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by S~V~S
Thu Jul 03, 2014 8:02 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: The Hobbit Mafia: Day 12
Replies: 3394
Views: 117931

Re: The Hobbit Mafia: Day 12

I just have to say that all of you guys were so awesome; sometimes being the Mod means you have to say things to people that they don't like, like, "Chill out, throttle back, STFU!!!!!" and you guys barely gave me and Russti any grief whatsoever when it came to that. We said "Stop" and you did. I have hosted/played games where that was not the case, so please know that I mean it :noble:

There was a high drama level early in the game, but IMO that was all about passion. You guys rocked :)
by S~V~S
Thu Jul 03, 2014 6:30 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: The Hobbit Mafia: Day 12
Replies: 3394
Views: 117931

Re: The Hobbit Mafia: Day 12

Congratulations Smaug :D

I did not know the roles in the game, although a few days ago Russti asked me a question about something and mentioned that Juliets was Smaug, and I was FLOORED. I had no idea~ she played a seamless game, IMO.

Very fun game to watch~
by S~V~S
Tue Jul 01, 2014 7:18 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: The Hobbit Mafia: Day 12
Replies: 3394
Views: 117931

Re: The Hobbit Mafia: Night 11

Kylemii wrote:
Snow Dog wrote:
Epignosis wrote:Soccer is one of the most boring things I've ever witnessed. I tried watching some today at the little Mexican restaurant up the road. It was in Spanish but I think I got the gist. "Cero, cero!" Image
Basketball is the most boring sport I know of
Have you ever watched baseball?
by S~V~S
Wed Jun 18, 2014 7:31 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: The Hobbit Mafia: Day 12
Replies: 3394
Views: 117931

Re: The Hobbit Mafia: Day 8

Just a fun fact (that I should not have to tell a thread full of grown ups)~ Being Condescending=Being an Asshat Image

by S~V~S
Mon Jun 16, 2014 7:30 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: The Hobbit Mafia: Day 12
Replies: 3394
Views: 117931

Re: The Hobbit Mafia: Day 7


It's nice to know I am loved SO MUCH~ I have gotten like over a dozen PMs in the last 36 hours or so.

Thank you so much for bitching to me and not to each other (because nothing kills the funny like bitching, am I right?) :hugs:

And for those of you who still have not gotten the memo, keep the snark and the attitude out of the thread please. Russti is working hard hosting this awesome game, and it isn't fair to him to make him have to deal with bullshit; he needs all his time to come up with ways to give out gold.

Thank You, and keep those PMs coming (seriously, it makes me feel needed
:lorab: )
by S~V~S
Sun Jun 15, 2014 11:35 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: The Hobbit Mafia: Day 12
Replies: 3394
Views: 117931

Re: The Hobbit Mafia: Day 7

Should anyone be in search of a person to call a lazy asshole, that would be me. Laziest asshole of all time. True story.

Call me names, not each other, k?
by S~V~S
Tue Jun 03, 2014 11:32 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: The Hobbit Mafia: Day 12
Replies: 3394
Views: 117931

Re: The Hobbit Mafia: Day 2

Lizzy wrote:
Russtifinko wrote: Sarcastic: Sarcastic posts that aren't orange will result in me rubbing a porcupine on the offending party's face. They would make S~V~S mad though, and that would be a GREAT idea.
You have no idea how sad I am this is in orange. :sigh:
If DP gives his permission to be used as a face rubbing implement of torture, I would be OK with it. Otherwise there may or may not be an angry smashfest :fiesta:
by S~V~S
Tue Jun 03, 2014 8:05 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: The Hobbit Mafia: Day 12
Replies: 3394
Views: 117931

Re: The Hobbit Mafia: Day 2

Good Morning lovely players :lorab:

Always remember, lets respect each other. And, if someone feels the need to say you have an attitude more than once, perhaps you do.

By the same token, if more than one person says you are being oversensitive, perhaps they are right.

Most of all, if you feel that someone is taking it beyond the realm of game related comments, and is making YOU related comments, don't take it to the thread, take it to me.

If anyone feels that this was directed at them, maybe they should throttle the 'tude back a bit. Although tbh, had it been directed at any individual, they would have gotten a PM already.

Just a friendly reminder~ and I have a whip, and am not afraid to use it Image Edit~ actually that is a stick, but you get the point I am sure
by S~V~S
Thu May 29, 2014 10:26 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: The Hobbit Mafia: Day 12
Replies: 3394
Views: 117931

Re: The Hobbit Mafia

Ohhhh Kyle, I LOVE that avatar :D
by S~V~S
Wed May 28, 2014 7:36 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: The Hobbit Mafia: Day 12
Replies: 3394
Views: 117931

Re: The Hobbit Mafia

Russtifinko wrote:

If at any point during the game you have an issue with the game itself or another player, please contact me or S~V~S and we will do our best to help resolve your issue quickly. If you have an issue with me during the game, S~V~S is the person to talk to, and I think she'll be able to talk sense into me if I'm acting crazy or unfairly.

I don't this this would EVER happen, lol. But if anything DOES happen that makes anyone unhappy, I am here, even if you just need to vent. If you have an issue, take it to me, via PM, and not to the thread :noble:

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