his face wrinkles up at that realization. “I almost died then. Technically only to turn around and die again, to come back to life twenty-two years later.”

He sits in silence looking out at the stars for several long moments. “I know one thing, we’ve got to stop dwelling on the fact that we are displaced in time, and start living in the now. The past is behind us and we cannot go back. We must learn to adapt and live in the now. I know one place to start!” he stands abruptly and crosses the room, the camera slowly panning as he disappears into his room. A few moments pass and the camera follows Oliver from his room, he’s carrying his uniforms, all of them. He stuff’s them into the replicator. “Computer, recycle!” he says and pulls his hands back. Slowly the device whirls and the uniforms shimmer out of existence.

“Computer, please replicate me seven sets of duty uniforms.” He said, and then punched in his command codes into the replicator. The device takes a moment, then beeps in acknowledgement. One by one, the computer replicates seven sets of the current era duty uniforms. Stacking them up he once again disappears into his room. Several moments go by and then he reappears, pulling the duty vest over his burgundy long sleeve undershirt. “We’ve been in this timeline long enough, it’s time we became part of it!” he said affixing his communicator to the vest. “I have to say this is far more comfortable than our old. This is a good change, and a good place to start. Not sure why I didn’t before. I guess a part of me thought that we would go back. It’s likely to be some time before our interviews are up, so I might as well catch up on history, and protocol changes. So much to do, so many fires to put out! End log!” he said sitting back down on the couch, this time with a Padd in hand his Breakfast all but forgotten. The camera slowly fades out.

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Re: U.S.S. Tempest - Crew Logs


Post by Glorfindel »

USS Tempest NCC-1852-A Official Log - SCI LT JG Cameron Corcoran reporting - Stardate: 70932.10

All I could see, all on which I could focus was the dim, red glow of the emergency lighting - diffused all around me by the clouds of smoke that hung in the air. The red alert alarms continued to ring out all over the ship. While their piercing sound had become almost painful ringing in my ears, along with the hiss of escaping gas, they were a perfect cloak to conceal the sound of my clandestine movements.

I scrambled quickly down the companionway and into the ceiling above deck 6. I thought I knew this deck like the back of my hand from the countless hours spent down here in the Exobiology Lab but from this perspective, everything looked very different. I new precisely where Transporter Room 4 was, if only I could make it there in time. I still couldn't believe how quickly we were overcome. We were outmatched completely and now our only chance was to abandon the Tempest to its fate. With the Escape Pod release mechanism for the bridge inactive, the transporter was the only way off the ship for the Bridge crew. If I could just make it to the transporter, I might be able to rescue the Captain and the CMO and the rest from the clutches of the vicious Badombre who had boarded us and were taking over the ship ruthlessly and methodically, deck by deck.

I crawled through the ceiling as quickly as I could, I knew it couldn't be much further. Just another few minutes. Suddenly, I noticed a commotion on the deck below me. Explosions and phaser fire, running feet and orders being barked in a language I couldn't comprehend. Then, the sound of phaser fire followed immediately by a loud, pained scream from right under me. There was something strangely familiar about that scream but in this chaos, it didn't register right away.

I crawled over to the vent panel and there, right below me, through the acrid smoke lay Johnny, propped against the remains of a bulkhead that was now largely spread across the deck. Even through the smoke, I could see he looked dazed and confused. He'd been hit but just how bad I couldn't tell. He reached up with his left hand to grasp his shoulder and let out a loud groan. Within seconds, I could hear the sounds of deliberate footsteps approach and the sound was both sinister and threatening. My right hand reached down silently for my phaser.

As I looked down, I could see three of them - the Badombre unit leader and two of his men. They stood over Johnny and their leader yelled something at Johnny. Then, inexplicably the smoke seemed to clear just a fraction - just long enough for Johnny to see my shadowy face looking back at him from the ceiling above. In a fraction of a second, as the Badombre leader raised his weapon against the helpless Johnny sprawled on the floor in front of him, Johnny rolled suddenly to his left as his assailant felt the full force of a Starfleet phaser set to kill from close range. He fell to the floor as his legs crumpled beneath him, narrowly missing Johnny. In quick succession, I fired at the other two, still standing there in shock and caught by surprise. They too, fell where they stood.

Johnny slowly rose to his feet and looked up at me. We both knew what was about to happen. "Run, you fool, Johnny!" I yelled. Still dazed, he nodded and stumbled off in the direction of the Transporter Room. I started to crawl forward and then, once again, heard the menacing sound of those running footsteps. As I tried to pull myself forward, I heard a massive explosion, a flash of light, the sense of suddenly falling as the ceiling below me disintegrated and a searing pain through my entire body. With a start, I bolted upright in my bed and looked around, startled and perspiring heavily. I threw my legs over the side of my bunk and sat there for a few minutes. As I held my head in my hands, I prayed that I wouldn't be confined to these quarters too much longer...
Dragon D. Luffy wrote:Glorfindel is always nicer than a puppy.

Golden wrote: I agree. Let glorf be glorf.
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Re: U.S.S. Tempest - Crew Logs


Post by Spacedaisy »

You put my writing to shame! I love reading your logs!
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Re: U.S.S. Tempest - Crew Logs


Post by SokothQultuq »

Mission 32 – “Temporal Headache” – Part 3

Sim Date: 3/4/2017
IC Date: December 7, 2396 Time: 06:30:00
Stardate: 73932.43 ST:E Stardate: 11703.04

================= =/\= ============================ =/\= =================
Commander Sullivan “Sully” Emily Derringer – Executive Officer
Lieutenant Commander Elianna Kestran – Chief Medical Officer
Lieutenant Junior Grade Johnny Cleveland – Chief Tactical Officer
Cadet Cameron Corcoran – Science Officer
Ensign Eldrida Trost – Councilor
CJ as Game Director

Notable NPC’s Used:
Jonson – Temporal Agent
Johnson – Temporal Agent (No Relation)
Commander N'Pral - Starfleet JAG
Commander Traeg - Starfleet JAG

================= =/\= ============================ =/\= =================
OOC & Pre Sim Information:
Sorry I couldn’t be there, great log from what I could read.
So, CJ Reached out and gave me a task to write out my interview. So, that is below. Enjoy.

================= =/\= ============================ =/\= =================
Mission Briefing:
The Tempest remains locked down, and all personnel are now confined to quarters following an altercation between Commander Derringer and Lieutenant Cleveland. A detachment of security personnel have secured the ship, and representatives from the JAG officer are conducting interviews. Meanwhile, Commander Derringer recovers in Sickbay after being shot by Temporal Affairs agent Jonson.

================= =/\= ============================ =/\= =================
Location: USS Tempest NCC-1852-A, Deck 8, Room 808
Stardate: 73932.43

Oliver sat there at his desk for a long while, trying to collect his thoughts. So many emotions. So many things to deal with. He could feel his resolve slowly slipping away. He wanted to overturn the table, ravage his quarters and let his anger spill forth. It was so hard not to. He felt his hands clenching hard into fists, he stared at them willing them to stop. Slowly they relaxed. “Rock!” he muttered.

He nearly jumped out of his skin when the doorbell to his quarters went off.

He took a moment to compose himself, long enough for a second ring. “Come in!” he called out as flat as he could. He did not bother getting up; he just sat staring across the room at the Star’s and the faint glow of Pacifica in his windows.

“Sorry to bother you Captain, I need you to come with me please.” a security officer said. It was one of the people that had come aboard when they were all relieved of duty; he seemed nice enough, as he had checked on him a few times. Likely, it was his job to ensure that we were still stable and not having done anything drastic.

Oliver let out a long breath, and glanced over at the security officer and nodded. He crossed his room, grabbed his duty vest, and pulled it on, zipping it closed after transferring his communicator to it. “Thank you. Where am I going?”

“Observation lounge. I will be escorting you.” The man said. Oliver realized it was just as much a suggestion as it was a fact. He was starting to feel as though he might be a prisoner on his own ship. Nevertheless, he also knew that it was probably an impossible position on the other side to secure the entire crew of a Galaxy class starship. There were at last count over thirteen hundred souls on board.

He gave a nod of acknowledgment and started for the door. “Very well.” He stopped a moment and looked back at his room. He felt as if he was missing something.

“Everything alright?” the guard asked.

Oliver frowned; “No, nothing is right!” he said somberly, turned, and headed out into the corridor with the guard in tow. He made his way down the hall and into the awaiting turbolift and another guard. He stopped at the door and regarded the large man, and then looked back at the other. “Is this really necessary?” he asked sharply.

“Order sir.” He simply said and gestured toward the opening. “Please.”

Oliver shook his head in dismay, stepped into the lift, and took up a position at the back of the lift behind and between the two. Oliver had so many things he wanted to say, not just to the two temporal agents but also to Starfleet about how the treatment of his crew was entirely uncalled for, it was certainly not helping things. Of that, he was certain. The lift ride was brief; they shot straight to the bridge. As they exited onto the bridge, he glanced around as he slowly made his way to the Observation lounge, he did not recognize anyone present, which only made him feel worse. People who he did not know were into their business, into the ships systems.

The doors parted and the guards stopped at the doorway, the other returning to the turbolift. Oliver watched him disappear into the lift through the open doors. The other guard watched him, he was curious as to why Oliver stopped; he could see that but did not rightly care. He nodded to the guard and made his trek the rest of the way into the observation lounge. He glanced around the room as he entered. There was a slender Vulcan woman standing at the end of the table.

“Have a seat Captain.,” she said gesturing to a seat. “I am Commander N’Pral from the Judge Advocate Generals office.”

Reluctantly Oliver crossed the rest of the distance to one of the only two chairs in the room and settled down into it.

“Captain, as you are aware we are investigating recent events aboard your vessel. I have a few questions for you so that we can complete this task.”

Oliver nodded, but remained quiet.

“Captain Savage please tell me about your first officer, Commander Derringer.” She said settling down into the chair across from him.

“What do you want to know?” He asked, wanting to know if there was something specific.

“Just tell me your professional opinion of Mr. Derringer.” She said.

“Sully…” he stopped thinking, his mind suddenly churning on the events of the last few days again. He felt his anxiety rise suddenly; he took in a deep breath and let it out. “Sully has a great potential about him. His record has him on a trajectory that puts him in command of his own vessel one day. I see the potential in him, but I feel like he lets his ego get in the way. He does not assert himself and deal with his issues in a stern and straightforward manner.” He shifted in his chair. “Sully’s been having issues with Johnny for some time now, and yes I have been aware. Yes some of the crew other than Johnny have mentioned it even in passing.”

“And what steps have you taken to deal with this issue?” she asked pointedly.

“I was letting the two of them work it out in an effort to allow Sully to handle his problems. As I stated when things were falling apart the other night. My job is the overall health of my ship and crew. However, Sully’s job as First officer is the crew. He sets the tone. He is in charge of personnel specifically. It is the duty of the first officer. Therefore, I felt he needed to handle the situation. My thought process was that If I stepped in he would never gain the respect of the crew.” He paused a moment for reflection. “If I’m to be honest I damaged our relationship yesterday. I did not honestly intend on things developing the way they did. But they did.”

“We will get to that in a moment. Why would you levy so much trust in your young first officer to handle these things the way you did?” she asked.

“Because I had to learn the same way.” He said flatly. “Maybe it wasn’t the right way with Sully, but my previous Captain taught me that you cannot go running to the Captain to fix your problems. If you do, you’ll never get the respect of the crew. You must work through your issues. If it gets to the point of the Captain having to intervene something has gone wrong. And clearly it did but I didn’t see it.” He paused again looking out the windows into space. “I realize now of course the mistakes I made. But often you don’t see them until it’s too late.”

Oliver stood up from his chair and began walking around the table. “Sorry, I can’t sit anymore. You mind if I walk?” He said, his voice was conveying some of the anxiety he was feeling. When she didn’t respond, he continued. “I do not feel like I did wrong to be honest. In regards to trying to let Sully work it out himself. He should rightly be able to deal with an unruly officer. But I think the two of them have something to learn from one another. I’m not trying to force the issue, but I wanted to give them time to work It out between them.” He stopped looking out the windows. “But then there is this thing that’s got Sully preoccupied. He does not even realize it I don’t think. He’s aloof. He’s paranoid at times even. But it wasn’t to the point of anything dangerous. Not until last night. I don’t know what the hell he was thinking pulling a Phaser.” He began pacing his way around the table again. “Maybe he’s not ready, and I was wrong to put him in that position yet.”

“Tell me about Johnny Cleveland, your Chief Tactical Officer.” She said.

He stopped at the far end of the table, and turned grabbing the top of the chair with both hands. “Johnny is…” he paused a moment searching for the right words. “Johnny is lost.” He said flatly. “Johnny does not know where Johnny wants to be. He was forced into his career in Starfleet by family. He doesn’t have them looking over his shoulder and I think he’s trying to figure out what he wants to do. He’s continued to distance himself for the most part from the crew with his antics in hopes that when it’s time for him to make a decision it’s easy for him. If he goes no one will miss him. If he stays he has to show them what he really is.”

“What might that be?” the Vulcan asked looking up from her note pad, an eyebrow arched.

“A good officer!” he said, his fingers squeezing the backrest. “He may be a jerk at times, but I think it’s a byproduct of his past. I’ve been trying to get him to see that he has a choice. But he’s got to realize if he wants to stay it must be his choice now. And he must realize his actual potential. He has the makings of a great officer as well, just like Sully. I just wish he would decide and actually grab on with both hands and do it!” he began circling the table once again. “Again it cannot be forced, but I think given the right circumstances the two of them could be thick as thieves if they can learn to work together.”

“Are you certain that would be wise given how they feel about each other?” she asked.

“I cannot give you the answer to that honestly Commander. That’s for the two of them to figure out.”

“What is your view of what happened last night?” she asked.

“Honestly?” he asked stopping once again in front of the windows, this time his eyes found the planet, floating out there in the distance, its vast oceans stretching as far as he could see. “Last night was a combination of bad decisions lead by mental instabilities.” He said, his voice going low. “I should have taken Johnny’s information and slept on it. Literally!” he shifted uneasy. “I screwed up honestly.”

“Can you Elaborate?” she said.

“We had been working for nearly forty-eight hours. We were buried under rubble, got free, went straight into helping with recovery efforts, then ran into the Naradra, we negotiated a peace with them, and helped get Pacifia back on track. I had not slept well the last few days to begin with, not to mention the copious amounts of alcohol I consumed the night before.” He held up a hand. “And before you ask, no I was not still drunk when I reported back to the ship. Maybe a little hung over, but not drunk.” He continued around the table but this time dropped back in the chair across from her. “We’ve been through a lot, we should have just been taken entirely off duty and sent for evaluations instead of being left to our own devices.” He gestured to the door. “The Johnsons should have been here post haste, and this should have already been behind us. Counseling completed.” He slumped some into the chair. “No, I’m not blaming them. Yes, we had shore leave and were waiting. But I don’t think that’s helped. I think the situation with Johnny and Sully just came to a head because of all the stress, and lack of rest.”

He slowly looked up at her. “Though I do not believe I went outside of our orders, I think I should have seen this coming and taken action myself. But I was compromised as well. I think Sully or Johnny tried to point it out while we were down on the surface of Pacifica before the disaster happened. I just didn’t listen.”

“I see. So you feel like you followed protocol?” she asked.


“Your certain?” she asked again looking back down at her pad. “What did you do when you and your crew woke up from your time in stasis?”

“Being disoriented and having had a profound experience and given the nature of things with the USS Paris, I thought it best to report back to Pacifica. So we did, we set a course back straight away. When we realized that the time update information we got back from the nearest subspace relay it prompted a much faster return. We locked down the ship, and made our way back to Pacifica as fast as we could.”

“Do you believe that a Commanding officer that is compromised by sleep, and other concerns should not relieve himself of command?” she asked pointedly.

He opened his mouth to respond. “There is no good answer to your question Commander.” He said. “I believe if a Commanding officer or any officer for that fact believes that they are compromised yes, they should seek out the opinion of their Chief Medical Officer and be relieved temporarily from duty.”

“Why didn’t you?”

He sighed. “Because I didn’t feel I was compromised, yes I was tired. But we were coming to the end of that mess and it didn’t seem necessary. Sleep was on the horizon. But then Johnny, and the business with Sully happened before I could retire. Against my better judgement I pursued it, not thinking clearly. I didn’t realize I was doing it, but it happened. I’m not a new officer, but I am new to Captaincy, I’m not perfect by any means. I don’t mean that as an excuse but more an acknowledgment that I have thing’s to learn as well. I also need to learn my limitations. I also have every confidence in my crew that if they felt I was a risk they would have gone to the doctor. But then again when would she have had time to see me, she was taking care of all the wounded from Pacifica. Again, it was just a matter of trying to push through, finish the mission and get some rest.”

She nodded, and made some notes. “Thank you Captain, do you have anything you wish to add?”

“My crew’s been through a lot. We’ve lost twenty-five years of our lives and loved ones. Go easy on my crew. If you need someone to blame, I am the Captain, and I do take responsibility for the action and conduct of my crew. I know that given time we can heal our wounds and move on. I think we showed that despite our issues we can carry on and complete our mission. This situation on Pacifica is a good example of what we can accomplish when we put our minds to something. We will learn from our mistakes, but whatever happens I do accept responsibility. We learn and grow. I still have confidence that both Mr. Cleveland, and Derringer will become great assets to Starfleet in time.”

“Thank you Captain, you may return to your quarters. We will be in touch soon!” she said standing.

He nodded and stood, and made his exit. As he was escorted back to his Quarters, his mind was racing. He was worried, anxious, and even scared. He knew that this was not over yet, and that more was to come. But what he wasn’t certain. Did they end up putting themselves in such a position that they were going to lose their ship and commissions because they lost their way. He didn’t want to think that was a possibility. But right now, his mind was going every direction. He didn’t even realize he had made it back to his room and was back on his couch. He couldn’t stop the emotions, the memories, the thoughts that raced in his head.

================= =/\= ============================ =/\= =================
Location: USS Tempest NCC-1852-A, Deck 8, Room 808
IC Date: December 7, 2396 Time: 07:45:00
Stardate: 73932.57

Oliver settled back on his couch, he had removed his duty vest, to be honest he wasn’t sure why he was wearing his uniform at all. They had after all been relieved of duty. He shrugged away the thought, it didn’t matter what he was wearing honestly. But he had decided that keeping a record of events was still necessary. “Captain’s log, Stardate 73932.57. I had an interview some time ago with Commander N’pral from the Judge Advocate Generals office. They are more than likely going through and interviewing the entire crew. But there is no way to confirm this as they are all confined to quarters.” He gestures with his arms. “Just like me!” he lets out a brief chuckle. “I cannot say that I’m surprised. It took me some time to relax after I got back here, I guess it kind of hit me that things were worse off than they seemed. I screwed up. I can admit that in general. But it hurts none-the-less. What do I do now? Really all I have to do is wait to see if I’m taken off my command, or sent off for further evaluation. Will I end up at a mast because of this?” His tone grew somber.

“I suppose if it was me, I would. It may not be a serious mark on my record but to me it would be no matter. Starfleet must have an inquiry, it’s procedure. Someone was shot who went off the deep end while on duty. I wouldn’t blame anyone for doing so. The presence of the JAG officer’s supports that conclusion. I’m honestly not looking forward to it.”

“If I’m to be honest, I’m more afraid of confronting my crew about this. When all is said, and done, I must stand up in front of them and be a Captain again assuming I’m allowed that privilege to continue as Captain of the Tempest. My grandmother used to tell us kinds all the time that whatever does not kill you makes your stronger. Maybe that will be the case for my crew. I’m not too proud to say I screwed up and ask for forgiveness.”

“I’m genuinely afraid of what will come of Johnny and Sully after the incident on the bridge.” He shifted and stood, pacing. “I don’t want to lose those two. Even with all the trouble and annoyances.” He allowed a chuckle to escape. “Things would honestly be boring without them. I just wish they could get along.” He stopped, he seemed to be staring blankly at the wall. “I cannot get that look out of my mind.”

“Elianna.” He said quietly. “I must be such the disappointment after walking away from the bridge after Johnny was shot.” He shook his head and looked down at the ground. “The one person I trust without question and I walked away. We’ve been through a lot together. I feel like I’ve let her down most of all. I’m not sure even if she forgave me, if I can forgive myself for doing that.” He turned to look back out the windows, he went quiet for a long moment.

“As much as I know that were not through this, I am hoping it comes and we can move past this. Work on repairing relationships, and get to work. End Log!”

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Re: U.S.S. Tempest - Crew Logs


Post by Spacedaisy »

Stardate: 73932.43

Her fingers tapped idly on the desktop as she skimmed through the various logs from posted after they awoke from their time lapse. "This isn't what I want," she pushed a stray lock of hair behind her ear in frustration, "Computer display all logs by Commander Derringer beginning after the mission to the Paris." The computer gave an obliging chirp and a list of logs scrolled onto her screen. "Stop! Play first entry."

The screen came to life and she listened to Sully describe the mission on which they discovered the Paris. A small cringe passed over her as she listened to him describe her own actions on that mission. She had no idea how deeply her following Johnny into the Paris against his orders had affected him. With a sigh, she ran her hand over her eyes. She could recall the mission so clearly. That moment she was faced with Johnny rushing headlong into danger yet again, and Sully retreating to come at the problem more strategically. She had a split second to decide, and her instinct led her to follow Johnny. She was afraid of what predicament he might find himself in next if left alone. If only she could do that moment over again, but would she do it differently? She couldn't say.

The log was clearly edited. Elianna wondered what he had taken out. What did Sully decide he had better not say? She turned off the computer and leaned back in her chair, as she thought over everything. Her gaze swept over her now barren room, searching for the photo of Ezron until she recalled what she had done earlier. She longed see his face again; speak to him again. But that could never be.

Her bare feet padded silently across the floor as she went to the replicator, "Computer, iced tea with mint please." The glass materialized and she picked it up and took a long drink. Walking over to the view port, she looked out longingly at the stars. They hung still in space. How she wished they would be past all this. That they could be allowed back to active duty, out there among the stars instead of held captive here.

She settled back in at her desk and began pulling up information on the advancements in her field. If she was going to have to wait around here she would at least make herself productive. The ony way to keep sane right now would be to stay positive and immerse herself in her work. Since she wasn't allowed in sickbay, she would busy herself in learning what she had missed.
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Re: U.S.S. Tempest - Crew Logs


Post by DharmaHelper »

Stardate: 73932.43

Personal Log, Sullivan Derringer. I'm...confused. I've done, just by myself, three hundred plus years of time traveling recently. I've dealt with earthquakes, translated an entirely new language, brokered peace between the peoples of Pacifica. So much has happened, and I'm still... drifting.

I'll try to keep this log short, since I'm running on fumes at this point. Johnny's finally pushed the one button I couldn't ignore. I don't even remember drawing my phaser. I don't think I would have used it, it just felt nice having in in my hand. I felt for a moment in control. Then of course I was shot.

There can be no doubt now that some lines have been drawn. The Captain and Johnny are hellbent it seems on accusing or embarrassing me until I crack under the pressure. At least I have the ladies in my corner. Tough to say where exactly Corky lands on all this.

I don't know what I will do now. But I'm sure whatever it is, I won't be resting easy any time soon. End Log.
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Re: U.S.S. Tempest - Crew Logs


Post by SokothQultuq »

Mission 33 – “Temporal Headache” – Part 4
Sim Date: March 18, 2017
IC Date: December 7, 2396 Time: 0800
Stardate: 73932.60 ST:AB Stardate: 11703.18
================= =/\= ============================ =/\= =================
Captain Oliver Alexander Savage – Commanding Officer
Commander Sullivan “Sully” Emily Derringer – Executive Officer
Lieutenant Commander Elianna Kestran – Chief Medical Officer
Lieutenant Junior Grade Johnny Cleveland – Chief Tactical Officer
Cadet Cameron Corcoran – Science Officer
CJ as Game Director

Notable NPC’s Used:
Commander Traeg – Starfleet JAG
Commander N’pral – Starfleet JAG

================= =/\= ============================ =/\= =================
OOC & Pre Sim Information:
Due to extenuating circumstances, no Sim was Held On March 11, 2017.

================= =/\= ============================ =/\= =================
Mission Briefing:
The JAG detatchment has completed its investigation into the incident on the bridge, and are ready to inform Captain Savage of their findings and recommendations. Captain Savage and Doctor Kestran have been summoned to the bridge.

================= =/\= ============================ =/\= =================
As there was no time shift, which allots for a Captain’s log or in character banter I am providing a brief update on the events that have taken place in our last sim. Once time permits to do a log In Character, one will be forthcoming.

Elianna & Oliver were called to the bridge by the JAG officers to discuss the findings of their investigation. They have determined that both Johnny and Sully need additional counseling and until they are sorted out, they are temporarily relieved of duty.

They have also determined that the entire crew of the Tempest is to report to Starbase 313 to undergo Psychiatric evaluation prior to be releasing to duty.

The majority of the crew has been released to light duty in the meantime.

Starfleet was in full agreement with the JAG officers and have so ordered the crew based on their suggestions.

In light of this, they tasked the two Jag officers with breaking the news of the current State of the Federation to Oliver and in turn, he has called a Staff meeting with his senior officers to discuss this information.

This is where we are intending on picking up at the beginning of the next Sim.
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Re: U.S.S. Tempest - Crew Logs


Post by SokothQultuq »

Mission 34 – “Temporal Headache” – Part 5
Sim Date: March 25, 2017
IC Date: December 7, 2396 Time: 1000
Stardate: 73932.83 ST:E Stardate: 11703.25

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Captain Oliver Alexander Savage – Commanding Officer
Commander Sullivan “Sully” Emily Derringer – Executive Officer
Lieutenant Commander Elianna Kestran – Chief Medical Officer
Lieutenant Junior Grade Johnny Cleveland – Chief Tactical Officer
Lieutenant Junior Grade Cameron Corcoran – Science Officer

Notable NPC’s Used:

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OOC & Pre Sim Information:
CJ was unable to attend this week; he did reach out and let us know. (Thank you)
Eldridia was unable to attend. There may be a scheduling conflict were waiting to see what comes of this.
2 Weeks will be passing between our last sim and our next. That’s a lot of time so I encourage you to log and possibly consider doing some joint postings together. So many logs, so little time!

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Mission Briefing:
We are picking up where we left off, everyone is reporting for a briefing called in our previous sim by Captain Savage. You’re picking up where you left off, no time lapse.

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Location: USS Tempest NCC-1852-A, Deck 1, Ready Room.
IC Date: December 7, 2396 Time: 1000
Stardate: 73932.83 ST:E Stardate: 11703.25

Oliver lay back on the couch in his ready room, it was not the most comfortable thing but it did the trick in a pinch. While they had been returned to light duty he had been cooped up in his quarters for too long so going, back there felt somewhat claustrophobic in a way to him. The idea of being shut up in his quarters for an extended period right now did not sit well with him. He laid there staring up at the ceiling for a time his mind racing trying to find a solution to a problem that had no easy solution. As much as he wanted to will things to just get better it would only come in time. “Computer, begin log recording, set Security Access to Level 8 and above and require command code access level only!” he said.

The computer gave its usual beep of acknowledgement. He waited for the second beep signaling the recording has begun. “Captains Log, Stardate 73932.83.” he stopped a moment collecting his thoughts. “Starfleet has made their decision based on the Recommendation of the JAG investigation following the altercation that took place on the bridge involving Commander Derringer, and Lieutenant J.G. Sullivan. I cannot say that I am not surprised by their orders based on events and having the opportunity to look on those moments with a clear head. My crew has been released to light duty and further evaluations at Starbase 313. Both Sully and Johnny have had their temporary relief from duty extended and are on orders to avoid one another pending further evaluation.” He paused a moment to shift his position, he slowly sat upright leaning back into the cushions.

“Were already in route to Starbase 313, at Warp Seven. When the JAG officers broke the news about our orders from Starfleet they also took the moment to inform me of the current state of the Federation. Which until just a few hours ago we were under a communications blackout preventing us from accessing information pertaining to this. Apparently, we have been dropped into the middle of a Civil War. On top of all the other thing that have been happening, were facing a civil war.”

“I cannot blame Starfleet for treating us the way they have given all that’s happened. We returned at a time when suspicions must be very high and to have us just reappear out of nowhere does not help. If the tables were turned, I would be holding us at arm’s length as well.” He slowly stands stretching his legs his body ached. Perhaps a sign it was time for him to get back into the gym again.

“Sully has gotten it into his head that it would be a good idea to propose to Starfleet that we go under cover on their behalf. Infiltrate the ‘True Federation’. He seems to feel that this is an opportunity considering our situation. While I agree with him that it is most certainly an opportunity, this crew is not ready to take on a mission of that caliber. We completely lack cohesion and Starfleet Clearly sees that. Not to mention the emotional stability to handle such a high stress situation for an extended period of time. I think given time to stabilize across the board then this would not be a problem. I cannot fully support his recommendation unfortunately as much as it pains me to say it. I really want to be able to support Sully in his idea but it is just not the right time. I am also left stuck between a rock and a hard place because when I don’t show full support Sully will likely feel like I’m sabotaging him. However, at the same time, he is making a decision to push forward with the idea with or without my approval, it would seem.” Oliver slowly walks back towards his desk coming to stand beside it. Leaning forward on the desk.

“My crew is likely going to be looking to the two of us over the next few days to set the pace, and with us not being an entirely cohesive unit it may result in a divide in the crew. Though I don’t envy them the decision they have set in front of them as it is. Do they stay with the ship and the Federation were supposed to be loyal to or do they go off to join the supposed True Federation.”

Moving around his desk, he drops into his chair and leans back folding his hands across his lap. “Section 31 has been a thorn in the galaxy. Always rearing its ugly head at the worst possible times. I have never had the pleasure of actually having to deal with them directly that I am aware of. Captain Phillips had dealings with them twice that he recalled in a conversation with me. Neither situation turned out well. He always said that if I ran into them in my career to avoid them as best as possible. Unfortunately, it’s not always that easy. Captain Phillps told me sometime after it happened when he was recounting one of the tales in which he had dealings with 31 about an incident. The Tempest was sent to the Federation board near the Tzenkethi space.

He paused a moment closing his eyes as he remembered that day vividly all the sudden. “I had not even been on the job for a month yet. It was practically my first missions as Executive officer on board. I still have nightmares from that incident. Needless to say we were asked to take a scientific delegation to rendezvous with a Tzenkethi vessel, we were trying another olive branch to try and improve relations with the Tzenkethi, and this guy. Maximillian Toperov. He rubbed everyone wrong from the day they set foot aboard the Tempest. I think by the time we got to the Tzenkethi neutral zone we were about ready to space that hack.” A grin began to spread across lips. “The Captain nearly did when things went sideways. I thought for certain I was about to see my Captain take a life he was so angry. I rightly cannot remember a time when I saw him that angry again after that incident. I can’t blame him.” He lets out a sigh. “That man got people killed on what should have just simply been a simple knowledge exchange on a scientific level. Caused so much pain, and that was just the tip of the iceberg, that attack set back relations with the Tzenkethi for decades.” He shakes his head and turns to start pacing the length of his office.

Stopping briefly at the replicator. “Computer, glass of water.” He said and watched as the glass shimmered into being. He took a drink.

“It concerns me that this group has been let run wild amongst the ranks of Starfleet. Maybe we deserve what is happening. It has been said that great civilizations usually only last a hundred years before they start to fall apart. The Federation may have broken that by a large number, but is this the end? Will history remember the Federation as a weak footnote?” he starts pacing again. “The True Federation is not the Federation, which is for certain.”

“I have a feeling though we will recover and get through our counseling at Starbase 313, were far from earning trust. This is not going to be easy and it will be uphill all the way. However, the only way to make this transition is to bring my crew together. End log!”

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Location: USS Tempest NCC-1852-A, Deck 8, Room 808
IC Date: December 7, 2396 Time: 18:31:19
Stardate: 73933.80

Oliver stood in front of his Replicator scrolling through the menu, his stomach ached and he knew he need to eat but nothing was striking his fancy as he moved through the list. “What to eat…” he murmured as he scrolled through the menu. “Computer, Fried Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Vegetable Melody.” He said just resorting to an old standby. He waited and heard the Replicator make several beeps as if processing, which was odd. He blinked and took a step back. “You’re not going to explode are you?”

A moment later, grilled chicken, a Vegetable melody, and something that Oliver didn’t remotely recognize. “What in the…” he picked up the plate and took a very scientific approach and brought the plate to eye level, then poked at the odd-looking substance. “Computer this is not what I ordered…”

“Affirmative, your order has been has been modified in accordance with requested medical standards.” The computers voice trilled.

“What? What medical standards?” he said staring at the replicator in disbelief.
A video feed suddenly began to play on the screen, Elianna’s face moving into view of the Camera. “Since you’ve been somewhat busy and reluctant to come to sickbay for your physical of late, and your last fitness review showed elevated levels of Cholestrol in your system I’ve curbed your diet a bit. So, Sorry…Come and see me sometime in sickbay for a physical…” she waved smiling broadly as the screen went dark.

He stood there staring at the replicator. “Wh…” his mouth hung open for a moment, then he laughed. It was one of those good hearty chuckles, he shook his head and settled back down at his table. “Okay, I guess that’s my notice that Physicals are right around the corner.” He said poking at the white stuff. Finally, he decided to throw caution to the wind and took a forkful and began to chew the stuff. It wasn’t bad, bit of a nutty flavor to it. Wasn’t horrible.

“Computer begin personal log recording.” He said and then waited for the beeps to indicate that the recording had begun. “Personal log. Today was productive. Maybe no exactly the way I had hoped but we managed. I got through the staff briefing and no one got shot or maimed so that was good. Sully was his usual pain in the ass self but I kind of deserve it to a degree. I had a brunch thing with Elianna which was good. After the meeting, we had it was nice just to talk and have a laugh.” He began cutting at a piece of grilled chicken admiring it before putting it down the hatch. “It’s going to be two weeks nearly to transit from Pacifica to Starbase 313. It’s either going to be a long couple of weeks or hopefully productive. Maybe we can mend some fences.”

He sat back in his chair taking a drink of water. “I’m going to try and reach out to Sully soon. I’m just looking for the right time. After today it’s probably more important to do it than ever. End Log”

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Location: USS Tempest NCC-1852-A, Deck 1, Ready Room
IC Date: December 9, 2396 Time: 10:42:27
Stardate: 73938.37

Oliver walked the short distance across his room having just re-entered his ready room from the bridge. He had taken a moment to check in with the current duty officer just to make sure everything was going well. He did not expect to find anything wrong, but he wanted to ensure that his crew did not think he was just keeping himself cooped up still. Technically, he was on duty but this was a good time to give some of the junior officer’s time in the big chair. “Computer begin Personnel Log!”

He waited and listened for the customary beeps indicating the system was recording yet again. “Personal Log,” he slowly settled in behind his desk in his chair leaning back. He wanted to say so much right now but part of him felt reserved as if he knew Starfleet was likely to be listening in and watching. Waiting to see some kind of signs that they were not who they appeared to be. “Civil War…” he said under his breath. “Never thought I would see the day that the Federation, that Starfleet would descend into such a state.” He glanced at the blank screen sitting in front of him wondering if it was just recording his log or if someone was watching. Honestly part of him wanted to pull a few of the senior staff in and really screw with whomever might be watching, but that was not what they needed right now. Though a laugh could be worth it. “My father is probably turning over in his grave right now.” He said.

“Maybe we were sent back to this point in time for a reason. Perhaps it’s not a coincidence that we ended up here at this moment in time. Be nice if they left us with an instructions manual on how to screw with time. Part of me wants to blame ‘Q’ for this but he’d be gloating about it right now, or meddling in some way. Since we’ve seen hide nor hair of him this is something else entirely.” He sits forward, leaning on his desk with his elbows now.

“It’s not all bad I suppose. We have a real chance to make a difference here given the state of things. Part of me is excited about that.” He shifted to lean back again. He felt anise, as if he was expecting things to start blowing up any moment. Perhaps it was just that feeling of still being essentially locked up. Nothing pressing to work on. Just a gentle cruise to shrink central at Starbase 313.”

He reached over and hit the button on his desktop terminal and plugged in his access code bringing it online. His fingers danced over the keys as he accessed the subspace network and pulled up information about Earth, real estate listings, he typed in his old home address on the screen and his eyebrow immediately shot up. “All be…” he said. “Maybe things are not that bad after all!” he hit a couple of keys and pulled up another window and glanced over his accounts and noted that his credit count was much higher than hit had been previous. He flipped back over to the other screen and sat back in his chair staring at it for a long moment. “They put it on the market but it never sold.” He nodded and reach forward and hit the button and began entering some information, then sat back. “Not for long!” he said.

“My families home in Grant’s pass was still on the market. I may not go back home for a long time but my back pay should cover it. Money will likely go to one of my sisters or into an account for family care at the assisted living facility but it’s still something I can contribute.” He nodded to himself. “I miss that house. Maybe I’ll take some time off and go back and fix it up, furnish it. Spend some time fishing.” He spun his chair to face the window looking out into space.

“I cannot say that I wasn’t upset finding out that my sister sold it after my mother went into care. But I also cannot blame her for doing it. I guess it was just one more insult to injury for me. It will probably be a while before I get back to Earth honestly but it wou…”

“Incoming Transmission!” the console suddenly began beeping and repeating itself. Oliver stared at it for a long moment, finally reaching out to hit the key to accept.

The logo for the Luna Medical College appeared briefly on the screen then a familiar face, aged more than he could remember but he was certain he recognized her. “Hello Oliver!” the voice was ever so slightly different, but the not so much so that Oliver did not recognize it.

“Lori?” he asked, a bit of surprise slipping into his voice.

She offered a warm smile, “I was wondering if you had forgotten! My goodness you’ve not aged a day!” she said leaning back in her chair.

He felt his heart drop, the sudden realization he should have looked her up when he had the chance and he had completely forgotten. Part of him just assumed that she had passed away like he felt had happened with everyone else. His face betrayed his sudden shift in emotions. “Lori I’m…I’m sorry!” he started to say but stopped when she held up a hand.

“It’s okay Oliver.” She said. “I’m certain you’ve been busy, I just found out last night that the Tempest showed back up. I cannot tell you how happy I was to hear that.” She said. “I’m certain it’s not been easy for you, but it’s so good to know that you survived somehow.”

He shook his head. “It’s been…” he searched for the right words. “Challenging to say the least.”

“Oh I’ve no doubt. So much time has passed, where did you all go?”

“I don’t rightly know. I am not sure how much I can say to be honest.” He shifted uneasy in his chair. “Luna Medical College?” he asked trying to change the subject away from their current predicament on the ship.

She smiled again. “Yeah, I decided to leave Starfleet a few months after the Tempest disappeared. I tried to continue even after Lyshan III but it was too much loss for me. I am truthfully glad I did with the War having come on not long after. It was a better environment for Gabby.” She looked off screen for a moment as a voice called her attention away.

“How is Gabby?” he asked as her attention came back to the screen.

“She’s done well, growing up faster than I would like. She joined Starfleet once she came of age, followed in her old mom’s footsteps and then some. She graduated from the Academy eight years ago with her doctorate. Therefore, I supposed she one-upped her mom but I’m a proud mother none the less. She is stationed aboard one of those Hospital ships, the USS Jenner.”

“You must be very proud.” He said.

She nodded. “Can’t help but be.” It was then when she picked up a Padd off her desk that he noted a ring on her finger. He felt his stomach knot for a moment, but then he smiled.

“You got married?”

She seemed to recoil and hid her hand but then relaxed with a sigh. “Yes. I met a botanist shortly after I retired from the fleet. Jeff’s a great guy, he was there for me as a friend for a long time while I was going through some tough times dealing with Lyshan and then when you all disappeared. You know they searched for you and your ship for a year after you went missing. They found what they were sure was your last known position, but could not find debris. No clues as to what happened to your ship. There was planetary debris, but no ship debris could be found. They sent science vessels, searched the general area for a long time before they finally called off the search.” She seemed a little on the defensive, and maybe a little panicked as her words came quickly. “I waited…”

“I’m happy for you. I would not have wanted you to wait. It would not have been fair to you, but I do appreciate it all the same!” he said somberly. “Gabby needed stability, I’m sure it wasn’t easy.”

“No it wasn’t.” she said.

He let out a long sigh. “I cannot tell you how sorry I am.”

“It comes with the job Ollie. I knew that when we met, I knew that when I joined.” She seemed to grow more distant suddenly. “We got used to losing people, there are not many left from our graduating class.”

He nodded. “I know.”

She looked off screen as a bell began to ring. “I have to go, but I’m glad you came back Ollie. Please stay in touch. We were always great friends and I hope that we can continue that. I am not as adventurous as I used to be seeing as I am a few years older but I am here if you ever need someone. You should reach out to Gabby when you have time. She knows you have turned back up. She’s just afraid to call.”

He nodded. “If you think that’s a good idea?”

“It is!” she said.

He nodded again. “Thank you for reaching out Lori, it was great to see you again.”

“And you Ollie, next time you’re around Earth stop in for a visit!”

“I will.” He said somberly.

“Bye Ollie!” she said offering a smile. He could see she was on the edge of tears; the corners of her eyes were tightening.

He too had to fight the urge to let go with the waterworks too, “Goodbye.” He said and hastily hit the button on the desktop console. He took in a deep breath and slumped over in his chair. The two of them had known each other since their sophomore year at the Academy. They had been friends for a long time until they were brought back together aboard the Tempest and things went a different direction.

He sat there at his desk for a long while, trying to collect his thoughts. So many emotions. So many things to deal with. He could feel his resolve slowly slipping away. He wanted to overturn the table, ravage his ready room and let his anger spill forth. It was so hard not to. He felt his hands clenching hard into fists, he stared at them willing them to stop. Slowly they relaxed. “Rock!” he muttered.

Taking in a deep shuddering breath, and letting it out. “Crap! End personal log!” he blurted out.

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Location: USS Tempest NCC-1852-A, Deck 1, Ready Room
IC Date: December 10, 2396 Time: 13:45:11
Stardate: 73941.45
A joint post by Sully & Oliver.

Oliver sat back in his chair in his ready room staring at the desktop terminal’s black screen. He had been sitting here a while trying to decide how to approach a problem, that being the situation building between him and Sully. He sighed, he knew he had made a mistake trying to confront him so directly. Not to mention in front of another junior officer. He had to find a way to start the ball rolling in the right direction. The separation between them couldn’t continue. A command team that was not cohesive could be disastrous for the rest of the crew. He knew he had to do something, send an oliver branch.

He reached up and hit his communicator. “Oliver to Commander Derringer, if you have a moment could you please come to my ready room.”

Sully was hunched over his notes, scanning every line with a frustrate glare on his face when his communicator hummed to life and the voice of his Captain shook him from his most recent stupor. Somewhat begrudgingly, he patted his communicator and let out a sigh in the affirmative.

To himself, he simply shook his head and muttered, “It’s not going to work. Not yet anyway.” before slapping his journal shut and stepping out of his quarters. The crew he passed seemed to give him a mix of looks between cautious amicability and even more cautious trepidation. A fair deal of the most recent events had revolved around him, so Sully wasn’t exactly surprised to see such a response.

He managed to take the stares and whispers in stride all the way to the door into Oliver’s ready room before he had to stop himself. Sully cleared his throat, straightened his posture, and strode inside.

Oliver waited for the communications channel to close and took another deep breath. It was dawning on him that he was both very nervous about this and anxious. Oliver knew he shouldn’t be. But he also knew that there was a lot riding on trying to get the two of them back on the same page and working together. He waited for the door and Sully to appear.
He looked over from his darkened desktop console and smiled. “Thank you for coming Sully. Have a seat.” he gestured to the chair across from him. “You want something to drink?” he asked pointing to the replicator.

Sully raised a hand, and shook his head. “No thank you Captain, I’ve already eaten. And I don’t feel like sitting down.”

Sullivan Derringer was, as most could attest, fairly perceptive when he wanted to be. But it took no great amount of deduction to see what this meeting would be about.

“Captain, before you say anything let me just get this out of the way. My proposal on how to deal with Section 31 and the True Federation was premature. I think it would be an effective strategy, but to subject the crew to yet another drastic change so soon would be irresponsible. I don’t want to do such a thing if I don’t have the full support I think an action like that would require.”

Sully paused, a short pause just polite enough to allow Oliver to get a word in edgewise without giving the momentum of the conversation away.

Oliver’s mouth opened as if he was about to say something, he stopped for a moment contemplating Sully’s words. “Okay.” he said and let him continue.

“And as for this thing with Johnny,” he began anew “I’m done trying to mitigate that disaster. I’ve said my piece several times. Neither you nor he seem interested in hearing me out, so I’m deferring to you in this matter. When, as I’ve warned you in the past, his antics get one of us killed, I will be more than happy to revisit the topic. Until then I think it best we press on.”

Oliver nodded, staying silent for a moment longer considering his words. “I appreciate that you came to that decision on your own. That was well thought out and in the best interest of the crew. I completely agree with your assessment. While I would love the opportunity to be that kind of help to Starfleet it’s just not the right time. How about instead of dismissing it we shelve the idea and revisit it together after this stuff with Starfleet is behind us and were back on active duty fully. The worse that happens is Starfleet says no. But if you and I approach this from a unified front I think it would go over much better. I’m not entirely against the idea, just as you came to the conclusion I feel it's just a bit too soon.”

He paused a moment and relaxed, settling back in his chair. “For what it’s worth Sully I’m sorry about what happened. I was not thinking straight and confronting you like I did was wrong. I realize that now of course. Just an apology won’t do, and I realize that. I hope that you’ll give me the chance to make it up to you. I want this to work between us. I was in a way trying to help, I just went about it in the wrong way. I know you’ve said that nothing happened as far as you can remember. But I hope that if you do happen to remember something you will at some point feel free to come talk to me about it. That’s the last I will bring up that subject.” he paused a moment and picked up the glass of water on his table. “It’s a sore subject for all of us.”

“As far as the thing with Johnny are concerned, it’s not something that either of us can just let go of. My hope was that you would find a way to resolve the issue on your own. I should have seen that it was too much for just one person really to handle. My predecessor taught me to do things a certain way, and it was just second nature to do the same with you. I need to learn to be my own Captain and not be my old Captain if that makes sense. I’m growing in this position too, and you shouldn’t have to bear that responsibility alone. So I’m open to suggestions on how you feel we should approach this situation with Johnny. I know he seems rough around the edges but I think he could be a valuable asset once he get’s past whatever his issues. Though I believe he will still be a bit of a wild card I think we can get him back to where he should be to best work with all of us. Disciplinary action aside, do you have any suggestions?” he took a drink from the water and let things hang there for the moment.

Sully nodded, tensing his fist behind his back as he recalled the events surrounding their time jump. It took a measure of restraint to allow Oliver his time to speak, but of late Sully had become too tired to fight much.

“You’re right captain,” he responded at last, “An apology won’t be enough. It might have been had you just left me high and dry as fast as Johnny was concerned, but you took that a step further when you sided with him and turned this into a witch hunt against me. If you can’t respect my word, and yet accuse me of having anything to do with what brought us here, I don’t see how I could ever forgive that.”

Sure, Sully hadn’t been fully honest with regards to what happened that day, but his omissions were to protect the crew, not to harm it as Johnny had convinced the Captain. Many times, he’d come close to telling at least Oliver the whole truth. But now, after all that had happened, Sully knew that he could never trust Oliver with such information. It was far better to keep those burdens on himself.

Sully felt his frustrations bubble up as Oliver began to talk about Johnny, and he couldn’t help but blurt out “Frankly, Captain, I don’t care what your reasons were. I don’t care about your apologies. I warned you Johnny would be a problem. I did try to fix it on my own, but he would not listen to or respect me, so when I came to you it wasn’t because I wanted you to pat him on the back and join in on the conspiracy. I’ll serve on this ship for as long as I can, which may not be very long if these delays and examinations keep piling up, but as far as you and I are concerned?”

Sully took a deep breath, readying himself to say what he’d been waiting to ever since that phaser hit him in the chest.

“As far as we’re concerned, I’m done. I told you I’d remember what you did and didn’t do on that bridge and I meant it. I told you, I won’t be standing in Johnny’s way any more. I’ll let him do what he wants, and when that blows up in your face instead of mine maybe you’ll finally get the picture.”

Oliver nodded. “I understand.” he paused for a moment. “Just so we're clear on something, I didn’t say you had brought us here or had something to do with it specifically. I just think that you know more about what brought us here than you're willing to tell, for whatever the reason... In the moment I was agitated and trying to force the information out of you. I wasn’t trying to bring a witch hunt it was just the three of us in that moment. I’m sure it felt that way and I get it. Yes, I temporarily relieved you, but just so we could make sure that you were okay. But I do have an obligation to the crew which includes you, just as much as you do in trying to piece things together. You’ve been acting...so strangely since the incident on the planet. What was I to think? You witnessed something significant either down on the planet that’s got you twisted up or it was something to do with what happened to all of us or both. I was concerned and part of me still is truth be told. If I didn’t respect your word as you say I would be pressing the issue further. I wouldn’t take no for an answer. I’m not going to ask you about it again as I’m certain that is your wish. Which is what I should have done in the first place. As long as your can tell me with all certainty that it has no bearing on the safety of our ship and mission. I will let it go. That’s all I have, I just wanted to talk to try and start working things out. Thank you for coming up, I do appreciate it. Was there anything you’d like to discuss?”

Sully, rubbing the side of his face with his index finger, looked as if he was about to say something further, but instead decided to simply turn on his heels and quietly leave the ready room.

Oliver watched as Sully departed, and leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes shaking his head, this had gone about how he expected it might, it was only his hope that he could have made some kind of progress but talking was something.

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Location: USS Tempest NCC-1852-A, Deck 11, Holodeck 2
IC Date: December 10, 2396 Time: 19:22:57
Stardate: 73942.09

Oliver ducked under a branch as he continued jogging down a path in the woods. To his right a river raged. He knew that the thing was holographic but it sure did give a certain impression. Its angry waters rolled through the landscape, its cresting rapid willing you to challenge their resolve. The smell that the conifer trees gave off never failed to remind him of home. He had jogged the actual trails all through his youth, and every chance he had when he got back to Oregon. The river took a sharp turn and dropped up ahead and he began a winding chase down a path that took him down a good distance and deposited him into a familiar clearing. He came to a stop jogging in place for a moment, then bent over catching his breath.

Pulling a canteen of water from a pouch off his back he slowly walked over and reached for another item, this one a sandwich. He settled down onto a log watching the water gently roll by. This was a favored spot for him, a place he had enjoyed coming for privacy, brought a few dates. It was a memorable place. It had essentially a pool, and a waterfall though one had to be very careful where they swam or waded into lest the current pull them down river. Not many would survive such a trip. He made that mistake one, and only once.

Oliver pulled the wrapping off the sandwich and leaned against a tree. “What a mess.” He said to himself. “I’ve always known that doing things when you’re tired or angry can get you into trouble. But this one is…” he leaned forward and took a bite from the sandwich which left a smear of peanut butter on his cheek. He spotted movement which pulled his eyes to some birds flying past just through the trees above. “Why can’t thing’s just be that simple.”

His eyes lowered from the sky above to the water. “My father always told me that it takes a man to admit he’s wrong and learn from his mistakes. But you must show that you’ve learned, you cannot just say it. I’ve seen that time and time again reflected in life before me and it never resounded so loudly than it does today. Odd, isn’t it?” he said looking around as if expecting someone to answer. He was alone, and he knew that but it didn’t matter he just needed to talk.

“I’ve a long road ahead of me, but I can’t even see the road. How do you find your way without a road to follow? Might as well be blazing a new trail, but when someone dumps a load of rocks in your path, then trees how do you find your way when obstacles continue to pop up.”

He shook his head. “I was…” he stopped and stared intently at the sandwich in his hand. “I hurt someone and I don’t know how to fix it. I don’t even know if it can be fixed. But not just for me, this crew needs us and if were divided they will be too. Our ship will never reach its potential. No ship with its command staff divided ever does.” He frowned and tossed the sandwich aside. He began pulling off his shirt. “But what do I do?” he said starting to peel off his sweatpants. Taking a moment to adjust his swim suit and ensure it was tied securely he slipped off his shoes and started walking towards the water. “Then there is my problem child. Johnny. What do I do with that which drives a rift into anything it can get into?” He said as he slowly sunk into the water wading in up to his chest before having to begin treading water. It was cold, but relaxing to him.

Oliver continued to slowly move his way out towards where he knew were some rocks near the waterfall. The thunderous sound of the water crashing down made it hard to hear himself but he was just thinking out loud really. “He said at some point that he was forced into this. That his family made him join. Why the hell is he still here then if that’s all that’s keeping him. That cannot be all that’s keeping him. Maybe he’s just lost and because that’s the way it has always been for him, the path of the rebel he’s just continuing. But how do you help someone see that there is more, or to decide what they want to do with the rest of their days?” Oliver slowly pulled himself up onto one of the rocks, it was more like an underwater chair than a rock. The water from the fall above just barely reaching him, slapping into his back. It was like getting a massage from mother nature. It was one of the things he enjoyed the most about this place.

He let out a sigh which was not audible over the falling water. “Strange new world…” he said to himself. He sat there in quiet contemplation for a long time, his eyes closed his brain chewing on the events of the last few days. Contemplating his conversation with Sully earlier that day. It did not go well he felt, but it is about what he had expected. There was no easy way through this, Oliver knew he would just have to give him some space and try and bring some normalcy to the crew and their routine. They needed to move on. “Rock…” he muttered.

================= =/\= ============================ =/\= =================
Location: USS Tempest NCC-1852-A, Deck 8, Room 808
IC Date: December 14, 2396 Time: 15:01:37
Stardate: 73952.53

Oliver strolled through his quarters pulling a long sleeve light gray shirt over his scared back. It contrasted well with his black sweat pants and bare feet. His hair was still wet from having just finish a longer than usual stint in the sonic shower. “Computer begin Personal Log recording!” he said as he dropped down onto his couch. He still felt the ache of his muscles. He had spent a few hours in the gym; he had taken up going back with some of his free time. Might as well work on his physical fitness while they were on light duty he figured.

The computer let out its customary beeps. “Personal log, it’s funny how a few days can make the difference in your stress level? Not to mention some good hard workouts.” He said flexing his arms. “Were still several days from Starbase 313 and our appointment with a battalion of Starfleet head shrinks but I cannot help but see that some of the crew is starting to look much better. Everyone seems less somber to a degree. It is a long road, but were on it. That is the important thing.” Slowly he leaned back into the cushions of his couch. “I did get some good news this morning, the offer on my old family home and property was accepted. Oddly enough, I am a homeowner. It is weird saying that honestly. I did not think that would be in my wheelhouse until I was about ready to retire from Starfleet. But circumstances change and so do attitudes.”

“I’m honestly enjoying being on light duty. Yet again, another thing I did not think I would find myself saying. Having time to think, and reach out to some old friends and colleagues has been nice. I am glad that it is not as bad as it seemed at first; though many of my classmates have passed away during the war, I still have a bunch out there in the world. However, it is hard to talk to some since they went over to the other side. I actually found myself thinking about this in depth, what that is going to be like sitting across the battlefield from friends and old colleagues. I think I’m going to have a hard time with that.” He said somberly.
“I can’t imagine what it was like going through the wars we missed and having to deal with the loss of people you cared about but to now have to be the one taking the lives. It’s like a large scale Marquis scenario, half of the fleet defecting to the greener side of the lawn, or so they are lead to believe.” He shook his head.

“Few more days at Warp and we can get this over with and get back to hopefully doing our jobs. For now its light duty continued and rest and relaxation. End personal log!”

================= =/\= ============================ =/\= =================
Location: USS Tempest NCC-1852-A, Deck 1, Ready Room
IC Date: December 22, 2396 Time: 19:22:57
Stardate: 73974.88

Oliver sat in the chair behind his desk in his ready room, he was lost in thought as he seemed to be a lot these last few days trying very hard not to think about the things that were coming. Counseling sessions were never meant to be fun, this he was sure of. However, he knew that it was a segue into getting back to work. Which was something that he felt his crew needed. But there was certainly a part of him that knew that depending upon the outcome this may not be the end of evaluations and potentially even extended time off. He had noticed that the crew had started to seem far less lethargic, and in some cases, even happy. A lot of them had connected with old family and friends by now which no doubt had a therapeutic effect all on its own.

“Computer begin Captain’s log recording!’ he said.

The computer went through its customary signals that it had begun recording. “Captain’s Log Stardate: 73974.88. The Tempest is closing on Starbase 313 and should arrive by morning. Part of me is ecstatic about our pending arrival as it’s one last step towards getting back to work. I know.” He said holding up a hand. “I keep saying that. But it’s true. I know for certain there are many in the Tempest Crew who are looking forward to getting back to work. Though I cannot say that it was a surprise when I started to receive requests for transfer’s and early retirement from some of the crew. Twenty-nine.” He said.

Leaning back in his chair. “Twenty-nine officers asking to be released at Starbase 313. It’s not a large number honestly when you consider how many are on board but it kind of feels like a sign. I knew it was coming. Many cited that things just went a direction they did not sign up for. Some are just flat out done. A few want off the ship and were none too kind about their reasoning.” He said as a frown spread across his lips. “I’m hoping that this is all that we lose. My only hope is that we don’t see them on the other side of the fence playing for the True Federation. But that is a risk we all take in this world we are now a part of. A reality. We should be putting in sometime mid-morning, it will be interesting to see what they have in store for us. End log!”

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Re: U.S.S. Tempest - Crew Logs


Post by SokothQultuq »

Mission 35 – “Temporal Headache” – Part 6
Sim Date: April 1, 2017
IC Date: December 22, 2396 Time: 21:50:01
Stardate: 73975.16 ST:E Stardate: 11704.01

================= =/\= ============================ =/\= =================
Captain Oliver Alexander Savage – Commanding Officer
Commander Sullivan “Sully” Emily Derringer – Executive Officer
Lieutenant Commander Elianna Kestran – Chief Medical Officer
Lieutenant Junior Grade Johnny Cleveland – Chief Tactical Officer
Lieutenant Junior Grade Cameron Corcoran – Science Officer
CJ as Game Director – Unable to establish a connection to any chat system. We tried.

Notable NPC’s Used:

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OOC & Pre Sim Information:
A lot going on this last week – Great logs everyone. Great working with some of you on Joint Post/logs. Lots of good material.
We are working on getting together to discuss working out Character progression stuff, we had talked about doing it Wednesday but I had some personal issues come up and Annie ended up out of town as well. We will try to meet up prior to the sim Saturday to discuss things.

With Bea moving further away her arrival time back at home is not conducive to being able to make the Sim on time, which is something were all aware of by now I think. Annie and I have been brainstorming ideas to at least keep her involved so that when she can be reintegrated back into the sim if that becomes a possibility. She is going to open up a topic on our forum called something like “Councilors office” or something to that nature. She is going to do some writing, and joint posts with us. Therefore, if you have some ideas and want to work with her on that she would likely be very interested. I encourage you folks to get creative and try to integrate her as best as you can.

================= =/\= ============================ =/\= =================
Mission Briefing:
This was an Off-Duty Sim – No Specific Mission, just crew interaction.

================= =/\= ============================ =/\= =================
Location: USS Tempest NCC-1852-A, Deck 8, Room 808

‘The texturing on the ceiling in here is really subpar.’ Oliver thought to himself as he stared up at the ceiling of his dimly light quarters. A sheet laying across his body. He had one leg hanging out and over the side of the bed; everyone knew that this was for temperature regulation. His quarters felt hot. He had checked the ambient temperature a few times before finally realizing he had consumed just enough booze before retiring to his quarters for the evening. Not enough to be stumbling, and bumbling drunk but just enough. He smiled at the thought of drinking some more but he would have to report for duty in the morning so it was not a wise choice.

“Computer…..” he sad and stopped a moment pondering what the next day would be like. The pause was a lot longer than he intended. He was dreading meeting with someone other than Eldridia. She had not been on the ship for long but he had already grown fond of talking to her despite the few times they had a chance to talk.

“Please restate request!” the computers voice called back at him.

He chuckled. “Begin personal log recording!” he said and waited for the customary beeps signaling it had begun. “Another day behind me, and maybe another sleepless night ahead?” he paused shifting in the bed throwing the sheet off. “The closer we’ve gotten the more anxiety I seem to feel. I know we need to push past recent events so we can get back to work but I am not sure how I feel about having to spill my guts to a Starfleet shrink. Might do some good and relieve stress and anxiety. Who knows what else is lurking in there but it could also go a complete wrong direction. I am not ready to leave the fleet, and I certainly do not want any more shore leave.”

“I had a…” he stops as he could feel the yawn coming. “Good conversation with Johnny Cleveland. On the other hand, so I think it was. It was more serious that I had intended but we were able to move past it in the end and have a few drinks. I reached out to him and let him know that with the direction things are going it may not go well for his continued career. He seems to want to stay with the fleet despite everything, but he still feels stuck and bound by his family pressures. I honestly cannot imagine what that is like but he has to be given the chance to be his own man and realize he can do his own thing rather than live in the shadow of family. It is not fair to him. I did leave a door open for him to think about. I’m willing to help however I can but he has to tell me what it is I can do to help him if he even wants it.”

“One thing I so know for certain is that nature will take its course one way or another. He feels like I’m being Idealistic in my ways that I think in a Simplistic nature. That nothing is ever that easy. It never does seem that easy until you see it yourself. All it takes is making a choice and seeing that course through. Sometimes a simple approach can get you out of the most complicated scenarios.” He yawned again. “Maybe my conversation will have struck a chord with him. Only time will tell.”

“I need to try and get some sleep. End log!” he said turning over in his bed pulling a pillow, beating on the one under his head a few time to try and beat it into comfortable submission before finally curling up into a ball and drifting off to sleep.

================= =/\= ============================ =/\= =================
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Re: U.S.S. Tempest - Crew Logs


Post by SokothQultuq »

Mission 36 – “Prisoner Transfer” – Part 1
Sim Date: April 8, 2017 Run Time: 1912-2038
IC Date: December 23, 2396 Time: 09:30:22
Stardate: 73976.76 ST:E Stardate: 11704.08
================= =/\= ============================ =/\= =================
Captain Oliver Alexander Savage – Commanding Officer
Commander Sullivan “Sully” Emily Derringer – Executive Officer
Lieutenant Commander Elianna Kestran – Chief Medical Officer
Lieutenant Junior Grade Johnny Cleveland – Chief Tactical Officer
Lieutenant Junior Grade Cameron Corcoran – Science Officer
CJ as Game Director

Notable NPC’s Used:
Captain Udonis Harris – Commanding Officer USS Vonnegut (Defiant Class)

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OOC & Pre Sim Information:
CJ was able to get his internet connection issue sorted or at least a solution to allow him to attend which we were all grateful for, as we were able to continue our mission.
Great job last week everyone, things took a sideways turn, hopefully for the better.

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Mission Briefing:
The Tempest is a little over half-way to its destination, a round of psychiatric evaluation awaiting key members of the senior staff. The crew is on a light-duty, four-shift rotation, but, while the tension has lessened somewhat, it still remains...

Mission Debriefing:
All right! Lapse will be about two hours. The mission will be relayed to Ollie, and once basic repairs are done and wounded transferred to the Tempest, you will be headed to Starbase 313 once more, this time for prisoner transfer.

================= =/\= ============================ =/\= =================
Location: USS Tempest NCC-1852-A, Deck 1, Ready Room

“Captain’s Log Stardate 73976.49. It has been an eventful couple of hours; the Tempest was in transit to Starbase 313 to complete our orders of undergoing additional evaluations per Starfleet Command. While in route, we received a distress call from the USS Vonnegut a Defiant Class Vessel who was waylaid by two Section 31 vessels, one an Akira Class and the other a Saber Class. We were unable to identify the vessels due to them having been stripped of their hull markings and their IFF’s having been removed.” He shifted uneasy in his chair.

“This was our first encounter versus Section 31 vessels; they had some sort of sensor dampening added to their hull and black thermal coatings which made them hard to detect. We ended up having to take a feed from the USS Vonnegut in order to provide us with target locks which helped make us far more effective in the battle.” He paused, reflecting on the battle.

“I tried to reach out to the Akira class vessel. They choose to destroy their ship and end their lives rather than be taken prisoner. Akira class vessels typically have a crew compliment of around five hundred not including civilians. It is hard to fathom how individuals with Starfleet’s principals would choose such a way out, death before dishonor. You would think we were fighting Klingons instead of Starfleet officers.”

After taking a moment, he continues. “I’ve met with Captain Harris and it appears our orders are going to be modified slightly. It should be interesting to hear what Starfleet has to say about it when we call it in that we have deviated from our orders. However, as Captain Harris has implicated this is an important mission and needs to be completed.”

“I have to say that my crew stepped up to the plate again very well. That was the first time in a long while that we have worked as a team. Since the earthquake on Pacifica. While not that long ago it certainly feels like it. Sully stepped up and did a great job at Tactical. Corky was great. It is never exciting for someone in Science when a battle goes down, but he helped immensely with monitoring damage control, and helping to support the battle as it waged on. I have not had a chance to speak with Elianna yet, but I am sure she’s got her hands full in sickbay with our few wounded as well as those who were transferred aboard from the Vonnegut. For the record there were eight dead on the Vonnegut, and countless wounded. While we only had a hand full. This engagement could have gone much worse. On a positive note, Captain Harris did bring over the Sensor modification information we need to help us in our next engagement if we run into ships equipped with that Sensor dampening again. I intend on asking Corky to both install and see if he can expand on the software to see if we can improve its efficiency. While it helped, our accuracy was certainly diminished.”

“For now were in route to our destination for a prisoner transfer, the days ahead are going to be most interesting to say the least. I will be calling a staff meeting soon to go over the details of our new mission soon. End Log”

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Re: U.S.S. Tempest - Crew Logs


Post by Spacedaisy »

Posted March 29, 2017

Joint Post by spacedaisy (CMO Elianna Kestran) & CO_Captain_Savage (CO Oliver Savage)

Elianna stood leaning against the wall outside the conference room. Johnny and Sully were deep in conversation down by the turbolift. In any other situation she might find that encouraging after all they had gone through recently. However, the tone of the meeting they had just left changed all that and she felt her stomach tie itself in a knot as she watched them now.

Oliver took a moment and watched as Corky departed. He truly felt badly at the position this young officer had been put in. A near impossible one. Much like the rest of the crew he was displaced in time and though he seemed to be handling it well Oliver had his suspicions that he was bottling some of those feelings up. Probably much like the majority of the crew trying to find ways to cope with what had happened. Nearly twenty five years gone, people moved on and grown older. It was an impossible situation to be in. That struck a chord with him, he turned and glanced back out at the stars. Had this been worth it. Joining Starfleet to be an explorer, and yet it was starting to feel as if everything continued to try and push him out, it was starting to feel as if his life was cursed for some unexplainable reason.

The conference room doors slid open and Corky came through the open doorway. He glanced at Elianna in surprise and she nodded and forced a smile before explaining, “I was waiting to have a word with the Captain as well.” He gave a small nod and his eyes told her he understood perfectly. Stepping aside he motioned to allow her through but before he walked off she said, “Cam, I would like very much if we could get to know each other better, perhaps we can get a cup of coffee in the lounge sometime?” A wide smile broke across his face, and she thought she detected even a sense of relief, though she wasn’t sure.

“I would really enjoy that Dr. Kestran! Just let me know when.” He dipped his head a bit before walking off.

She watched with a smile as he retreated to the turbolift. He was a good kid, she was glad he was on board and believed they could become good friends. Something told her they would all need strong bonds of friendship to get through the days ahead. She could only hope Sully and Johnny figured this out too. With a small sigh, she dismissed thoughts of Johnny and Sully before she stepped into the still open doors of the conference room.

Oliver stood staring out into space, he was lost in his own thoughts his cheeks still bore a rosey hue, he was clearly agitated but focused. He didn’t hear Elianna enter the lounge at first but as she moved deeper into the room he flinched as the sound of her footsteps pulled him back to the moment, he turned to greet her. “Doctor? Didn’t hear you come in.. sorry.” he turned his attention back to the stars for a moment longer then smiled as he turned back to her.

She crossed the room and stopped next to him at the window. “I apologize for being curt and possibly too frank during the meeting. It wasn’t you or your news that was bothering me,” her words trailed off as she looked out to the view he had just been taking in. It was good to be in motion again, even if she knew they were just on their way to more psychological evaluations and tests and counseling and who knows what other hoops Starfleet was going to make them jump through. Drawing a deep breath she looked again at Oliver, “You owe me dinner. Before all of this,” she motioned towards the conference table, “we were going to get some food. So, shall we go?”

He shook his head. “You don’t have to be sorry Elianna, this has not entirely been the most pleasant experience. We just went from one emotional high right into another one potentially. So there is no need to apologize, though I do appreciate the thought.” he took another glance out the long windows before gesturing towards the door. “Food sounds good. I need to get my mind off some things.” he said as he began to follow her toward the door.

A few minutes later, they made their way into the lounge. Elianna got herself a grilled chicken salad and some iced tea and looked around to find a table. She settled down at an empty one and looked up as Oliver joined her. “How long until we get to the starbase?”

He shrugged at her question. “Shouldn’t be too terribly long a transit, though we are at the edge of Federation space.” he offered a half smile at that. “Price of exploration I suppose.”

“I’m ready to get on with everything. This transition is…” she searched for the right word as she pushed her salad around in the bowl, “I don’t even know.” Elianna eyed him for a moment and asked, “How are you doing? I suppose that none of us have made it much easier on you to lead us. Especially given everything with Johnny and Sully.”

“I think Starfleet needs us to be better more than ever with a Civil war on their hands. So I’m also certain they are ready for us to get on with it too. But we need to make sure everyone is good first, I honestly think we got lucky with that situation on Pacifica. Things could have gone much worse if we had collapsed in on ourselves in the middle of trying to negotiate with the Naradra.” He stared down at his caesar salad himself poking at a piece of lettuce with his fork. “I think the best term I could use right now to describe how I’m doing is...stabilizing…” he blinked looking up from his Salad. “Those two confuse me. I gave them every chance to work it out themselves and that maybe was the mistake. But my predecessor…” he took in and let out a deep breath. “I’m starting to sound like a broken record.” he shook his head. “Needless to say those two are not helping. But right now I’m not sure how to help them, or work this issue out other than to let time take its course.”

Elianna’s gaze fell to the salad once again as she thought about the meeting, the idea that had been presented. She felt the knot tighten in her stomach again. “Oliver… I need you to know,” she paused, struggling how to put her inward battle into the right words. “We have served together, and more than that, we have been friends for a very long time. When everything happened at Lyshan…” At the mention of the ill-fated mission, memories came flooding back to her. The friends and colleagues they had lost. She shook her head a bit, as if it would somehow shake loose the overwhelming feeling of loss that had become a constant part of their lives, “They gave me the option to transfer. I was offered a great position actually. But I couldn’t imagine serving under another commanding officer. I believe in you and I consider it an honor to serve as your Chief Medical Officer. All that said, if the brass decide to endorse this idea; send us deep undercover, I will of course give 100% to the mission.”

She paused again as an engineering ensign passed nearby their table waiting for him to get out of earshot before continuing, “But what Sully was saying sounded an awful lot like he wants us to go no matter what. If you choose to follow that suggestion,” she nervously tucked a stray lock of hair behind her ear, “That’s a path I don’t think I can follow you down. I just need to know that you realize that.”

Setting down his fork and leaning back in his chair he takes a deep breath. “That means a lot to me Elianna. It wouldn’t be the same without you. I’m not sure how I would feel about continuing on without something helping keep me grounded and you do that. It may not seem like it but it is something that helps knowing you're around.” he smiled.

“It means a lot that I have your support. But with Johnny and Sully trying to force this, it’s not something that is going to fly. Starfleet in its state probably wouldn’t consider this type of mission at this time. Not to mention with the state of the crew. It would be a bad decision all around. For them to try to force the issue in some hair brained scheme to avoid their… it’s not really punishment, but treatment maybe. Is also disturbing.” he paused a moment to consider his words.

“While part of me agrees with Sully that this would be an opportunity, it’s not right. It’s not something that I’m entirely supportive of. If Starfleet by some right decides this is the direction we should go then obviously I will follow my orders. I just don’t think this crew is ready for that kind of mission yet. We do not have cohesion yet, and it seems very clear to Starfleet that this is the case.” he scooped up his glass of water to take a drink.

“But it’s no surprise to me that Sully and Johnny want out of this so badly. I can’t blame them for it. They have become too comfortable with the way they are toward one another. I don’t think they honestly see how detrimental it is to the cohesion of those around them. And they are both going to be in for a very quick wake up call.” he settled back in his chair after setting the glass back down. “Sully wants to see what it's like for me to come down on them, and take a more active role in what’s happening, so that’s what I’m going to do.” he shifts in the chair uneasy. “The most frustrating thing is he’s basically doing exactly what Johnny has been doing to make a point. It’s not lost on me. But it’s also not the right way he should be approaching this, but he clearly does not see that. It’s somewhat infuriating.”

“If it makes you feel any better, I think everyone aside from Johnny and Sully have felt acute discomfort with their flagrant insubordination. And you’re right, I wish they would see how their behavior is affecting the entire crew, not just them. After all, if that little scene hadn’t occurred on the bridge, our transition might not have been dealt with quite so rigidly by Starfleet.” Pushing her plate away from her, she leaned back and looked around at the others there eating, drinking, visiting. At a table across the room a young couple were sitting, sharing dinner. Elianna recognized the woman as Ensign Julie Carmichael, she was actually a medic on the night shift. She wasn’t sure who the man was, he looked familiar though. Julie laughed at something he said and brushed his arm. “A budding romance,” Elianna thought to herself and felt a pang of grief.

Still watching the flirtatious couple, she commented softly to Oliver, “We’re an emotional disaster right now, aren’t we?” A small chuckle slipped out, incongruent to the tone of their conversation no doubt, but she couldn’t help it when she considered the absurdity of all they had gone through in such a short time. The chuckle was followed immediately by a slight sigh, “We’ve all lost so much, practically all we have anymore is each other.” She looked at him resolutely, “I’ll always be here to ground you. But if I could offer some advice? Don’t try to be the captain your predecessor was. He was my captain too, and he was a good one, but he wasn’t perfect either. Don’t you remember the time he came down hard on Lieutenant Diel over what he considered to be gross negligence, only to find out later that what happened wasn’t even Diel’s fault, but he was unwilling to tattle on the Chief?” Elianna gave a shrug, “No one’s perfect, but you’re trying to measure up to a phantom. And Sully is not you, everyone deals with things differently, learns differently, even leads differently.”

He nodded. “Yeah that was a bit of a disaster in itself. Had to admire Diel’s loyalty.” his brow furrowed. “You’re right of course. I have been trying to be Captain Phillips in a way.” he nodded. “Phantoms…” he considered that word and what it meant. So much loss between the disaster at Lyshan III and now this. “I’ve got a lot to learn, and I certainly need to find my rhythm in this position.”

He let out a sigh. “I was taught to do things a certain way, and though I did find my own way I had to learn his way first. It’s pretty clear that Sully isn’t me, and I certainly cannot approach teaching him the same way that Greg taught me. I’m not sure how to get around Sully’s ego, I feel like he wants to be held up on a pedestal but does not want the responsibility that goes with that position. He also needs to realize that he’s not really on a pedestal” he lets out a half hearted chuckle. “I was that guy for a short time with Captain Phillips, and I learned some hard lessons when I started out. I honestly don’t want that for Sully, but he’s not making it easy.” he shifted in his chair. “It's going to be a long road even more now having to earn his trust again. But I don’t think it’s a lost cause. I still have faith in him and I still see greatness in him.”

He glanced to his side admiring the couple for a moment, and allowed a grin to slowly form. “Yeah, we are an emotional wreck. But it's nice to see that others are not stopping the normal progression of life.” he returned his attention to her. “How are you holding up?”

“I…” her voice faltered a bit, because she knew what he was actually asking, “I am as well as can be expected, I guess.” She pulled herself together and said more assertively, almost like she was willing it to be true, “I’ll be ok.”

He regarded her for a long moment. “I was almost convinced by that. You’ve been hanging out with too many Vulcan’s I think.” he grinned. “You’ve been there for me, if you need to talk you know I’m here for you too.”

Elianna smiled at the fact he had caught her out so completely, “Yes well, what’s there to say? Ezron’s gone and there is nothing to change that. So I don’t have much choice but to be ok. But if it makes you feel better, I’ll schedule a session with Eldrida when time allows.”

He nods. “It couldn’t hurt. You need to have time to take care of you too.” he picked up his glass and twirled the liquid inside. “I’m worried about Corky. This has been entirely unfair to him, a young officer like him shouldn’t be having to live this nightmare. I have to admire his resilience.”

“He’s young and idealistic, I’m not worried about him. He will be ok.” She grinned, “He really looks up to you, you know? I think the only reason he has seemed to struggle is because he is so appalled by everything that’s happened with… well, you know.” She didn’t feel like going around that mountain again.

Oliver nodded. “I had a feeling that would be the case. Or rather I suspected that was. I feel bad in a way because I don’t know that i’ve exactly set the right example but at the same time it gives me something to improve upon I guess and show that even when you get to where I am you still have room to learn and grow.” he took a drink from the glass he was still playing with in his hands. “I’m only hoping that it gets better from here.”

She laughed, a real laugh for once, “It can’t get much worse, Oliver. It’s got to get better!” She lifted her own glass of iced tea and offered a half joking toast, “To better things,” and winked.

Oliver’s mouth hung open in mock disbelief. “You laughed!” he held up his glass. “To better things!” he said much louder than he should have but he didn’t care. He laughed out loud, this time a hearty chuckle still holding his glass aloft. He was mildly amused as several others around the Soma Lounge likewise joined in.
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Re: U.S.S. Tempest - Crew Logs


Post by Spacedaisy »

Posted March 30, 2017

Stardate: 19612.10

Elianna stood in her quarters, looking out the viewport with unseeing eyes. She held a padd in her hand limply. Turning away from the window, she dropped down heavily onto the couch and looked down at the padd again. It contained a comprehensive history on the Battle of Betazed and all that had happened to her homeworld during the Dominion War. She hadn't heard from her parents yet, or her brother. Part of her had hoped it was because they just didn't know the communications blackout had been lifted, or that the news of their return hadn't reached them yet for some reason. Now she was afraid that there might be a much worse explanation. It was time for her to find out the truth.

She crossed the room and tapped the console, putting in a query for information on her family. The computer gave an obliging beep and information scrolled up the screen.

"Jeron Kestran: Deceased. Killed in the Battle of Betazed while working in a government building. Survived by wife Lanari Tryxt and daughter Melora.

Andren Kestran: Deceased. Killed by the Dominion forces occupying Betazed on suspicion of being part of an underground resistance movement. Survived by wife Jasse Kestran.

Jasse Kestran: Living on Betazed. Former Ambassador for UFP, retired."

Conflicting emotions swirled within her. Her father and brother were gone. It was hard for her to grasp. She tried to focus instead on the silver lining, her mother was alive and she had a niece. Tapping her console again she requested a transmission to Betazed and watched the logo spin lazily as she waited anxiously for it to connect. A moment later the picture shifted and her mother's face came into view. Elianna almost didn't recognize her. It wasn't just that she was older, it was that she looked worn and tired.

"Hello Elianna," her mother's greeting was calmer than one would expect from someone seeing their daughter for the first time in over a quarter century after she believed her to be dead.

"Hello Mother, I wasn't sure if you had heard the news," Elianna wasn't sure what to say. How do you pick up normal conversation after you've metaphorically come back from the dead?

"I heard."

"They had us on communications black out, so I'm sorry if you've tried to get in touch with me before this."

"I haven't actually."

"I see," she replied, but she didn't really see. She wasn't sure what she thought this conversation would be like. After all, Elianna had always been closer to her father than her mother. Still, she had thought her mother might be at least a little happy to hear from her.

"I saw that Jeron and Lanari had a daughter - "

Her mother cut her off, "Elianna, it would be best if you don't try to reach out to Lanari and Melora."

She made no attempt to hide the surprise from her face, "I don't understand. Why?"

"I'm sure you can understand how confusing it would be for a little girl to learn an aunt who supposedly died before you were born suddenly came back, but what about her daddy? It hardly seems fair."

"Fair? Mother, are you angry at me for not being dead?"

"No, I'm angry because you got to just skip it all. All the pain of the war and the Dominion occupation of Betazed. The death of your father and brother. And now you show up and it's just supposed to make me happy again?" Jasse shook her head, "I was broken hearted when you were presumed dead. Your father was never the same. I just need some time."

Elianna's eyes flooded with tears that threatened to spill out, "I understand. I'll leave you alone until you're ready," she paused, no longer able to hold back the tears and said, "I love you Mother," before she quickly cut the transmission.
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Re: U.S.S. Tempest - Crew Logs


Post by Spacedaisy »

Posted April 8, 2017

Stardate 11704.08

Slender fingers wrapped around the mug of hot coffee and Elianna breathed in the aroma. Coffee was one of the things about Earth that she had found to be very pleasing, much to the shock of most of her Betazoid friends and family. Though she never could drink it black, it was much too bitter. She liked it with some sugar and a bit of cream to take the edge off. Despite knowing that it was unwise to drink coffee this late at night, Elianna couldn't help herself. She rocked back in the chair in her office and smiled with contentment. She loved the sickbay at night. There were so few people there, so there was a hush that hung over it that made it seem so peaceful. The lighting was always dimmed except in case of emergency. At this particular moment there were no patients, and while there was a night shift on staff, they kept it sparse, so aside from a nurse who seemed to be cataloging something in the far corner and the junior medical officer who was working on some files at one of the consoles, she mostly had the place to herself.

She tapped the console and began recording a personal log.

"It's been a quiet couple weeks since they sent us off to Starbase 313. Well, fairly so anyway. there have been lots of talks and thinking and introspection on the part of the majority of the crew I think. I know there has been for me. Oliver pushed me to see Eldrida. Being a man, it's hard for him to I think to know how to handle the emotional bits very well. Then again, it's hard for me to deal with the emotional bits and I don't have the excuse of being a man. What's more, I'm supposed to be good at them if you are to believe the stereotypes about Betazoids."

With a rueful shake of her head she continued, "Thankfully, Eldrida lives up to the stereotypes. I followed my Captain's orders like a good little officer, and I'm very glad that I did. Our session was so helpful. I've already committed to going back to see her again, though we haven't set an official appointment. Hard telling what I will have time for it yet though. We don't know what kind of schedule we're going to be looking at for the evaluations. I'll just be glad to get them over with and get on with our lives."

She stood up and crossed the small office to the window that looked out over main sickbay. Taking a slow sip of her coffee, she watched the medical officer shuffling through file after file on the console. "I keep thinking about that dream I had. I've gone over it again and again in my mind, and I'm certain it must have been from Sully's point of view. I saw myself and Johnny and even Eldrida, but I never saw Sully. I can't hear the words being spoken, but I can feel all these intense emotions... dread, grief, and a terrible sense of desperation. I can't get a handle on it all, but I am sure Sully must be dealing with something very difficult. I wish he would let us in, but you can't force someone to let down their walls."

"Anyway," she said as she turned back to her desk and settled down in her chair once again, "we're all going to have to find our place in this new universe we've found ourselves in." A mildly amused look crossed her face and she clarified, "I guess what I mean is, while it is technically the same place, it has changed vastly. Now we are in the midst of a civil war we know very little about. I wonder if everyone on the crew will choose to remain with us or will they defect to this True Federation? Never in my life have I felt like everything I knew was called into question and the future has never been more uncertain."

"Computer, end log."
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