Cartomancy [Game Over]

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Who drowned Seanzie?

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Smith Wigglesworth (Host/MoD/NP/Dead)
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Cartomancy [Game Over]


Post by Spacedaisy »


Cartomancy Mafia
A mafia game for any number of players, 100 post cap per player per phase.

Setup features to note:
Role claim all you like, as there are only four roles in the game
No info-dumping regarding what card you drew and how you used it
Phases are 48/24
Thread will be closed at night
Votes will be movable
Both Chops and NKs will be flipped
There will be no N0
Self targeting will not be allowed
Double targeting will not be allowed
The game isn't bastard but there might be an unexpected temporary element or two that you may or may not like.

Mystics (Civilians)

The Oracle and 14 Vanilla Town.

The Oracle: Every night the Oracle reads a three card spread. This entails choosing three players. At the end of the night phase, The Oracle will learn the three cards that were drawn by that group of three players, but not which player drew which card. The Oracle cannot be night killed.

Order of the Holy Fire (Mafia)

A religious sect that believes that anything magical or occult must be wiped from the face of the earth. Traditional mafia win condition.

The Zealot and four Mafia Goons.

The Zealot: This is a Mafia Godfather. He can’t be eliminated by poll until his goons are all dead. Also controls the kill. While anyone on the team can submit a kill target, it will function as the Godfather’s ability.

Cards and their effects

Each night, every player that voted in the previous poll draws a card. The card they draw determines their ability for the night. Only two players will not draw a card, The Oracle and The Zealot. If a player neglects casting a vote, they will not be able to draw a card in the night phase.

The Major Arcana:


The Fool - Beginnings, Innocence, Spontaneity, A Free Spirit. A player who has drawn this card will appear to be a vanilla town if they should be targeted for any kind of checks that night.


The Magician - Manifestation, Resourcefulness, Power, Inspired Action. The player who draws this card may choose a suit to manifest for the night. You will not learn what the suit does until after you choose. If you draw The Magician again, you cannot choose the same suit you did previously until you have manifested all the suits at least once. The suits are as follows:

Cups: Emotions and Intuitions
Pentacles: Finances and Material Possessions
Wands: Energy and Motivation
Swords: Thoughts and Actions


The High Priestess - Intuition, Sacred Knowledge, Divine Feminine, The Subconscious Mind. The player who draws this card will be told who targets them that night, but not what card effect was used on them.


The Empress - Abundance, Growth, Fertility, Nurturing. The player who draws this card can choose one other player who will gain a second use of their ability the following night. This does not apply to one time use cards.


The Emperor - The Father Figure, Protector and Provider, Structure, Rules and Guidelines. The player who draws this card can choose one other player to protect from night kill that night.


The Hierophant - Religious belief, Conformity, Tradition. The player who draws this card will target another player who may not be the only vote on another player at the end of the day phase, and they may not be the first player to vote for another player. If they do either of these two things, they will not draw a card the following night.


The Lovers - Love, Harmony, Relationships, Values Alignment, Choices. The player who draws this card will be allowed to choose one other player to have anonymous BTSC with for the following day phase.


The Chariot - Control, Willpower, Success, Action, Determination. The player who draws the Chariot will be able to control another player’s night target, should they have one. However, The Oracle and the Zealot cannot be controlled by the Chariot.


Strength - Strength, Courage, Persuasion, Influence, Compassion. The player who draws this card may jail another player. By doing so they block all of their actions regardless of what it is, but also protect them from any night actions that might target them except for a night kill.


The Hermit - Soul Searching, Introspection, Being Alone, Inner Guidance. The player who draws this card can target a player who will be forced to retreat from other players. If they have BTSC, they may not use it for the following day phase. Additionally, they will be limited to three posts during the following day, but they will also be removed from the poll.


Wheel of Fortune - Good Luck, Karma, Destiny, A Turning Point. The player who draws this may choose to do one of two things. They can either choose another player who will have two votes placed on them in the following poll, or they can choose another player who will have two votes removed from them in the following poll. Just remember, the wheel of fortune is always turning.


Justice - Justice, Fairness, Truth, Cause and Effect, Law. If the player who holds this card is night killed, they may choose to take another player of their choice down with them. If the player who holds this card is eliminated by poll, they may choose to take one of their voters down with them.


The Hanged Man - Pause, Surrender, Letting Go, New Perspectives. If the player who draws this card is either night killed or eliminated while they hold this card, their death will be deferred until the end of the following cycle. This will be announced at the time it should have occurred. They can vote but they cannot draw another card.


Death - Endings, Change, Transformation, Transition. This card is never drawn. Instead, Death follows the Zealot, who is the harbinger of death. Though the Zealot never partakes in divination, Death is his constant companion and he cannot escape it.


Temperance - Balance, Moderation, Patience, Purpose. If the player who draws this card chooses to play it, a number of living civilians equal to the number of living mafia members will be randomly chosen. The posts made by each during the following day phase will be added up and compared. If the totals are balanced within 5 posts of each other, the player who drew the Temperance card will be granted one alignment check. If they are not in balance within 5 posts of each other, the player will only be told how many total players were tallied. As this card has no useful purpose for the mafia, if a mafia member draws it, their night kill becomes a strongman kill for the following night.


The Devil - Shadow Self, Attachment, Addiction, Restriction. The player who draws this card may choose to attach themselves to another player for the following cycle (day/night). Doing so allows this player to obtain use of the other player’s card the following night, but also binds them to that player. Whatever happens to that player also happens to the person who drew the Devil card. The chosen player will not know the Devil was used on them, they will use their card as normal. However, if they draw a one time use card, the person who drew the Devil may steal this one time use from them.


The Tower - Sudden Change, Chaos, Upheaval, Revelation, Awakening. This card may only be used once in the game. The player who draws this card may choose to randomize all night targets.


The Star - Hope, Faith, Purpose, Renewal. If the player who draws this card is a civilian, they may guess the identity of The Oracle and will be told if they are correct.


The Moon - Illusion, Fear, Anxiety, Subconscious, Intuition. This card can only be used once in the game. The person who draws this card may choose to end the day phase immediately. The top vote earner at the time the card is played will be eliminated just as if the day had progressed normally. If no one has any votes at the time the card is played, no one will be eliminated.


The Sun - Positivity, Fun, Warmth, Vitality, Success. This card can only be used once in the game. The person who draws this card may choose to end the night phase early. Only night actions which have already been turned in at the time the Sun is played will go through.


Judgement - Judgement, Rebirth, Inner Calling, Absolution. This card will not be used more than once in the game. The player who draws this card has the choice whether or not to absolve the person who gains the most votes in the following day poll, resulting in no elimination.


The World - Completion, Integration, Accomplishment, Travel. The player who draws this card may choose to hold it. If they make it to the final day and still hold the card, they will be granted a personal win, regardless of their alignment or the outcome of the game. However, they cannot draw any other cards for as long as they choose to hold The World. They can choose to let it go at any time during the game and they will draw as usual after they do.
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Re: Cartomancy [Pre-Game, DO NOT POST]


Post by Spacedaisy »

The Game So Far.....


Bereft (he/him) Vanilla Town
Creature (he/him) Mafia Goon
Dennis (he/him) Mafia Goon
DrWilgy (he/him) Vanilla Town
falcon45ca (he/him) Vanilla Town
Jackofhearts2005 (he/him) Vanilla Town
Kate (she/her) Mafia Goon/Replaced by Sabiplz
lucy (she/her) Oracle
MacDougall (he/him) Vanilla Town
Porscha (she/her) Zealot
Sabiplz (they/them) - Replaced Kate N2/Mafia Goon
sig (he/him) Vanilla Town
staypositivefriend (she/her) Mafia Goon
tutuu (any) Vanilla Town

Alison (she/her) - Chopped (Vanilla Town)
Baudib1 (he/him) - Modkilled (Vanilla Town)
fingersplints (she/her) - Chopped (Vanilla Town)
Neon (she/her) - NKed (Vanilla Town)
RondoDimBuckle (any/Rondo) NKed (Vanilla Town)
Roxy (she/her) - Chopped (Vanilla Town)
Seanzie (he/him or they/them) - NKed (Vanilla Town)

Spacedaisy (she/her)
Marmot (they/them or he/him)
Quin (he/him)

Day/Night Posts
SoD 1 - The Game begins
End of Day 1 - Now Who's Flailing? - fingersplints is chopped (Vanilla Town)
End of Night 1 - Psych! - The Sun card is used and no one dies
End of Day 2 - Are You Freaking Kidding Me?! - The Moon card is played and Alison is chopped (Vanilla Town)
End of Night 2 - Cast Out - Neon is killed by the Order (Vanilla Town)
End of Day 3 - Ring Toss Them Out - Roxy is chopped (Vanilla Town)
End of Night 3 - He Saw It Coming - RondoDimBuckle is killed (Vanilla Town)
End of Day 4 - Where Did He Go? - No one is chopped
End of Night 4 - Big Fish in a Little Bowl - Seanzie is killed (Vanilla Town)
Game End - The Death Card - Cartomancy is a draw
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Re: Cartomancy [Pre-Game, DO NOT POST]


Post by Spacedaisy »

Some notes before we begin:

1. Please look over the setup, I made some small changes to it for balance purposes as I was going over the setup during sign ups, so make sure the setup is clear.

2. The card you draw will be told to you at the start of the night phase and you will have until an hour before the end of the night phase to turn in your targets, when applicable.

3. End of phases will be 8:00 PM EST, unless I run into a problem for some reason. In any case I need to change it, I will let you know in advance what to expect. However, I am going to stick as close to that time as possible.

4. I included preferred pronouns in the player list. It's important to me as a host, that we try to respect preferred pronouns. Remember that respect is the most important value we try to adhere to at The Syndicate.

5. Along that same line, I really dislike insulting another person's intelligence, so please avoid calling people names such as dumb, stupid, etc.

6. All the cards used are from actual tarot decks except for two of them. If you want more information about any of them, shoot me a message and I'll let you know what deck they are from.

7. Since there are so many powers shifting around, I will be using a discord hub in order to keep target submissions in one spot and make it less likely something falls through the cracks.

Please enter the Cartomancy Hub:

Roles have been distributed, and I would like to try to get everyone into the hub and their private channel before the game starts at 8:00 PM EST January 4.
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Re: Cartomancy [Pre-Game, DO NOT POST]


Post by Marmot »

Hello everyone!!! I'm Marmot, and I'll be modding your game, along with Quin!

If you would like to reach to us, you can PM us here on the Syndicate or DM us on Discord. Here's the info you need for that:

Discord ID: marmot#0236
Click Me
Time Zone: Pacific Standard Time (UTC-8)

Discord ID: Quin#8369
Click Me
Time Zone: Australia

Please remember that every other player is also human. We all make mistakes. None of us are perfect. Treat others with respect and exercise self-care if you feel yourself beginning to get angry or upset at the game. If you need to vent, please feel free to message us, we are happy to listen. We are also available for reports of any Code of Conduct or Rules violations. Consider us your lifeline so that the game state remains healthy and exciting for everyone.

If you have game-related queries (setup, role questions, game play, etc.) please contact the Host, @Spacedaisy.

Finally, please take a few minutes and read our Site Rules and Code of Conduct (if you haven't already) at the links below and have a fun time in the game!!

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Remember that the premier rules in any Syndicate Mafia game come straight from the site rules. Review those rules below, and direct any concerns you may have to the host or moderator(s) on duty.

[Link] Rules and Guidelines on The Syndicate

Also always be mindful of the culture of respect that must be maintained in all Syndicate spaces at all times, to include this game thread and any external communication spaces relating to the game. Players must be respectful to one another, to the game host, to the members of the staff overseeing the game, to the game itself by way of its rules and spirit, to the Syndicate community in general, and ideally also to themselves. Respect is never optional. See our full manifesto on our culture of respect below.

[Link] A Syndicate Mafia Culture of Respect


Banners and Stuff
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My Syndicate Mafia Wins:

Full Games Civilian: Image

Mafia: Image Image Image Image

Independent: Image Image
Speed Games Civilian: Image Image Fiddler on the Roof

Mafia: Image Image Image Image
Heists Civilian: Image Image Image Image Image

Burglaries Independent: The Theme Is Literally a Burglary
Special Games Civilian: Image Image Image Image

Independent: Image

My Syndicate Hosted Games:

Speed Games Image Image Image
Heists Image Image Image

Some other Banners:

2014 Sockys Image
2015 Sockys Image Image Image
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Dragon D. Luffy wrote: Wed Dec 16, 2020 7:33 pm Just how many days of "let's yeet them tomorrow" can a mafioso survive?

The answer: all of them, if you are a marmot.
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Re: Cartomancy [Pre-Game, DO NOT POST]


Post by Marmot »

Additional MoD Note

We do have a minor playing in this game. Please keep this in mind when you're interacting with other players, and try to keep the content of your posts PG-13.

Banners and Stuff
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My Syndicate Mafia Wins:

Full Games Civilian: Image

Mafia: Image Image Image Image

Independent: Image Image
Speed Games Civilian: Image Image Fiddler on the Roof

Mafia: Image Image Image Image
Heists Civilian: Image Image Image Image Image

Burglaries Independent: The Theme Is Literally a Burglary
Special Games Civilian: Image Image Image Image

Independent: Image

My Syndicate Hosted Games:

Speed Games Image Image Image
Heists Image Image Image

Some other Banners:

2014 Sockys Image
2015 Sockys Image Image Image
Miscellaneous Image Image

Dragon D. Luffy wrote: Wed Dec 16, 2020 7:33 pm Just how many days of "let's yeet them tomorrow" can a mafioso survive?

The answer: all of them, if you are a marmot.
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Re: Cartomancy [Day 1]


Post by Spacedaisy »

Game Start - Enter the Tent of the Oracle

Once inside the tent, the sounds of the fair become distant and muffled. It takes your eyes a moment to adjust to the dim lighting. There is a small, round table in the middle of the equally small tent. It is draped in a thick material, with an altar cloth spread out over the top. Incense burns in a tray on the table, the wispy tendrils of the smoke curling and rising and the smell of sage hanging heavy in the room as it dissipates. A woman sits in the large wicker chair on the far side of the table. Her shoulders wrapped in a black crocheted shawl, her dark eyes studying you with keen interest as you enter.

"Have a seat," she says as she motions toward the empty chair in front of you with a perfectly manicured hand.

You lower yourself into the seat, wondering why you felt such trepidation to be here. Perhaps it was those people protesting about it earlier.

"Don't let the Zealot and his followers dissuade you. The cards can help guide you to finding truth."

Your eyes widen and you stammer, "H-- How-- How did you know?"

The Oracle only gives you a knowing smile in response to your question. You dig in your pocket and pull out a crumpled $5 bill, which you set on the table. The mysterious woman begins to shuffle the cards, still studying you as she does. The cards make a pleasing sounds as she shuffles, it was almost mesmerizing. You become aware of the fact she is muttering something quietly under her breath, the words too softly spoken to be distinguishable. As she shuffles, a card suddenly flips out of the deck as though leaping in escape. It lands facedown on the table. The Oracle reaches down and turns the card over, revealing the seven of swords. She taps a dark fingernail on it thoughtfully before she looks up at you once more.

"There is someone around you who is extremely deceptive. You must be very cautious, because this person will surely betray you."

The woman turns the deck over to reveal the card at the bottom of the deck. Death.

"The Zealot!" The Oracle's matter of fact tone suddenly took on a sense of urgency. "It is worse than I thought. The Order of the Holy Fire will come for you when you least expect it. If you wish to escape Death, you will have to find them before they find you."

Day 1 has begun. You will have until the poll closes at 8:00 PM EST January 6th to decide who you will chop. Good luck!
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Re: Cartomancy [Day 1]


Post by Baudib1 »

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Re: Cartomancy [Day 1]


Post by Bereft »

Colorful tent!
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Re: Cartomancy [Day 1]


Post by Seanzie »

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Re: Cartomancy [Day 1]


Post by Creature »

I used to rule the world...
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Re: Cartomancy [Day 1]


Post by sig »

Baudib1 wrote: Wed Jan 04, 2023 9:01 pmFrist
Only mafia post first as they’re the most excited to play the game. It is known
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Re: Cartomancy [Day 1]


Post by Baudib1 »

sig wrote: Wed Jan 04, 2023 9:03 pm
Baudib1 wrote: Wed Jan 04, 2023 9:01 pmFrist
Only mafia post first as they’re the most excited to play the game. It is known
You got me WalterWhite.gif
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Re: Cartomancy [Day 1]


Post by sig »

Alsk I’m im ready to do a lot of fucking around buuuut not a lot of finding out so I’ll cover the humor for this game everyone agrees not to vote me off and I do 0% of the hunting
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Re: Cartomancy [Day 1]


Post by sig »

Baudib1 wrote: Wed Jan 04, 2023 9:04 pm
sig wrote: Wed Jan 04, 2023 9:03 pm
Baudib1 wrote: Wed Jan 04, 2023 9:01 pmFrist
Only mafia post first as they’re the most excited to play the game. It is known
You got me WalterWhite.gif
1 down 2?ish more to go :dark:
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Re: Cartomancy [Day 1]


Post by Baudib1 »

Voted sig. I’m town.

Cya tomorrow.
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Re: Cartomancy [Day 1]


Post by Dennis »

Whoop whoop game!!
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Re: Cartomancy [Day 1]


Post by sig »

:suspish: Also [VOTE: roxy] aubergine

This is for the last game pocketing me like that so rude. :disappoint:
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Re: Cartomancy [Day 1]


Post by sig »

Baudib1 wrote: Wed Jan 04, 2023 9:06 pm Voted sig. I’m town.

Cya tomorrow.
:ninja: :ninja: :ninja:

I’m fully prepared to OMGUS all the way to the end game
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Re: Cartomancy [Day 1]


Post by Baudib1 »

sig wrote: Wed Jan 04, 2023 9:07 pm
Baudib1 wrote: Wed Jan 04, 2023 9:06 pm Voted sig. I’m town.

Cya tomorrow.
:ninja: :ninja: :ninja:

I’m fully prepared to OMGUS all the way to the end game
You will lose.
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Re: Cartomancy [Day 1]


Post by robyn »

this game will be glorious, one thing to note is that i will be tryharding this game
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Re: Cartomancy [Day 1]


Post by Baudib1 »

lucy wrote: Wed Jan 04, 2023 9:09 pm this game will be glorious, one thing to note is that i will be tryharding this game
Such zealot vibes
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Re: Cartomancy [Day 1]


Post by Porscha »

Seanzie wrote: Wed Jan 04, 2023 9:02 pm
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I hate love you lmfao
You're being an unacceptable level of stupid, with zero sexy, and no sense of humor.
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Re: Cartomancy [Day 1]


Post by Porscha »

sig wrote: Wed Jan 04, 2023 9:05 pm Alsk I’m im ready to do a lot of fucking around buuuut not a lot of finding out so I’ll cover the humor for this game everyone agrees not to vote me off and I do 0% of the hunting
I wish to fulfill this exact role in my games one day
You're being an unacceptable level of stupid, with zero sexy, and no sense of humor.
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Re: Cartomancy [Day I]


Post by RondoDimBuckle »

two wolves above this line
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Re: Cartomancy [Day 1]


Post by Porscha »

I am workshca atm but am excite to play just wanted to say hi :D
You're being an unacceptable level of stupid, with zero sexy, and no sense of humor.
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Re: Cartomancy [Day 1]


Post by Porscha »

God I went like an entire week without a mafia game and now my vid can be filled once again
You're being an unacceptable level of stupid, with zero sexy, and no sense of humor.
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Re: Cartomancy [Day 1]


Post by Seanzie »

Porscha wrote: Wed Jan 04, 2023 9:12 pm
Seanzie wrote: Wed Jan 04, 2023 9:02 pm
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I hate love you lmfao
I hate love you too
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Re: Cartomancy [Day I]


Post by robyn »

RondoDimBuckle wrote: Wed Jan 04, 2023 9:14 pm two wolves above this line
rank most to least wolfy players "above this line" as you say
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Re: CartoAMncy [Day 1]


Post by RondoDimBuckle »

lucy wrote: Wed Jan 04, 2023 9:18 pm
RondoDimBuckle wrote: Wed Jan 04, 2023 9:14 pm two wolves above this line
rank most to least wolfy players "above this line" as you say
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I'm not dumb I just don't know things.
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Re: Cartomancy [Day 1]


Post by staypositivefriend »

im gay and mafia
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Re: Cartomancy [Day 1]


Post by staypositivefriend »

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Re: Cartomancy [Day 1]


Post by Creature »

[VOTE: sig] aubergine
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Re: Cartomancy [Day 1]


Post by ☆Princess Abigail☆ »

Seanzie wrote: Wed Jan 04, 2023 9:02 pm
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[VOTE: Seanzie] aubergine

Bubbly Magical Girl who loves Caitlin more than anything in the world!

Resident Juice Sipping Icon

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You are Zenon, Town 1-shot Desperado. You’re known for posting a lot (namely in anime gif form), playing a lot, and, most importantly, making snap decisions – particularly in the endgame. In a recent game, Wild West FM, you were taken to final 3 and immediately voted the last wolf, resulting in a LyLo that was strictly speaking over in four minutes and two posts. This game, we’re giving you the chance to accomplish a similar feat.

High-Risk High-Reward (Day 2+, 1-shot, Immediate): Spend 6 Snapvote Charges, post Fuck it we ball glgl in bold red text, and ping a player. (When you use this ability, you should also inform the hosts privately.) If they are Town, you will strongman die. Otherwise, you will strongman kill that player. This action resolves instantly.
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Re: Cartomancy [Day 1]


Post by ☆Princess Abigail☆ »

Baudib1 wrote: Wed Jan 04, 2023 9:06 pm Voted sig. I’m town.

Cya tomorrow.
*checks notes* I put this at 33% chance of being true
Bubbly Magical Girl who loves Caitlin more than anything in the world!

Resident Juice Sipping Icon

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You are Zenon, Town 1-shot Desperado. You’re known for posting a lot (namely in anime gif form), playing a lot, and, most importantly, making snap decisions – particularly in the endgame. In a recent game, Wild West FM, you were taken to final 3 and immediately voted the last wolf, resulting in a LyLo that was strictly speaking over in four minutes and two posts. This game, we’re giving you the chance to accomplish a similar feat.

High-Risk High-Reward (Day 2+, 1-shot, Immediate): Spend 6 Snapvote Charges, post Fuck it we ball glgl in bold red text, and ping a player. (When you use this ability, you should also inform the hosts privately.) If they are Town, you will strongman die. Otherwise, you will strongman kill that player. This action resolves instantly.
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Re: Cartomancy [Day 1]


Post by ☆Princess Abigail☆ »

Porscha wrote: Wed Jan 04, 2023 9:15 pm God I went like an entire week without a mafia game and now my vid can be filled once again
How did it feel to be free from this accursed game for a week
Bubbly Magical Girl who loves Caitlin more than anything in the world!

Resident Juice Sipping Icon

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You are Zenon, Town 1-shot Desperado. You’re known for posting a lot (namely in anime gif form), playing a lot, and, most importantly, making snap decisions – particularly in the endgame. In a recent game, Wild West FM, you were taken to final 3 and immediately voted the last wolf, resulting in a LyLo that was strictly speaking over in four minutes and two posts. This game, we’re giving you the chance to accomplish a similar feat.

High-Risk High-Reward (Day 2+, 1-shot, Immediate): Spend 6 Snapvote Charges, post Fuck it we ball glgl in bold red text, and ping a player. (When you use this ability, you should also inform the hosts privately.) If they are Town, you will strongman die. Otherwise, you will strongman kill that player. This action resolves instantly.
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Re: Cartomancy [Day 1]


Post by Kate »

Hello old friends and new friends!

Yay :clap: for new game!
Andrew wrote: Wed May 29, 2013 6:47 pm I'm voting llama again because I think I heard him say something that looks like proof.
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Re: Cartomancy [Day 1]


Post by Seanzie »

Baudib1 wrote: Wed Jan 04, 2023 9:01 pmFrist
Bereft wrote: Wed Jan 04, 2023 9:01 pm Colorful tent!
Creature wrote: Wed Jan 04, 2023 9:03 pm I used to rule the world...
sig wrote: Wed Jan 04, 2023 9:03 pm
Baudib1 wrote: Wed Jan 04, 2023 9:01 pmFrist
Only mafia post first as they’re the most excited to play the game. It is known
Dennis wrote: Wed Jan 04, 2023 9:06 pm Whoop whoop game!!
Null, possibly wolf.
lucy wrote: Wed Jan 04, 2023 9:09 pm this game will be glorious, one thing to note is that i will be tryharding this game
Likely town
Porscha wrote: Wed Jan 04, 2023 9:12 pm
Seanzie wrote: Wed Jan 04, 2023 9:02 pm
Spoiler: show

I hate love you lmfao
RondoDimBuckle wrote: Wed Jan 04, 2023 9:14 pm two wolves above this line
staypositivefriend wrote: Wed Jan 04, 2023 9:24 pm im gay and mafia
Neon wrote: Wed Jan 04, 2023 9:33 pm
Seanzie wrote: Wed Jan 04, 2023 9:02 pm
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[VOTE: Seanzie] aubergine

Kate wrote: Wed Jan 04, 2023 9:43 pm Hello old friends and new friends!

Yay :clap: for new game!
Unknown, probably town.

[VOTE: Rondo] aubergine
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Re: CartOraclemancy [Day 1]


Post by RondoDimBuckle »

Seanzie wrote: Wed Jan 04, 2023 9:48 pm
Baudib1 wrote: Wed Jan 04, 2023 9:01 pmFrist
Bereft wrote: Wed Jan 04, 2023 9:01 pm Colorful tent!
Creature wrote: Wed Jan 04, 2023 9:03 pm I used to rule the world...
sig wrote: Wed Jan 04, 2023 9:03 pm
Baudib1 wrote: Wed Jan 04, 2023 9:01 pmFrist
Only mafia post first as they’re the most excited to play the game. It is known
Dennis wrote: Wed Jan 04, 2023 9:06 pm Whoop whoop game!!
Null, possibly wolf.
lucy wrote: Wed Jan 04, 2023 9:09 pm this game will be glorious, one thing to note is that i will be tryharding this game
Likely town
Porscha wrote: Wed Jan 04, 2023 9:12 pm
Seanzie wrote: Wed Jan 04, 2023 9:02 pm
Spoiler: show

I hate love you lmfao
RondoDimBuckle wrote: Wed Jan 04, 2023 9:14 pm two wolves above this line
staypositivefriend wrote: Wed Jan 04, 2023 9:24 pm im gay and mafia
Neon wrote: Wed Jan 04, 2023 9:33 pm
Seanzie wrote: Wed Jan 04, 2023 9:02 pm
Spoiler: show
[VOTE: Seanzie] aubergine

Kate wrote: Wed Jan 04, 2023 9:43 pm Hello old friends and new friends!

Yay :clap: for new game!
Unknown, probably town.

[VOTE: Rondo] aubergine
How many times have you called me out as wolf and been correct? 0 times.
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Seanzie Streaking!
Lucy / Seanzie equity
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Re: Cartomancy [Day 1]


Post by Baudib1 »

Of this PL, I’ve only played with JackofHearts, Creature and Lucy before. I’ll probably sheep SPF’s reads until I decide she’s mafia.
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Re: Cartomancy [Day 1]


Post by RondoDimBuckle »

Baudib1 wrote: Wed Jan 04, 2023 9:51 pm Of this PL, I’ve only played with JackofHearts, Creature and Lucy before. I’ll probably sheep SPF’s reads until I decide she’s mafia.
sheep me instead and town will win
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I'm not dumb I just don't know things.
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Re: Cartomancy [Day 1]


Post by Bereft »

Thought my opener wouldve been ridiculed for [Insert Here]. Don't @ me for this post.
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Re: Cartomancy [Day 1]


Post by MacDougall »

Alison (she/her) t
Baudib1 (he/him) t
Bereft (he/him) ?
Creature (he/him) ?
Dennis (he/him) lw
DrWilgy (he/him) .
falcon45ca (he/him) .
fingersplints (she/her) .
Jackofhearts2005 (he/him) .
Kate (she/her) ?
lucy (she/her) ?
MacDougall (he/him) w
Neon (she/her) lw
Porscha (she/her) t
RondoDimBuckle (any/Rondo) t
Roxy (she/her) .
Seanzie (he/him or they/them) lt
sig (he/him) w
staypositivefriend (she/her) ?
tutuu (any) .
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Re: Cartomancy [Day 1]


Post by Porscha »

Rondo you putting mac w when he hasn't even posted? Lmfao
You're being an unacceptable level of stupid, with zero sexy, and no sense of humor.
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Re: Cartomancy [Day 1]


Post by MacDougall »

RondoDimBuckle wrote: Wed Jan 04, 2023 9:52 pm
Baudib1 wrote: Wed Jan 04, 2023 9:51 pm Of this PL, I’ve only played with JackofHearts, Creature and Lucy before. I’ll probably sheep SPF’s reads until I decide she’s mafia.
sheep me instead and town will win
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Re: Cartomancy [Day 1]


Post by MacDougall »

Porscha wrote: Wed Jan 04, 2023 10:03 pm Rondo you putting mac w when he hasn't even posted? Lmfao
read the post again
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Re: Cartomancy [Day 1]


Post by MacDougall »

MacDougall wrote: Wed Jan 04, 2023 10:03 pm Baudib1 (he/him) t
Dennis (he/him) lw
Neon (she/her) lw
Porscha (she/her) t
RondoDimBuckle (any/Rondo) t
Seanzie (he/him or they/them) lt
sig (he/him) w
reads I care about enough to tolerate talking about them
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Re: Cartomancy [Day 1]


Post by Seanzie »

MacDougall wrote: Wed Jan 04, 2023 10:06 pm
MacDougall wrote: Wed Jan 04, 2023 10:03 pm Baudib1 (he/him) t
Dennis (he/him) lw
Neon (she/her) lw
Porscha (she/her) t
RondoDimBuckle (any/Rondo) t
Seanzie (he/him or they/them) lt
sig (he/him) w
reads I care about enough to tolerate talking about them
Tell me about Dennis, and vote Rondo with me.
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Re: Cartomancy [Day 1]


Post by MacDougall »

Seanzie wrote: Wed Jan 04, 2023 9:48 pm
Dennis wrote: Wed Jan 04, 2023 9:06 pm Whoop whoop game!!
Null, possibly wolf.
I had a similar reaction. It's also why I'm townreading you for now.

What's your ish with Rondo?
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Re: Cartomancy [Day 1]


Post by sig »

Porscha wrote: Wed Jan 04, 2023 9:13 pm
sig wrote: Wed Jan 04, 2023 9:05 pm Alsk I’m im ready to do a lot of fucking around buuuut not a lot of finding out so I’ll cover the humor for this game everyone agrees not to vote me off and I do 0% of the hunting
I wish to fulfill this exact role in my games one day
Ah young grasshopper you just have to be miss voted a lot for a few years than you can truly achieve greatness like me :p
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Re: Cartomancy [Day 1]


Post by Seanzie »

MacDougall wrote: Wed Jan 04, 2023 10:09 pm
Seanzie wrote: Wed Jan 04, 2023 9:48 pm
Dennis wrote: Wed Jan 04, 2023 9:06 pm Whoop whoop game!!
Null, possibly wolf.
I had a similar reaction. It's also why I'm townreading you for now.

What's your ish with Rondo?
His "two wolves above this line" opening felt fake.
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