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by G-Man
Mon Apr 11, 2016 8:34 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 191443

Re: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

MovingPictures07 wrote:
G-Man wrote:I want to apologize to anyone who I got feisty with in prison. Believe me when I say that it was not personal. I was just trying to keep the Operation IVY thing chugging along and had to view you all as threats to the original prisoners.

Speaking of that, our hosts did something pretty amazing here. They got nine people to join a game for which they had virtually no expectation of winning. Sure, four of us came away with wins but we had no idea how the challenges would go. To get that many people to participate in what was essentially our own side-game is impressive. Kudos to the hosts for making such a strange quest worth our while and to the prisoners who stepped up and made it unforgettable. And I guess thanks should also go to the Epi the Warden for being such an antagonistic force. You made us want to defy and defeat you. We are well met in battle.

It feels extremely strange to win my first full-sized game in years in a game that I didn't even formally sign up for. I think the last time I put this much mental energy and time into a game was when I hosted. :eek:
I'm really just so freaking glad (and I know Daisy is as well) that the prison mechanic, especially with regards to you "original" independent prisoners, was such a success. It seems like you all generally really enjoyed it, and I can't believe how much effort you and many others put into the game and how invested you all became, considering you weren't part of the main game. It's definitely taught me some things about potentially employing future side game and deadie mechanics in future games.
I think the prison mechanic worked so well for the original prisoners because, even though we were part of a mafia game, we weren't actually playing the mafia aspect of it. We didn't have to hunt, push, suspect, and accuse each other. We were there to hang out and mess with the players' heads when they got to jail and found more people there than there should have been. Plus, the challenges were like team exercises. The prison was a kind of anti-mafia game, where we worked together and helped each other out, rather than tearing each other down. It was refreshing. Sometimes mafia generates a lot of neagtivity and ill will, so it was nice to have a place to be silly with a purpose. :D

timmer wrote:And I just realized I never said thank you to G-Man, so thank you my friend for setting me free, I don't play many games these days so getting a win is nice however it happens!
No problem! I really did feel like you earned it based on your level of effort during the first prison break. I really wanted to pick 208 (juliets) because we had a lot of fun together during the posting challenges but I felt I had to pick you. I'm glad juliets got credit for her effort in those posting challenges. Bea was a real sport as well. It's a shame we couldn't have gotten three prison breaks to get them wins as well.
by G-Man
Sun Apr 10, 2016 6:52 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 191443

Re: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

Dom wrote:
Spacedaisy wrote:LOL, this wasn't my most complex game either. That honor goes to Hitchiker's Guide, co hosted with Merlin. That was insanity, chaos embodied...
I was the one who hit the reset button, right? :D
Were there two versions of this game? On The Piano, I definitely remember holding onto the red button until late in the HHGTTG game that I played. Upon resetting the game, I became the Royally Screwed Guy. :sigh:
by G-Man
Sun Apr 10, 2016 4:35 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 191443

Re: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

I want to apologize to anyone who I got feisty with in prison. Believe me when I say that it was not personal. I was just trying to keep the Operation IVY thing chugging along and had to view you all as threats to the original prisoners.

Speaking of that, our hosts did something pretty amazing here. They got nine people to join a game for which they had virtually no expectation of winning. Sure, four of us came away with wins but we had no idea how the challenges would go. To get that many people to participate in what was essentially our own side-game is impressive. Kudos to the hosts for making such a strange quest worth our while and to the prisoners who stepped up and made it unforgettable. And I guess thanks should also go to the Epi the Warden for being such an antagonistic force. You made us want to defy and defeat you. We are well met in battle.

It feels extremely strange to win my first full-sized game in years in a game that I didn't even formally sign up for. I think the last time I put this much mental energy and time into a game was when I hosted. :eek:
by G-Man
Sat Apr 09, 2016 10:20 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 191443

Re: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

Spacedaisy wrote:It was those two challenges that made us realize we needed to recognize some outstanding performances in the prison yard. So the Thug banners were born! The prisoners who carried those challenges were tenacious. There was one point where they went 28 minutes without posting and I thought they were going to miss it, but they didn't. I think the closest they came in the ten minute one was 8 minutes. I was the one who had the honor of patrolling to ensure they met the criteria. That's why I was also cheering them on, lol.
No, there is a full 10-mintues stretch between posts during the 10-minute challenge. I panicked when I saw the time and barely squeaked the saver post in there. I have never idea where in that mess it occurred but it's in there somewhere. Fortunately, the rules stated "more than 10 minutes," meaning 11 minutes between posts would fail us. That was the closest call ever and I was worried for hours that you guys could see the precise post time (like down to the second) with your mod powers and would rule it a failure.
by G-Man
Sat Apr 09, 2016 9:08 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 191443

Re: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

Oooh! Can I have "The Decider" changed to "Prisoner 813142"? I will never forget this game. Like ever.
by G-Man
Sat Apr 09, 2016 9:06 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 191443

Re: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

Ricochet wrote:
MovingPictures07 wrote:Yo, winners, check it out!


Wear it with pride. :slick:
Yassss numero 6!

Easiest one I ever achieved, too. :grin:
Maybe it was easy for you because you got out Night 5. Holy heck did we have to claw our way through some insane stuff! Yes, please please please open those Prison Yard threads. I want everyone to behold the insanity of that 10-minute post challenge.

Now, let good old Dr. Evil explain a few things...

When I was approached about joining this game in secret I knew that, for me to stay engaged, I had to play in character. The prison aspect sounded like it get get either dull or hostile or both depending on how well we did with those challenges. I gave MP and SD a choice of three characters I would play as:

-Dr. Evil (which they picked, probably because he was the only one with a prison pic)

-Gollum/Smeagol from Lord of the Rings (would have been fun but I probably never would have been paroled)

-Olaf from Frozen (I was secretly hoping they'd pick this one but I probably would have drove too many prisoners nuts and they'd have shanked me)

I played in character 100% of the time until those posting challenges broke me. I even PM'ed the hosts as Dr. Evil. It was fun.

On our first day in prison, I wrote a big long spiel about how the original prisoners should all stick together and make sure only original prisoners got paroled when the chance arose. It was called Operation Improbably Victorious You or Operation IVY. In true Dr. Evil form, this was wordplay because Operation Ivy was an influential ska-punk band in the late 80s that eventually became the 90s punk band Rancid. It was my version of the "Alan Parsons Project" that Dr. Evil created. I later created an acronym for the BUDDY System for the posting challenges but I can't remember what it all stood for. Go find it in the prison threads.

I tried to pick a fight with Scotty during the prison break so I could do the whole "Scotty don't!" bit to some length but he either wasn't around or wasn't interested. I also tried to do the "zip it" and "shh!" bits with a few people but it never lasted long enough. Oh well.

We original prisoners were tight. I'm proud of all of them. We worked so hard and a few of the newbies worked hard too, so major kudos to them as well! The prison, at times, felt like a sick and twisted team-building exercise. It was a trying ordeal but rewarding in the end.

No non-original prisoner got paroled. How cool is that? Operation IVY was actually conceived out of my own paranoia that non-original prisoners would eventually outnumber original prisoners and start shanking us. They outnumbered us soon enough but not enough of them seemed to care or organize enough against us. So thanks for that!

Did anyone figure out it was me behind the Dr. Evil shtick? I was half-worried that it would be too obvious because playing in character would stand out and I've developed a reputation for standing out through my posting methods.

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