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by Moghedien
Sat Apr 17, 2021 5:16 pm
Forum: Mafia Game Submission Archive
Topic: World of Warcraft: The Mysteries of Kalimdor
Replies: 0
Views: 4177

World of Warcraft: The Mysteries of Kalimdor


"Now go, young Thrall. Sail west to the lands of Kalimdor. It is there that you will find your destiny. It is there that your people's salvation will be assured."
- Medivh


Size: At least 20 players, exact number TBD.
Setup: Closed setup, role madness.
Phases: 24 hours each, 48 hour cycles.
Post limit: 50 posts per day on average, although there will be some alterations depending on certain game-specific mechanics.

What is Kalimdor?

Kalimdor is one of the central continents in Warcraft. The magical wildernesses of Kalimdor are home to elves, dragons, demons, and relics of unimaginable power. This game will deal with the state of affairs in Kalimdor as they were in the beginning of World of Warcraft, now known as World of Warcraft: Classic.



This game will feature three town subfactions against one mafia faction, and one independent faction. They are as follows:


The Sentinels are the primary military arm of the night elf race. Founded in the years following the War of the Ancients and the destruction of the old night elven empire, the Sentinels now serve as the night elves' army in their engagements throughout Kalimdor.


The Cenarion Circle is a harmonious order of night elves and tauren that guides and keeps watch over the world's druids and their practices. The Circle has many posts, but their main home is in the Moonglade in northern Kalimdor.


Four races comprise the Horde: the brutal orcs, the shadowy undead, the spiritual tauren, and the quick-witted trolls. Beset by enemies on all sides, these outcasts have forged a union they hope will ensure their mutual survival. The Horde values action and strength, and is committed to enduring in an unforgiving land that would see it extinguished.


The Shadow Council is a group of mortal warlocks that serve the demons of the Burning Legion. Based out of the Felwood in northern Kalimdor, the Shadow Council performs sacrifices and rituals in an effort to summon their demon masters into the world.


The Twilights Hammer is a cult dedicated to the worship of the eldritch Old Gods. These terrible gods were imprisoned long ago, but their insidious influence can still be felt throughout Kalimdor.

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