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by S~V~S
Mon Nov 11, 2013 10:00 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: AMERICAN GODS~ Day 10
Replies: 1764
Views: 58389




Thank You Spacedaisy :D
by S~V~S
Thu Oct 31, 2013 8:03 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: AMERICAN GODS~ Day 10
Replies: 1764
Views: 58389


Ceres wrote:Clean as Eros' new diaper. :smile: Seriously, mate, you were on our recruiting list, but we thought you were Hinzy for while, so sadly, it didn't it happen. On the other hand, I would freeze whenever I saw your replies and think: Oh gosh! He knows who I am and he knows that I'm pulling a Thomas! Butt didn't happen. Huzzah! Also, it would have been fun to be on a team with Mata and Snowy for the first time. Next time, I suppose. :wine:

Big hugs to SVS and juliets yet again and of course, Goosey, Llama, Roxy, Hedge, Rey, DFaraday and Timmer (pity you weren't here longer). :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Oh, and spelling a u-less 'behavior' was a pain in the arse k. :WTF:
In one sockpuppet game, i picked someone out for that~ in that case it was "colour".
by S~V~S
Tue Oct 29, 2013 9:08 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: AMERICAN GODS~ Day 10
Replies: 1764
Views: 58389


Thank You :)

And for your amusement, we have moved the hosting thread with all the contests and entries into this forum: ... f=27&t=232

And we can sort it out, AP. I just like to ask the players to do it in case they have any PMs they would prefer remain personal~
by S~V~S
Tue Oct 29, 2013 8:55 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: AMERICAN GODS~ Day 10
Replies: 1764
Views: 58389


Since Wednesday is, of course, a pseudonym for Odin, the All Father, this seems an appropriate tribute:


I have put in a banner request :yay:
by S~V~S
Tue Oct 29, 2013 8:28 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: AMERICAN GODS~ Day 10
Replies: 1764
Views: 58389


ATTENTION~ a request...

If you would all please clean your socks ad return them to us that would be awesome :)

Clear out your inbox (and outboxes) change your passwords back to "sock123" and post in the thread that you have done so. This way they are ready for whoever needs them next

Thanks :daisy:
by S~V~S
Tue Oct 29, 2013 8:19 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: AMERICAN GODS~ Day 10
Replies: 1764
Views: 58389


Helios wrote:Something something teeth
Something something something teeth
Something something teeth
I loved this. I loved them all really, but this one was the perfect offering from the person who wrote it~ it fit him.

You guys had Juliets rolling today with the Haikus :)

The last contest, Elvis, we sent out no prizes~ it was a six way tie, and we felt that putting that amount of vote manips out there would be too much.

And you guys, you know how hard it is to write a post when nothing is ever decided until 2 minutes before the poll ends lol??

I got to know quite a few people better, and I enjoyed that :dance:

by S~V~S
Tue Oct 29, 2013 7:46 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: AMERICAN GODS~ Day 10
Replies: 1764
Views: 58389


Juliets or i will post night actions later, I have to go eat.

Again, thanks players for an awesome game. It's experiences like this that make hosting rewarding :daisy:

And like i said Day One, i get the Glamour Shots, posting the results. But Juliets was the one who made this happen.

If we could get some Haikus dedicated to the beauteous Juliets that would please me no end :fiesta:
by S~V~S
Tue Oct 29, 2013 7:44 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: AMERICAN GODS~ Day 10
Replies: 1764
Views: 58389


We tweaked some stuff as we went along.
American Gods

Beware~ here there be spoilers. This book was published in 2001 :shrug:

Role List:


Shadow: A man of mystery and loyalty, he sees much and says little. He has a range of powers at his disposal, and must use all of them at least once before he can use any a second time. *secrets* Knows Lauras role, can choose from a list of powers nightly must use all before using any one a second time~ Zeus/Snow Dog

*Speaking In Tongues: Make someone post in a foreign language of your choice.
*Go To A Costume Party: you may mimic someones power for use the next night (NOT steal or redirect~). You don't know what it is until the results (if any), non lethal only. If you pick a killer, nothing will happen
*Steal their Keys: Role block
*Disenfranchise: You block someones vote the next day, they are not aware of this
*Buy A Player A Drink At The Bar: Protect someone else from all night powers

Laura: *secret* Shadows wife, she is totally dead when the game starts, so she must post no more than 3 times during the day (including a vote post, although her vote does not count while she is dead), but may post freely at night. Since she is already dead, she cannot "die" and thus cannot be lynched or NKed until she gets the magic coin. One of Shadows Night Actions is "Buy a Player a Drink at the Bar and Protect Them Tonight". At the point that he uses that, he will gain BTS with Sweeney, and no civvie deaths will go through that night. Shadow gets the coin. Laura will get the coin the next night, and returns to life. Shadow is not aware of this. Shadow cannot be NKed while Laura is alive. Her votes will now count, and she can post normally. She can also post up to 5 times per day as "Laura" once alive, and "Laura" may vote. Athena/Lorab

Sam Black Crow: Believes that things are true and believes things that aren’t true and believes things where nobody knows if they’re true or not. She can make people believe things. Each night, she sends a set of explicit instructions to the host about what her target believes and what their topics of discussion in the thread are to be the next day, as well as their vote. Aphrodite/SpaceDaisyReplaced by Roxy day 4

Mad Sweeney He is a Leprechaun, he has something Laura needs, and has to find a way to get it to her *secret* Sweeney has the luck of the Irish and a Magic Coin, should he be targeted with a kill, it will be deflected back at the killer as an Insanity Curse. Once Laura gets his coin, he loses this ability, but gains BTS with Shadow. Hermes/Zany Dex

Mr Nancy Mr Nancy is a storyteller. Every night, he tells someone a story. They are so enthralled by that story that they must act it out in the thread the next day, only discussing the topic of the Story and nothing else. (Mr Nancy may choose an actual (very) short story, a video, a poem., etc. original or found on the webz) Atlas/DP

EostreEostre brings the world back to life in the Spring~ Shadow cannot be lynched while she is alive. She can bring any NKed player back from the dead once in the game, and will survive the first NK attempt on herself~ she cannot self rezz; has get out of death free card. *secret* Helios/Boomslang replaced by DP

Czernobog Czernobog is ferocious, and he is dark. His sisters, the Zorya, save lives. He takes them. Even nights he blocks, odd nights he kills. His kill can be blocked, but his block cannot. Pluto/BWT

Whiskey Jack Wisakedjak is wise, and can help you got where you want to go. Each night the host tells him things~ he may then choose to tell the thread, or to send a message through the hosts. He is immune to the Actions of the New Gods. Medusa/mata

Mr Ibis An American avatar of Thoth, Mr Ibis is a god of death, but also of balance. Each day, he removes someone from the poll. If he removes a civvie, the worth of his vote increases by one. If a baddie (or Hinzelmann), it decreases by one, and an Indy has no effect. He does not know the results, but may ask the hosts his vote count once in the game. He may not remove himself on Night One.Prometheus/A Person

Mr Jacquel As Anubis, Mr Jacquel is the judge of the dead. Every night he chooses a player who will receive a PM from the hosts naming the roles of that nights dead. If the player he chooses is one of that nights NKs, he will receive the roles himself. Otherwise, he may not self target. Ares/Moving Pictures replaced by A Person

Bast Bast protects from evil spirits, and brings peace to a restless soul. Every night, she chooses someone to protect. She has one automatic night protection, otherwise she may only protect herself once. For each civvie death she prevents, the worth of her vote will increase by one. If she saves three civs, she will gain another night protection. She will not know her results.Fortuna/Elochin

Horus Horus flies through the night skies watching. Each night he targets a player, and learns who targeted that player, as well as who was targeted by that player.

Apple Johnny Johnny passes out the fruits of his labor nightly~ his apples consist of the magical power of communications. He chooses two players to gain BTS for the next day and night. He may choose this power for himself only once in the game. Phoenix/Reywas

Bilquis Bilquis was the Queen of Sheba in another life, a woman of widom, power and sensuality, but that combo is something that does not do well in America, and she has been reduced to walking the streets. She is bitter, and shows it if lynched. She takes the last person to vote for her with her. Electra/JenBiondi

Zorya Utrennyaya - Eros/Epignosishas one block to use from contest day 4-5;one protection of others from contest night 6
Zorya Vechernyaya - Electra/Zany Dex (subs in Night 1)/Moviing Pictures/replaced by Eros night 7
Zorya Polunochnaya
Are the Morning, Evening & Midnight Stars. They have BTSC, and between them they have a lynch save and a lynch switch, neither of which they can use for themselves*secret*they have a n automatic death save that will go into effect the first time any of the three is targeted with death or lynch used night 4 for Poseidon.


Low Key Lie-Smith Loki is a trickster. Every night he plays a practical joke on a player; he redirects their target, or makes them talk like a Swedish Chef, or post in the style of the Norse Eddas. If you have been pranked by Loki, you can never be his foeman; your vote against him will never count, nor will your night actions. He may, however, be foiled in various ways, and may not target the same player twice in the game unless all living players have been targeted. *Secret*Loki can win with Wednesday, The New Gods or the Spookshow. He cannot win with the civvies or with Hinzelmann. Persephone wins block in Day 1 contest Persephone/Roxy

Wednesday *SECRET* Cannot be NKed, no night targets have any effect on him. Anyone who targets him with any power is insanified the next day. Those targeting him will receive 2 PMs; "your *power* has failed." And "You have been insanified".

Wednesday is the All Father and the Cultmaster, and to win the game, the living members of his cult must outnumber the rest of the living players at any point in the game. Wednesday can start recruiting Night Zero. If a player is protected, the recruit will fail, and certain roles cannot be recruited. Lynched recruits will be revealed only as their original role. You cannot recruit a second member of a BTS group until you have recruited a member of every group (civvie, Baddie 1, baddie 2, Indy) unless all members of another group are deceased. His recruits share his win conditions, but retain their BTS should they have any and enjoy the use of their night powers.

Cult Members votes for each other and Wednesday do not count, and the Cults win condition are independant of other win conditions, so there could be other winners. Ceres, Phoenix, Mars

Info Known only to Wednesday: You can tell your minions or not as you choose (this knowledge may make for an ugly chatroom) the recruits still retain their original win conditions, but will only be informed of this should Wednesday be lynched or should any of them win through their original conditions

Baddies (Note~ Team powers like the New Gods offer, or the Spookshow ambush, cannot be blocked; the kill must be weilded by an individual and can be blocked)

New Gods

Gods only Americans can love, they have an Even Kill. *secret* Every Odd night, they can make an offer to any player not on their team. They offer a player +/-2 votes to forego use of their power the next night. Their target may refuse, but then will have a 75/25 chance of the New Gods stealing it instead (25% in favor of the new Gods). They may choose not to use this power on any given odd night.
Communication: Can wear the guise of another player *secret* On odd nights sends a message as Mr Nancy or Whiskey Jack Ceres/Lizzy
Technical Boy: He controls the internet, every night he sends a sql error to a player; neither their vote the next day nor night action the next night will count Hercules/Timmer
Media: She controls what you see, what you think, what you know. She gains power via popularity. *Secret* Sliding scale of powers based on thread mentions other than by her teammates, QUOTES DO NOT COUNT. Artemis/Mongoose

0 mentions = No power; 1-5 = Block One Vote, 6-10 = Alignment check; 11-15 = cast a curse; 16-20 =Block 2 votes, 21-25 = Blanket team protection (from all powers); 26+ Chaos~ randomly redirect all night powers other than your teams.

You are responsible for keeping count, we might double check you. You must use the blanket protection before gaining another one, and can cause Chaos only once in the game. I mention day 1; used pt night one to block Persephone; 18 mentions Day 2;

The Spookshow: They're Spooks, they know everything, hear everything, from the surveillance equipment in the back of their Black Suburbans and aboard their black helicopters. They kill Odd nights.*secret*They terrorize even nights. Every even night, they ambush a player. They "confiscate" whatever they have on them (like extra votes, etc) and lock them up for one day, and redirect their power the next night (choose a new target, you do not know what the power might be) so they cannot post or vote. The target DOES NOT KNOW they have been targeted.

Mr Town: Thinks ALL gods are just freaks with telepathy, he can protect himself or one member of his team each night from all blockable powers Vesta/Hedgeowl
Mr Stone: Drives a black car, puts the bodies in the trunk~ *secret* he knows the identities of all the night killed. He will appear as one of them should he die via lynch; every night he picks a player~ should the target be lynched, Mr Stone will choose the role from amongst the bodies in his trunk that they will appear to be. Pandora/Hedgeowl Hubby repl. by Elochin night 4
Mr Wood: Coincidentally, also drives a black car. Each night he picks someone up on "suspicion" and redirects their target, and next days vote, to someone else. Mars/DFaraday


Hinzelmann He loved his adopted American Home of Lakeside, WI. He loved it so much, he made a secret deal with it; nothing bad or harmful would ever come to Lakeside as long as Lakeside never really looked into the one young person who mysteriously disappeared each year with the arrival of Spring. Hinzlemann has the opportunity to kill every night, or to self protect, but he cannot do both on one night, and he cannot self protect two nights in a row. He CAN kill two nights in a row. Chronos/Dom

Win with your team, dead or alive (except SK, lol)
Civs~ defeat Mafia & SK
Shadow, Laura, Wednesday have special conditions
Low Key: Secret
Mafia: Defeat civs, SK & Other Mafia

Pre Game check in players to submit their own roles picture
Non Death Night Powers go in Night Zero Along With Pregame poll
Secrets to be revealed unannounced based on predetermined secret events, deaths, etc. SECRETS CAN BE REVEALED ANYTIME AFTER DAY ZERO, so play your role as if it is already known if it has a secret
by S~V~S
Tue Oct 29, 2013 7:39 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: AMERICAN GODS~ Day 10
Replies: 1764
Views: 58389


Post Two: Players/roles

* Role Sent
+Check in with Vote

Roles by Sockpuppet/Alpha:

Aphrodite/Spacedaisy/Sam Black Crow+*
Ares/MovingPictures repl. by A Person/Mr Jacquel+*
Atlas/Disgruntled PorcupineMr Nancy
ELECTRA-> Dex replaces JenB, moves into role of Zorya Vechernyaya
Eros/Epignosis/Zorya Utrennyaya+*
HELIOS-> Boomslang replaced by DisPor, remains Eostre
Hercules/Timmer/Technical Boy+*
Hermes/Zany Dex/Mad Sweeney*
Mars/DFaraday/Mr Wood
Medusa/MatahariWhiskey Jack+*
Pandora/HedgeowlsHubby repl by Elochin/Mr Stone+*
Persephone/Roxy/LowKey Liesmith+*
Phoenix/reywasApple Johnny+*
Poseidon/Borokkuei/Zorya Polunchaya*
Prometheus/A PersonMr Ibis
Vesta/Hedgeowl/Mr Town+*
Zeus/Snow Dog/Shadow+*
Vulcan/Mr F/left game

Roles By Game Listing


*Shadow/Zeus/Snow Dog
*Sam Black Crow/Aphrodite/Spacedaisy
*Mad Sweeney/Hermes/Zany Dex
*Mr Nancy/Atlas/Disgruntled Porcupine
*Eostre/Helios/Boomslang REPL BY DisPor
*Whiskey JackMedusa/Matahari
*Mr Ibis/Prometheus/A Person
*Mr Jacquel/Ares/MovingPictures
*Apple Johnny/Phoenix/reywas
*Bilquis~ Should have been Vulcan, next replacement goes here
*Zorya Utrennyaya/Eros/Epignosis
*Zorya Vechernyaya/Electra/Zany Dex
*Zorya Polunochnaya/Poseidon/Borokkuei


*Mr Wednesday/Apollo/Llama
*Low Key Lye-Smith/Persephone/Roxy


New Gods:
*Technical Boy/Hercules/Timmer

*Mr Town/Vesta/Hedgeowl
*Mr Stone/Pandora/HedgeowlsHubby repl. by Elochin
*Mr Wood/Mars/DFaraday

Serial Killer

by S~V~S
Tue Oct 29, 2013 7:37 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: AMERICAN GODS~ Day 10
Replies: 1764
Views: 58389


Phoenix wrote:I am reywaS, and my role was Apple Johnny.

I had planned on using my role ability to create a network of civvies via temporary BTSC, but I was recruited on Night 1. I was still planning on using the temp. BTSC to help us win, but it didn't really work out. I tried to give Apollo BTSC with Artemis with my Night 0 target, but it failed and caused me to be insanified on Day 1. Anyway, I think the only successful target of mine was giving Artemis and Medusa BTSC. Every other night my target either failed or I was blocked. I tried to give myself BTSC with Chronos on Night 5 I think, but it failed. Then, I finally was successful on Night 9 when I gave myself BTSC with Helios for Day/Night 10. Then, of course, I only got one PM to Helios because I was busy all day today.
Did Apollo tell you his role? Any night targeting of him resulted in insanity. That confused us that you targeted him, lol.

Roles etc coming up shortly.

I also want to especially thank those who did double duty, like Epignosis, Roxy, Elohcin, A Person, Borok, DisPro and everyone who replaced back it. It made the game work so much better~ I think we had 4 Electras lol

@Lizzy~ that pesky helios was more trouble than you realize~ he's the one who brought Chronos back :haha:
by S~V~S
Tue Oct 29, 2013 7:22 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: AMERICAN GODS~ Day 10
Replies: 1764
Views: 58389


At this stage, with Hinzelmann dead, the Cult had the only night kill, and they had the numbers. Had Chronos lived (and he still had a few votes up his sleeve, and was trying to switch to Ceres at the end (which would have given the civs a shot, since she had the only other kill), but did not have the numbers to do it.

You all played an amazing game :)

Liki~ I never understood that. Had he been lynched (and he came close a few times with secret votes) he would have flipped civ which would not have looked good for you, Apollo~
by S~V~S
Tue Oct 29, 2013 7:07 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: AMERICAN GODS~ Day 10
Replies: 1764
Views: 58389


Chronos was tired~ although he was a very old man, and it was against his nature, he had been trying to stem off the tide of the Cult. But the Cult spread its tentacles and its lies everywhere it went.

Chronos has died, he was Hinzlemann. He was the only thing standing between the cult and a total annihilation.

The Cult has Won, led by Mr Wednesday, Apollo. The living and dead cult members are:


They are our winners :D

Congratulations Winners , and thanks for a low drama game :yay:

the rest of the post game will be coming over the course of the night!
by S~V~S
Tue Oct 29, 2013 6:55 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: AMERICAN GODS~ Day 10
Replies: 1764
Views: 58389


just a reminder, day went to 24 hours, so 12 hours to vote.
by S~V~S
Mon Oct 28, 2013 6:56 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: AMERICAN GODS~ Day 10
Replies: 1764
Views: 58389


Some people are "book smart" and some people are "street smart". Athena was definitely book smart. She knew the square root of the hypotenuse, she know the orbital velocity of the Earth. She knew the population of Denmark.

So, even with all the death via comunication devices, she did not think twice when the payphone (oddly, a blue payphone, very old fashioned, in a British sort of way) she was walking past, rang. She picked it up.


Athena is dead.


Maryland~ Home of the national Museum Of Dentistry!! So intriguing, so informative. So Lame :(

You all need to do penance for choosing Maryland. I want to see a haiku about teeth from all living players.

We are going to 24 hour days, starting today~
by S~V~S
Sun Oct 27, 2013 11:44 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: AMERICAN GODS~ Day 10
Replies: 1764
Views: 58389


Assuming said team members have not transcended this reality and moved on to another spiritual plane, why yes :daisy:
by S~V~S
Sun Oct 27, 2013 7:06 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: AMERICAN GODS~ Day 10
Replies: 1764
Views: 58389


Also watch the video, its a howl. Like if howard from BBT was a singer~
by S~V~S
Sun Oct 27, 2013 7:04 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: AMERICAN GODS~ Day 10
Replies: 1764
Views: 58389


Who did they want to kill? Who was bad? they vacillated, Mars, Chronos, Mars, Chronos.

In the end it was Mars.

He was Mr. Wood.



Virginia was lovely~ perhaps some benefitted from being there. But it was time to move on.
by S~V~S
Sun Oct 27, 2013 6:56 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: AMERICAN GODS~ Day 10
Replies: 1764
Views: 58389

Re: American Gods Polls Thread

No votes

No votes

Helios (6)

Mars (9), Phoenix (11), Ceres (13), Aphrodite (14)

No votes

No votes

Electra (7), Chronos (8), Athena (10), Zeus (12)

Apollo (4)

by S~V~S
Fri Oct 25, 2013 7:12 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: AMERICAN GODS~ Day 10
Replies: 1764
Views: 58389



You are now in Virginia, a lovely state, for lovers. Perhaps that is significant...

Before you left Graceland, and Tennessee, behind, you stopped in the gift shop. Your grandma LOVES Elvis :)

You buy her a postcard (or a DVD of a video).

Which do you choose? Vote by PM before the end of this day phase, for the number of your selection~









by S~V~S
Fri Oct 25, 2013 6:58 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: AMERICAN GODS~ Day 10
Replies: 1764
Views: 58389


Pluto stood there like a deer in the headlights~ the crowd advanced on him, taunting him about not REALLY being a planet, and asking why Goofy got to walk on two logs and wear clothes, and similar mean cracks. He hung his head and got ready to accept the inevitable.

Pluto is dead, he was.....

WAIT!! Stop the presses!!

....but then the crowd suddenly turned and grabbed Vesta! they strung her up. Under her birka, she had on a black suit. She was Mr Town.


Plutos cell phone rang, while the mob was lynching Vesta. He answered it, and the horrible sound it made just fried his brain. He crumpled over, blood flowing from his ears.

Pluto is actually dead now.


Virginia wins :)

Elvis post coming up soonish~
by S~V~S
Thu Oct 24, 2013 10:31 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: AMERICAN GODS~ Day 10
Replies: 1764
Views: 58389



Vesta and friends at the beach~
by S~V~S
Thu Oct 24, 2013 7:21 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: AMERICAN GODS~ Day 10
Replies: 1764
Views: 58389


OMG. YEARS ago my best friend and i took the bus to work, and it ALWAYS happened that way, the creepiest, weirdest guy ALWAYS sat next to you. We used to sing this song at parties, getting drunk, before we each married and "grew up".

Good song, reminder of good times :)
by S~V~S
Thu Oct 24, 2013 7:00 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: AMERICAN GODS~ Day 10
Replies: 1764
Views: 58389


Pluto stood there like a deer in the headlights~ the crowd advanced on him, taunting him about not REALLY being a planet, and asking why Goofy got to walk on two legs, not four, and wear clothes, and similar mean cracks. He hung his head and got ready to accept the inevitable.

Pluto is dead, he was.....

WAIT!! Stop the presses!!

....but then the crowd suddenly turned and grabbed Vesta! they strung her up. Under her birka, she had on a black suit. She was Mr Town.


Graceland was a lot of fun :D Everyone took some awesome Elvis pictures and stuff. But now we have to decide where to go next :fiesta:

Elvis Contest will be up sometime tonight :)
by S~V~S
Wed Oct 23, 2013 3:31 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: AMERICAN GODS~ Day 10
Replies: 1764
Views: 58389


Helios wrote:I don't like Elvis.
Me neither, but it is a major Tennessee attraction, and when in Rome and so forth :shrug:
by S~V~S
Tue Oct 22, 2013 9:42 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: AMERICAN GODS~ Day 10
Replies: 1764
Views: 58389

Re: American Gods Contests















by S~V~S
Tue Oct 22, 2013 9:28 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: AMERICAN GODS~ Day 10
Replies: 1764
Views: 58389



Eostre grew tired of death and injustice in the world.

She stood, and raised her arm. Both sparks and sparkles flew from her fingertips.

"ARISE" she cried~!

And lo, Chronos was back amongst us :yay:

He may not be lynched today, and he may not be targeted tonight~

And what a lovely picture of Elvis :D
by S~V~S
Tue Oct 22, 2013 7:15 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: AMERICAN GODS~ Day 10
Replies: 1764
Views: 58389


Post it in the thread, and PM JC & I the link to the post. Post whenever you want.
by S~V~S
Tue Oct 22, 2013 6:56 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: AMERICAN GODS~ Day 10
Replies: 1764
Views: 58389


Ares, like Poseidon and Atlas before him, was a quiet soul. He said little, but he thought much.

When the man in the black suit, black hat, black sunglasses and black tie (white shirt) approached him, he thought, "Wow, he is coordinated. Baddies always look slovenly and this guy is put together. I am sure I can trust HIM."

Well, maybe not so much, after all.

Ares is dead :(


Good Taste~? Damn Straight

We're going to Graceland!!

Everyone post a favorite Elvis story, song, picture, whatever. Then we vote tomorrow night. Post it in the thread, and PM the link to the post to both JC & I.
by S~V~S
Mon Oct 21, 2013 7:05 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: AMERICAN GODS~ Day 10
Replies: 1764
Views: 58389


Sometimes life is unexpected~ things happen you never saw coming. Sometimes people are predictable~ speaking up can be dangerous, it gets you killed. But the Brave do it anyhow, and they are killed for it.

Lets All mourn for Eros~ he is dead. He was Zorya Utrennyaya.


Kentucky had been interesting for Shadow. He was still alive, for one thing. That was something. Many other people had not survived the place. So many had died, but he had no idea who most of them were, so he had to cross his fingers and hope, just like the rest of them. He had been learning a great deal about his family and heritage on this trip as well.

He was not a big fan of the accommodations in Kentucky, though. They had stopped at a place called "Hillbilly Gardens" in Kentucky, and this was the best they could find:


Time to go~! Won't be spending another night in that place :noble:

Where to this time?


by S~V~S
Mon Oct 21, 2013 6:55 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: AMERICAN GODS~ Day 10
Replies: 1764
Views: 58389


Seven people voted? Really? :(
by S~V~S
Sat Oct 19, 2013 7:03 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: AMERICAN GODS~ Day 10
Replies: 1764
Views: 58389


Words of Wisdom From Wisakedjak
[center]Nothing is as it appears
There is a role who can decide who people will appear as when lynched.
All dogs go to heaven[/center]
by S~V~S
Sat Oct 19, 2013 6:57 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: AMERICAN GODS~ Day 10
Replies: 1764
Views: 58389


S~V~S wrote:

Medusa seldom had any fear out walking at night. Several times she had been accosted by various ruffians, but one look at her, and they turned to stone. She had even made it a hobby for a while of intentionally walking in especially lawless places, and then following the inevitable news stories about the mystery sculptor whose sculptures of criminals appeared mysteriously overnight. She chortled with glee over those articles. But over time, that lost its fun. Now she only walked at night if she had somewhere to go.

So when she felt the hand grip on her shoulder, pulling her around, she was annoyed, but also dismayed to see a little old man. Smiling.

She waited for him to turn to stone, and was still waiting when he suffocated her and shoved her into the trunk of the car on the ice.


Chronos never hurried; he had all the time in the world. He took his time when he did things, and he did them right. The first time.

It irked him no end that all day long his phone had rung one time only. When he answered it, there was no one there. He HATED having to rush for anything, but after the fifth time his phone rang only once, he sat down right next to it (it was a landline~ what need has Chronos for a cell phone? ) and waited. he waited several hours, which was a novelty for him. He never waited for anything. Just as he was running out of patience, it rang. He answered it before it stopped ringing.

the horrible noise it emitted just blew his brains right out of his ears.


Medusa & Chronos are dead.
by S~V~S
Sat Oct 19, 2013 4:51 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: AMERICAN GODS~ Day 10
Replies: 1764
Views: 58389


The poll ends tonight, I screwed up the timing when i posted it yesterday, sorry for confusion :)
by S~V~S
Fri Oct 18, 2013 7:00 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: AMERICAN GODS~ Day 10
Replies: 1764
Views: 58389


I will write a better post later with videos and such~ I am right in the middle of stuff, lol~

Poor Pandora, being reborn did not help her much.

Pandora has been lynched, she was Low Key Liesmith

Your choice tonight~ Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock

by S~V~S
Thu Oct 17, 2013 7:13 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: AMERICAN GODS~ Day 10
Replies: 1764
Views: 58389


ΧΡΟΝΟΣ, μου κάνετε πολύ χαρούμενος :lorab:
by S~V~S
Wed Oct 16, 2013 6:59 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: AMERICAN GODS~ Day 10
Replies: 1764
Views: 58389


Poseidon took a sit back and watch, wait and see attitude towards life. He was not the most active participant in what went on around him, but he was very aware of what was going on.

So when Czernobog approached him, he had seen him coming. He saw him walk into the building, he saw him open the door.

What he did NOT see was the small razor clasped in Czernobogs fist. No, he never saw that coming.

Poseidon is dead.
Words of Wisdom From Wisakedjak
[center]One bad team is down to one person
One bad team is totally intact
The night polls have actual results, and are not just place keepers[/center]
by S~V~S
Tue Oct 15, 2013 7:06 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: AMERICAN GODS~ Day 10
Replies: 1764
Views: 58389


Poor Hercules~ he was a schizophrenic. He was a HERO! He saved babies, he rescued virgins.

Then he killed them ;(

He was a bronze age super man, and he was a megalomaniacal fat guy sitting at his computer, plotting against people he never met.

So when the crowd came for him, he was angr. But he was also relieved.

Hercules has been lynched~
He was Technical Boy


Tonight we are going to do something different~ the poll is a list of Five of the USAs top roadside attractions.

Pick One. Tell us why.

Cabazon Dinosaurs
Cabazon, California

Hole n' the Rock
Moab, Utah

Randys Donuts
Inglewood, California

Enchanted Highway
Regent, North Dakota

Lucy the Elephant
Margate, New Jersey
by S~V~S
Sun Oct 13, 2013 7:12 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: AMERICAN GODS~ Day 10
Replies: 1764
Views: 58389


Also please watch the video, it is really quite good :)
by S~V~S
Sun Oct 13, 2013 7:08 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: AMERICAN GODS~ Day 10
Replies: 1764
Views: 58389


Words of Wisdom From Wisakedjak
[center]There is a recruiter role in the game
There is at least one dead baddie
The civvie protector has protected noone[/center]
by S~V~S
Sun Oct 13, 2013 7:06 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: AMERICAN GODS~ Day 10
Replies: 1764
Views: 58389


Pandora has been reborn~ she is off the poll, and will not be killable this night.
by S~V~S
Sun Oct 13, 2013 7:03 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: AMERICAN GODS~ Day 10
Replies: 1764
Views: 58389


Poseidon walked down the street, ticking off the items on his to do list as he went along. As he walked into various places, it almost seemed that the anchor on the TV news the businesses had playing on their TV sets was looking right at him. Other peoples cell phones seemed to lose signal as he walked past, and his own phone just played a weird old TV show clip whenever he clicked it on.



His name was Poseidon, not Will Robinson, WTF?

When he got home and took off his coat, he found a paper target stuck to the back of his coat. Who would have put that there?

No one has died.

by S~V~S
Sat Oct 12, 2013 7:05 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: AMERICAN GODS~ Day 10
Replies: 1764
Views: 58389


Fortuna ran out of luck~ the crowd coming for her ran faster than she did. She was luckier at night, perhaps.

Fortuna has been lynched~ she was Bast


Ohio? Kentucky? You decide.
by S~V~S
Sat Oct 12, 2013 6:57 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: AMERICAN GODS~ Day 10
Replies: 1764
Views: 58389


No, they really freaking aren't :|

Post coming up shortly :noble:
by S~V~S
Sat Oct 12, 2013 6:00 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: AMERICAN GODS~ Day 10
Replies: 1764
Views: 58389


You have an hour to go, and verrrrrry few votes. You guys are gonna be the death of me with these down to the wire lynches :phew:
by S~V~S
Thu Oct 10, 2013 6:55 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: AMERICAN GODS~ Day 10
Replies: 1764
Views: 58389


Spending as much time in the underworld as she did, Persephone was used to mourning, to grief and to the mechanics of death. While she could never disregard it or laugh it off, seeing the mourning of others did not affect her as once it had. She walked past the wailing people in a haze, and towards the ferry across the Styx to join her lover, Hades, for the part of the year she spent with him.

She was surprised to see Hades himself waiting by the shore next to the ferry, rather than his henchman, Charon. He reached up and gently pulled down her jaw, and a gold coin fell into his hand.

"Come my love, follow me and bid this world adieu forever", he said.

Looking over her shoulder, sorrowfully realizing she recognized all of those gathered at the shore, she saw someone she did NOT really know. A man in anachronistic black clothing, a hat and dark glasses. Suddenly she remembered how she had died, at the hands of this man. She would have sworn revenge, but she had already ceased caring about the concerns of the living. Life had been beautiful, but it was over now.

Persephone has died
You have 2 days to find who did this dastardly deed.


Indiana was a special place to Shadow, it is where he was born, or where he believed himself to have been born. It was also where Laura had died. He was happy to be home, and hoped it was a good day for him, and his Laura. He was glad he had sent the coin ahead, and that she was alive again. But he had not seen her face yet, and he looked forward to it.

As the bus sped across Indiana, he felt better than he had in years.
by S~V~S
Wed Oct 09, 2013 7:00 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: AMERICAN GODS~ Day 10
Replies: 1764
Views: 58389


Artemis was backed into a corner. Being cursed sucks, but it was what it was, so she stuck it out. Still, it made her very sad.


She used all of her skills as a huntress, but hunting =/= self defense against a mob, and archery was pretty useless in close up situations. Soon she was overcome.

Artemis is dead. She was Mr Nancy.
It is Night; You have 23 hours yada yada yada



Michigan; a fabulous place; although perhaps not for Artemis....

In any case, Shadow was hoping to get back on the road.

Where should he head next?
by S~V~S
Wed Oct 09, 2013 6:29 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: AMERICAN GODS~ Day 10
Replies: 1764
Views: 58389


Certainly you may, that is why the poll is set up that way :)
by S~V~S
Mon Oct 07, 2013 7:07 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: AMERICAN GODS~ Day 10
Replies: 1764
Views: 58389


You may now post.
by S~V~S
Mon Oct 07, 2013 6:55 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: AMERICAN GODS~ Day 10
Replies: 1764
Views: 58389


Athena was bopping down the street, in a great mood. she was humming some old disco tune, dumb but catchy.

"Born, born, born to be alive!!"

Meanwhile, some crazy looking teenage kid with blood dripping from his face and fingers was standing behind the tree in front of her hotel in Grand Rapids, MI. He was a big kid, and it was a skinny tree, but as she walked down the block, she did not notice him. The Goddess of Wisdom, yes. The Goddess of Observation, nah, not really.

When she was almost there, she thought, "Maybe I won't go home, maybe I'll go to a Zumba class at the Y :D !!"

And she did just that.

Technical Boy gnashed his teeth in rage. Or would, if he had not smashed them out on his keyboard.


Words of Wisdom From Wisakedjak
[center]No one benefitted from the choice of Wisconsin
Prometheus was definitely who he appeared to be
One of the baddie teams has a rezz[/center]
by S~V~S
Sun Oct 06, 2013 7:13 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: AMERICAN GODS~ Day 10
Replies: 1764
Views: 58389


Apollo wrote:I am pretty annoyed with how terrible I have been at reading people this game. I'm sorry, Prometheus.
I think the real question is, why is Artemis still alive?

If we go to Michigan, will we be stuck there because the part of it that's adjacent to Wisconsin is not adjacent to any other states? Will we be forced into Canada? I need to know the answers to these questions before I vote.
The part of Michigan that is NOT adjacent to Wisconsin is adjacent to other states. This is American Gods Mafia, not Calm & Sensible Mafia, there will be no Canadian travel.

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