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by G-Man
Fri Mar 12, 2021 12:11 am
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: Mafia (GAME OVER)
Replies: 1196
Views: 27521

Re: Mafia (GAME OVER)

Long Con wrote: Fri Mar 12, 2021 12:07 am On some level you must admire the sheer ballsiness of it.
You said something similar about me having a role in Chicka Chicka 1, 2, 3 that gradually insanified most of the players.

I think you need to pick your battles better. :nicenod:
by G-Man
Thu Mar 11, 2021 11:54 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: Mafia (GAME OVER)
Replies: 1196
Views: 27521

Re: Mafia (GAME OVER)

Epignosis wrote: Thu Mar 11, 2021 11:34 pm You're a good guy G.

My advice to you is never trick your players. When you host, you should always be the reliable anchor. This was a trick.

I own that it was a trick and that this sort of thing should be considered out of bounds by a host. Curiosity is what drove me to see it through, not malice. I hate to lose face as a host for it, but it is indefensible. If my reputation is tarnished, then I only have myself to blame for that.

We'll see if this ruse hurts my ability to fill up future games. I will be sure to state in my gameplay section, though, that all of my future games include an informed minority clashing with an uninformed majority. That way, no one ever has to worry or speculate about the possibility of a repeat.

And as I said before- if the admins believe that they need to make a punitive example out of me, I won't object. Twelve people can't get back the time they invested into this game, and that's on me. Recourse may well be in order.
by G-Man
Thu Mar 11, 2021 11:42 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: Mafia (GAME OVER)
Replies: 1196
Views: 27521

Re: Mafia (GAME OVER)

JaggedJimmyJay wrote: Thu Mar 11, 2021 10:59 pm I think the psychology experiment here is more effective or less design biased if it isn’t run on a Mafia website with the name Mafia.
One of the ideas that I thought of doing was adding punctuation to the game title as it progressed. It would have gone this way:


In the end, I felt that going there would have made things a little too obvious.

Some more fun facts:

-I either grew up with or currently know someone with each of the Italian surnames used in the game.

-Lenker is actually the surname of the jackass developer who built the development that I live in. We're the second owner of the house we live in, and we and plenty of our neighbors have found a few corners the guy cut in building the houses on our street.

-Corey is the name of my jackass ex-boss. I couldn't help but use his name as a detestable swindler.

-The whirlwind process of shifting control of the HOA from the developer to the homeowners comes from personal experience when Lenker shifted control to the homeowners on our street. It was swift and there was very little guidance. There was no fear of mafia being in the neighborhood, but they sold enough houses in Phase 3 to satisfy the covenants, which were totally tilted for maximum control by the developer, but offered very little in the way of firm footing for an actual HOA. This led to a number of chippy incidents as the new HOA board tried to enforce use restrictions and by-laws that Lenker had just ignored because it didn't hurt his ability to sell houses.

-Jacob Ferraro was actually an afterthought that took flight after I used him in the start-of-Day-1 post. Ferraro was a surname that didn't make the cut for inclusion in the game. It was going to just be a one-off and I was going to have each post touch on one of the role characters in the game. For some reason I decided against that. I ran with Ferraro as far as I could without being break-down-the-door blatantly obvious, so I switched back to Anthony Testa to signify that the game was at a critical juncture.

-Marmot being killed Night 1 actually helped the game end a day sooner. Had the one-shot vig not used the kill, it would have required 7 people get evicted in order for the game to cross the point of no return.
by G-Man
Thu Mar 11, 2021 11:18 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: Mafia (GAME OVER)
Replies: 1196
Views: 27521

Re: Mafia (DAY 6)

I think that lack of participation held this game back from making the truth more apparent. Grogu never used his bodyguard role. Posion failed to use her tracking power nights 2, 4, and 5. I put a watcher, a tracker, a bodyguard, a doctor, a blocker, and a copycat all in the same game. I saw plenty of opportunities for powers to intersect and start to confirm more and more players as civvie. Due to only about half of the powers being used on any given night, that intersection never really flourished.

As far as criticism goes, I'm going to bite my tongue on a few comments that I thought went too far. I pulled this stunt, and it's well outside the norm even for me. I think criticism is warranted. If the admins feel that this sort of thing crosses any red lines and some form of punishment is necessary to make an example of it/me in order to discourage this kind of thing from being done again/more often, then I won't object.

In my mind, this was every bit as mentally and emotionally exhausting for me as it was for many of you. It was a rollercoaster ride of ups and downs. When a few of you mentioned the idea, I was pumping my fist like a father who watches his kid score their first goal/touchdown/whatever. When you turned away from the answers, I had to fight the urge to make the flavor blatantly obvious. I wanted you to get there yourself, but boy was I tempted to give you a few extra nudges. When words came out trashing the notion of what the game really was, I internalized it and it sucked quite a bit.

Every game, I care about every single one of my players. I have a pretty extensive history with some of the folks who played this game, so the talk of disappointment and wasted time hits me hard, justified as it may be.

I knew this would be a tough process for @JaggedJimmyJay. His methodical approach to the game cuts out most flights of fancy and gets down to brass tacks. I'm sorry that brass tacks were in short supply this game.

Seeing the supposedly-retired @Epignosis join in gave me pause. I know how busy his life is, and I was very mindful each day of how much effort he was sinking into a smoke-and-mirror show.

I think most of all, I felt the worst for @fingersplints because this was her first game in several years. I hope that she views it more as a scrimmage to help her shake off any rust than me being a troll.

@Enrique- kudos to you to seeing the light and embracing it. You didn't waver on it once it made sense to you. I built too much of an uphill battle for you it seems.
by G-Man
Thu Mar 11, 2021 10:46 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: Mafia (GAME OVER)
Replies: 1196
Views: 27521

Re: Mafia (DAY 6)

Alison wrote: Thu Mar 11, 2021 10:42 pm
Enrique wrote: Thu Mar 11, 2021 10:36 pm It didn't come out of nowhere. G-Man left hints, and not just in the flavor but especially in the set-up. It was winnable. It wasn't that bad.
I don't read flavor.

Flavor being relevant to in-game mechanics is also bastard.
Flavor (and by extension, theme) is the very reason I host. I don't host mafia games just to assemble a bunch of weird roles for the sake of assembling a bunch of weird roles. I host mafia in order to tell a story. Mafia is my mistress, but it is also my only creative outlet at this time.
by G-Man
Thu Mar 11, 2021 10:39 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: Mafia (GAME OVER)
Replies: 1196
Views: 27521

Re: Mafia (DAY 6)

While much of this setup is hardly original, it first came to me as an interesting idea about two years ago. At first I dismissed it and set it aside, but then I witnessed and played a game or two in which the civvies just brutally savaged each other while the baddies sat back and let them do most of the work. People just couldn’t see past their own biases and preconceived notions of how mafia is solved. It bugged me enough to revisit the idea.

Around that same time, 'no lynch' options were appearing in a few game polls, and that stood out to me as the way to make this whole system actually work, rather than just let civvies off each other one at a time until only one or two remain. Stringing things along for that length of time would be cruel. The Racket format also jumped out at me as a way to lessen the blow of the ruse. By making the game fast and limit posts, I saw an opportunity for players to engage at a minimal level, hopefully reducing the amount of time 'wasted' by taking part.

The point was never to put certain, mechanically-focused mafia players in their place. That’s a form of nastiness that isn't normally in my nature. We're all stubborn in our own ways anyway. Rather, the point was (and is) to see how much evidence it requires in order for a group of people to look past the assumption that there is a mafia faction and vote against their instincts. In this case, it required more time than the civvies had before crossing the point of no return.

I told my wife at the very beginning of this game that I could very well get in trouble for this one. In its most base form, this kind of setup is little more than a dirty trick for the host's amusement- a "troll game" as JaggedyJimmyJay referred to the possibility on more than one occasion. I hope you can believe me when I say that this was not intended to be, nor ever was a "troll game" for me. I included numerous hints in the flavor posts that pointed toward the truth of the matter. I wanted you guys to see it, factor the flavor in with the ever-growing list of potent civvie roles, and push past the normal bounds of game thought.

Despite what some of you have said, you were never playing against me. I am the host- I cannot win anything as the host. I was always on your side. I wanted this game/experiment/whateveritevenis to be a success. The first two days were amusing to watch, for sure, as you all got situated and subsequently bounced around, but I was always cheering for you all to figure it out. Days 3 and 4 I was like the goblins at the beginning of Labyrinth- leaning in, wondering if it was all going to click.

By Day 5, things turned, and it was much more uncomfortable to watch play out. Things got testy, and the mood grew bleaker and harsher than I had hoped for. For a game designed for low content, it was a real mental struggle to watch long stretches go by with no activity. I could tell that I had created a game that ceased to be fun or even interesting to some of you. I won't lie, it stung a little, because I pride myself on creating games that are wild and confusing, but also fun. It wasn't the first game where I ceased to have fun hosting it, and I'm sure it won't be the last.

To be continued...
by G-Man
Thu Mar 11, 2021 10:23 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: Mafia (GAME OVER)
Replies: 1196
Views: 27521

Re: Mafia (DAY 6)

JaggedJimmyJay wrote: Thu Mar 11, 2021 10:19 pm This is, to be clear, the epitome of a bastard game. So if folks are upset I don’t blame them either. There was a time when I’d have been pissed.

I’m getting too old for this.
Remember that time recently on Discord when I told you that I only ever created one game that I would readily consider 'bastard'? You signed up for it.

I have much more to say about this whole thing. I hope you will read it as I am able to post it and take it in stride.
by G-Man
Thu Mar 11, 2021 10:18 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: Mafia (GAME OVER)
Replies: 1196
Views: 27521

Re: Mafia (DAY 6)


Alison / chardonnay:
You are LUCA FONTANA, a civvie. You were recently forced into retirement from the police force for a few too many instances of bad paperwork. You're sure of your instincts, even if they aren't the best. Each night you can check one player of your choice to see if they are mafia. You have a 50% chance of the result being correct.

You are ROBERT VITALE, a civvie. You are such a kind neighbor that an elderly homeowner in Piano Estates has asked you to be their proxy vote any time the need arises. As such, your vote is worth two each day.

You are FRANK CALABRESE, a civvie. You are the neighborhood handyman and a jack of all trades. You have three one-shot abilities- a block, a protect, and vote strip. Each night, you may choose to use one of these one-shot powers until all three have been used up.

You are SYLVIA PUGLIESE, a civvie. You are the neighborhood hottie capable of stopping traffic. Each night you use your good looks to stop any player of your choice in their tracks, blocking them from using their power for the night.

You are VIC MAGAZINO, a civvie. You are a bodyguard. Each night you may select one player to protect. All powers used on that player during the night will hit you instead.

You are MICHAEL GAGLIARDI, a civvie. You are the cowardly neighbor in Piano Estates. As such, you will pick one person each night to hide behind. The first power submitted against you hit them instead. If a second (or third, fourth, etc) power targets you on the same night, it will hit you.

KZA / reywaS:
You are PHILLIP RICCI, a civvie. You are the newly appointed president of the Piano Estates Homeowners Association. You have the ability to halt one eviction from taking place. To do so, you must PM the host before the eviction vote deadline. You may not submit a conditional request that is contingent upon a certain player being the poll leader. Your decision must be a full-on committment to stop the eviction no matter who is leading in the poll.

Long Con:
You are MARTIN DELUCA, a civvie. You are an up-and-comer who is trying to fit in. As such, you tend to be a copycat of everyone else around you in order to fit in. Each day phase, you may select one player whose power you would like to copy. After the eviction post, you will be told what power you have copied and you may use it on any other player you like that night only.

You are VINCE GAROFALO, a civvie. You are newly retired and bored out of your mind. As such, you have taken up people-watching. Each night, you can watch any player of your choice, thereby learning the names of any players targeting them that night.

You are ANTHONY TESTA, a civvie. You are a successful doctor, and you can use your skills to protect one player each night. Your protection will shield your target from any other powers targetting them that night.

You are SOFIA MANCINI, a civvie. You've listened to too many true-crime and cold-case podcasts and now think you know enough to be an amateur sleuth. Each night, you can track one player of your choice and learn the name of any player they used a power on that night.

You are DOMINIC MARASCO, a civvie. You don't want any trouble in the neighborhood, so you take it upon yourself to patrol the neighborhood from time to time while armed. You are a one-shot civvie-aligned vigilante. You must use your one-shot power on or before Night 3 o else you will be rendered vanilla.
by G-Man
Thu Mar 11, 2021 10:09 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: Mafia (GAME OVER)
Replies: 1196
Views: 27521

Re: Mafia (DAY 5)

There Goes the Neighborhood

The Piano Estates HOA board had finally backed themselves into a corner. They filed yet another lawsuit against a homeowner for ignoring the mandate to put their house for sale. Nobody thought the eviction clause had any real teeth. Suing was the only way to prove that it did.

Everyone currently engaged in legal action with the HOA had waited to be sued. This fact was not lost on the HOA's attorney on retainer. He was sweating bullets after reviewing any and all possible related cases. The outlook was grim, yet the HOA board persisted. They felt bound to uphold what they believed to be the only course of action available to them. Inaction was invalid in their minds.

At the beckoning of Flamini, there was yet again an eviction vote. With so few homeowners remaining with voting rights, the votes were getting narrower and narrower. Robert Vitale was the latest victim to the Lenker brothers' cockamamie eviction clause.

A few days later, each of the board members were surprised to be served on their front porches with papers. At long last, they were the ones being sued.

Each of them read the documents in bewilderment. With the latest eviction vote, Piano Estates officially had more homeowners under mandatory eviction status than there were members in good standing. The board had essentially rendered themselves invalid, as quorum could no longer be reached per the covenants.

Not only that, but each homeowner under mandatory eviction orders had banded together to form a class action lawsuit against the HOA as an entity engaging in illegal practices and erroneous lawsuits against members, as well as against the board members as individuals for failing to perform their duty to look out for and act in the best interest of the HOA and its members by ignoring a legally dubious clause in the covenants that likely held no legal standing whatsoever.

The circular firing squad of lawsuits ruined a few people financially, but it also ruined the spirit of Piano Estates. The Lenker brothers really had believed that their fellow developer was telling the truth when he told them about the rumors of organized crime members moving into their neighborhood. Too bad the Lenkers, as developers themselves, were blind to the fact that developers are almost universally full of shit and not to be trusted.

The HOA board and members lost sight of this simple truth as well, and it cost many of them dearly. Property values declined, relationships soured, and Piano Estates earned a reputation for being a difficult place to live.

When the bad guys exist only in your head, everybody loses.


Enrique has been evicted. He was:
ROBERT VITALE, a civvie. You are such a kind neighbor that an elderly homeowner in Piano Estates has asked you to be their proxy vote any time the need arises. As such, your vote is worth two each day.

The game has ended.

Nobody has won.

The entire game was built around one premise: If the 'No Eviction' option wins the poll in any phase before the number of evicted players outnumbers the number of players remaining in the game, everyone wins.

@Long Con
by G-Man
Thu Mar 11, 2021 4:09 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: Mafia (GAME OVER)
Replies: 1196
Views: 27521

Re: Mafia (DAY 6)

Because it has been asked of me a second time, I will clarify a matter pertaining to win conditions:

From a narrative perspective, a dead player will not share in victory. As far as earning win credit on the master spreadsheet, both dead players and evicted players are eligible.
by G-Man
Wed Mar 10, 2021 10:08 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: Mafia (GAME OVER)
Replies: 1196
Views: 27521

Re: Mafia (NIGHT 5)

Come and Get It

Anthony Testa woke up in a pleasantly defiant mood. It was now two weeks past his 30-day requirement to list his house for sale.

A week after this ridiculous deadline, he received a letter in the mail from the HOA. It warned that failure to willingly list his property for sale as a result of the eviction clause, as stated in the Piano Estates covenants, will result in legal action taken against the homeowner to force the sale of said property. Anthony Testa’s lawyer really liked that last part.

The letter also gave a final ultimatum- seven days to produce proof of the home being listed, or else the legal action would commence. Anthony’s lawyer liked that part as well. That seven-day period was over yesterday, so all he had to do now was wait.

His lawyer said that two possibilities existed. The HOA could blink in this game of litigious chicken and do nothing, or they could follow through on the threat of a lawsuit. Both were wins as far as the lawyer was concerned. If the HOA blinked, then nobody else would have to worry about doing a darn thing. If the HOA sued, then Anthony would be the defendant against the forced implementation of the clause, rather than the plaintiff fighting against the clause itself.

It didn’t quite seem like checkmate, but it was as close as Anthony could get to it for now.

He looked out his window and saw one of the board members walking by on a morning stroll.

“Your move, neighbor,” he chuckled to himself.


It is now Day 6.

It will last for 24 hours.

Nobody violated their post limits on Night 5.

The game can be lost this day.
by G-Man
Tue Mar 09, 2021 10:37 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: Mafia (GAME OVER)
Replies: 1196
Views: 27521

Re: Mafia (DAY 5)

Shot Across the Bow

"Watch it, Ferraro, or you'll be next."

That comment stuck with Jacob all the way home and all the way through the contents of a bottle of finely-aged bourbon.

He had pulled what most considered a stunt- trying to get homeowners to vote with him for no eviction. It wouldn't solve the problem of ferreting out the nefarious, so his efforts were met with contempt from both sides. Finally- something Phase 1 and Phase 3 could agree on!

Normally, he would have dismissed such a petulant threat. These days though? He had no reason to underestimate anyone anymore.

Jacob was left with difficult decision: should he start looking for a realtor to sell his house to escape this hot mess, or should he start looking for a lawyer to defend him against eviction?

In the end, he dismissed the binary choice altogether and ordered more bourbon online instead.


Scirrus has been evicted. He was:
DOMINIC MARASCO, a civvie. You don't want any trouble in the neighborhood, so you take it upon yourself to patrol the neighborhood from time to time while armed. You are a one-shot civvie-aligned vigilante. You must use your one-shot power on or before Night 3 or else you will be rendered vanilla.

It is now Night 5.

Day 6 will begin at approximately 9:00 p.m. EST tomorrow.

Please send in your role PMs in a timely manner.
by G-Man
Tue Mar 09, 2021 9:44 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: Mafia (GAME OVER)
Replies: 1196
Views: 27521

Re: Mafia (DAY 5)

FYI- I just got out of a Zoom meeting. It's time for dessert and putting the girls to bed. As such, the end-of-day post will be delayed by 15-30 minutes.
by G-Man
Mon Mar 08, 2021 10:11 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: Mafia (GAME OVER)
Replies: 1196
Views: 27521

Re: Mafia (DAY 5)

The Calm Before the Storm

While perusing his emails over his morning coffee, Jacob Ferraro fumed over yet another HOA meeting being announced in order to carry out the eviction vote process once more. It just wasn’t right.

Now that he was on the outside of the HOA board, he heard a little more of the neighborhood chatter. Some of it was rumors about why he quit. He didn’t care about that. What he did care about was the chatter about who in the neighborhood was preemptively seeking out lawyers for advice in case they were the next innocent victim of the process. Some who already had lawyers to challenge their evictions were now streamlining the process through sharing advice about the process and making recommendations.

As a lawyer himself, Jacob knew how this was likely to end. Too many evictions would lead to the dissolution of the HOA board. That would lead to receivership by way of a property management company. That, in turn, would lead to increased dues payments, especially if a PMC knew it was coming into a situation where it had to defend its members in court.

Yep, things were bound to get mighty expensive around Piano Estates if they weren’t careful. He put the meeting on his phone calendar, set a reminder for it, and got ready for work. He’d try to talk some sense into people once again, but he had his doubts that reason would prevail.


It is now Day 5.

It will last for 24 hours.

Nobody violated their post limits on Night 4.
by G-Man
Sun Mar 07, 2021 10:15 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: Mafia (GAME OVER)
Replies: 1196
Views: 27521

Re: Mafia (DAY 4)

Giving Up the Ghost

Jacob Ferraro made it to the meeting on time this go around. In fact, he showed up early so he could hand the other HOA board members a copy of his resignation letter. He did not want to be part of overseeing yet another mistake.

Phase 1 homeowners took their usual place- up front and on the left. They liked to sit as close to the board members’ table as possible. It helped them overhear most of the whispering that went on. The Phase 3 contingent assembled on the right-hand side of the room. Doing so ensured that they could block the exit until they felt sufficiently heard.

Caught in the middle of all this were the Phase 2 folk. They were getting pushed around and coerced from both sides inside the room and on a daily basis. Some of them just wanted to live their lives and be rid of this whole mess. Jacob Ferraro, now officially relieved of officer duty counted himself among this subset.

Other Phase 2 homeowners were a little more ambitious. They realized that, as Phases 1 and 3 continued with their civil war, their voting numbers were dwindling. There would soon come a time when the bullying of Phase 2 for their votes would turn into begging them for their votes. Flamini was part of this weaselly faction. Who knows what that rat fink would try to extort from others in exchange for his vote?

In the end, despite Jacob’s protestations and calls for reason, the votes were cast and counted. Another homeowner would be evicted. The usual high-fiving ensued on one side, while the standard-issue gnashing of teeth occurred on the other.

Jacob pushed his way past an otherwise imposing Phase 3 goon and headed for the parking lot. He planned on drinking away the memory of this nonsense for at least one night.


Grogu has been evicted. He was:
VIC MAGAZINO, a civvie. You are a bodyguard. Each night you may select one player to protect. All powers used on that player during the night will hit you instead.

It is now Night 4.

Day 5 will begin at approximately 9:00 p.m. EST tomorrow.

Please send in your role PMs in a timely manner.
by G-Man
Sat Mar 06, 2021 10:05 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: Mafia (GAME OVER)
Replies: 1196
Views: 27521

Re: Mafia (NIGHT 3)

More of the Same

Jacob Ferraro hung his head low while talking on the phone. He didn’t like what he was hearing.

“Dave, look,” he said. “You and Phil know people better than I do. I’m still on the newer side here and I’m always working late. You guys have connections in the neighborhood and you need to start working them.”

He paused while the other person spoke into his ear.

“I don’t want to wade into this Phase 1 versus Phase 3 pissing contest either, but you guys have to start talking reason into these people.”

Another short pause.

“Yeah, well, maybe it’s time we said ‘to hell with page 37 of the covenants.’”

The shortest of pauses.

“Because it has no legal standing, Dave! That’s why.”

Jacob started pacing as the man on the other end of the phone rattled on.

“If we keep doing this, we’re going to get sued by a lot of people. I would much rather get sued by someone for not executing a clause that has no legal standing than being sued by someone for enforcing it.”

He put his free hand to his forehead as he listened.

“Right. We’re already too deep in this to get out cleanly. We were board members when this mess started and we helped execute the first few. Ignorance to the law and all that. Look, I gotta get to work. Just try to calm some folks down if you can, okay? Thanks.”


It is now Day 4.

It will last for 24 hours.

Nobody violated their post limits on Night 3.
by G-Man
Fri Mar 05, 2021 10:49 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: Mafia (GAME OVER)
Replies: 1196
Views: 27521

Re: Mafia (DAY 3)

Of Privity and Proxy

Jacob Ferraro sprinted into the township building. He had to warn everyone that his colleagues, after extensive research into the obscure curiosity, had found no legal standing for the Lenker brothers' eviction clause. One such clause had been executed once in another state, but it was overruled in state superior court and never appealed. Piano Estates was standing on litigious quicksand. If only he could stop them before seeing through another vote.

But alas- by the time he made it into the meeting room, the Phase 1 and Phase 3 cliques were shouting back and forth over the matter of a decisive proxy vote. One side thought it was utter bullshit, while the other was content to defend it. After all, it benefitted their side this time.


Alison has been evicted. She was:
LUCA FONTANA, a civvie. You were recently forced into retirement from the police force for a few too many instances of bad paperwork. You're sure of your instincts, even if they aren't the best. Each night you can check one player of your choice to see if they are mafia. You have a 50% chance of the result being correct.

It is now Night 3.

Day 4 will begin at approximately 9:00 p.m. EST tomorrow.

Please send in your role PMs in a timely manner.
by G-Man
Fri Mar 05, 2021 1:36 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: Mafia (GAME OVER)
Replies: 1196
Views: 27521

Re: Mafia (DAY 3)

As of this post, @KZA is replacing reywaS. KZA will be allowed to vote in today’s poll. If you want to vote for KZA, vote for reywaS in the poll.
by G-Man
Thu Mar 04, 2021 10:31 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: Mafia (GAME OVER)
Replies: 1196
Views: 27521

Re: Mafia (NIGHT 2)

That's More Like It

Jacob Ferraro smiled as he drank his morning coffee. For the first time in days, he slept through the whole night.

No phone calls; no texts; nobody getting shot in their front yard. Just a peaceful night for all.

He felt good about this day. Perhaps this would be the day when reason prevailed, neighbors could get back to being neighbors, and all this drama could be put to rest.



It is now Day 3.

It will last for 24 hours.

Nobody violated their post limits on Night 2.
by G-Man
Wed Mar 03, 2021 10:16 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: Mafia (GAME OVER)
Replies: 1196
Views: 27521

Re: Mafia (DAY 2)

The Vindictive and the Evicted

Ten days after the Testas received their eviction notice, the Phase 3 crowd banded together and struck back. Rather than evict Flamini- the jackwagon that called for the first vote, they rallied around evicting someone from Phase 1. ‘Those snobs think they’re better than everyone else because they were the first buyers- they think they own the place’ was the going rationale.

So, of course, their actions did nothing but make matters worse. Paranoia deepened, anxiety intensified, and there was much talk of hiring lawyers. And for what, really? If mutual hatred of the Lenker brothers had been the Band-Aid that held the neighborhood together, it had been ripped off in disastrous fashion.

Jacob Ferraro nearly got slugged by Martin DeLuca when he told him that the eviction vote settled on him. Instead of reloading for another swing, the man just shrugged his shoulders and walked back inside his house. It just wasn’t worth the effort.


Long Con has been evicted. He was:

MARTIN DELUCA, a civvie. You are an up-and-comer who is trying to fit in. As such, you tend to be a copycat of everyone else around you in order to fit in. Each day phase, you may select one player whose power you would like to copy. After the eviction post, you will be told what power you have copied and you may use it on any other player you like that night only.

It is now Night 2.

Day 3 will start at approximately 9:00 p.m. EST tomorrow.

Please send your role PMs to me in a timely manner.
by G-Man
Wed Mar 03, 2021 10:10 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: Mafia (GAME OVER)
Replies: 1196
Views: 27521

Re: Mafia (DAY 2)

I am locking the thread to capture vote counts and format the post. Sit tight!
by G-Man
Wed Mar 03, 2021 6:25 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: Mafia (GAME OVER)
Replies: 1196
Views: 27521

Re: Mafia (DAY 2)

Grogu wrote: Wed Mar 03, 2021 5:13 pm How can we see the vote count for the past day? I saw nak was eliminated but I cannot see his voters.

There is a section on the first post of the game thread for eviction poll screenshots.
by G-Man
Wed Mar 03, 2021 12:30 am
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: Mafia (GAME OVER)
Replies: 1196
Views: 27521

Re: Mafia (DAY 2)

One more answer to a question that's worth sharing (and adding to my OP content):

Unless otherwise specified in communication from the host, my personal philosophy is that individual players and factions may choose to abstain from using personal and/or factional power actions during the course of a game.
by G-Man
Tue Mar 02, 2021 10:28 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: Mafia (GAME OVER)
Replies: 1196
Views: 27521

Re: Mafia (DAY 2)

A hosting philosophy question has been asked of me that warrants being shared with the full game thread.

Individual role powers must always be submitted by the individual player holding the role. Teammates (civvie, baddie, and indy) may not submit a teammate's individual role power on their behalf.
by G-Man
Tue Mar 02, 2021 10:09 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: Mafia (GAME OVER)
Replies: 1196
Views: 27521

Re: Mafia (NIGHT 1)

When the Moon Hits Your Eye Like a Magnum .45

As the sun rose over Piano Estates, Jacob Ferraro sat at his dining room table, shaking. He held his hands in his head as he did his best to avoid hyperventilating. It wasn’t working too well. Just two hours earlier he had woken to the sound of a gunshot tearing through the quite night.

As he would relay to the police several times over the next few days, his instincts took him down the stairs and out the front door before he was even truly half-awake. In his peripheral vision, he saw someone running up the sidewalk toward Phase 2 before cutting between two houses. Turning back to where the blast had come from, he saw his neighbor sprawled out on his front walk.

The guy was a bit of an odd creature, going for a morning run before any sensible person would even argue to call it morning. Jacob couldn’t tell if he was just starting his run or just ending it. When you’re shot in the neck, blood has a nasty tendency of getting everywhere, so Jacob couldn’t tell if the guy was sweaty from a run or not. All he could see and smell was blood.

Jacob recoiled in terror when his neighbor gasped for air. Jacob rolled him on his side to prevent him from choking on his own blood. It was too late to save his life, but Jacob held the man’s hand until it went limp and lifeless.

In just a matter of days, neighbors had turned on each other. Now bloodshed. None of it made any sense, so Jacob just sat there- shaking and trying to breathe.


Marmot is dead. He was:

VINCE GAROFALO, a civvie. You are newly retired and bored out of your mind. As such, you have taken up people-watching. Each night, you can watch any player of your choice, thereby learning the names of any players targeting them that night.

It is now Day 2.

It will last 24 hours.

Nobody violated their post limits on Night 1. Well done!
by G-Man
Tue Mar 02, 2021 10:00 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: Mafia (GAME OVER)
Replies: 1196
Views: 27521

Re: Mafia (NIGHT 1)

I am locking the thread momentarily to capture post counts and to format the night post. Sit tight...
by G-Man
Tue Mar 02, 2021 8:29 am
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: Mafia (GAME OVER)
Replies: 1196
Views: 27521

Re: Mafia (NIGHT 1)

Alison is replacing chardonnay effective immediately.
by G-Man
Mon Mar 01, 2021 10:59 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: Mafia (GAME OVER)
Replies: 1196
Views: 27521

Re: Mafia (NIGHT 1)

Well this is awkward-

I am in need of a replacement player, but I cannot see who voted 'maybe' in the sign-up thread. If any of you spectators were my maybes and/or you'd like to join the fray, please PM me pronto!
by G-Man
Mon Mar 01, 2021 10:16 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: Mafia (GAME OVER)
Replies: 1196
Views: 27521

Re: Mafia (NIGHT 1)

Good news! Nobody violated the Day 1 post limit.

Your post counts have been reset. You may all make no more than 30 posts during the night phase.
by G-Man
Mon Mar 01, 2021 10:12 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: Mafia (GAME OVER)
Replies: 1196
Views: 27521

Re: Mafia (DAY 1)

It was only a matter of days before the word got out about the Lenker brothers’ revelation and the eviction clause. Piano Estates swiftly devolved into a pit of eavesdropping and ill will.

To the surprise of no one, David Flamini and his superiority complex called for an eviction vote. The HOA board held an emergency executive meeting. They discussed and debated the merits of allowing such a vote, but they relented in the end. If they didn’t hold an eviction vote, then they could each be sued individually for not faithfully executing the covenants they were sworn to uphold.

When the votes came in, it wasn’t all that surprising. Most people in Phase 1 voted for someone living in Phase 2 or 3. Both Phase 2 and Phase 3 residents voted in a similar manner. Then there was that one atheist oddball who cast a vote for ‘Pope Francis and his illegitimate sky god.’ The board would have a talk with him later.

Jacob Ferraro had the awkward responsibility of notifying Anthony Testa that he had received the most eviction votes and was thereby required to put his house on the market within 30 days. Anthony followed suit by notifying Jacob that the board would be hearing from his attorney. And he was rich enough to have a really good one.


Nanook has been evicted from Piano Estates. He was:
ANTHONY TESTA, a civvie. You are a successful doctor, and you can use your skills to protect one player each night. Your protection will shield your target from any other powers targeting them that night.
It is now Night 1.

Day 2 will begin at approximately 9:00 p.m. EST tomorrow night.

Please submit your power use PMs to me in a timely manner.
by G-Man
Mon Mar 01, 2021 10:03 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: Mafia (GAME OVER)
Replies: 1196
Views: 27521

Re: Mafia (DAY 1)

The thread is locked. Please sit tight.
by G-Man
Mon Mar 01, 2021 9:36 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: Mafia (GAME OVER)
Replies: 1196
Views: 27521

Re: Mafia (DAY 1)

Just a reminder that the thread will lock briefly after the poll closes so I can check post counts and format the Day 1 post.
by G-Man
Mon Mar 01, 2021 6:16 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: Mafia (GAME OVER)
Replies: 1196
Views: 27521

Re: Mafia (DAY 1)

Now who was the dummy that gave you folks a 25-hour day? Oh, right, that was me. :blush:

The eviction poll deadline has been corrected. Day 1 ends in a little under four hours.
by G-Man
Sun Feb 28, 2021 10:02 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: Mafia (GAME OVER)
Replies: 1196
Views: 27521

Re: Mafia (DAY 1)


Jacob Ferraro stretched in is chair and yawned. He took a sip of coffee and picked up his phone. Glancing down through the Piano Estates member directory made him chuckle.

He didn’t want to believe that any of his neighbors might be involved in organized crime, but the last names didn’t rule anything out. DiNunzio, DeSantis, Russo, Conte, Rinaldi- hell, the annual block party might as well be Italian night.

He found the name he was looking for and dialed the number.

“Hello, Phil?” he said. “Hi, this is Jake Ferraro. How are you this morning? Good. Good. So I went through covenants like Lenker said. You did too? Great. So, page 37…”

Jake let out a much-needed laugh.

“Yes, it’s just like those two jackasses to put something like that in there, I know. Look, I’ve never heard of an eviction clause before, so I’m going to run it by a few of the partners at the law firm I work at.”

He nodded as the man on the other end of the phone spoke.

“That’s right, Phil. Unless one of the partners says otherwise, that’s how I interpret it as well- a plurality of voters present. It’s the damndest thing, Phil. I mean, not even requiring a majority? I can’t even imagine what the fallout would be if this came about.”

He took another sip of his coffee and looked out his window.

“Well, even though the other board members said they’d keep quiet about it, it’s a safe bet that word’s going to get around. You know Flamini can’t keep his mouth shut and neither can his wife and kids.”

He paused and took a deep breath as Phil asked him another question.

“Do I think anyone would be ballsy enough to call for an eviction vote? Ordinarily I’d be inclined to say no, but after all the fireworks last night, there probably are a few hotheads in the neighborhood who might go that far. Yep, and if they do, we’ll be bound by the damn covenant to go through with it.”

He nodded his head as the man on the other end of the phone said something.

“I don’t like it either but this is what we’re stuck with. Who knew being a part of a homeowners association could be such a mess! I have to get into the office here shortly. I’ll let you know what I can find out. Take care, Phil.”



It will last 24 hours.

Remember that you are responsible for tracking your own post counts through each phase. Violators will be punished.
by G-Man
Sun Feb 28, 2021 9:51 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: Mafia (GAME OVER)
Replies: 1196
Views: 27521

Re: Mafia (DAY 0)

The thread will be locked momentarily so I can track your post counts and get the Day 1 opener formatted.

Stay tuned...
by G-Man
Sat Feb 27, 2021 11:26 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: Mafia (GAME OVER)
Replies: 1196
Views: 27521

Re: Mafia (DAY 0)

@Long Con

Sorry for the delayed start you guys. My in-laws came over and wouldn't take any number of hints as the evening drew on.
by G-Man
Sat Feb 27, 2021 11:07 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: Mafia (GAME OVER)
Replies: 1196
Views: 27521

Re: Mafia

Hell On eArth

The newly elected board members stormed down the hallway of the township building in pursuit of the Lenker brothers. The angry voices of their fellow homeowners echoed out the meeting room doors and down the hall.

The meeting had been a total shit show, which wasn’t too far from the norm for the Lenkers, but this was a new low. They came prepared to pull a fast one at light speed, and their lawyer certainly made that possible. It wouldn’t have surprised them if this was how they dealt with all of the neighborhoods they swindled into existence. The Lenkers’ lawyer knew all the tricks of parliamentary procedure and moved the transition of governance of Piano Estates over to the homeowners in exactly 17 minutes and 12 seconds.

The greedy property management representative, who they would later learn was a cousin of the Lenker boys, seemed to take glee in raising his price every time someone interjected during his three minutes. He priced himself out of the market quickly and also lit a fire under the homeowners to push through a half-assed election of officers that was both contentious and controversial. Nobody felt good about how things went down, and the new board was going to make sure the Lenkers knew that before they could slither off into the night for good.

“Just what in the hell was that you just pulled?” one of the board member yelled at the Lenkers as they climbed into the overcompensating oversized pickup trucks.

“A business transaction,” Corey Lenker replied from the safety of his truck.

“Our lawyer has copies of all the necessary documents for you,” Justin Lenker replied. “Maybe you should go back inside and start reading them.”

“Maybe I should drag you out of that truck and kick your ass right here in the parking lot, you beady-eyed piece of shit,” another board member shouted. To be fair, both Lenker brothers were indeed beady-eyed pieces of shit.

“Look,” Corey Lenker said, “we’re sorry about the abruptness of all this, but we have no choice. We want out and we’ve sold more than enough of the required homes in Phase 3 to execute our rights as developers.”

There was a curious look in Corey’s pale eyes. For the first time, the board members saw none of the usual calculation and scheming they were accustomed to. This was the look of raw fear.

“Why?” someone shouted. “Just tell us why so suddenly and help us understand.”

“I’ll tell you why,” Corey replied.

“Corey, don’t” Justin interjected.

“We’re out because it’s not safe for us anymore.”

“Corey, shut up,” Justin barked.

“What the hell does that mean?” asked someone else.

“We don’t need to be mixed up with the mob, okay?”

“God dammit Corey,” Justin screamed.

“The mob?” someone laughed. “Really?”

“Yeah,” Corey sneered. “Some of you assholes have connections that we want nothing to do with.”

“Who told you that?” another board member asked.

“Word gets around, Corey said. “Developers compete but we also talk to each other. Everybody has connections and we’ve got wind of some of the people we’ve sold to. We’re out, now good night.” He rolled his window up and started his truck.

“Oh now you shut your fat face,” Justin groaned.

Three of the board members stepped in front of Justin’s truck, just in case he was thinking of taking off suddenly. He could be the reasonable one, if you applied the right amount of pressure.

“And what are we supposed to do about this information?” someone asked him. “You know word will get around. People are going to panic and turn on each other.”

“I’ll offer you this,” Justin said. “Anyone buying a home with an HOA is bound to the covenants, by-laws, and use restrictions whether they read them or not. End of story.”

“What does that mean?”

“Go read your covenants and pay special attention to page 37. There’s a little something in there that might help you when you sort out who’s who. Good night folks and good luck.”

The board members stepped away, not satisfied but aware that the Lenkers would be of no more use to them this evening. Their trucks pulled away, growling with all the overpowered diesel fury that money could buy to cover up their insecurities.

“Now what?” someone asked.

“Let’s get reading.”





by G-Man
Sat Feb 27, 2021 11:07 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: Mafia (GAME OVER)
Replies: 1196
Views: 27521

Re: Mafia


1. All players are limited to 30 posts per phase (M+A+F+I+A = 13 + 1 + 6 + 9 + 1 = 30).
1A. At the end of each phase, the thread will be locked momentarily so the host can screenshot post counts.
1B. All players are responsible for monitoring their post limit for each phase. Exceeding 30 posts during a day phase will be punished by invalidating your role power the following night. Exceeding 30 posts during a night phase will be punished by invalidating your vote the following day.
2. Days are 24 hours long.
3. Nights are 24 hours long. Getting night PMs in to the host in a timely fashion helps to keep things moving.
4. Only those players who have BTSC may communicate with each other outside of the game thread but ONLY in designated BTSC threads or chat rooms. For everyone else, no game-related discussion is permitted outside the game thread.
5. Votes in the poll are the only votes that count. It's helpful but not mandatory that you declare your vote in the thread in a way that stands out to the host.
6. All votes are changeable all the way up to the deadline.
7. A tied day poll will result in no death. Votes matter. There will be no coin flips to determine poll results.
8. There is no hammer vote element in this game.
9. Dead is dead; you don't get to come back from that. Dead players will have their BTSC rights removed.
10. Roles will be revealed upon death.
11. Additional gameplay elements will be added/revealed on an as-needed basis.
12. I will probably end phases between 9:00 and 9:30 p.m. EST for this game. Any earlier is a challenge for me with getting the kids to bed.
13. Individual role powers must always be submitted by the individual player holding the role. Teammates (civvie, baddie, and indy) may not submit a teammate's individual role power on their behalf.
14. Unless otherwise specified in communication from the host, my personal philosophy is that individual players and factions may choose to abstain from using personal and/or factional power actions during the course of a game.

1) Respect your fellow players, your host, and your Facilitator.
1a) Don't be an asshat.
1b) Don't get butthurt.
2) If you feel like another player is out of line or making/taking things personal/ly, contact the Facilitator, Sloonei.
3) No BTSC regarding the game outside of the game thread(s). Players are told in their rolecard if they have BTSC. If you don't have it, don't engage in it. Violating this rule will result in a modkill.
4) No editing or deleting posts.
5) Self-voting is prohibited.
6) Double-targeting of any kind is prohibited.
7) Info-dumping and/or power-role-claiming is permitted. You may not, however, post your rolecard or any other host communication verbatim.
8) Off-topic posts should be in OT Green.
9) Dead players are to post in Dead Red.
10) Non-Players should post in Non-Player Blue.
11) This is the host's color. Do not post in this color.
12) Participation is polite to everyone involved. If I feel you may not be paying attention to the game, I will reach out to you. Replacements and modkills may be employed if necessary. If you sign up, please play. If you can't play, request replacement.
13) Additional rules will be added/revealed on an as-needed basis.
by G-Man
Sat Feb 27, 2021 11:07 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: Mafia (GAME OVER)
Replies: 1196
Views: 27521




KZA (replaced reywaS)

NANOOKTHEGREATANDFEARSOME- Anthony Testa, civvie doctor. (D1)
Marmot- Vince Garofalo, civvie watcher. (N1)
Long Con- Martin DeLuca, civvie copycat. (D2)
Alison (replaced chardonnay)- Luca Fontana, civvie insane cop. (D3)
Grogu- Vic Magazino, civvie bodyguard. (D4)
Scirrus- Dominic Marasco, civvie 1-shot vig. (D5)
Enrique- Robert Vitale, civvie double-voter. (D6)

G-Man (Host)
Sloonei (MoD)

The Letter- sign-ups open
Hell On eArth- Day 0 begins
Won't You Be My Neighbor?- Day 1 begins
F#@k Flamini- Day 1 ends; Nanook is evicted; he was Anthony Testa, civvie doctor.
When the Moon Hits Your Eye Like a Magnum .45- Night 1 ends; Marmot is killed; he was Vince Garofalo, civvie watcher.
The Vindictive and the Evicted- Day 2 ends; Long Con is evicted; he was Martin DeLuca, civvie copycat.
That's More Like It- Night 2 ends
Of Privity and Proxy- Day 3 ends; Alison is evicted; she was Luca Fontana, civvie insane cop.
More of the Same- Night 3 ends
Giving Up the Ghost- Day 4 ends; Grogu is evicted; he was Vic Magazino, civvie bodyguard.
The Calm Before the Storm- Night 4 ends
Shot Across the Bow- Day 5 ends; Scirrus is evicted; he was Dominic Marasco, civvie 1-shot vig.
Come and Get It- Night 5 ends
There Goes the Neighborhood- Day 6 ends; Enrique is evicted; he was Robert Vitale, civvie double-voter. The game ends with no winner.


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