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by bea
Wed Dec 10, 2014 4:50 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
Replies: 7359
Views: 205940

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12

Thank you Daisy!!! They are perfect!!!

And thank you for posting them Socky - I know people were anxious to get them! :)
by bea
Mon Nov 03, 2014 1:38 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
Replies: 7359
Views: 205940

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12

I was disappointed that it was the obvious choice :( People were jumping to that conculsion on the forums as soon as Missy had a name. I was all "surely it can't be that." :sigh:
by bea
Mon Nov 03, 2014 4:00 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
Replies: 7359
Views: 205940

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12

OMG!!! I almost forgot!!! did anyone else besides me see Sat's episode??? I'm BURSTING to talk about it with someone.

please pm me if you are Who caught up!!! OMFG!!! I can't even effin' believe this episode!!!
by bea
Mon Nov 03, 2014 3:52 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
Replies: 7359
Views: 205940

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12

*eats dinner and goes to bed*

thanks for being awesome everyone! I <3 all you crazy bastards!!!
by bea
Sun Nov 02, 2014 10:32 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
Replies: 7359
Views: 205940

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12

Mods.- feel free to move.the thread when you need to :)
by bea
Sun Nov 02, 2014 10:13 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
Replies: 7359
Views: 205940

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12

Chris was hysterical tbh. He.was.soooooo spot on about somethings. Then others were.just. sooooooo off.
by bea
Sun Nov 02, 2014 9:37 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
Replies: 7359
Views: 205940

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12

The recruit team was limited at 5. (admittedly in hindsight this was probably too much. She was recruiting on even nights till she hit the max.) If a teammate died, their power died with them. So, access to the dalek kill was lost when rox died for example. I'm kinda surprised that was the only loss the team suffered till zeek tbh. Once they reached the max recruiting limit - no one else could be recruited to the team unless someone died. They were not allowed to self target kills (or redirect kills) toward themselves nor were they allowed to purposefully tank a lynch for more recruiting space.

I'm updating page 1 with the roles now.
by bea
Sun Nov 02, 2014 12:44 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
Replies: 7359
Views: 205940

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12

No sweat Alex. :)
by bea
Sun Nov 02, 2014 12:03 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
Replies: 7359
Views: 205940

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12

There was a tipping point when hedgey's little team that could became unstoppable. When I concived the roll, I wanted her to be able to recruit anyone because she had a LMS postition with no kill.

I did know that recruiting the doc could go either way in terms of ballance but I'd hoped the chess match would have given it some reasonable odds. If MP would have beat hedgey - he would not have been recruited and he never would have known till the end of the game WHY he had to play that chess match.

Hedgey got amazing luck getting ahold of kills. And keeping people away from her teammates. It was super earie how lucky they were just when they needed to be lucky. This goes w/o saying, that they also played GREAT!

Poor Daleks were the little team that tried soo hard. I loved that team.

Dom and Newt were awesome. Really. I can't even with all the feels I have for them!

I do welcome any feeback that anyone has in terms of the game, but please PM it to me and teefies rather than critize in the thread. :) Thank you all of you for playing so hard and having so much fun! :hugs:

Extra SPECIAL apologies to Splintsy for forgetting that I asked you to replace. When Keys brought it up, I'd forgotten I'd asked you because we'd had that stretch of not needing anyone. If I do something stupid like that again, PM me sooner! I would have subbed you in for sure if I had remembered you already said yes. :derp: I promise I'll make it up to you some how sweetie. :hugs:
by bea
Sat Nov 01, 2014 11:54 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
Replies: 7359
Views: 205940

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12

N 7

Doc - checks Gotrees - Yes - he's Martha Jones - he can now redirect one target a night.
Jackie targets LC
Boe - Chris "I"m either Sarah or Jack." True.
Cybers - target Keys - LC abosorbs the kill but his protect for him/amy is used. :(
Master - Kills MP.
Hedgey - wins the chess match against the doctor so when MP regenerates he is recruited to hedgey's team.

N8 - the night of hell - because MP is back it's the Day of Sunshine. Oh - and of course this is the night Dom decided to redirect all the targets. The original target is in white - the redirect is in green

MP - rezzes zeek from the cards prize.
Gotrees redirects keys vote to himself - Keys vote for elo bts
Jackie - targets MP JC is insanified
Boe - DF "Great result! wecome back MP!" Snowy "Great result! welcome back MP!" false as snowy didn't say this.
Strax - Kill Bass Kill DF - fail - civ 3.
Cyber - Block BR Block Chris
Master - RANDOM. :feb:
Lucy - rezzed due to cards prize. Also as his second prize - should dom have been NKed - he would have regenerated like MP did instead of it looking like a flat out protect. I'm really sad this didn't get used. :(
Hedge - recruits zeek as part of cards prize. - recruits TH as her night action. Gotrees is recruited

N9 -

Gotrees - redirects dom's target to BR. This is really odd because........
Boe - Checks Gotrees - "Baddie? Definately not." - is true. At this point - he's indy.
Cybers - Kill LC and block JC
Master - Kill LC.

So the weirdness that was BR and LC dying at the same time totes wouldn't have happened had that target not been redirected. But also super ironic that both kills targeted LC.

N 10.

Doc - search DF - not a companion.
Gotrees - redirect epi's to elo.
Strax - Kills MM
Cyber - Kill SVS - Block dom - both redirected to elo as epi carried the kill that night
Hedgie recruits epi.

N 11

Master - kills Dom
Gotrees redirects Dom to keys
Cyber - snowy kills zeek.

N 12 -
Strax - kill dom - fail as dom's last protect is used.
Hedgey recruits snowy.
Cybers kill dom - game ends.
by bea
Sat Nov 01, 2014 11:37 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
Replies: 7359
Views: 205940

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12

OK - this is the ugly version of the spreadsheet. :)

Night 1
Doc - check daisy - not a companion (we were pretty strict about the companions. sarah jane was the only companion that came back as positive that didn't have a power activated by the doctor. because - come on - she's sarah jane.)
Jackie - missed pm
Boe - Enrique "I'm not bad."- False - (fwiw - we allowed BR to use those sorts of statements as long as they happened organically. I NEVER had to tell her not to pick any of the stuff when people were asking others to say things for the Lie Detector. ;) )
Daleks - Kill TH - Block Zeek - Dead check Bea (I thought this was clever)
Cybers - Block SVS - Live Check Made (Emp dalek)
Master - Kill MR
Angel - Target epi.
MM - MP is not the Master

N2 -

Doctor - check SVS - yes - she is sarah jane.
Boe - check Daisy "I'm not bad." - True
Strax - Kill elo - fail as elo is civ 1.
Dalek - dead check TH 1.0 - donna noble
Cyber - live check enrique - dalek sec - block daisy - kill MP (sign -up protect prize)
Master - Kill MR
Angel - targets bullz.
MM - SVS not the master -
Hedge - recruits Rox.

N3 -

Doc - checks made - not a companion
Jackie - targets zeek.
Boe - "Mp is bad" - false
Dalek - kill splints - check teefies (I still thought dead checking the hosts was clever - so we told them the truth about the Valeyard. It was a plot device that i was using to try to tie the story together)
Cyber - block Zeek - RC Mp - the doctor.
Master - search chris - kill enrique (fail due to dalek coin toss)

N4 -
Doc - check TH 2.0 - role blocked.
Jackie - Enrque - fail due to coin toss - second toss perma blocks TH 2.0 from targeting enrique
Boe - SVS - "I'm a civvie." - true
Strax - Made - sucessful kill
Dalek - dead check splintsy - weeping angel
cyber - Block MP - live check th - jackie tyler
Master - rox is not lucy
Hedgey - recruits strax.

N5 -

Doctor - search Keys - he is Amy Pond - his vote is now worth 2.
Jackie - targets Chris
Boe - check TH "I'm happy about this result" True
Daleks - Kill BR - Dead check zeek - both fail as roxy is blocked
Cyber - block roxy - live check roxy - dalek 2
Master - Kill Daisy

N6 -

Doctor - check rox - not a companion
Boe - Elo "Most logical......if you want to lynch a civ." True
Srax - kill Chris - kill fails civ 2
Dalek - check daisy - madame vastra.
Cybers - kill chris - fail because of his capt jack protect - Block LC - RC SVS - she is sarah jane

Ok -posting this one - taking a quick break then I'll be back with the rest of the game - cuz N7 is when things start going wonky bts.
by bea
Sat Nov 01, 2014 10:50 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
Replies: 7359
Views: 205940

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12

sorry guys - working through the ss right now - just want to say - this was some weird game with luck and stuffs! I couldn't believe it.

I also want to say that Dom and BR played an amazing game. If ANYONE has any doubt about how a lie detector should be played - they should start at the beginning of this game and re-read black rock. She taught me a thing or two that's for sure!!

Ok - back to making sure I got all this - I'm up to N5 so when I have them all wrote out - I"ll start posting them.
by bea
Sat Nov 01, 2014 9:54 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
Replies: 7359
Views: 205940

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12

Waiting on diggz to pick me up now.....
by bea
Sat Nov 01, 2014 3:10 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
Replies: 7359
Views: 205940

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Day 12 ... at_the_cap

Chris! SVS! Anyone else that might be interested!

In case you missed the facebook share:

Wilco cover's Greatful Dead's Ripple. It's so good. So good.

Now I just need to get my hands on that Flips Sgt Pepper cover.....
by bea
Fri Oct 31, 2014 11:47 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
Replies: 7359
Views: 205940

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Day 12

Discussing who was bad seemed pointless. It was Halloween. There is candy. There is booze. There are costumes and skerry things.

They decided to watch this instead:

No one is Lynched. It's now night. You hae 23 hours to do what you need to do.

Happy Halloween everyone!
by bea
Fri Oct 31, 2014 11:45 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
Replies: 7359
Views: 205940

Re: Who's Polls?

Pick a killer! Any Killer!

Poll runs till Sat Nov 01, 2014 1:49 am
You may select 1 option

No votes

nijuukyugou (19)

Epignosis (3), juliets (5), Gotrees (7), MovingPictures07 (9), Long Con (10), Chris (11), Snow Dog (15), DFaraday (17), S~V~S (18), Hedgeowl (20)

No votes

No votes

No votes

No votes

No votes

No votes

No votes

No votes

Dom (14)

If I go to bed RIGHT NOW. I get 4 1/2 hours of sleep before work again! (Host/Mod/Non)
bea (1), zeek (2), Metalmarsh89 (4), fingersplints (6), Roxy (8), Made (12), birdwithteeth11 (13), Bass_the_Clever (16)
by bea
Fri Oct 31, 2014 10:01 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
Replies: 7359
Views: 205940

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Day 12

Still at work..dunno when I'm home -
by bea
Thu Oct 30, 2014 4:46 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
Replies: 7359
Views: 205940

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 11

Everyone was impatient and nerves were on edge. There were no more parties. No more joy. The love and trust that was abound at the start of the journey seemed to have evaporated a long time ago. Since there were no more large gatherings, the travelers had been keeping to their rooms at night. This made things paticularly easy for those who would cause harm to our traveling band.

The Cybermen would have been sad by the lack of acceptable upgrade subjects if they could feel things. As it was, they just kept trying and trying. This evening, they spotted a door ajar and took advantage of the situation. Cur-chunk. Cur-chunk they marched right through Zeeks' door. "You will be upgraded." they told him mater of factly. "Like hell I will be!" was the last thing he said before they deleted him.

Keys was in need of a sandwich so off he went to the kitchen. The Master followed behind him the ever loudening drumming pounding in his head. As The Master approached Keys, Keys looked up and said to him, "Hey, be a mate and pass me that knife over there. I need to get some mustard on this bread." The Master showed him how well Mr. Picky was at spreading things as he drummed into Keys' chest.

Keys has been killed by The Master. Zeek has been killed by the Cybermen. It is now Day.

The Day 11 Lynch will end FRIDAY AT 9:30 EST.

I will try to post this again to keep reminding everyone as the poll time will be wrong.
by bea
Thu Oct 30, 2014 4:29 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
Replies: 7359
Views: 205940

Re: Who's Polls?

How many kitties need to appear in this thread to calm cranky Bea down?

Chris (6), Epignosis (17)

No votes

No votes

Gotrees (8)

No votes

No votes

keys56000000000 (7)

Long Con (14)

No votes

zeek (2), Hedgeowl (3), MovingPictures07 (9), DFaraday (10), S~V~S (12), Dom (15), juliets (18), Snow Dog (19), nijuukyugou (20)

Metalmarsh89 (1), fingersplints (4), bea (5), birdwithteeth11 (11), Roxy (13), Bass_the_Clever (16)
by bea
Wed Oct 29, 2014 9:57 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
Replies: 7359
Views: 205940

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 11

I'm channeling shatner :p
by bea
Wed Oct 29, 2014 8:32 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
Replies: 7359
Views: 205940

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 11

keys56000000000 wrote:Well, no answer from the hosts as yet on whether it was a tie or not, but pretty much exactly the same people voted Dom as did MM, so no new information can be gleaned one way or another. Epignosis, Juliets, DFaraday, Snow Dog and Hedgeowl, all potential Cyberheads.
Sorry. It was.not a.tie.
by bea
Wed Oct 29, 2014 6:36 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
Replies: 7359
Views: 205940

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 11

Teefies is unable to do the post. :( so it wont be up till like 4am est when I get home from work. I can shorten time on the day Lynch if you guys.want to make up for things. Let me know. Sorry.bout.this.guys. :(
by bea
Wed Oct 29, 2014 6:15 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
Replies: 7359
Views: 205940

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 11

Oh yea -.roughly 9:30 I last.night.apparently.
by bea
Wed Oct 29, 2014 6:04 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
Replies: 7359
Views: 205940

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 11

Chris wrote:So, the poll is not changeable, and there's no end time.

Anyone know what time night ends? Should I assume 9:30 again?

In about an hour, my fellow assistant manager is getting fired. Apparently he was taking cash from customers for orders then marking them bad in our computer system and pocketing the money. Pretty slick move in a store that's covered in security cameras :rolleyes: At least this one isn't getting fired because he doesn't understand what's appropriate to put on facebook. :rolleyes:

In any event, I have to cover the shift tonight -thus loosing my last day off. If teefies gets the post up at poll end time, great! If not, it won't get done till late tonight when I get home from work. Sooo.....yea- if it's not up by the time the poll ends, I'd go to bed if I were you Chris.
by bea
Tue Oct 28, 2014 11:00 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
Replies: 7359
Views: 205940

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Day 11

The crowd was rattled and unsure of itself as they tried to decide who was bad. The crowd was almost evenly split between Dfaraday and Dom. No one was sure of anything anymore. No one could be sure of anyone or anything anymore. Doubt. Suspicion. Faulty logic lie around every corner. The tables are flipped and flopped then flipped again. Up is becoming Down - Left becoming right.

Finally, despite several doubters, Dom was lead to the gallows. As they began to tie him up, they realized that there was no rope. They looked around when finally they heard a cough.

"Looking for this?" The Doctor asked holding the rope. "You lot are getting bloodthirsty. I'm giving you a time out. Put it to good use and figure out who the traitors are rather than just killing all willy-nilly. And if we could do it with even just the TINIEST of civility it would be greatly appreciated."

No one has been lynched. You have 23 hours to send in anything you need to send in.

Announcement: My life is about to get cluster eff crazy. I believe one of my co-managers is getting go this evening. I'm now going back to crazy work schedule I had last year before the wedding. My time was already stretching pretty thin and it's about to get thinner. I apologize in advance as I'm sure this is likely to interrupt the consistency of posts I've been trying so hard to maintain as well as limit my availability to answering questions. I will do my best I promise. I just wanted to advance warn you guys.
by bea
Tue Oct 28, 2014 10:47 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
Replies: 7359
Views: 205940

Re: Who's Polls?

Post a reply
First unread post • 6932 posts • Page 174 of 174 • 1 ... 170171172173174
Who Shall Quench Your Hosts' Thirst for Blood?

Poll ended at Tue Oct 28, 2014 7:29 pm

No votes

Dom (4), nijuukyugou (13), Chris (14), keys56000000000 (15), S~V~S (16), Long Con (20)

Epignosis (7), zeek (9), Snow Dog (10), juliets (11), DFaraday (17), Gotrees (18), Hedgeowl (19)

Epignosis 2.0
No votes

No votes

No votes

Juliets 2.0
No votes

No votes

Long Con 2.0
No votes

No votes

MovingPictures07 (6)

Snow Dog 2.0
No votes

No votes

No votes

The Site Owner! Although that would taste a bit wooly... (Host/Non/Dead)
birdwithteeth11 (1), Metalmarsh89 (2), Enrique (3), Roxy (5), bea (8), Bass_the_Clever (12)
by bea
Tue Oct 28, 2014 2:05 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
Replies: 7359
Views: 205940

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Day 11

I'd just like to take a quick second to say again, how much I love you guys. How much I appreciate the passion you all have put into the game. How patient you've been with me as a host. How just in general you all fucking rock so hard. You are fantastic! :hug: :hug:
by bea
Mon Oct 27, 2014 9:48 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
Replies: 7359
Views: 205940

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Day 11

LOL - I love the passioned interest in the parks and rec mafia. That said, I only posted the thread to reserve the idea (tbh, I'm surpised llama and goosey didn't do it already....

it's very very early in the planning stages and we want it to be as epic as possible for you guys. :noble: So....RTFN isn't going to happen.
by bea
Mon Oct 27, 2014 8:47 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
Replies: 7359
Views: 205940

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Day 11

Snow Dog wrote:Ok I'll make this clear, I KNOW LC WAS NOT THE FRAKING RECRUITER!
+10 nerd points to snowy for his use of Fracking. I miss BSG. Starbuck was sooo yummilicous!
by bea
Mon Oct 27, 2014 6:13 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
Replies: 7359
Views: 205940

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Day 11

I believe Page 1 is now up to date. If I missed anything please shoot me a PM. I have also corrected the Day 10 lynch post and added the story into the Night 11 post. Links are available on page 1 if anyone is interested. :)
by bea
Sun Oct 26, 2014 1:38 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
Replies: 7359
Views: 205940

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 10

Metalmarsh89 wrote:
My mistake, but there were only 16 on the poll. Looking back, SVS was not on the poll. :ponder:
Hosting Error. :( My bad. :( Rushed Bea makes many mistakes. :sigh:
by bea
Sun Oct 26, 2014 1:12 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
Replies: 7359
Views: 205940

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 10

I saw newt with the Devil. (ahh - Potter....) Or at the least a WITCH!!! BURN HER!!!
by bea
Sun Oct 26, 2014 1:03 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
Replies: 7359
Views: 205940

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 10

:haha: :haha: :haha: Sooo much good funny here. Thanks for that MM, LC and Keys. For realzies I about spit water all over my purrrdy new notebook reading that exchange. :D
by bea
Sat Oct 25, 2014 11:25 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
Replies: 7359
Views: 205940

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Day 10

Everyone was very sad to loose the root-tootin'est :feb: family that ever lived last night. Today they were out for revenge. And blood. So much fire and passion all around the debates. As usual, The Doctor sat by carelessly wondering if they'd ever figure out what they were doing. "I try to help them," he thought, "but it's so difficult to get a good sonic read on anyone with all this interfearance from the Valeyard. Still I have a trick or two up my sleve!"

Meanwhile the mob began to form. Most people thought Bass was the baddest of bad. There was some debate about Snowy and DF as well, but by and large the concensius was reached that Bass would most definately fill their need for revenge against all these horrible murders.

They took Bass up to the gallows to hang him. He begged them over and over they were making a mistake till finally he just accepted his fate. He quietly let them put the noose around his neck and waited for the door to drop open.

Except it didn't.

The Doctor saw the jam in the mechanism and took advantage of people being distracted by the vocal stylings of Capt. Jack Harkness to tinker with the jam and right the wrong committed here today. As the song ended, the door dropped open and down fell Bass.

Ghost Bass looked on at his dangling body twisting in the wind. "That was anti-climactic." He thought. He felt a tap on his shoulder.
Ghost Roxy and Ghost Sabie were behind him, smiling.

"Come on Bass, let's be content in death. Bea and Teefies have quite a spread set up for us here." Ghost Roxy said.

The three entered the nethersphere.

Bass has been Lynched. He was the Cyber Controler! Night will end in 22 hours. (Roughly 9 pm EST) please try to have your PM's in no later than 8:30 est (a half hour before night end.) The poll will not give an accurate ending time for Night THE TRUE END TIME FOR NIGHT 10 IS 9 PM EST.

Effective Immediately - LC will be replacing Dana. He is immune from targets Night 10 and cannot be lynched Day 11. Thank you for stepping back in LC! :D
by bea
Sat Oct 25, 2014 11:19 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
Replies: 7359
Views: 205940

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Day 10

I wish I was epi. :sigh:

Have two more for me. I like that farmhouse read - good call sir!
by bea
Sat Oct 25, 2014 11:17 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
Replies: 7359
Views: 205940

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Day 10

does this mean you would like more time to talk? Or should I just get on with it?
I'm ready to go if you are.
by bea
Sat Oct 25, 2014 11:14 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
Replies: 7359
Views: 205940

Re: Who's Polls?

Find the evol among you! BR and LC command it!!

Poll runs till Sat Oct 25, 2014 9:35 pm
You may select 1 option

keys56000000000 (1), S~V~S (2), Dom (7), Hedgeowl (8), juliets (9), Metalmarsh89 (12), DFaraday (15), zeek (17), MovingPictures07 (18), nijuukyugou (21)

No votes

No votes

Epignosis (6), Chris (16), Bass_the_Clever (19), Snow Dog (20)

No votes

Gotrees (23)

No votes

No votes

No votes

No votes

No votes

No votes

No votes

No votes

No votes

No votes

A Friday off with no beer money. :(
Roxy (3), sabie12 (4), Black Rock (5), birdwithteeth11 (10), fingersplints (11), Spacedaisy (13), thellama73 (14), bea (22)
by bea
Sat Oct 25, 2014 9:52 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
Replies: 7359
Views: 205940

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Day 10

Just boarded the second bus! The bus gods love you
guys today!!!!
by bea
Sat Oct 25, 2014 9:16 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
Replies: 7359
Views: 205940

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Day 10

Hey guys - I just finjished up work. Waiting on the bus now - if I have.enough when I get home in an hour or so I will do early.if.that's.what peeps.want. if not it will happen at poll end time. :)
by bea
Fri Oct 24, 2014 2:37 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
Replies: 7359
Views: 205940

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Day 10

For the record: I love each and every one of my players. From the most vocal - to the least vocal. I love all of my roles from the Wifiest Vanilla Civ to the Baddies Master and every secret in between.

Those of you with BTS know how much I enjoy popping in on you and seeing what you're up to and trying to be around as much as I can for you.

Those of you who have co-hosted with me know how much I struggle to leave the thread be and to only pop in when I feel I need to for hosting reasons otherwise I'd spam my game worse than a bot. Like for realzies.

I try very hard to be fair and supportive of everyone I host. I try to be respectful of people's lives as well as respecting play styles that are different from my own.

For those that don't know, I'm co-running this game with someone on the east coast. East cost convinent timings are difficult for me as I live in AZ and we're still 3 hours behind the east coast. So, for example, when Chris is having his morning coffee at 7 am, unless I had to close my store at 3 am the night before, I'm likely in bed at the time he is up having coffee. It's currently 11 am my time and I'm just starting my day. For a large chunk of the players, your work day is nearing the end.

My work schedule constantly changes due to the nature of my business. My job is also such that I can't really respond to things while I'm at work. Due to the large numbers of posts in this game, from work, I'll often check the thread during quick smoke breaks so that I don't come home to 20 pages of catch up + hosting duties when I do get in. This means that I do often miss hosting questions to the thread. I see them, but at work, I can't always respond to them from my phone. At least not boldy and colory and in a way it will be visible to everyone in the thread. Those of you who know me better know that I'm no longer the most tech friendly person in the room and I do fear I've reached the point in my life where the tech grows quicker than I can keep up with. I am also not the sole host of the game. As such, I do have a partner who's opinions matter in such questions. I tend to be a very "no info" kinda host. You'll note teefies has answered far more questions than I because it's my own personal hosting style. I will often let some questions that I wouldn't answer go for him to decide if he wants to answer them or not. Because my default answer to most questions asked in thread is :shrug:

I'm addressing the recent concerns in the thread because things have escellated to a point where I feel like I do need to interupt the game and address said concerns in the thread. For the record, I'll see and get back to PM's much faster. Because they are kept in my pm box and not lost amongst the MANY posts that this game has incurred. And also because the simple answer to some questions are embarrassing to me.

In the past two weeks, I've had dental surgery to remove a tooth. It was an extensive enough surgery to require stitches. I had an INCREDIBLE, life changing job opportunity fall into my lap which I pursued with passion. It required me to deticate some time away from the computer that I'd normally be using to dot t's and cross i's on what was going on in the game to things like polishing my resume (thank you again JC), getting new interview clothing, getting myself cleaned up and ready to sparkle. Researching the job. All those things people do when they are on the job market. I had to re-arrange my schedule this past week so that I could be avalible Wed during business hours in case I was called for the final interview. I was not. :( Due to that, I had to close my store wed at 1 am and open it again at 8 am on Thursday. I worked till 6:30 pm Thurs for a particular busy day. The kind with few potty/smoke breaks and no break to eat. I had dinner with my hubby at 7:30 (ohhh - salad bar was yummy!!) Then I came home and got the night stuff together. I went directly to bed as I was tired as eff. And we are where we are today.

I know this is long. I know there sounds like lots of excuses here - but here's the important bit:

Chris - you are right. I let the Dana situation go on longer than it should. TBH, it was something that fell through the cracks due to an insane couple of weeks. To be perfectly frank, I should have modkilled her last night. Unless she shows up and starts playing this cycle, there's a 100 percent chance she will be modkilled with the lynch post. AND - I really, really, would have rather have said all this in a PM so that my dirty laundry wasn't exposed to the entire playing community. While I'm grown-up to admit when I make mistakes, I would have rather not have to derail the game in order to do so.

I have so much respect for your passion and the amount of time you put into the game. I really really do. I would personally, like to see you continue to play because you do have heart. And heart is a special quality. I understand if you choose not to.

I don't think that any player or mod or anyone is trying to censor you. Part of the problem with written communication is that not only do you miss hearing someone's tone of voice, but you also miss seeing the body language that comes with the words. You have just the words (this is a general you here btw). As such, people read things and "fill in the blanks." They hear a tone that may not be intended. I've done it to other people and I've had it done to me. I'm a lover of language so I try to choose what I say carefully and these problems stll pop up. It's just a draw back of the form of communication that we are using.

If there are any further problems, or if anyone needs to replace out because they feel they do not like the game or that it is uballanced or any OTHER reason, please PM me and let me know.

IF there is any other t I've not crossed or i's I've not doted, please let me know in PM. So that I'm sure to get on them as soon as I can.

IF there is anything else anyone would like to criticize me about, please feel free to PM me. I learn from my mistakes so feedback is always welcome. I am a grown woman and I can handle people telling me they are unhappy. I will do everything I can to resolve any issues anyone has. I prefer the PM as the mode of communications for this as I dislike having to interrupt the flow of things more than I have to. I also am human please respect my feelings as much as I'm respecting yours. If someone feels that another player is not acting appropriately in the thread, please pm myself, teefies, and llama rather than trying to put out the fire yourself.

And for what it's worth - llama has been awesome this game. I would concider any pm you get from him as the word of god when myself or teefies are not around. :srsnod:

I do know that page 1 needs some love both in the living players list and in the linkies list so I'm going to do that right now. :)

Now srrsly - get back to lynching baddies! :D
by bea
Fri Oct 24, 2014 12:55 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
Replies: 7359
Views: 205940

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Day 10 really know how to butter up a hostess LC. :)
by bea
Fri Oct 24, 2014 12:51 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
Replies: 7359
Views: 205940

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Day 10

keys56000000000 wrote:Balls! I gotta ask, is this the first time you've been killed as a couple in a mafia game, LC & BR? RIP guys. RIP. :(

I'm gonna go ahead and vote Bass.
I'm not gonna lie, I was curious about that myself. Part of why it took me so long to write it was because I thought it might have been the first time they both died the same night. I wanted to make it special. :blush:
by bea
Fri Oct 24, 2014 12:35 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
Replies: 7359
Views: 205940

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 9

Still saddened over the loss of Jackie Tyler, the gang decided the best way to spend their remaining time on Biblios was in quiet contemplation. Luckily, being on a planet that's basically a library gave them plenty of reading material. MP found a nice big encylcopedia of socks. JC found a college football stats magazine. Dom was reading the latest info about the new shows on Broadway. Well, it was either that or something about Hitler's rise to power and the how totalitarian governments spring from seaming demaracy. It's hard for Bea's ghost to see from that far away. Chris and Keys were spilled over Conspiracy Theory 101. Every once in a while, Keys could be heard to whisper "See man.....I told you, it's the illuminati and the Masons man." "How do they say this where you're from? Piss off wanker." Chris said while he playfully punched Keys in the arm. Long Con and Black Rock were hiding in a cubby looking over books about horse care.

"Oh, look sweetie! The Centerillians had some interesting ideas about the types of grains to feed their horses. We would create a whole new way of equestrian care when we get home from this adventure!" Black Rock exclaimed to her husband.
"Between that and the seeds I've been collecting at various places for planting when we get home, we will revolutionize life for Canadians everywhere!" LC agreed happily.

The Cybermen still needing more people to upgrade looked at the happy couple. "They would be good upgrades." "Humanity is much better without emotions."

The Master began to feel the tapping of the drums again. 1-2-3-4. 1-2-3-4. He still had Mr. Picky from when he drummed on MP. He'd grown fond of Mr. Picky. It kept the beat so well.

From the left, a cyberman closed in on Black Rock and Long Con. As they heard the cur-chunk, cur-chunk, approach them, they gave each other a knowing look. Without a word they had the following conversation.
"Defensive positions."
"I have the left flank, you take the right flank."

As the cybermen appeared Long Con and Black Rock jumped out armed with legs broken off of the chairs. "You'll never upgrade us!" Long Con cried chivalrously as he gave his wife the attack signal. The Master began sneeking behind Black Rock to get Long Con before the cybermen could take away the only drum he need. Long Con bravely rushed towards the cybermen, but they were faster with their ray guns. They fired at him, sending his body spiraling into Black Rock, throwing her off balance. She fell backwards on to Mr. Picky. The Master blinked for a second before 2-3-4 pounded from Mr. Picky and Black Rock fell on her husband. As she laid bleeding out, she kissed him on the cheek one last time.

The ghosts of Black Rock and Long Con looked down over their bodies. "Well. This sucks." LC commented.
"Pssst." They heard from the corner. As they looked over, Bea's ghost appeared in front of them holding a bottle of the never ending case of Zombie Zinfendel and three glasses. "Look at the bright side guys. I've got a never ending case of wine and a great recipe for Brains Minion in a delicate peppercorn sauce served over nerveginni au natural." She grinned as she poured the wine.

Long Con has been Killed by the Cybermen. Black Rock has been Killed by The Master. You have 48 hours to find out who did this.
by bea
Fri Oct 24, 2014 12:30 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
Replies: 7359
Views: 205940

Re: Who's Polls?

Where are you going next?

Poll ended at Thu Oct 23, 2014 6:33 pm

Metalmarsh89 (5), zeek (8), Snow Dog (11), Hedgeowl (14)

Elohcin (2), keys56000000000 (3), Dom (4), Epignosis (18)

Woman Wept
Long Con (12), Chris (13), Gotrees (15), juliets (16), Black Rock (17)

S~V~S (7), DFaraday (10)

Earth (Host/Non/Dead)
birdwithteeth11 (1), bea (6), sabie12 (9)
by bea
Thu Oct 23, 2014 10:25 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
Replies: 7359
Views: 205940

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 9

Chris wrote:zeek, aren't you the one who got your panties in a bunch and PMed the Hosts over the me and keys being mean? Funny that you should then post a pic of a pacifier. I like it though... tells me that you might thicken that skin up... The catch is, you've gotta be able to take it too. ;)

For the record, I don't need pm's form anyone for me to decide that maybe players are being agressive and need to cool off. Even when two players are engaged in some name calling that THEY BOTH ARE OK WITH, (and yes I've seen that happen) it still tends to create a hostile environment for other players not involved in the situation. I, as a player, feel uncomfortable posting in places that feel hostile and I work VERY hard to create a welcoming environment full of fun for ALL my players. (There's a reason I never played on sites like MafiaScum.)

Basically my point is, I ask people to tone it down as a host, if it would have made me feel uncomfortable if I were playing, NOT because someone made me do it.

Now - I have to finish getting ready for work. I wanted to make sure that was CLEARLY understood though before I left the thread again.
by bea
Tue Oct 21, 2014 11:47 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
Replies: 7359
Views: 205940

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Day 9

Hey guys - you know what's difficult? Trying to chug hot coffee before work so you're not late.

by bea
Tue Oct 21, 2014 1:48 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
Replies: 7359
Views: 205940

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Day 9

I THINK all of the Page 1 stuff and all the alive/dead who replaced in when stuff is correct now.

IF anyone sees anything wonky - please let myself and teefies know via PM as to what is wrong and where we need to fix things.

Now Imma get dinner and watch some tv and go to bed kk?

Also - I will VERY likely be unavailable on Wed like at all. So if the lynch post doesn't happen on time - it won't go up till I get home from work wed night at like 3-4 am est. Just letting you guys know ahead of time. It'll be fast and not creative and ugly as I have to turn around and open my store the next day. WED - THURS = super ugly for me so that I can be available for my prospective interview. I'll do the best I can if it's not already taken care of.
by bea
Tue Oct 21, 2014 1:12 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
Replies: 7359
Views: 205940

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Day 9

MovingPictures07 wrote:
Long Con wrote:LOL MP, that role decode looks just about right.
Cool. I worked really hard on it, after all!

MovingPictures07 wrote:The Doctor: The last surviving Time Lord in the universe. He travels through time and space in the TARDIS (Time and Relative Dimension in Space), which is disguised as a police phone box. Usually he travels with a companion or companions. Comes off as mysterious and eccentric initially, but often shows that he is much more complicated than he appears. He cares deeply for his companions, and as such, every night he searches for one of them. Every time he finds one, he gains a permanent ability. If he manages to find at least 3 of them, he gains a special power. *Secrets* If he finds 1 companion, his vote is permanently doubled. If he finds 2 companions, any votes against him count as 1/2. If he finds 3 companions, he gains the ability to create a “day of sunshine” for all civvies. No civvies can be lynched the following day period, and any night abilities used by baddies or the indy will not affect civvies the following night period. Also, given he is a Time Lord, he can regenerate. If he is lynched, he will regenerate (come back to life) after the following night period ends.

All coding stuff should just be announced to teefies because I feel honor bound to say yes I see it but I'll neither confirm nor deny as I am not the coding host. :p :) (kidding totes - but still that's how I answer all coding questions. :D)

Is this correct for The Doctor's secrets?
by bea
Tue Oct 21, 2014 12:02 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
Replies: 7359
Views: 205940

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Day 9

Chris wrote:
Chris wrote:HOSTS:

Let's assume we get to a point of the game where both baddie team are eliminated, and only The Master and the recruitment team are left.

What would become of the baddie kills?
bea wrote:Chris I can not speculate on end game scenarios that haven't happened yet.
Ok. The Master's win conditions say: "The only thing he seeks is the death of The Doctor and the enslavement of the universe with himself as the ultimate ruler and ultimate Time Lord. He will stop at nothing to achieve these goals. "

Does that mean he only needs The Doctor dead, or everyone?

Anyway, I thought that now that the Dalek's kill has been taken from the recruiter, they'd be going after the Cyber team's kill. My thoughts were, take the kill away from them. And hopefully they haven't recruited The Master yet.

And if that's the case, then we would be able to try to find the last of the non civs with at least a baddie kill gone.

If it works that way. I would think that the kill would be gone...
The Master is LMS. He hates everyone who isn't him and Lucy.

linki - I'm sorry chris - I've been a fail co-host. It's just the timing on this job has had my focus elsewhere soooo much more importantly. Please pm me and teefies your first post in the game and one of us will track it back and when one of us say page 1 is up to date - it will be up to date. Or just post a link to your first post in the thread that was on topic and let the players you some work. I like making things easy for everyone. But one person can only do so much ya dig?
by bea
Mon Oct 20, 2014 11:53 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
Replies: 7359
Views: 205940

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Day 9

Chris wrote:
Chris wrote:HOSTS:

Let's assume we get to a point of the game where both baddie teams are eliminated, and only The Master and the recruitment team are left, along with any remaining civilians.

What would become of the baddie kills?



I did ask... three days ago
Chris wrote:HOSTS:
Chris wrote:
Chris wrote:Sup?

So, someone wanna give me the cliff notes as to what happened so far?


So, nevermind any of that shit.

I guess I subbed in on night one, not day two.

Fuck... I dont' know how else to defend against being The Master... but I'll keep trying.
bea wrote:Players:
reywaS - Replaced by Chris Night 2
When did I start playing? Night 1 or night 2?

But based on what you said, I guess it's day 1. It's just you have day two listed on the front page.

Thank you.

PM teefies and I the first post you made in this game. TH had his handy links but that wasn't updated when you subed in so it's harder for even me to find. I will do my SOUTS HONNOR best to try to get IT AND ALL THE PAGE ONE STUFF fixed as soon as I can. kk?

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