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by Jackofhearts2005
Mon Mar 05, 2018 10:52 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Fire Emblem Draft Mafia [Game Over]
Replies: 7907
Views: 588609

Re: Fire Emblem Draft Mafia [Night 6]

Fire Emblem Night 6

Our boy Rico planned to charge the enemy because he hadn’t been paying attention to the cutscenes between missions.

Speedie proposed a different plan. She split the army into two groups. She took Ron, Hazel, Kylemii, Kenway and half the uncontrollable green units to the west gate of Fort Supatown. Sloonei and Rico would take the rest of the troops and hold the east gate. Sloonei and Rico agreed with this plan until ten minutes later, when they noticed all their troops with actual names had gone missing.


Kites looked down at her red uniform with skulls all over it. “Sigmund, can I ask you something?


“Are...are we the baddies?”

“What? No. Of course not. We’re doing this for family. Get on.”

Kites did as she was told and the Wyvern took off.


Dunya, Luffy and Gwilly climbed the long flight of stairs to the fort’s tallest tower.

“We’re going to be in so much trouble,” Gwilgy whispered.

“Nobody asked you to come, Goldilocks,” Dunya pointed out.

“Oh leave him alone,” Luffy snapped. “He’s just scared.”

Dunya stopped and squinted at Luffy. “You know Gwilly’s a boy right?”

“Wonderful. Did you use your thiefly observation skills to figure out my gender?”


When the group reached the top of tower, they stepped out onto the rampart. Hazel wizzed by with Sig and Kites hot on her tail.

“See?” Dunya asked. “Hazel’s not in her spot. It’s no big deal.”

Hazel’s pegasus shot forward, keeping her just out of Kites’s range. As long as she didn’t stop, Kites wouldn’t get a chance to shoot but she couldn’t do anything as Sigmund made slight detours to slaughter the green NPC defenders. Now or never. She turned and began hurling javelins. Kites took aim and fired back. Just one little arrow.

That arrow was torn apart by a much bigger arrow. “Back off, level fodder,” Bob shouted from the back of his horse. “You hurt a hair on that pretty lady’s head and I’ll fill you and your ride full of wood.”

“Phrasing, Colonel?” Hazel shouted back with a smile.

Up on the tower, Luffy stepped up on the ledge. He drew his sword, looking down as Bob and Hazel cornered the wyvern rider and his archer companion.

“What are you doing?” Gwilly asked his friend.

Luffy took a deep breath. “What I have to.” He jumped.

Luffy landed on the wyvern’s neck and engaged both Sigmund and Kites in one of those matrixy fight sequences that feel a little too scripted. The wyvern was having none of it, though, and crashed into the ground.

Thumb frowned as his soldiers swarmed the crash site. Such a talented and driven swordsman. It was a shame he wouldn’t be spared. Then again, Luffy would never have given up. He had to be put down. With a swing of his axe, that’s exactly what Thumb did.

Dragon D Luffy has been killed by the mafia. He was a revenge driven warrior. (Town)
by Jackofhearts2005
Sun Mar 04, 2018 9:14 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Fire Emblem Draft Mafia [Game Over]
Replies: 7907
Views: 588609

Re: Fire Emblem Draft Mafia [Day 6]

Fire Emblem Day 6

Lapulie smiled at Bob. “Imagining things am I?” She slid over to the scarred mercenary. “So your spunky little sky rider wouldn’t mind at all if I…” she reached for Bob’s belt.

He grabbed her wrist. “Don’t do that.”

Lapulie smiled wickedly. “I’m not above sharing if that’s what it takes to get ahead.”

“I’m serious. That isn’t happening.”

“In that case…” True to her nickname, Lapulie took Bob’s sword from its sheath and threw it across the room before he realized what was happening. She then unsheathed her own blade, twirled it and thrust it toward his chest. Bob caught Lapulie by that wrist too.

“That was very sneaky, Whirlwind. You’re fast as can be. Of course, speed isn’t everything.” He drew her close and headbutted her. And again. On the third headbutt, Bob let her fall to the floor. His boot fell heavily on her hand and the rogue finally dropped her knife.

“Don’t,” Lapulie choked out. “I…I really do like you.”

Bob retrieved the knife from the ground. “Lady, you’re no kinda waifu.”

Lapulie has been lynched. She was Pointer, a rising star. (Mafia)
by Jackofhearts2005
Sun Mar 04, 2018 7:45 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Fire Emblem Draft Mafia [Game Over]
Replies: 7907
Views: 588609

Re: Fire Emblem Draft Mafia [Day 6]

colonialbob wrote: Sun Mar 04, 2018 1:21 pm I'm lynching jack d1 of the next game we play together for not having a godamned poll i swear
This hurts me more than it hurts you.
by Jackofhearts2005
Sun Mar 04, 2018 3:02 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Fire Emblem Draft Mafia [Game Over]
Replies: 7907
Views: 588609

Re: Fire Emblem Polls

A rank support time. Who are we shipping? Pick 3. (Day ends at noon central on Sunday)
Poll runs till Sun Mar 04, 2018 2:28 pm
Please note that if you vote, your vote will be visible.

You may select up to 3 options

Rico and Epi
Voters: Kites, Dragon D. Luffy, sprityo, colonialbob, Kylemii, sig
Ron and Sprityo
No votes
Voters: None
Ron and Hazel
No votes
Voters: None
Hazel and Bob
Voters: lapluie, Dragon D. Luffy, speedchuck, colonialbob
Lapulie and Bob
Voters: lapluie
Dunya and some NPC who is also a spy
Voters: Dragon D. Luffy, Kites, Iron_Dwarf, sig
Kenway and Kites
Voters: Kites, Kylemii
Sprityo and Rico
Voters: sprityo
Sprityo and Bob
Voters: sprityo, colonialbob
Sprityo and Kenway
Voters: sig
Sprityo and Gwilly
No votes
Voters: None
Luffy and Epi
No votes
Voters: None
Luffy and Kites
No votes
Voters: None
Luffy and Gwilly. Oh wait. Gwilly is a guy. I keep forgetting. He's just so damn pretty. (Host/non/dead)
Voters: Scotty, dunya, Jackofhearts2005, Marmot, insertnamehere
by Jackofhearts2005
Sat Mar 03, 2018 10:19 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Fire Emblem Draft Mafia [Game Over]
Replies: 7907
Views: 588609

Re: Fire Emblem Draft Mafia [Day 6]

Kylemii wrote: Sat Mar 03, 2018 1:02 am It's horseshit that I can't A-Support myself with Epignosis. this game needs a hard reset.
Old characters don’t get romantic endings.
by Jackofhearts2005
Fri Mar 02, 2018 4:38 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Fire Emblem Draft Mafia [Game Over]
Replies: 7907
Views: 588609

Re: Fire Emblem Draft Mafia [Day 6]

colonialbob wrote: Fri Mar 02, 2018 4:36 pm Also I'm voting Rico/Epi under the understanding that the players themselves will thus be required to go on a date or something.
:nicenod: :nicenod: :nicenod:

by Jackofhearts2005
Fri Mar 02, 2018 4:16 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Fire Emblem Draft Mafia [Game Over]
Replies: 7907
Views: 588609

Re: Fire Emblem Draft Mafia [Day 6]

sprityo wrote: Fri Mar 02, 2018 4:04 pm
Jackofhearts2005 wrote: Fri Mar 02, 2018 3:58 pm
Kylemii wrote: Fri Mar 02, 2018 3:51 pm is it possible my power just got like permanently cancelled? I can't imagine I'd be an actual viable target for blocking compared to actual effective information roles did I forget to pay my power bills or something?
You know, you use these books enough and they just disappear, right?
This isn’t awakening, it’s sacred stones or whatever
It's mostly Binding Blade/Blazing Blade/Sacred Stones. I may someday do a sequel that's more Awakening/Radiance
by Jackofhearts2005
Fri Mar 02, 2018 3:58 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Fire Emblem Draft Mafia [Game Over]
Replies: 7907
Views: 588609

Re: Fire Emblem Draft Mafia [Day 6]

Kylemii wrote: Fri Mar 02, 2018 3:51 pm is it possible my power just got like permanently cancelled? I can't imagine I'd be an actual viable target for blocking compared to actual effective information roles did I forget to pay my power bills or something?
You know, you use these books enough and they just disappear, right?
by Jackofhearts2005
Fri Mar 02, 2018 3:41 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Fire Emblem Draft Mafia [Game Over]
Replies: 7907
Views: 588609

Re: Fire Emblem Draft Mafia [Day 6]

sprityo wrote: Fri Mar 02, 2018 3:37 pm also marmot was Abel I’m p sure
More like Cain, though FE won't stay consistent with the red, strong, serious vs green, fast, chill so what exactly is a Cain these days? :shrug2:
by Jackofhearts2005
Fri Mar 02, 2018 3:11 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Fire Emblem Draft Mafia [Game Over]
Replies: 7907
Views: 588609

Re: Fire Emblem Polls

ou know the drill. Who turns green?
Poll ended at Fri Mar 02, 2018 9:54 am
Please note that if you vote, your vote will be visible.

Hazel the Pegasus Knight
Voters: Kylemii, Kenway, Marmot, sprityo, sig, Kites, Dragon D. Luffy, speedchuck
Bob the Mercenary
Voters: colonialbob
Warf the Knight
No votes
Voters: None
Lapulie the enemy Thief
No votes
Voters: None
Sigmund the enemy Wyvern Rider
No votes
Voters: None
Kites the enemy Archer
Voters: Iron_Dwarf
Okay but does this even do anything, Jack? Of course it does. If it only determined who was in the host posts, I’d scrap it and write about CBob and Lap. Night ends at 9:45 AM central but I’m actually free tonight and can reopen around midnight if I get actions in by then. If not, host post will be around noon when I go to lunch. (host/not playing/dead)
Voters: Quin, JaggedJimmyJay, Scotty, Jackofhearts2005
Total votes: 14
by Jackofhearts2005
Fri Mar 02, 2018 3:10 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Fire Emblem Draft Mafia [Game Over]
Replies: 7907
Views: 588609

Re: Fire Emblem Draft Mafia [Night 5]

Fire Emblem Night 5

Bob and Lapulie trudged through the desert.

“You know, boss, maybe I should have stolen some water. I don’t know if we’re going to make it.”

A shadow fell over them. Bob looked up and smiled. “I wouldn’t give up just yet, Whirlwind. Looks like our ride is here.”


A few hours later, Bob and Lapulie sat down in a tavern with their rescuer, a short haired pegasus knight with a boyish figure named Hazel.

“You know, Colonel,” Hazel said “I’m not sure how you’re going to afford my bonus for saving your sorry butt if we’re not going to be turning Badguyia goons in for bounties anymore. You sure you don’t want me to just…” she poked at the cloaked woman with her lance.

“That’s enough, Hazel. I have another job for you.” He took a scroll out of his pocket and put it on the table. “Courtesy of our former mark, this is a list of all known troop positions and personnel that are working for Badguyia.”

“That sounds like it would be worth a lot of money.”

“It is. I want you to find Prince Rico and take it to him. Think you can handle it?”

The pegasus knight smirked and snatched the scroll off the table. “Colonel, I can handle anything you can throw at me.” With that, Hazel left.

“She likes you, you know,” Lapulie commented.

Bob crossed his arms. “You’re imagining things.”

The tavern door opened back up and Hazel peeked her head back in. “Oh I forgot to tell the windbreaker lady something. If this scroll is a load of bull and you do anything to hurt the Colonel? I’ll kill you. With my lance.” She made a few stabbing motions. “See ya later.”


Rico’s Speedie’s army crossed Allyia quickly. Dunya had received reports that indicated that Thumb would be attacking Fort Supatown in the next few days.

As it turned out, the reports were a little off. As the group passed through Conveniently Placed Valley, Thumb appeared on the north ridge, along with a massive number of Badguyian cavalry.

“Think we can take them?” Sloonei asked.

“Barely.” Speedie looked at her companions. Three magic users and four grounded swordsmen wouldn’t fare well against a bunch of lance wielding cavalry. “We should retreat. We’ll head for the woods. Take Ron and Marshal. Stall them as best as you can and meet us at the fort.”

Following orders, Sloonei and the cavaliers made a Christmas themed path through the enemy, blunting the charge and buying the rest of the army the time they needed. When they reached Thumb, Sloonei let out a bellow and thrust his spear at the enemy general. Thumb turned Sloonei’s attack away with ease.

“Give up, Sloonei. I made you into a warrior. You can’t beat me.”

The Christmas cavaliers charged to their ally’s aid. Thumb deflected Ron’s spear with his gauntlet and then drove his axe into Marshal. Having not promoted yet, Marshal didn’t have enough defense or HP to take the blow.

“Ron?” the cavalier gritted his teeth. “Protect Lord Rico.” He faded away.


Before Thumb could strike again, a hail of javelins rained down on him. Hazel whooshed past on her pegasus.

“Hey Prince! Get your butt out of here. Permadeath is on!”

So Sloonei and Ron made a break for Fort Supatown with Thumb’s army hot on their heels.

Marmot has been killed by the mafia. He was a disciplined red. (Town)
by Jackofhearts2005
Thu Mar 01, 2018 3:11 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Fire Emblem Draft Mafia [Game Over]
Replies: 7907
Views: 588609

Re: Fire Emblem Draft Mafia [Night 5]

So I may have left the only copy of the promoted roles on a word file on my computer at home. I’ll send out promotes roles at around 6 pm. If you don’t get a pm from me in the next 10 min, assume you haven’t promoted yet.
by Jackofhearts2005
Thu Mar 01, 2018 12:51 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Fire Emblem Draft Mafia [Game Over]
Replies: 7907
Views: 588609

Re: Fire Emblem Draft Mafia [Night 5]

Kites wrote: Thu Mar 01, 2018 12:46 pm ok im sorry jack :cry:
Ten points to Gryfindor for a heartfelt apology.
by Jackofhearts2005
Thu Mar 01, 2018 12:44 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Fire Emblem Draft Mafia [Game Over]
Replies: 7907
Views: 588609

Re: kFire Emblem Draft Mafia [Night 5]

“Jack put me in the poll even though I got recruited yesterday.” Some of us have real problems, you know. I don’t. But some people do.
by Jackofhearts2005
Thu Mar 01, 2018 12:35 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Fire Emblem Draft Mafia [Game Over]
Replies: 7907
Views: 588609

Re: Fire Emblem Draft Mafia [Day 5]

Kites wrote: Thu Mar 01, 2018 12:15 pm
Jackofhearts2005 wrote: Thu Mar 01, 2018 11:19 am [7] Quin - Marmot, Nutella, Dragon D. Luffy, Sig, speedchuck, gwilikers6, Kylemii
[4] Iron_Dwarf - rundontwalk, sprityo, quin, Epignosis
[1] Nutella - lapluie
[1] Marmot - Iron_Dwarf
[1] Kenway - colonialbob

No vote: Kenway, Kites
hey I voted :nicenod: ... 26#p416026
It’s always complain complain with you players. “Jack didn’t count my vote” “Jack didn’t send me my night results.” “Jack locked the thread and now we can’t play.” When I was your age, we didn’t even have mafia. We had to play murder in the dark. Just be happy you aren’t shaking hands with an overly sweaty Rico.
by Jackofhearts2005
Thu Mar 01, 2018 11:58 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Fire Emblem Draft Mafia [Game Over]
Replies: 7907
Views: 588609

Re: Fire Emblem Draft Mafia [Night 5]

I haven’t checked all the pm time stamps (this mechanic also put in place because I hate myself) to see who can promote yet if you got your actions in by the 12 hour mark and voted every day and have no modifiers based on your background, you should be able to promote. Send me your promotion choice and I’ll send you your new role.
by Jackofhearts2005
Thu Mar 01, 2018 11:25 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Fire Emblem Draft Mafia [Game Over]
Replies: 7907
Views: 588609

Re: Fire Emblem Draft Mafia [Night 5]

But seriously, folks. Can I get a Jackofhearts iso link and a Speedchuck iso link? I’m on mobile here.
by Jackofhearts2005
Thu Mar 01, 2018 11:20 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Fire Emblem Draft Mafia [Game Over]
Replies: 7907
Views: 588609

Re: Fire Emblem Polls

Day 5

[8] Quin - Marmot, Nutella, Dragon D. Luffy, Sig, speedchuck, gwilikers6, Kylemii oh yeah and Kites, too
[4] Iron_Dwarf - rundontwalk, sprityo, quin, Epignosis
[1] Nutella - lapluie
[1] Marmot - Iron_Dwarf
[1] Kenway - colonialbob

No vote: Kenway
by Jackofhearts2005
Thu Mar 01, 2018 11:19 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Fire Emblem Draft Mafia [Game Over]
Replies: 7907
Views: 588609

Re: Fire Emblem Draft Mafia [Day 5]

[7] Quin - Marmot, Nutella, Dragon D. Luffy, Sig, speedchuck, gwilikers6, Kylemii
[4] Iron_Dwarf - rundontwalk, sprityo, quin, Epignosis
[1] Nutella - lapluie
[1] Marmot - Iron_Dwarf
[1] Kenway - colonialbob

No vote: Kenway, Kites
by Jackofhearts2005
Thu Mar 01, 2018 11:17 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Fire Emblem Draft Mafia [Game Over]
Replies: 7907
Views: 588609

Re: Fire Emblem Polls

Where should Rico's company go once Speedie and Sloonei meet up with them at the end of the day?
Poll ended at Wed Feb 28, 2018 4:25 pm
Please note that if you vote, your vote will be visible.

Allyia! We can probably find some extra recruits there.
Voters: Dragon D. Luffy, colonialbob, speedchuck, Marmot
Nomadia! With White dead, it can't be that dangerous.
Voters: sig, lapluie, Quin
Neutralia! Surely, they won't side with Badguyia.
Voters: Iron_Dwarf
Badguyia! Hit the fingers where they live.
Voters: gwilikers6, Kites, sprityo, Kylemii
Day ends at 9 pm CST on Wednesday. Who's ready to promote? (mod/dead/non)
Voters: MacDougall, TonyStarkPrime, Jackofhearts2005, JaggedJimmyJay, S~V~S, dunya, Scotty
Total votes: 19
by Jackofhearts2005
Thu Mar 01, 2018 11:14 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Fire Emblem Draft Mafia [Game Over]
Replies: 7907
Views: 588609

Re: Fire Emblem Draft Mafia [Day 5]

Fire Emblem Day 5

A young archer girl sat in the middle of the Badguyia camp crying.

“And then he killed my brother, just like that.” She wiped away some of the tears with her sleeve. “You know what the worst part is? I knew Wilgy was really Doc. I knew he was my brother. I could have saved him but I didn’t.”

Ring put her hand on the younger woman’s shoulder. “You didn’t save your brother but I can help you avenge him. Would you like that, Kites?”

The archer nodded.


Sloonei, Speedie and Rico met up on the edge of Goodguyia and Allyia.

“Sup fam?” Rico gave Sloonei a fist bump and grabbed Speedie’s butt. Totally inappropriate and sexist but what can you do? It’s a Japanese game.

“Sloonei!” Quin called out, interrupting the reunion. “I challenge you to a duel!”

Sloonei looked at the boy. He was skinny but confident with a mean look in his eyes. His sword was a killing edge. But still, it was just a sword.

“You’re picking a fight with me?” Sloonei asked, twirling his lance menacingly. I don’t pick fights I can’t win.”

“Neither do I.”

Their stats showed at the bottom of the screen. For Sloonei, his hit chance was 85, his damage 20 and his crit chance 8. Quin’s hit chance was 50, his damage, a mere 5. Crit chance? 143%

143%? Bro.

Quin was all like

But then Speedie ran in like
and saved the day. Yay Speedie!

“No!” Quin protested. “I’m not finished killing...”

He faded away with the same sound effect as all the others.

Quin has been lynched. He was Middle, a mad dog. (Mafia)
by Jackofhearts2005
Wed Feb 28, 2018 6:02 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Fire Emblem Draft Mafia [Game Over]
Replies: 7907
Views: 588609

Re: Fire Emblem Draft Mafia [Day 5]

Somebody link me to my own iso
by Jackofhearts2005
Wed Feb 28, 2018 11:27 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Fire Emblem Draft Mafia [Game Over]
Replies: 7907
Views: 588609

Re: Fire Emblem Draft Mafia [Day 5]

Iron_Dwarf wrote: Wed Feb 28, 2018 4:32 am Jack, how does it work with the lives and lynching? Just so everyone is on the same page.
Allow me to answer your question and anticipated follow up questions.

A vest lets you survive a night kill. An extra life lets you survive a lynch or a nightkill. If you have two lives or a vest, you can be eliminated by being nightkilled twice in one night. Doctors protect from all nightkills, not just one. Being bulletproof protects you from all nightkills.

As far as this game in concerned (lets not get into Fate or DC characters for now), roleblocks can temporarily remove any of these powers for the remainder of the night.
by Jackofhearts2005
Tue Feb 27, 2018 5:45 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Fire Emblem Draft Mafia [Game Over]
Replies: 7907
Views: 588609

Re: Fire Emblem Draft Mafia [Day 5]

Everybody let me know if you’re supposed to promote at EOD. Kthnx
by Jackofhearts2005
Tue Feb 27, 2018 3:57 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Fire Emblem Draft Mafia [Game Over]
Replies: 7907
Views: 588609

Re: Fire Emblem Draft Mafia [Day 5]

Marmot wrote: Tue Feb 27, 2018 2:35 pm Is it publicly announced who is promoted?
Nah. Cause the baddies won’t promote.
by Jackofhearts2005
Tue Feb 27, 2018 2:07 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Fire Emblem Draft Mafia [Game Over]
Replies: 7907
Views: 588609

Re: Fire Emblem Draft Mafia [Day 5]

Epignosis wrote: Tue Feb 27, 2018 12:52 am This game now has my full attention.
by Jackofhearts2005
Mon Feb 26, 2018 6:47 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Fire Emblem Draft Mafia [Game Over]
Replies: 7907
Views: 588609

Re: Fire Emblem Draft Mafia [Day 5]

Poll fixed. You should be able to change your vote now.
by Jackofhearts2005
Mon Feb 26, 2018 6:14 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Fire Emblem Draft Mafia [Game Over]
Replies: 7907
Views: 588609

Re: Fire Emblem Draft Mafia [Day 5]

Night 4

“I miss Mac,” Sprityo sighed. “I think I was in love with him.”

Epi gave Sprityo an annoyed look. “You think you’re in love with everyone.”

“Oh! That reminds me. We should join up with Prince Rico. I hear he’s a very intense lover.” The purple haired girl made a face like this.


“First of all, you’re a liar. Prince Rico is obviously a virgin, saving himself for some equally royal and noble adventurer who happens to be a princess. Secondly, disgusting!”


Prince Rico’s army stopped in a town on the border of Allyia and laid waste to an enemy company.

“Cleric!” yelled a wounded soldier before Kenway set him on fire.

“Cleric!” shouted an archer, reeling from a knife attack from Dunya.

“I’m dreadfully sorry,” Gwilly told the archer. “I don’t know any healing spells.”

“What kind of shitty cleric are you?”

Luffy spun in and sliced the archer to ribbons. “Gwilly? What are you doing here? Why do they keep calling you cleric?”

“Luffy! I’m so glad to see you. I’m afraid there’s been some sort of mixup. I’ve been drafted into this dreadful army and everyone thinks I’m…you know.”

“No. That’s terrible. You’re very masculine. Why don’t you ditch these losers and join up with Prince Rico? Nobody here will be stupid enough to think you’re a woman.”

Ron rode up. “Hey Luffy. Who’s the hottie?”

Nobody has died.
by Jackofhearts2005
Mon Feb 26, 2018 6:12 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Fire Emblem Draft Mafia [Game Over]
Replies: 7907
Views: 588609

Re: Fire Emblem Polls

Who should Lord Speedie recruit?
Poll ended at Mon Feb 26, 2018 12:11 am
Please note that if you vote, your vote will be visible.

Hazel the Pegasus Knight
Voters: speedchuck
Bob the Mercenary
Voters: colonialbob, lapluie
Kites the Archer
Voters: Quin, gwilikers6, Kenway
Warf the Knight
No votes
Voters: None
Lapulie the enemy Thief
Voters: Marmot
Sigmund the enemy Wyvern Rider
No votes
Voters: None
Gwilly the enemy Monk
Voters: sprityo, Iron_Dwarf, Kylemii, Kites
Quin the enemy Myrmidon
No votes
Voters: None
I like Ike (host/not playing/dead)
Voters: Jackofhearts2005
Total votes: 12
by Jackofhearts2005
Mon Feb 26, 2018 5:37 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Fire Emblem Draft Mafia [Game Over]
Replies: 7907
Views: 588609

Re: Fire Emblem Draft Mafia [Night 4]

Kylemii wrote: Mon Feb 26, 2018 5:32 pm oh. Nutella already made that joke. feel better soon
Thanks. I like your new Batman avatar.
Spoiler: show
by Jackofhearts2005
Mon Feb 26, 2018 4:42 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Fire Emblem Draft Mafia [Game Over]
Replies: 7907
Views: 588609

Re: Fire Emblem Draft Mafia [Night 4]

speedchuck wrote: Mon Feb 26, 2018 4:40 pm Man, first Kylemii, now JoH. The food poisoners are a blight upon this game.

linki: :evileye:
One of many hidden game mechanics. :rolleyes:
by Jackofhearts2005
Mon Feb 26, 2018 4:36 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Fire Emblem Draft Mafia [Game Over]
Replies: 7907
Views: 588609

Re: Fire Emblem Draft Mafia [Night 4]

Sorry for the delay, everyone. Got food poisoning or something and I've been unconscious or praying to the porcelain god all day. Going through actions now.
by Jackofhearts2005
Sun Feb 25, 2018 2:02 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Fire Emblem Draft Mafia [Game Over]
Replies: 7907
Views: 588609

Re: Fire Emblem Polls

Day 4

9] DrWilgy - sig, Kites, Iron_Dwarf, Marmot, gwilikers6, Dragon D. Luffy, Quin, rundontwalk, Speedchuck
[6] Quin - lapluie, sprityo, nutella, Kylemii, colonialbob, Epignosis
by Jackofhearts2005
Sun Feb 25, 2018 2:01 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Fire Emblem Draft Mafia [Game Over]
Replies: 7907
Views: 588609

Re: Fire Emblem Polls

Who should be in charge of the Goodguyia Army?
Poll ended at Sat Feb 24, 2018 1:26 pm
Please note that if you vote, your vote will be visible.

Voters: rundontwalk, Quin
Voters: gwilikers6, lapluie, Kites, colonialbob, Marmot
Voters: sig, Iron_Dwarf, DrWilgy, speedchuck, Dragon D. Luffy, Kylemii, sprityo
I can't keep track of all these characters (mod/non/dead). Btw, day ends at 7 pm CST on Saturday. Yeah that's a little more than 48 hours. Deal with it.
Voters: MacDougall, JaggedJimmyJay, dunya, S~V~S, Jackofhearts2005, Scotty, TonyStarkPrime
Total votes: 21
by Jackofhearts2005
Sun Feb 25, 2018 2:00 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Fire Emblem Draft Mafia [Game Over]
Replies: 7907
Views: 588609

Re: Fire Emblem Draft Mafia [Day 4]

Fire Emblem Day 4


“That’s me,” the young swordsman said.

Ring smiled. “I hear you’re quite the fighter.”

“I’ll be the best before this war is over. Swordplay is all I do. If I find someone better than me, I study them and train twice as hard until I can beat them.”

“Admirable...but not the healthiest attitude. We’ll provide a reasonable wage and plenty of enemies to test yourself. In the meantime, go see our cleric, Gwilly. See if she’s got a therapy staff.”


Sloonei tore through the pirate group, killing mercenaries, myrmidons and fighters alike with his lance like this.


“What is wrong with you punks? Don’t you know there’s a war going on? Disgusting.”

The last member of the pirate band, an actual pirate named Wilgy, sneered and strode forward, twirling his twin axes. He swung them both together but Sloonei pivoted backwards to avoid the attack and then hit the pirate the the chest with the butt of his spear.

“Who do you think you are?” Sloonei stabbed the pirate through his right forearm, causing him to drop an axe. He tore the other axe out of the brigand’s hand and tossed it aside. “You think you can fight halfway against me? Do you think I pick fights I can’t win?”

“You ask a lot of questions,” the pirate said with a grin.

“Then why don’t you answer him?” Speedie asked. “Who are you?”

The pirate looked at one lord, then the other. He figured this wouldn’t hurt his chances. “I’m nobody. Captain pulled me out of the water a few years back. Can’t remember anything that came before that. As far as I know, I’ve got nothing and nobody to live for.”

Sloonei looked at his sister, shrugged, then skewered the pirate. Wilgy faded away.

“What did you do that for?” Speedie shouted.

“Do what for?”

“Kill that pirate. He was obviously someone who could be recruited. He had a mysterious backstory. Hell, he wasn’t a boss and he had a name.

Sloonei rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.

“From now on,” the princess told her brother, “I decide who you’re going to kill before you do it. You’re not careful. You’re not subtle.”

“Why so serious?”

“If we keep lynching townies, this game is going to end before we get another sex scene. Now let’s catch up to Dunya and find Rico before things get any worse.”

Wilgy has been lynched. He was somebody’s brother. (Town)
by Jackofhearts2005
Sun Feb 25, 2018 12:46 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Fire Emblem Draft Mafia [Game Over]
Replies: 7907
Views: 588609

Re: Fire Emblem Draft Mafia [Day 4]

You fucks and your ties and your last second vote changes.
by Jackofhearts2005
Sat Feb 24, 2018 11:42 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Fire Emblem Draft Mafia [Game Over]
Replies: 7907
Views: 588609

Re: Fire Emblem Draft Mafia [Day 4]

sprityo wrote: Fri Feb 23, 2018 8:54 pm
Kylemii wrote: Fri Feb 23, 2018 8:42 pm what happens if a misdirector targets someone who didn't choose to target anyone, nothing right? or would their target be chosen randomly?
A regular misdirect on a player targeting nobody would result in that player still targeting nobody. A "controlled misdirect" or "command" (same thing) would allow the commander to choose their target's target, even if the original target was nobody. Lightning rods would still affect a player who targets nobody.
by Jackofhearts2005
Thu Feb 22, 2018 4:22 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Fire Emblem Draft Mafia [Game Over]
Replies: 7907
Views: 588609

Re: Fire Emblem Draft Mafia [Day 4]

speedchuck wrote: Thu Feb 22, 2018 4:18 pm Uhh what happens when the factions run out of people to recruit? Jackofhearts2005 Phase 2?
Nothing. Storywise, basically all FE characters take a side or die eventually.
by Jackofhearts2005
Thu Feb 22, 2018 3:17 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Fire Emblem Draft Mafia [Game Over]
Replies: 7907
Views: 588609

Re: Fire Emblem Draft Mafia [Day 4]

Uh...I don't know what you mean [mention]Dragon D. Luffy[/mention]
by Jackofhearts2005
Thu Feb 22, 2018 3:14 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Fire Emblem Draft Mafia [Game Over]
Replies: 7907
Views: 588609

Re: Fire Emblem Polls

Night 3
Who should Lord Rico recruit?
Poll ended at Thu Feb 22, 2018 1:13 pm
Please note that if you vote, your vote will be visible.

Kenway the Mage
Voters: nutella, Kylemii, MacDougall, speedchuck, Marmot, Dragon D. Luffy, Quin
Kylemii the Sage
Voters: Kites, Iron_Dwarf
Quin the Myrmidon
No votes
Voters: None
Hazel the Pegasus Knight
Voters: DrWilgy
Wilgy the Pirate
No votes
Voters: None
Bob the Mercenary
Voters: colonialbob
Elsie the Pegasus Knight
Voters: Long Con
Kites the Archer
Voters: Epignosis, gwilikers6
Warf the Knight
Voters: lapluie
Lapulie the enemy Thief
No votes
Voters: None
Sigmund the enemy Wyvern Rider
No votes
Voters: None
Gwilly the enemy Monk
No votes
Voters: None
Oh God! I lost my paladin. Should I reset? (host/not playing/dead)
Voters: Scotty, dunya, insertnamehere, JaggedJimmyJay, Jackofhearts2005
Total votes: 20
by Jackofhearts2005
Thu Feb 22, 2018 3:12 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Fire Emblem Draft Mafia [Game Over]
Replies: 7907
Views: 588609

Re: Fire Emblem Draft Mafia [Night 3]

Night 3

Epi, Mac and Sprityo sat around a campfire.

“Good work, you two,” Epi said with a dazzling smile. “Thanks to your support, I was able to stop those Badguyian ruffians from killing anyone.”

“Excuse me your highness,” Mac said, humbly. “But I’m pretty sure I stopped the Badguyian kill.”

Epi bonked Mac on the head with her staff. “Lying to a princess is a very serious crime you know. I’ll let you off with a warning.”

Sprityo used her own staff to heal Mac. “You both did very well. I especially love the way Mac’s big biceps look.” She reached out and gave his muscular arm a feel.

“You mean when I’m swinging my axe on the battlefield?”

“Just in general. Anyway, we all did well but it was pretty obvious to me that I’m the one that stopped the Badguyia kill.”

Princess Epi hit Sprityo on the head, too. Sprityo rubbed her head and gave Epi a look of pure pitifulness. Epi rolled her eyes and healed Sprityo with her staff.


The wyvern rider flew towards the pegasus rider with death in his eyes. The pegasus rider flew towards the wyvern rider with determination in hers. At breakneck speed, they closed the distance between them. At the last moment, the shy pegasus rider closed her eyes in fear and threw her javelin.

It missed by a mile.

Sigmund’s lance did not. The poor pegasus was skewered and it’s rider was thrown overboard. As she fell towards the ground, she managed to cry out “Hazel!” but her sister wasn’t there to save her. When she landed, the impact was enough to make her fade away.


Prince Rico had his father buried. After the brief funeral, a young mage dressed like a banana approached the group. “Excuse me. Lord Rico? My name is Kenway. My teacher and I have been protecting border towns from bandits (as is tradition) since the war began. We’d like to help you defeat the Badguyia army.”


They traveled to a hidden, vaguely magical forest nearby to meet the banana mage’s teacher, a wise old sage named Kylemii (son of the equally great sage from the prequel game, Ticklemii).

“Great sage Kylemii,” Marshal implored, “Please provide us wisdom to aid the party.”

“Stop letting Rico be in charge,” Kylemii advised. “He’s an idiot who didn’t want to play this awesome game. Put Sloonei in charge.”

“But I think Sloonei’s Lanistering his sister.”

“Doesn’t matter. Sloonei is half based on Ephraim and half based on Hector. He’s fucking invincible. With Sloonei on our side, we should be able to easily beat the Badguyian army.”


In the morning, Sprityo snuck out of her sleeping bag and crawled over to Mac’s. Only, Mac wasn’t inside. She and Epi waited and waited but Mac never came back. He wasn’t the kind of person to skip out on a contract since he needed the money so badly. Someone must have attacked him but whoever had done so hadn’t left behind any clues.

Long Con has been killed by a critical hit. She was a shy sister. (Town)

MacDougall has been killed by a critical hit. He was a mercenary for a good cause. (Town)

by Jackofhearts2005
Wed Feb 21, 2018 5:02 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Fire Emblem Draft Mafia [Game Over]
Replies: 7907
Views: 588609

Re: Fire Emblem Draft Mafia [Night 3]

Vote stealing causes the player whose vote is stolen to count for zero and their normal vote count (ie 1 for most players, 2 for double voters, etc) is added to the stealer's vote count (making them a double, triple, etc voter for the day).
by Jackofhearts2005
Wed Feb 21, 2018 3:50 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Fire Emblem Draft Mafia [Game Over]
Replies: 7907
Views: 588609

Re: Fire Emblem Draft Mafia [Night 3]

Dragon D. Luffy wrote: Wed Feb 21, 2018 3:27 pm Linear algebra doesn't take 15 hours.
I'm really bad at math.
by Jackofhearts2005
Wed Feb 21, 2018 3:03 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Fire Emblem Draft Mafia [Game Over]
Replies: 7907
Views: 588609

Re: Fire Emblem Polls

Why wasn't lord Sloonei in the host post last night?
Poll ended at Tue Feb 20, 2018 7:30 pm
Please note that if you vote, your vote will be visible.

Well, the town was losing and Sloonei doesn't pick fights he can't win.
Voters: Quin, gwilikers6
He was busy introducing Speedchuck to the tip of his lance, if you know what I mean.
Voters: Kites, speedchuck, sprityo, Long Con, colonialbob, nutella, Marmot, sig, JaggedJimmyJay
Option 2 is disgusting.
Voters: Iron_Dwarf, Kylemii, lapluie, Dragon D. Luffy, Epignosis
Day ends on Tuesday 9 pm CST but we're hoping to have a host post as early as next Saturday. (Mod/non/dead)
Voters: TonyStarkPrime, Jackofhearts2005, Spacedaisy, dunya, S~V~S
Total votes: 21

Lol ya'll need Jesus
by Jackofhearts2005
Wed Feb 21, 2018 3:02 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Fire Emblem Draft Mafia [Game Over]
Replies: 7907
Views: 588609

Re: Fire Emblem Polls

Day 3

[6] JaggedJimmyJay - Dragon D. Luffy, McDougall, Epignosis, sprityo, Marmot, DrWilgy
[6] Iron_Dwarf - colonialbob, speedchuck, nutella, gwilikers6, JaggedJimmyJay, Kylemii
[1] sig - Kenway
[1] DrWilgy - Long Con
[3] nutella - Iron_Dwarf, Quin, lapluie
[1] rundontwalk - Kites
[1] gwilikers6 - rundontwalk

No vote: sig (but a good effort)

Much vote manipulation. Very unexpect
by Jackofhearts2005
Wed Feb 21, 2018 2:55 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Fire Emblem Draft Mafia [Game Over]
Replies: 7907
Views: 588609

Re: Fire Emblem Draft Mafia [Day 3]

Fire Emblem Day 3

"Thank you for your cooperation," Pinky said smugly, dropping the king to the floor. She left the room and found two of the other Fingers waiting.

"Thumb, I'm putting you in charge, here. I have other matters to attend to."

As soon as Pinky had left, Thumb turned to Pointer. "I'm leaving you in charge of defense. I'm off to try to convince our king this invasion is a mistake."

Once Thumb was gone, Pointer left Sigmund in charge, who left Gwil in charge, who pretended that Sigmund had told him to put a mid level knight that had just been introduced in charge.


"I've never seen one so big," Princess Speedie said, biting her lip.

"Do you want to hold it?" Prince Sloonei asked, peppering Speedie's neck with loving kisses.

"Maybe a little..."

The princess ran her fingers along the shaft, slowly making her way to the tip. She hesitated. "This is weird, right?"

"How so?"

"I mean, I can't even wield a lance on the battlefield so it's weird for me to be playing with one now. I'm really more of a swords kinda girl."

"Is it weird to be doing this in the middle of sex?"

"Oh, no. I'm into it."

At that moment, Dunya entered the room. "Whoopsie." She covered her eyes. "Didn't know you two were having sibling bonding time. I'll...just come back later."

Spoiler: show
Spoiler: show
This is your own fault. You voted for this outcome. I gave you two chances.


Rico's peeps made short work of the enemy garrison. In the end, Jim faced the knight one on one.

The knight stabbed and Jim dodged. The second attack hit for minimal damage. The third and fourth attacks both missed and the fifth did a little more damage.

"Why isn't he fighting back?" Ron asked Marshal.

"Lord Rico made him give me his weapons so he wouldn't hog all the experience."

"Oi! Jimmyjimjim!" Rico tossed Jim an iron sword. Jim caught it in the air, spun his horse around majestically and sliced the knight cleanly in half.

Jim fell from his horse. His side was bleeding badly. His friends rushed to his side.

"This wound!" Marshal exclaimed. "What happened?"

Jim groaned "Middle attacked me. I didn't say anything because yesterday's host post was already too long. I'm sorry, Rico. I've failed you."

Jim faded away.

"Noooooooooooooo!" Rico shouted. "He was like a father to me!"

DDL poked his head around the corner. "Hey Prince Rico? Your father is dead."

"Noooooooooooooo!" Rico shouted. "He was like a father to me!"

JaggedJimmyJay has been lynched. He was an OP mentor. (Town)
by Jackofhearts2005
Wed Feb 21, 2018 2:06 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Fire Emblem Draft Mafia [Game Over]
Replies: 7907
Views: 588609

Re: Fire Emblem Draft Mafia [Day 3]

I just wanna say it's adorable that some of you think I'm manually counting votes but there is probably only one role manipulating them. Here's the count. Brb. Gotta finish the Sloonei/Speedchuck sex scene.

[6] JaggedJimmyJay - Dragon D. Luffy, McDougall, Epignosis, sprityo, Marmot, DrWilgy
[6] Iron_Dwarf - colonialbob, speedchuck, nutella, gwilikers6, JaggedJimmyJay, Kylemii
[1] sig - Kenway
[1] DrWilgy - Long Con
[3] nutella - Iron_Dwarf, Quin, lapluie
[1] rundontwalk - Kites
[1] gwilikers6 - rundontwalk

No vote: sig (but a good effort)

by Jackofhearts2005
Tue Feb 20, 2018 2:34 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Fire Emblem Draft Mafia [Game Over]
Replies: 7907
Views: 588609

Re: Fire Emblem Draft Mafia [Day 3]

speedchuck wrote: Tue Feb 20, 2018 12:34 pm
MacDougall wrote: Tue Feb 20, 2018 4:21 amDayvig rdw
Where I come from, faking day activations got you modkilled.

As such, I get a miniature heart attack whenever I see someone use one.

Stop it.
Me too. :feb:
by Jackofhearts2005
Mon Feb 19, 2018 9:50 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Fire Emblem Draft Mafia [Game Over]
Replies: 7907
Views: 588609

Re: Fire Emblem Draft Mafia [Day 3]

Dragon D. Luffy wrote: Mon Feb 19, 2018 9:32 pm What would mafia be if we didn't mislynch innocent people from time to time :feb:
Just as frustrating as it is now only the opposite way. :rolleyes:
by Jackofhearts2005
Mon Feb 19, 2018 9:48 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Fire Emblem Draft Mafia [Game Over]
Replies: 7907
Views: 588609

Re: Fire Emblem Draft Mafia [Day 3]

MacDougall wrote: Mon Feb 19, 2018 9:07 pm
JaggedJimmyJay wrote: Mon Feb 19, 2018 9:03 pm
MacDougall wrote: Mon Feb 19, 2018 8:29 pm I have a hypothesis.

Jimmy has been trying to bus a teammate for cred. He's been adamantly pushing the idea that lynching an easy player CAN net scum. Obviously it can. But he has belaboured the point. Why? Because he wants us to give ourselves unto him and let him bus a teammate for cred.
I certainly wanted to do that in Mountain Mafia. :grin:

It isn't my design here, but go ahead and believe that if you like. It'll be a good opportunity to remedy your MK oopsie of leaving Simon alive despite thinking Jack was bussing him. If you think I'm bussing a low poster, then let me do it.
MacDougall wrote: Mon Feb 19, 2018 8:37 pm @JaggedJimmyJay what do you think of the idea that Iron Dwarf is copping a lot of heat from Mafia teammates?
It's a believable scenario. He has made numerous derpy type posts which mafia teammates, if they exist, will worry about more than they probably should. That kind of thing tends to bring about distancing.
LOL WTF how is that only my fault?

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