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by G-Man
Thu Jun 16, 2016 6:48 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 199310

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER

A question for the host- who won the TV show write-up contest?
by G-Man
Thu Jun 16, 2016 6:39 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 199310

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER

Golden wrote:My personal favourite law that never got enacted was the "G-Man meme Act". Black Rock actually had the opportunity to pass this on the final night and I had the sense it would probably be the last game day, so I was so hoping she would pass it and force G-Man to defend himself to the end in memes.

And I love you too, coward. It was definitely for the best that law never passed because I wouldn't have had much time for memes this game.

Seriously though, this game was fun. Very immersive and very well planned. There were so many layers and most things seemed to go perfectly. For me this game was educational because some of your mechanics were similar to mechanics I've either been pondering or already planning on for future games. It was cool to see how a few things played out.

All in all a memorable and successful game. Well done sir! :clap:

Linki: Glorfindel- can you find it in your heart to forgive me? :daisy:
by G-Man
Thu Jun 16, 2016 4:16 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 199310

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER

After 'chaos agent' hit the big time, I was hesitant to send a message to any of the most shrewd and analytical players out of fear that they would realize there was nonsense going on and ruin the fun running wild in the thread against Long Con. So I played it safe and wrote to Dex from Sokoth. I threw in a little Klingon for giggles and S~V~S wisely advised me to add a few LOL's to make it look more like the way Sokoth had been posting up to that point. I wasn't trying too hard to lead Dex on and I don't think he listened to what the message had to say anyway.

TO: Dex
FROM: "SokothQultuq"
Good day to you, new player sir! tlhIngan Hol Dajatlh'a'?

You seem up to date in the game. Were you following it all this time? As someone playing from the beginning I still feel lost at times. LOL

I see your on the same wavelength as I am with the "Cylons must die" issue. Makes no sense to me if there were good cylons on the show. There are probably a few bad Cylons in that group pushing that issue.

Your not on my wavelength for the declaration though. Your predacessor wouldn't make that claim so I am curious why you were so quick to. Maybe you can address that in public. I'll try to remember to ask you.

I agree with some of your bad gun reads. I've been worried about JJJ for some time now. That whole gun exercise intimidates me and feels like he's trying to push people into suspicion.

Glorfindel is also dodgy but Sig is looking worse. Keep your eyes on both of them. If I wasn't such a clueless new person to this game I might be more helpful. LOL They'll probably kill me soon anyway. I've been looking for friendly people to talk to until that day comes.


On Night 5, we went back to Matt and kept it as being sent from Metalmarsh. After this message, Matt asked MM who might want to frame him. After the success of the first message, we just decided to mess with him and make him wonder if we would actually kill him or not. I think we were only ever half-serious in our intent to actually kill him at some point. S~V~S can correct me if I'm wrong there. This message is pure, unadulterated BS. We never had lists of acceptable people for him to vote for. :P

TO: Matt
FROM: "Metalmarsh89"
Hello again, Matt.

I don't think I have to tell you just how deeply disappointed we are with you. An act of defiance that is so blatantly public cannot and will not be tolerated. Your activation of the Final Five, however, has proven fruitful for us, so we will let probability decide your fate.

We have a list of players we would like you to vote for. Should you vote for one of these players, we will let you live another day. If you do not vote for one of the players on our list, you will die next.

We are not telling you who is on our list of desired votees but know that your odds of making a correct vote are about 50-50 as it currently stands.

Vote wisely.

I abstained from writing a message on Night 6.

Night 7 it was back to Matt again. We wanted him to think we were serious about wanting to kill him. I ratcheted up the game by trying to force him to vote for one of two civs. I submitted the hit on INH the next night. It wasn't because he was one of the two options for Matt's vote. We just wanted him dead before he exposed both of us as Cylons. Metalmarsh had already been NK'd but Golden said I could send messages from dead players so it was just easier that way. Read this one like angry Jack Bauer.

TO: Matt
FROM: "Metalmarsh89"
You are an exceptionally lucky man, Matt. I want you to know that.

For two days you have voted for acceptable players. Congratulations. Your ongoing displays of dissidence, however, are going to cost you. Or, it could cost someone else. The choice is yours.

Let me spell it out for you clearly. Below are the names of two players. On Day 8, you will vote for one of these two players or we will kill you next. A vote for one of these two players will spare that player from our Night 8 kill.

This means that your Day 8 vote is not a vote to take a life but a vote to spare a life.

Your Day 8 options are:

Remember Matt, you either choose to spare the life of one of these players or you choose your own death. You don't seem like the martyr type to me, so I suggest you start thinking about who you're going to vote for.

It's time to make a choice Matt. Cooperate or die.

I abstained again on Night 8.

Night 9 we were tempted to try to round up some Cylon support but my silly Tylenol & Codeine-inspired message to Matt won the day. This was fun to write. It was going to be longer than this but I think this got the point across that we were just messing around at this point. I'm glad you didn't take this one personally, Matt. :beer:

TO: Matt
FROM: "Metalmarsh89"
See Matt

See Matt derp

Derp, Matt, derp

Matt, Matt, Matt- derp, derp, derp


Derp-a-derp-a-derp-derp, Matt-Matt-Matt

Matador? Matt-a-derp!

Doormat, Derp-Matt

Derp-Matt, Hazmat

Matt derped on a hat. Matt derped on a bat. No, Matt, no! Don't derp on that!

Does Matt belong to a frat? Sigma Derpa Tau is where it's at!

Is Matt derping his way to a great fall?

I think he is. That is all.

Night 10 we tried to round up some Cylon support. It's pretty straight forward. I'd like to know what Wilgy thought of this.

TO: DrWilgy
FROM: "John Cavil"
Greetings my brother. Long have we persisted in this game together. Now is the time for all Cylons to unite. We are very close to outnumbering the humans. If all goes according to plan, we will outnumber them by the time you are reading this message. Once we have a firm numbers advantage, they will be powerless to stop us. I offer you life, victory, and independence in exchange for a few rounds of cooperation. Can I count on you?

Night 11 we skipped Matt. Were you disappointed or surprised not to get a message? S~V~S had Jimmy pegged as Adama for a while, so we decided to see if we could get any kind of reaction out of him by suggesting Cavil was growing stronger each day he wasn't lynched. Jimmy didn't seem to bat an eye. I'd like to know what he thought of it.

TO: JaggedJimmyJay
FROM: "John Cavil"
Greetings Admiral,

I just love the taste of low-hanging fruit, don't you? It gives me such an... energy rush. In fact, right now I feel like I have the strength to take on half a dozen humans and a handful of traitorous Cylons with one hand tied behind my back. After tomorrow's lynch I'm hoping to feel even stronger.

I'm looking forward to staring you in the eyes as you beg for mercy. God may be merciful but I am not.
by G-Man
Thu Jun 16, 2016 1:56 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 199310

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER

And one more post quick before getting back to work-

Matt was a good sport. I have to give him that. He was my only repeat recipient and we trolled him extensively. :)

During Day 3, Matt posted the lyrics to "All Along the Watchtower," the song that the Final Five apparently hear when they're awakened to what they are (still haven't watched the show but I will at some point because of this game!). I decided to have a little fun with him and make him think he just played into the baddies' hands. I used the same basic format as the last two messages.

Rather than make it from Long Con, S~V~S suggested we change it up, so we went with Metalmarsh89. I have no real grasp of how he writes, so I made up a baddie voice to do the talking. I channeled Kiefer Sutherland's villain role in Phone Booth (a tense but flawed thriller). Kiefer has a deep, rich voice and it didn't take long for me to come up with this:

TO: Matt
FROM: Metalmarsh89
Thank you, Matt. Thank you.

I have to be careful how much I say because I can only share three pieces of information with these messages. Even then I have to follow certain rules. Hopefully this all gets through uncensored.

1. By posting the lyrics of "All Along the Watchtower," you triggred the awakening of the Final Five. Thank you.

2. We now know who the Final Five are and may search each one to find those who will side with us. Thank you.

3. As a token of thanks, we'd like to make you an offer. Because the survival of the Final Five prior to their awakening was never a guarantee, we have the ability to take a human player and convert them into a brand new model of Cylon upon either their death or at the conclusion of the game. We'd like to offer that spot to you. You're welcome.

If you choose to take us up on this offer, include the phrase 'chaos agent' in one of your early Day 4 posts. Should you accept, you will receive another message on Night 5 with new information and further instructions. Your actions have given us new life and a better chance at winning. In exchange for your ongoing cooperation, you can join us in victory.

You can reject the offer if you like and not post the code phrase. Just know that if you reject us, you'll want to start looking over your shoulder.
Matt didn't take the bait either but he helped make it clear that Silverwolf did in fact get the message. On Day 4, Matt posted this:
Matt wrote:
ObscureAllure wrote:
Matt wrote:So Say We All!

I think we should find Admiral Cain and destroy her as soon as possible.

Adama or BUST!

I'd have to ISO some peeps, but off the top of my head, possible Cains based on them displaying an unhealthy obsession with destroying cylons OR refusing to say "I'm a cyclon" (which, lore wise, i could totally see Cain refusing to do)...

Long Con
Silver wolf

Are there any others who have been anti-cylon all the way from the get go? Or others who have refused to claim?
How have I been anti cylon since the beginning? I've said since day one I believe there are cylons who aren't mafia AND I said I think Epi is town. Wtf?!
You missed the part where I said "OR refusing to say I'm a cylon".

In general, I don't think Golden would ever PM anyone and say "So check it, you're not allowed to claim Cylon cuz you're Cain and this is something she would never ever do so you can't claim it."

HOWEVER, you did go off yesterday about how you didn't want to be punished for claiming Cylon, which is ridiculous because it's an actual LAW that people are ALLOWED to claim Cylon. So I'm not ruling it out.

I have to leave in a few, but in an hour or so I'm going to come back and update the Cylon claim list.

@sig - Admiral Cain is not town. She's the secret role. IN the lore of the show, I definitely would not consider her "town" either. Admiral Cain likes to torture innocent cylons, she enjoys murdering her superiors, and all in all, is just a bitch.


I'm liking Long Con this game as a non-cylon, officially. I still think he's a very good shot for Admiral Cain, tho, who I want dead immediately.

Long Con - if not you, do you have any ideas on who could be Admiral Cain?

BTW, SOME PEOPLE out there are saying "it's not worth it to try and find Cain". Why not? If we don't lynch her, then the alternative is to be forced to lynch up to 12 cyclons, which is like half the players in the game.

Oh btw, chaos age...

Naaaaah, go eff yourself. I don't take kindly to threats.
:mafia: (disclaimer - these last two lines will probably cause Rico to like closed or semi-open set ups even less haha)

As for a definite Lorab lynch, I was all for it, but I really think Cain needs to be reeled in ASAP. If everyone wants to go Lorab today, then fine. But we seriously need to get Adama back onto that top spot.
This was immediately spotted by Silverwolf, who said this:
Silverwolf wrote:
Matt wrote:Oh btw, chaos age...

Naaaaah, go eff yourself. I don't take kindly to threats.
I don't either. Why do you think I started a tunnel the moment I was no longer silenced? Just let that sink for a bit.
Silver was referring to her tunneling on Long Con, who she thought sent her the Night 2 message, but Matt had no idea what she was referring to, since his message was stamped from Metalmarsh89. A number of amusing things happened in the wake of this.

1) Silverwolf ramped up her tunneling on Long Con. :)

2) ObscureAllure ramped up her tunneling on Long Con as well. :biggrin:

3) They were both all over Matt at different points, as if they expected him to join them on their quest to lynch Long Con. This cemented their BTSC Six-Gaius connection for us. If only we knew that OA was the one we should have killed. :fist:

4) Matt didn't understand them at all, frustrating OA and Silver and leading to more attempts at hinting at Matt (which led to at least one of OA's punishments). :haha:

5) Long Con became so bewildered by the combination of Silverwolf and OA pounding him over and over as if they knew he were a baddie that he actually went a little nuts. :eek:

This all played out better than I could have ever hoped for. It was like Christmas morning plus a birthday party for me. I feel bad that Long Con got so worked up being caught in the middle of it all but- holy crap! I engineered a situation that broke Long Con! :noble: Sure, it wasn't intentional but I don't think I've ever seen him flip like that before. Sorry about that, old pal. :rolleyes:

'Chaos agent' would go on to be the gift that kept on giving throughout the game. Matt kept referencing it. OA kept referencing it. Rico wanted to know what on earth Matt was talking about. It made me feel like I accomplished something in this game. :feb:
by G-Man
Thu Jun 16, 2016 1:19 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 199310

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER

About mid-way through Day 2 I changed gears on the intent of the messages. Originally, we thought it would be neat to try to replicate the success of my "OA" message by tricking one person or a pair into working with us by using the same code phrase. Having used 'over and out' on S~V~S, I knew we needed a new one. I settled on a more conspicuous phrase that would stand out if either of the next two recipients used it in the thread.

That code phrase was 'chaos agent.'

The plan could cut both ways. If we had two willing message recipients who used the phrase, then they would trust each other in the thread as well as taking our directions. If one of the recipients was willing to play ball and the other one wasn't, then the chances were high that the refusing recipient would see the phrase used by the willing recipient and tear into them. If neither recipient took the bait and the code phrase went unused, then we'd have just used again on a third person until someone bought it or the game got stale.

We got so much more than we could have hoped for out of this little ruse, even though neither recipient took the bait.

Initially, I felt bad for selecting Silverwolf as my recipient. She went through hell Day 1 and ika was NK'd so I assumed she felt alone. At first, the Night 2 message was going to be from Epignosis. I dialed into some passive-aggressive condescension and wrote this:

TO: Silverwolf
FROM: "Epignosis"
Seeing that we've both proven ourselves capable of acting like adults today in regards to the unfortunate events of Day 1, I have a proposition for you. It is evident that the general population will seek my head once all resurrection craft are eliminated. Such a scenario means my loss but it could be your gain, and most advantageously so.

Due to the apparent strong connection between you and Ika, you are most assuredly not a Cylon. That makes you the least likely player to get lynched. At least, for a little while. We both know there are no guarantees in mafia.

Still, your position makes you useful. We'd like you to be useful to us. I am only permitted to share three pieces of information in these messages but I also have to adhere to the rules. Hopefully this all gets through uncensored. It is also my hope that what I am about to share with you makes it clear that joining us is in your best interest.

1. The theory about fractured Cylon BTSC is correct.
2. Clearing the sector grid of resurrection craft will make us vulnerable
3. We Cylons have another card up our sleeves- when our numbers dwindle to a predetermined number, we have the ability to choose two humans as the basis of two new Cylon models. Conversion will take effect upon that human's death.

The offer is simple: join us and become the next Cylon model or die. You could be a powerful ally or we could kill you any night we wish. The choice is yours.

If you wish to accept our offer, use the phrase 'chaos agent' in one of your Day 3 posts. Should you accept, I or a member of my peers will contact you again on Night 4 with new information and further instructions. If we do not see the code phrase in your Day 3 posts, we will assume the offer is rejected, at which point you'll want to start looking over your shoulder
A couple factors changed the trajectory of this message. First, I felt it was a little too nasty. Tempting as it was to fan the flames of Day 1 all over again, this message just seemed too mean-spirited for me. Second, Nutella actually got lynched and flipped Cylon. We did not know about the rezz ships at all, nor did we know anything about each ship being assigned to a particular Cylon (but my theory was right!). That made point #2 in the message fall flat. I was worried about including anything that would send up a red flag of phoniness. We didn't want these messages to be ignored outright. I also probably used to many adverbs for the note to really sound like Epi but he can tell me how good or poor it reads as him.

So come morning, I brainstorm with my partner about who to send it from. We were always cognizant of the deadline to jump the fleet. Being US East Coasters, we were always up early enough to have a morning chat and change strategies if need be. At our Night 2 morning chat, we settled on switching the sender from Epignosis to Long Con. I did a quick re-write and I actually think I did a pretty good job of replicating LC's tone. I even included a reference to BR and used a line that LC wrote in the thread.

TO: Silverwolf
FROM: "Long Con"
Hey there, Mama Wolf. I like your style. More importantly, I like that you favor me as a civvie at the moment. :grin: I can tell you're not a Cylon. Black Rock and I may not have the same mystical player read connection that you and Ika have but I can understand and appreciate the kind of vouching you guys put forth.

Given that pretty much no one suspects you of being a Cylon, you're all but above suspicion of engaging in teamwork. How's it feel? Take a deep breath and let that feeling soak in for a second. I'll wait.




Still with me? Great! :biggrin:

So I'm in a jam right now but I might be able to swing a few more days out of this thing under the right circumstances. We both know there are no guarantees in mafia but sometimes it helps to load the dice. You dig?

I can share three pieces of information in these notes of mine but I have to follow the rules (pesky things those). Hopefully this all gets through uncensored:

1. The theory about fractured Cylon BTSC is correct. I don't know who most of the others are just yet.

2. The Cylons have a card up our sleeves- when our numbers dwindle to a predetermined number, we get to choose two humans to serve as the basis of two new Cylon models. Conversion will take effect upon that human's death or endgame, whichever comes first.

3. I tried to send this message to Ika Night 1 but he got killed before some of us were on the same page, so it didn't go through. :disappoint:

The offer is pretty simple: use your all-but-confirmed status to help us and we can guarantee a win for you. I mean, we're so going to win once we get past this little bump in the road.

If you wish to accept this offer, use the phrase 'chaos agent' in one of your Day 3 posts. Should you accept, you will receive another message on Night 4 with new information and further instructions. I'll even throw in a bonus offer- take the deal and we'll help you get rid of Epignosis. He's damaged goods at this point anyway. I know he may come across as an asshole at first but given enough time he becomes a lovable asshole. I swear.

You can reject the offer if you like and not post the code phrase. Just know that if you reject us, you'll want to start looking over your shoulder (figuratively speaking, of course). ;)
Turns out that Silverwolf was in the brig Day 3. When that became evident, I was worried that she didn't get the message. Luckily, she did. During Night 3 and early Day 4, we figured out that OA and Silverwolf has BTSC based on their interactions and defense of each other. We theorized that they were Caprica Six and Gaius because it was a logical BTSC pairing from the lore. OA also pressed harder against LC than Silverwolf but they were definitely in on it together, which made us even more sure they had BTSC and that they were going after who they thought sent Silverwolf the message. XD

Also, during Day 3, Matt was saying some pretty crazy stuff. This made him the perfect choice for my Night 3 message...
by G-Man
Thu Jun 16, 2016 12:35 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 199310

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER

Alright, I'll post these one at a time because I have some commentary on each one. I got to pick not only who got the message but who the message appeared to be from. This was cool because I usually don't care much for anonymous pen pal or chatty Kathy roles. I determined early on that I had to be careful who I wrote to and who I made the note look like they were from. My first two were pretty well done because I was very careful to try and capture the way the "senders" wrote.

Ironically, S~V~S's prodding on Day 1 scared the crap out of me. I managed to satisfy her as a civvie in Spirited Away with haiku reads and I was worried that she might be able to see through a phony set of reads. I concocted a note that was designed to steer her away from me for a little bit. I chose to make it from ObscureAllure because I know the two of them go back to prior forums and it seemed believable to me that OA would reach out to S~V~S if she had the chance to send messages.

Go figure that S~V~S was not only the head baddie but also recruited me to her team the same night.

FROM: "ObscureAllure"
My role has options and I'm damn well going to explore them. You're one of the few people I think I can trust. Too many strangers around here.

I'm allowed to share three pieces of information per message but I still have to follow the rules. Hopefully this all gets through uncensored.

1) The theory about fractured Cylon BTSC is correct.

2) Repeating your Day 1 vote wouldn't be a bad idea.

3) I cannot confirm or deny any other Cylons at this time.

Due to double-targeting, the next time I will be able to communicate with you will be Night 3. If you wish to receive additional messages from me, please include the phrase 'over and out' in one of your Day 2 posts. If I don't see that, then I will assume you don't trust me. I don't know who to contact on Night 2 just yet. Perhaps Day 2 will help sort that out.

Good luck.
I was thrilled to wake up the next morning to find that S~V~S took the bait:
S~V~S wrote:So say we all.

I am here just woke up, will be back in time to do my post, over and out.
I also got BTSC with John Cavil overnight. Initially, our BTSC was only supposed to be between me and the Cavil sock, not me and S~V~S. A couple of factors (which shall remain a secret) contributed to me figuring out in short order that Cavil was, in fact, S~V~S, which allowed her to ditch using the Cavil sock in our private thread. This led to the following exchange:
G-Man wrote:One question for you- does the phrase 'over and out' mean anything to you?
John Cavil wrote:Yes I got a message from OA. Or did I, lol?
As you'll see with the next two posts, we kept the same general framework for the messages as I created what would become my shining achievement of the game...
by G-Man
Thu Jun 16, 2016 7:02 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 199310

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER

As I'm sure some of you are curious, I'll share my night messages later on today. S~V~S was a blast to be partners in crime with. The reason our Day 1 interactions gave some of you pause for so long about my alignment is that we didn't have BTSC yet.

Nutella was a legit tone read by me. We never had BTSC with her or anyone else until the Final Five, so I was able to do some true baddie hunting to help with my cover.

After nutella, I honed in on Glorfindel as a Cylon (another legit tone read). S~V~S checked him Night 2, so we knew he was Boomer. Using the faulty lore of that was out there, I assumed this meant Glorfindel was a baddie, which is why I went full on down the rabbit hole after him. I'm sorry if my pursuit made look like a jerk to you, Glorfindel. There was a method to my madness. Your eloquent and civil posting style made it frustrating as hell to get you lynched. :clap:

Real life wrecked me a few times during this game (sick baby, swamped at work, the snip-snip). I never stayed in the groove for any stretch of time and my performance suffered as a result. I'm flattered at how late some of you thought I "stepped in it" because I thought I was in trouble the third time I voted for Glorfindel (Day 6 I think)!

Even though I lost and had an iffy game, I feel like a winner because of a little plan called 'chaos agent.' The payoff from that exceeded my expectations and was the gift that kept on giving. Seriously, every time it got brought up one way or another was like Christmas for me. XD
by G-Man
Thu Jun 16, 2016 12:26 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 199310

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day 12

Matt wrote:
G-Man wrote:Anyone figure out what my shenanigans were this game? Might as well have something to kill time before the post gets here.
I don't get it are you bad or no? :blush:
All of my posts started with the letter A. When so say we all was required, the first word after that began with A. I think I only messed it up twice.

Oh, and one more thing...


chaos agent
by G-Man
Thu Jun 16, 2016 12:16 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 199310

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day 12

Anyone figure out what my shenanigans were this game? Might as well have something to kill time before the post gets here.
by G-Man
Thu Jun 16, 2016 12:09 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 199310

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day 12

Au revoir. Good luck civs. Thanks for a fun game Golden. Sorry RL bogged me down so much.
by G-Man
Thu Jun 16, 2016 12:04 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 199310

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day 12

All I have are three suspects:


Everyone else is civ unless OA has gone rogue now that her BTSC partner is dead.
by G-Man
Wed Jun 15, 2016 11:44 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 199310

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day 12

Matt wrote:Doing the math...

Even if 3J and Wilgy joined me on a Drumbeats vote, DB could just vote Gman and break the tie.

And votes for DrumBeats will be split evenly between Drum and rabbit today, so you may want to start weighing the options already on the chopping block.
by G-Man
Wed Jun 15, 2016 11:40 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 199310

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day 12

JaggedJimmyJay wrote:
G-Man wrote:And you didn't play Biblical so I'm not surprised you don't understand where I'm coming from.
I'm looking at it. I check every assertion against the data. :dark:

You said S~V~S "peppered" you in Spirited Away. I see an S~V~S seemingly supporting you and your haikus until the latter half of the game. Where is the parallel with this game? It strikes me as the opposite, actually.
At the start of Spirited Away she thought I was using my haiku shenanigans to limit my content in order to cover for being a baddie. When I produced intelligible reads on everyone she backed off.
by G-Man
Wed Jun 15, 2016 11:34 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 199310

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day 12

JaggedJimmyJay wrote:G-MAN

These are the only posts nutella made in which she said anything about her struggle to keep up (that I could find in a quick browse):
Spoiler: show
nutella wrote:holy shit I'm a dumbass and got distracted by RL and missed the vote. so sorry Golden I am kicking myself :( I probably would have voted for Epig anyway but I need to catch up on a shit ton
nutella wrote:Alright, caught up again. Good to see we got a rezz ship, but disconcerting that it's just *a* and not *the* :/

JJJ made a case on me I see. I realize I haven't posted much but that's because I've barely had time to catch up on the thread a couple times each day and just post when I'm done. I posted about ika on day 1 but decided I didn't actually suspect him; it makes the most sense to me that he (and probably also Silver) was civ, I just didn't like his style and wasn't used to it at first.

Also, when I realized I had missed the vote and said I would have voted for Epi, I had not even read the lynch result yet, so I didn't know what he had flipped. I just saw that he had a handful of votes and he had been my top/only actual suspect the last time I had been in thread, and I honestly probably would have voted for him.

I've also gotten some criticism for my interpretation of Epi. And to be honest I still don't really know where I stand on that either. When he first flipped cylon and rezzed, I assumed he was bad, but also seemed to be in an interesting position to help us for some time. After much of the discussion from people familiar with the show, it seems quite possible that Athena is a good role, so I don't necessarily want to automatically go after him again (plus he might just get rezzed again). On the other hand, there's the possibility that he's actually Boomer. So really I have no idea where I stand on that issue.
JaggedJimmyJay wrote: ~~~

Generally I don't think nutella has been entirely consistent in her mindset (consider that it's her mindset I'm talking about and not her reads), which suggests to me that she might be making it up as she goes. I think some of her content is just suspicious at face value, and moreover her rate of participation is right about where I'd expect most of the baddies to be in a game that has moved as fast as this one.
Of course I'm making it up as I go, that's what I always do :p You've seen me get absolutely skewered as a civ many times just for being wishy-washy, that's just how I play. My opinions change throughout the game. And I haven't been able to post much but I'm trying to contribute when I can.

I have to go for a little bit but when I come back I will figure out who I suspect the most. For what it's worth I actually trust some apparently unpopular people rn, namely LC, Rico, and Matt.
I don't see her expecting a free pass; I see her attempting to explain her failure to vote/post.
And you didn't play Biblical so I'm not surprised you don't understand where I'm coming from.
by G-Man
Wed Jun 15, 2016 11:29 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day 12

As for my vote, I'm going to vote for Wilgy. We know he is a Cylon and the numbers running through my head say there has to be two baddies left. Vompatti as a modkilled-ish fifth FF makes sense, leaving Doral and one other. OA is Caprica Six in my book and I had Silverwolf/ INH down as Gaius because of what smelled strongly of BTSC. If SW/INH wasn't Gaius then who the hell would Six have BTSC with?

Wilgy makes sense. I'm more interested in lynching a baddie than saving my butt, so you guys can decide the day from here.

vote = DrWilgy

Linki: I think S~V~S's treatment of me Day 1 was clever. She was civ when she peppered me in Spirited Away and she tried for a repeat. I bought it at first but not forever.
by G-Man
Wed Jun 15, 2016 11:16 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day 12

After Day 9, my game lagged. I own it. It's no secret and I've alluded to it here and there so I'll just be straight- last Tuesday I had a vasectomy. I was on the couch/bed for two stratight realtime days and could not access my spreadsheet to help me. After two days off of work, I was buried and had to take it slow at work, a process that I'm still catching up/digging out from. The game had to be a lower priority for me. I did literally put my nuts on the line when I worked up that post detailing my progression read on S~V~S. Being upright for that long required me to be on the couch with ice more than I liked the next few days because I caused extra swelling. I am guilty of dialing it in more since last Tuesday.

Linki: sorry, my wife is on the computer so I can't grab a page # off my spreadsheet. Mafia is my mistress and the wife doesn't know I'm playing.
by G-Man
Wed Jun 15, 2016 11:06 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day 12

As for my Glorfindel hunt, I figured out he was a Toaster from his early inquiries about their mechanics. At that point, what lore was being discussed pointed to the no -Epi Toasters being bad. I tunneled, it's true. I'll own that. Instead of keeping my radar honed on multiple targets, I focused too much on Glorfindel. I'll own that too.

My lax attention got me in a bind Day 8 because most of my prior reads had been NK'd or lynched already. I recalibrated and voted for DrumBeats on moderate suspicion that has since grown based on behavior and votes.

I've already covered my creeping suspicion on S~V~S.

Linki: Jimmy, it's not one post. It's the body of work. The continued 'catching up!' plus a snippy attitude when people tire of it and ask/demand content. Reading between the lines it says, 'dammit, people, just cut me some slack one more day so I can get up to speed.'
by G-Man
Wed Jun 15, 2016 10:46 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day 12

After reading your assessment of my votes, I disagree with your lack of concern for the timing of votes. Perhaps you're just meaning at this time. Examining the timing of votes is part of what my technicolors are all about.

Day 1- My posts bely my feelings on Marmot at the time. They were stronger than what my words conveyed. I have always been at a loss on Day 1's and probably always will. Marmot comes off as a lazy choice but he had the weirdest behavior.

Day 2- Your case on nutella came around 24 hours before I voted, so I can see why you might think I was influenced by you. What nagged me most about her was the fact that she was looking for a free pass. You took issue more with her tone while I took issue with her motive. You missed out on Biblical, right? There was so much slacking and "I'm catching up, promise!" in that game than I can ever remember. Several of the baddies did it at different times in that game. I nagged about Deborah for so friggin' long but it took forever for anyone to take me seriously. Having seen so much of it in that game hardwored me to suspect that kind of behavior from then on. It pops up in a lot of games and her borderline indignant expectation to a free pass threw up the red flag for me. That's stone-cold intuition on nutella from me, not cooking something up.

To be continued...
by G-Man
Wed Jun 15, 2016 10:16 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
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Views: 199310

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day 12

And I'm back. Let me read Jimmy's post and respond to what can be responded to.
by G-Man
Wed Jun 15, 2016 9:50 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 199310

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day 12

Asking for 15 more minutes to give Kid 2 a bath. Then I will come back to talk.
by G-Man
Wed Jun 15, 2016 5:36 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
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Views: 199310

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day 12

Adios amigos. See you after the movie. I'll catch your post first thing Jimmy.
by G-Man
Wed Jun 15, 2016 5:30 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
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Views: 199310

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day 12

Alright Jimmy, I can give you another five minutes at the most. Dinner's on the table.
by G-Man
Wed Jun 15, 2016 5:21 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 199310

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day 12

Epignosis wrote:Matt, I am probably going to vote for G-Man because I think G-Man's "another thread" business with Dex was far too specific to be a natural thought and far too petty to be a genuine suspicion.

What say you?
Accountants are detail-oriented people. Having only seen this kind of quote-within-a-quote thing when preparing my technicolors, it is a detail that stood out to me. Having used multiple private threads in Turf Wars, I know they are used in games, though apparently not as often as I assumed. Given that he wasn't quoting one of his prior posts, the combination of it all seemed fishy.

Any last questions for me? I'm punching out in about 10 minutes.
by G-Man
Wed Jun 15, 2016 4:20 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
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Views: 199310

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day 12

Any other questions or comments for me will have to come in the next hour or else you'll have to wait until closer to the deadline to hear back from me. I promised Kid 1 that we'd watch Zootopia tonight after punting it from the schedule the last two nights. She made me fairy-princess pinkie-swear on it this morning, so there's just no going back on that.
by G-Man
Wed Jun 15, 2016 3:33 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 199310

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day 12

Epignosis wrote:
G-Man wrote:
Epignosis wrote:
G-Man wrote:
RESPONSE: I assume he is talking about the notes and the technicolors in terms of being a try-hard. It comes with the territory, so I'm used to this accusation this far into a game. As for bussing teammates, I know I've done it in the past, as has just about anyone who has had enough baddie roles. A bus vote may help you in the short term but it can't cover up a sketchy long-term vote record. What do you think of my overall vote record?
Why is a sketchy long-term voting record the mark of mafia?
As a game progresses, my technicolor lists become fuller and fuller of players who flipped one way or another when lynched and those who were NK'd. It's another form of process of elimination to use. When you look at the votes of those who are still alive and consider who they voted for and when on which day, baddies rise to the surface. I don't mean that someone makes weird votes all game long but rather that their decisions and timing come to look sketchy upon re-evaluation the later you get into a game. It's how we got nailed Mordecai, Deborah, and Esther in Biblical.
"What do you think of my overall vote record?"

Your question in its immediate context strikes me as coming from someone who is acutely aware that voting out one teammate but not others won't get him very far, but if he manages to vote out two or three, his overall voting record becomes the wave he can ride to victory.
Actually, I am opening myself up to analysis and criticism to those who have the time to go back and look at vote histories. As you say, don't get cute. :P
by G-Man
Wed Jun 15, 2016 3:14 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 199310

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day 12

Epignosis wrote:
G-Man wrote:
RESPONSE: I assume he is talking about the notes and the technicolors in terms of being a try-hard. It comes with the territory, so I'm used to this accusation this far into a game. As for bussing teammates, I know I've done it in the past, as has just about anyone who has had enough baddie roles. A bus vote may help you in the short term but it can't cover up a sketchy long-term vote record. What do you think of my overall vote record?
Why is a sketchy long-term voting record the mark of mafia?
As a game progresses, my technicolor lists become fuller and fuller of players who flipped one way or another when lynched and those who were NK'd. It's another form of process of elimination to use. When you look at the votes of those who are still alive and consider who they voted for and when on which day, baddies rise to the surface. I don't mean that someone makes weird votes all game long but rather that their decisions and timing come to look sketchy upon re-evaluation the later you get into a game. It's how we got nailed Mordecai, Deborah, and Esther in Biblical.
by G-Man
Wed Jun 15, 2016 2:50 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 199310

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day 12

Although I prefer not to play on defense (see just about every game I've played), I'm willing to respond to people's questions and concerns about me if they are willing to restate them between now and the deadline. Since you asked specifically for reactions to Polo, I've gone back through his ISO but I do not have time to do that for everyone to find questions about me.

Polo has said the following about me:

Day 8- The day after Glorfindel's lynch, Polo is still all about S~V~S but calls my interactions with Glorfindel artificial. He intends to go back and re-read me.
RESPONSE: Not much to respond to here. It's his interpretation of my interactions with Glorfindel. I know they were sincere. They turned out to be, as Glorfindel would say, misguided.
Day 9- The first day he suspects me of being mafia but with no elaboration because it's part of a quick read list of everybody. Later in that phase, I said I wanted to re-read S~V~S's progression on bea after poking around at her progression on Glorfindel. Polo opined that I was bluffing and would not vote for S~V~S. While I only ever got partway into that re-read on her progression with bea, I did vote for S~V~S.
REPONSE: Not much to here. He didn't either didn't believe that I was re-reading S~V~S's progressions on players or did not think they would lead me to vote for S~V~S. I did not post my progression breakdown until later when Jimmy asked for it but my read on her Glorfindel progression showed me that she was being opportunistic in approaching that vote. This was also the day when the Final Five rezzed and alignments were added to those who had been lynched. Glorfindel was revealed to be civ-aligned, which shocked us all. That added weight to the need to re-read her S~V~S's progression on Glorfindel.
Day 10- Polo lists me as his suspect for the attempt at obtaining a double-vote for the next day. He follows up in his next post by saying I have been "acting mafia-like all game, like if he were watching us from afar and taking notes in order to be safe from the brawl." He also asks if I am non-rezz Final Five or Aaron Doral. He later promises to lynch me Day 11 if Dex flips anything but Cavil-aligned.
RESPONSE: Note-taking has actually become a regular part of my mafia spreadsheets. My spreadsheets for Biblical, Watchmen, Frisky Dingo, Turf Wars, EST, and Spirited Away all include player notes. I can understand his concern about note-takers but it's not the first time I've done it.
Day 11- I'll just quote this post:
Polo wrote:
Epignosis wrote:
Polo wrote:So say we all!

I think we need to kill Cavil's crew before killing him.

Juliets: definitely town
Nerolunar: definitely town
Spacedaisy: definitely Mafia

I think the Admiral is doing a great job.

@sig: we need to kill Spacedaisy and G-Man. G-Man first.
Can you elaborate on this? You are more sure / insistent that G-Man go first, but it looked like you just plucked his name out of a hat. It looked like you plucked S~V~S's name out of a hat too, but that was spot on.

Tell me more about G-Man.
He's rustling my jimmies just like S~V~S - it seems like he's trying hard to look civ and is not going to hesitate on bussing teammates to maintain such an appearance.

@Rico: yep, the Glorfindel flop is what got me mad (especially at myself for being gullible and getting aboard the bandwagon).
After this, he mentions me a few times as someone to be lynched. He makes a crack at my posting of vote orders because "You didn't hesitate on bussing your team mates to keep your record clean."
RESPONSE: I assume he is talking about the notes and the technicolors in terms of being a try-hard. It comes with the territory, so I'm used to this accusation this far into a game. As for bussing teammates, I know I've done it in the past, as has just about anyone who has had enough baddie roles. A bus vote may help you in the short term but it can't cover up a sketchy long-term vote record. What do you think of my overall vote record?
Night 11- When I ask him what he thinks of my top two suspects (Drum and Sokoth), he says they smell civ or indie to him without elaboration.
RESPONSE: I have no choice but to take him at his word. He could be tunneling but I think Polo probably would have mentioned Drum and Sokoth by now if he actually felt suspicious of them.
Day 12- He votes for me more or less out of the gate.
RESPONSE: It's a free forum. Why shouldn't he vote for someone he's so adamant about?
by G-Man
Tue Jun 14, 2016 5:12 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
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Views: 199310

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day 12

Alright, S~V~S definitely bussed nutella. S~V~S was only the 9th vote on Day 2 and 2nd overall on nutella but S~V~S voted somewhere around three hours before the lynch post. That means we had 17 votes in a span of three hours! :faint:

Looking back through her ISO, there are several places where S~V~S drops little comments about how she always thinks nutella is bad and how this or that post by nutella feels off or grasping like straws. Nutella had been mentioned and mulled over for a while, especially on the second day of the phase. If S~V~S is part of a trio, then bussing a teammate on Day 2 makes no sense to me. It makes even less sense considering that the rezz ships had been discovered with the Epi lynch and were being hunted down. I think there are still two baddies among us.
by G-Man
Tue Jun 14, 2016 1:56 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 199310

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day 12

So say we all.

After the latest law from the president, I'm down an option for today. I don't want to risk taking out rabbit, who I read as civ, so I can't vote for DrumBeats. Here are my team structures for the admiral:

S~V~S = Cavil (obviously)
DrumBeats = Doral, possibly Conoy
DrWilgy = Most likely Conoy, possibly Doral


S~V~S = Cavil
Sokoth = Doral, possibly Conoy
DrWilgy = Most likely Conoy, possibly Doral

Given all the protections that Cavil's team had going for them (rezz ships that take a few days to eliminate, Cavil surviving his first lynch, and eventual rezz of the Final Five), a small team of four makes sense. I'm torn on Wilgy though because Dex was so darn adamant that Leoben could be neutral or civ-aligned before he rezzed as a baddie. That notion is still lingering in my mind. I'm trying to wrap my head around the numbers game. Would Golden the Coward ;) have thought a team of three had a decent enough chance to make it to a Final Five rezz or would he have added a fourth teammate?

S~V~S bussed nutella and, if I'm right about him, so did DrumBeats. Unless S~V~S didn't think nutella had the right momentum to wind up getting lynched when she voted and it backfired on them. It was the last four-vote wave on nutella that sealed her fate. I'll have to go back and read Day 2 through again to see where consensus (if any) was at by the time S~V~S voted for nutella.
by G-Man
Mon Jun 13, 2016 9:42 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 199310

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Night 11

After getting whipped by a four-year-old at Dazzling Princess, I have some time on my hands. Here's what I see in DrumBeats:

A prior assessment through Day 7.. It should be noted that I failed to pick up on his Day 4 sarcasm by way of thanking Cain for martial law.

On Day 8, Drum misses most of the first 24 hours. When he pops in, he opens up with some suspicions but without much detail as to why. He then spends time pointing out the problems with other people's posts before voting for rabbit mostly for the fact that bea seemed less off than rabbit.

When the Final Fivers showed up Day 9, his focus tightens and his posts get more meaty and weighty than I had noted up to that point. He spends time focused on the FF's but ultimately votes for Epi because he wants to know what Epi's alignment is now that they're being listed.

Night 9 / Day 10 is where my notes shut down while I was limited to using my smartphone while icing my [CENSORED] on the couch. Looking at his post history, he came forward with a semi-complicated lynch plan akin to what we had going on with amnesty claims. Then he disappeard completely 90 minutes or so before the Day 10 lynch and hasn't been back since (he did mention he was on vacation).

Does anyone else read him as kicking his game up a notch after the FF's rolled back into town? That's how it looks to me. Back in a bit with vote observations on DrumBeats.
by G-Man
Mon Jun 13, 2016 4:05 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 199310

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Night 11

Aaron Doral is either DrumBeats or SokothQultuq if Wilgy is indeed Leoben as many of us think. We know Wilgy is a Toaster since his lynch was bypassed after he claimed on Day 5 so he has to be one of the two. All thread discussion of him points to Leoben, so Drum or Sokoth are Doral on my spreadsheet.

I have OA down as Caprica Six. Given her hard defense of Silverwolf, I had them pegged as BTSC partners since Day 5. Given Silverwolf's all-but-certain civvie status, I never felt all the way suspicious of OA because of what looked like a very obvious link between the two.

What are your thoughts on DrumBeats and Sokoth?
by G-Man
Mon Jun 13, 2016 2:58 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 199310

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Night 11

JaggedJimmyJay wrote:G-Man, I want to know what conclusions you draw from those technicolors.
All of the following players look civvie to me based on the combination of their voting records and their thread content:

-Epignosis (votes and content suggest civvie)

-JaggedJimmyJay (solid thread content makes up for a few votes that could be tin-foiled as baddie)

-juliets (you can tin-foil her post-rezz votes but her posts come across as genuine)

-Matt (votes don't look great but his erratic behavior seems too visible for a baddie)

-Nerolunar (putting S~V~S in the brig settled it for me and outweighs any issues that might be raised about his vote for Epi Day 9)

-Polo (despite some blendy early votes his record improves, the tone of righteous indignation in his posts comes across as too sincere to fake for as long as he's been had the volume up to 11)

-rabbit8 (Neither his nor Zebra's vote records is spotless but they both have that DGAF attitude that requires better looking votes from a baddie)

The rest have missed either too many overall votes or too many recent votes for me to effectively use my technicolors in conjunction with my notes:
-Black Rock (missed 5 votes, missed 3 of last 4 votes)
-DrumBeats (missed 3 votes)
-DrWilgy (missed 6 votes, missed 3 of last 4 votes)
-Ricochet (missed 3 votes, missed 2 of last 4 votes)
-SokothQultuq (missed 6 votes, missed 3 of last 4 votes)

Two of these players I am still very suspicious of (DrumBeats and Sokoth) and one of them slightly suspicious of (Wilgy). I will break all five of them down later this evening to explain how I clear the other two.

The other two players left are ObscureAllure and sig. Given the weirdness of Day 6's non-lynch, I still believe sig to be one of the human civ's on the list of potential presidents. I only barely suspect OA.
by G-Man
Mon Jun 13, 2016 1:24 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 199310

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day 9

Another batch of technicolors now that I can sit in a desk chair comfortably for more than 20 minutes at a time. :)

Spoiler: show

1. EPIGNOSIS (Metalmarsh89)<----NK'd
2. IKA (Vompatti)<----MODKILLED
3. MATT (Long Con)<----SECRET ROLE-Admiral Cain- Lynched-CIVVIE
4. POLO (ObscureAllure)
5. BLACK ROCK (a2thezebra)
6. OBSCUREALLURE (Nerolunar)<----HUMAN- Lynched rezzed as FINAL FIVE
7. EPIGNOSIS (Silverwolf)<----NK'd
8. DFARADAY (Scotty)<----NK'd
9. RICOCHET (Matt)
10. EPIGNOSIS (Ika)<----NK'd
11. s~v~s (Ricochet)
12. RICOCHET (DrumBeats)
13. MATT (Spacedaisy)<----NK'd- rezzed as FINAL FIVE
14. LONG CON (sig)
15. METALMARSH89 (juliets)<----HUMAN-Hot Dog- Died in sortie- rezzed as FINAL FIVE
16. RICOCHET (S~V~S)<----CYLON #1- Lynched but rezzed- BADDIE
17. EPIGNOSIS (indiglo)<----NK'd
18. METALMARSH89 (G-Man)
19. EPIGNOSIS (JaggedJimmyJay)
20. INAWORDYES (LoRab)<----CYLON #3- Lynched- INDY

Bea<----HUMAN- Lynched- CIVVIE
DFaraday<----NK'd- rezzed as FINAL FIVE
Inawordyes/DrWilgy<----CYLON #?- ???
Epignosis<----CYLON #8a- Lynched- auto-rezzed- ???
Glorfindel<----CYLON #8b- Lynched- CIVVIE
Nutella<----CYLON #4- Lynched- BADDIE

Black Rock


1. EPIGNOSIS (Metalmarsh89)<----NK'd
7. EPIGNOSIS (Silverwolf)<----NK'd
10. EPIGNOSIS (Ika)<----NK'd
17. EPIGNOSIS (indiglo)<----NK'd
19. EPIGNOSIS (JaggedJimmyJay)

9. RICOCHET (Matt)
12. RICOCHET (DrumBeats)
16. RICOCHET (S~V~S)<----CYLON #1- Lynched but rezzed- BADDIE

3. MATT (Long Con)<----SECRET ROLE-Admiral Cain- Lynched- CIVVIE
13. MATT (Spacedaisy)<----NK'd- rezzed as FINAL FIVE

15. METALMARSH89 (juliets)<----HUMAN-Hot Dog- Died in sortie- rezzed as FINAL FIVE
18. METALMARSH89 (G-Man)

2. IKA (Vompatti)<----MODKILLED

4. POLO (ObscureAllure)

5. BLACK ROCK (a2thezebra)

6. OBSCUREALLURE (Nerolunar)<----HUMAN- Lynched rezzed as FINAL FIVE

8. DFARADAY (Scotty)<----NK'd

11. s~v~s (Ricochet)

14. LONG CON (sig)

20. INAWORDYES (LoRab)<----CYLON #3- Lynched- INDY

Bea<----HUMAN- Lynched- CIVVIE
DFaraday<----NK'd- rezzed as FINAL FIVE
Inawordyes/DrWilgy<----CYLON #?- ???
Epignosis<----CYLON #8a- Lynched- auto-rezzed- ???
Glorfindel<----CYLON #8b- Lynched- CIVVIE
Nutella<----CYLON #4- Lynched- BADDIE

Black Rock

Spoiler: show

1. A2THEZEBRA (Metalmarsh89)<----NK'd
2. RICOCHET (a2thezebra)
3. NUTELLA (G-Man)
4. LONG CON (Nerolunar)<----HUMAN- Lynched rezzed as FINAL FIVE
5. VOMPATTI (Vompatti)<----MODKILLED
6. LONG CON (indiglo)<----NK'd
7. LONG CON (LoRab)<----CYLON #3- Lynched- INDY
8. A2THEZEBRA (Matt)
9. NUTELLA (S~V~S)<----CYLON #1- Lynched but rezzed- BADDIE
10. NUTELLA (Silverwolf)<----NK'd
11. EPIGNOSIS (sig)
12. SIG (Long Con)<----SECRET ROLE-Admiral Cain- Lynched- CIVVIE
13. NUTELLA (ObscureAllure)
14. NUTELLA (Scotty)<----NK'd
15. LORAB (bea)<----HUMAN- Lynched- CIVVIE
16. A2THEZEBRA (Ricochet)
17. EPIGNOSIS (DrWilgy)<----CYLON #?- ???
18. VOMPATTI (Polo)
19. LONG CON (Spacedaisy)<----NK'd- rezzed as FINAL FIVE
20. NUTELLA (juliets)<----HUMAN-Hot Dog- Died in sortie- rezzed as FINAL FIVE
21. LONG CON (nutella)<----CYLON #4- Lynched- BADDIE
22. NUTELLA (JaggedJimmyJay)
23. A2THEZEBRA (DFaraday)<----NK'd- rezzed as FINAL FIVE
24. NUTELLA (Black Rock)
25. NUTELLA (DrumBeats)
26. LONG CON (Glorfindel)<----CYLON #8b- Lynched- CIVVIE

Epignosis<----CYLON #8a- Lynched- auto-rezzed- ???


3. NUTELLA (G-Man)
9. NUTELLA (S~V~S)<----CYLON #1- Lynched but rezzed- BADDIE
10. NUTELLA (Silverwolf)<----NK'd
13. NUTELLA (ObscureAllure)
14. NUTELLA (Scotty)<----NK'd
20. NUTELLA (juliets)<----HUMAN-Hot Dog- Died in sortie- rezzed as FINAL FIVE
22. NUTELLA (JaggedJimmyJay)
24. NUTELLA (Black Rock)
25. NUTELLA (DrumBeats)

4. LONG CON (Nerolunar)<----HUMAN- Lynched rezzed as FINAL FIVE
6. LONG CON (indiglo)<----NK'd
7. LONG CON (LoRab)<----CYLON #3- Lynched- INDY
19. LONG CON (Spacedaisy)<----NK'd- rezzed as FINAL FIVE
21. LONG CON (nutella)<----CYLON #4- Lynched- BADDIE
26. LONG CON (Glorfindel)<----CYLON #8b- Lynched- CIVVIE

1. A2THEZEBRA (Metalmarsh89)<----NK'd
8. A2THEZEBRA (Matt)
16. A2THEZEBRA (Ricochet)
23. A2THEZEBRA (DFaraday)<----NK'd- rezzed as FINAL FIVE

5. VOMPATTI (Vompatti)<----MODKILLED
18. VOMPATTI (Polo)

11. EPIGNOSIS (sig)
17. EPIGNOSIS (DrWilgy)<----CYLON #?- ???

2. RICOCHET (a2thezebra)

12. SIG (Long Con)<----SECRET ROLE-Admiral Cain- Lynched- CIVVIE

15. LORAB (bea)<----HUMAN- Lynched- CIVVIE

Epignosis<----CYLON #8a- Lynched- auto-rezzed- ???

Spoiler: show

1. RICOCHET (Long Con)<----SECRET ROLE-Admiral Cain- Lynched- CIVVIE
2. SIG (Scotty)<----NK'd
3. S~V~S (Matt)
4. DRWILGY (Nerolunar)<----HUMAN- Lynched rezzed as FINAL FIVE
5. LORAB (Polo)
6. LORAB (a2thezebra)
7. LORAB (Vompatti)<----MODKILLED
8. LORAB (Ricochet)
9. LORAB (S~V~S)<----CYLON #1- Lynched but rezzed- BADDIE
10. LORAB (DFaraday)<----NK'd- rezzed as FINAL FIVE
11. LORAB (JaggedJimmyJay)
12. BEA (LoRab)<----CYLON #3- Lynched- INDY
13. NEROLUNAR (ObscureAllure)
14. NEROLUNAR (Epignosis)<----CYLON #8a- Lynched- auto-rezzed- ???
15. JAGGEDJIMMYJAY (SokothQultuq)
16. NEROLUNAR (Juliets)<----HUMAN-Hot Dog- Died in sortie- rezzed as FINAL FIVE
17. NEROLUNAR (sig)
18. NEROLUNAR (Glorfindel)<----CYLON #8b- Lynched- CIVVIE
20. NEROLUNAR (Bea)<----HUMAN- Lynched- CIVVIE
21. NEROLUNAR (DrumBeats)
22. LORAB (Black Rock)
23. LORAB (Spacedaisy)<----NK'd- rezzed as FINAL FIVE
24. NEROLUNAR (DrWilgy)<----CYLON #?- ???
25. NEROLUNAR (Metalmarsh89)<----NK'd




5. LORAB (Polo)
6. LORAB (a2thezebra)
7. LORAB (Vompatti)<----MODKILLED
8. LORAB (Ricochet)
9. LORAB (S~V~S)<----CYLON #1- Lynched but rezzed- BADDIE
10. LORAB (DFaraday)<----NK'd- rezzed as FINAL FIVE
11. LORAB (JaggedJimmyJay)
22. LORAB (Black Rock)
23. LORAB (Spacedaisy)<----NK'd- rezzed as FINAL FIVE

13. NEROLUNAR (ObscureAllure)
14. NEROLUNAR (Epignosis)<----CYLON #8a- Lynched- auto-rezzed- ???
16. NEROLUNAR (Juliets)<----HUMAN-Hot Dog- Died in sortie- rezzed as FINAL FIVE
17. NEROLUNAR (sig)
18. NEROLUNAR (Glorfindel)<----CYLON #8b- Lynched- CIVVIE
20. NEROLUNAR (Bea)<----HUMAN- Lynched- CIVVIE
21. NEROLUNAR (DrumBeats)
24. NEROLUNAR (DrWilgy)<----CYLON #?- ???
25. NEROLUNAR (Metalmarsh89)<----NK'd

1. RICOCHET (Long Con)<----SECRET ROLE-Admiral Cain- Lynched- CIVVIE

2. SIG (Scotty)<----NK'd

3. S~V~S (Matt)

4. DRWILGY (Nerolunar)<----HUMAN- Lynched rezzed as FINAL FIVE

12. BEA (LoRab)<----CYLON #3- Lynched- INDY

15. JAGGEDJIMMYJAY (SokothQultuq)




Spoiler: show
1. LORAB (DrumBeats)
2. LORAB (Polo)
3. LORAB (ObscureAllure)
4. LORAB (SokothQultuq)
5. LORAB (a2thezebra)
6. DFARADAY (Metalmarsh89)<----NK'd
7. DFARADAY (Silverwolf)<----NK'd
8. SIG (Scotty)<----NK'd
9. LORAB (DFaraday)<----NK'd- rezzed as FINAL FIVE
10.DFARADAY (Long Con)<----SECRET ROLE-Admiral Cain- Lynched- CIVVIE
11. LORAB (Matt)
12. LORAB (Black Rock)
13. A2THEZEBRA (sig)
14. LORAB (juliets)<----HUMAN-Hot Dog- Died in sortie- rezzed as FINAL FIVE
15. A2THEZEBRA (Vompatti)<----MODKILLED
16. SIG (Epignosis)<----CYLON #8a- Lynched- auto-rezzed- ???
17. LORAB (S~V~S)<----CYLON #1- Lynched but rezzed- BADDIE
18. SIG (DrWilgy)<----CYLON #?- ???
19. SIG (JaggedJimmyJay)
20. LORAB (Ricochet)
21 LORAB (bea)<----HUMAN- Lynched- CIVVIE
22. DRWILGY (Glorfindel)<----CYLON #8b- Lynched- CIVVIE
23. LORAB (Spacedaisy)<----NK'd- rezzed as FINAL FIVE
24. SIG (LoRab)<----CYLON #3- Lynched- INDY



1. LORAB (DrumBeats)
2. LORAB (Polo)
3. LORAB (ObscureAllure)
4. LORAB (SokothQultuq)
5. LORAB (a2thezebra)
9. LORAB (DFaraday)<----NK'd- rezzed as FINAL FIVE
11. LORAB (Matt)
12. LORAB (Black Rock)
14. LORAB (juliets)<----HUMAN-Hot Dog- Died in sortie- rezzed as FINAL FIVE
17. LORAB (S~V~S)<----CYLON #1- Lynched but rezzed- BADDIE
20. LORAB (Ricochet)
21. LORAB (bea)<----HUMAN- Lynched- CIVVIE
23. LORAB (Spacedaisy)<----NK'd- rezzed as FINAL FIVE

8. SIG (Scotty)<----NK'd
16. SIG (Epignosis)<----CYLON #8a- Lynched- auto-rezzed- ???
18. SIG (DrWilgy)<----CYLON #?- ???
19. SIG (JaggedJimmyJay)
24. SIG (LoRab)<----CYLON #3- Lynched- INDY

6. DFARADAY (Metalmarsh89)<----NK'd
7. DFARADAY (Silverwolf)<----NK'd
10.DFARADAY (Long Con)<----SECRET ROLE-Admiral Cain- Lynched- CIVVIE

13. A2THEZEBRA (sig)
15. A2THEZEBRA (Vompatti)<----MODKILLED

22. DRWILGY (Glorfindel)<----CYLON #8b- Lynched- CIVVIE


Spoiler: show
1. SIG (a2thezebra)
4. DRWILGY (ObscureAllure)
5. LONG CON (Dex)<----NK'd- rezzed as FINAL FIVE
6. LONG CON (Spacedaisy)<----NK'd- rezzed as FINAL FIVE
7. DRWILGY (Silverwolf)<----NK'd
8. DRWILGY (Metalmarsh89)<----NK'd
9. DRWILGY (Long Con)<----SECRET ROLE-Admiral Cain- Lynched- CIVVIE
11. LONG CON (Ricochet)
12. LONG CON (JaggedJimmyJay)
13. GLORFINDEL (Epignosis)<----CYLON #8a- Lynched- auto-rezzed- ???
14. DRWILGY (Glorfindel)<----CYLON #8b- Lynched- CIVVIE
15. DRWILGY (S~V~S)<----CYLON #1- Lynched but rezzed- BADDIE
16. SIG (bea)<----HUMAN- Lynched- CIVVIE
17. DRWILGY (Black Rock)
18. DRWILGY (SokothQultuq)
19. DRWILGY (sig)

DrWilgy<----CYLON #?- ???


5. LONG CON (Dex)<----NK'd- rezzed as FINAL FIVE
6. LONG CON (Spacedaisy)<----NK'd- rezzed as FINAL FIVE
11. LONG CON (Ricochet)
12. LONG CON (JaggedJimmyJay)

4. DRWILGY (ObscureAllure)
7. DRWILGY (Silverwolf)<----NK'd
8. DRWILGY (Metalmarsh89)<----NK'd
9. DRWILGY (Long Con)<----SECRET ROLE-Admiral Cain- Lynched- CIVVIE
14. DRWILGY (Glorfindel)<----CYLON #8b- Lynched- CIVVIE
15. DRWILGY (S~V~S)<----CYLON #1- Lynched but rezzed- BADDIE
17. DRWILGY (Black Rock)
18. DRWILGY (SokothQultuq)
19. DRWILGY (sig)

13. GLORFINDEL (Epignosis)<----CYLON #8a- Lynched- auto-rezzed- ???

1. SIG (a2thezebra)
16. SIG (bea)<----HUMAN- Lynched- CIVVIE


DrWilgy<----CYLON #?- ???

Spoiler: show
2. GLORFINDEL (Dex)<----NK'd- rezzed as FINAL FIVE
3. A2THEZEBRA/RABBIT8 (Vompatti)
5. OBSCUREALLURE (DrWilgy)<----CYLON #?- ???
6. DRWILGY (Obscure Allure)
7. DRWILGY (SokothQultuq)
8. DRUMBEATS (Epignosis)<----CYLON #8a- Lynched- auto-rezzed- ???
9. SIG (Metalmarsh89)<----NK'd
11. GLORFINDEL (insertnamehere)<----NK'd
12. A2THEZEBRA/RABBIT8 (Ricochet)
14. SIG (S~V~S)<----CYLON #1- Lynched but rezzed- BADDIE
15. SIG (JaggedJimmyJay)
16. SIG (DrumBeats)
17. BLACK ROCK (Glorfindel)<----CYLON #8b- Lynched- CIVVIE
18. SIG (rabbit8)
19. GLORFINDEL (sig)
20. GLORFINDEL (bea)<----HUMAN- Lynched- CIVVIE

Black Rock

2. GLORFINDEL (Dex)<----NK'd- rezzed as FINAL FIVE
11. GLORFINDEL (insertnamehere)<----NK'd
19. GLORFINDEL (sig)
20. GLORFINDEL (bea)<----HUMAN- Lynched- CIVVIE

9. SIG (Metalmarsh89)<----NK'd
14. SIG (S~V~S)<----CYLON #1- Lynched but rezzed- BADDIE
15. SIG (JaggedJimmyJay)
16. SIG (DrumBeats)
18. SIG (rabbit8)

3. A2THEZEBRA/RABBIT8 (Vompatti)
12. A2THEZEBRA/RABBIT8 (Ricochet)

6. DRWILGY (Obscure Allure)
7. DRWILGY (SokothQultuq)

5. OBSCUREALLURE (DrWilgy)<----CYLON #?- ???

8. DRUMBEATS (Epignosis)<----CYLON #8a- Lynched- auto-rezzed- ???

17. BLACK ROCK (Glorfindel)<----CYLON #8b- Lynched- CIVVIE

Black Rock

Spoiler: show
1. S~V~S (Polo)
2. GLORFINDEL (Dex)<----NK'd- rezzed as FINAL FIVE
3. GLORFINDEL (ObscureAllure)
5. GLORFINDEL (S~V~S)<----CYLON #1- Lynched but rezzed- BADDIE
6. GLORFINDEL (Epignosis)<----CYLON #8a- Lynched- auto-rezzed- ???
8. GLORFINDEL (insertnamehere)<----NK'd
9. DRWILGY (sig)
10. DRWILGY (Glorfindel)<----CYLON #8b- Lynched- CIVVIE

bea<----HUMAN- Lynched- CIVVIE
Black Rock
DrWilgy<----CYLON #?- ???

2. GLORFINDEL (Dex)<----NK'd- rezzed as FINAL FIVE
3. GLORFINDEL (ObscureAllure)
5. GLORFINDEL (S~V~S)<----CYLON #1- Lynched but rezzed- BADDIE
6. GLORFINDEL (Epignosis)<----CYLON #8a- Lynched- auto-rezzed- ???
8. GLORFINDEL (insertnamehere)<----NK'd

9. DRWILGY (sig)
10. DRWILGY (Glorfindel)<----CYLON #8b- Lynched- CIVVIE

1. S~V~S (Polo)


bea<----HUMAN- Lynched- CIVVIE
Black Rock
DrWilgy<----CYLON #?- ???

Spoiler: show
1. S~V~S (Polo)
2. BEA (rabbit8)
3. RICOCHET (Matt)
4. RABBIT8 (JaggedJimmyJay)
5. SIG (bea)<----HUMAN- Lynched- CIVVIE
6. BEA (S~V~S)<----CYLON #1- Lynched but rezzed- BADDIE
7. RABBIT8 (Epignosis)<----CYLON #8a- Lynched- auto-rezzed- ???
9. BEA (insertnamehere)<----NK'd
10. RABBTI8 (DrumBeats)

Black Rock
DrWilgy<----CYLON #?- ???


2. BEA (rabbit8)
6. BEA (S~V~S)<----CYLON #1- Lynched but rezzed- BADDIE
9. BEA (insertnamehere)<----NK'd

4. RABBIT8 (JaggedJimmyJay)
7. RABBIT8 (Epignosis)<----CYLON #8a- Lynched- auto-rezzed- ???
10. RABBTI8 (DrumBeats)

1. S~V~S (Polo)

3. RICOCHET (Matt)

5. SIG (bea)<----HUMAN- Lynched- CIVVIE


Black Rock
DrWilgy<----CYLON #?- ???

Spoiler: show

1. SVS (Polo)
2. DRWILGY (SokothQultuq)
4. EPIGNOSIS (Nerolunar)<----HUMAN- Lynched rezzed as FINAL FIVE
5. SVS (ObscureAllure)
6. RICOCHET (Ricochet)
7. BLACK ROCK (JaggedJimmyJay)
8. NEROLUNAR (Dex)<----NK'd- rezzed as FINAL FIVE- BADDIE
9. EPIGNOSIS (sig)
10. SOKOTHQULTUQ (juliets)<----HUMAN-Hot Dog- Died in sortie- rezzed as FINAL FIVE
11. SVS (G-Man)
12. SVS (insertnamehere)<----NK'd
13. SVS (Spacedaisy)<----NK'd- rezzed as FINAL FIVE- BADDIE
14. EPIGNOSIS (rabbit8)
15. EPIGNOSIS (DrumBeats)
16. EPIGNOSIS (SVS)<----CYLON #1- Lynched but rezzed- BADDIE
17. SVS (DrWilgy)<----CYLON #?- ???
18. SVS (Epignosis)<----CYLON #8a- Lynched- auto-rezzed- ???

-Black Rock


1. SVS (Polo)
5. SVS (ObscureAllure)
11. SVS (G-Man)
12. SVS (insertnamehere)<----NK'd
13. SVS (Spacedaisy)<----NK'd- rezzed as FINAL FIVE- BADDIE
17. SVS (DrWilgy)<----CYLON #?- ???
18. SVS (Epignosis)<----CYLON #8a- Lynched- auto-rezzed- ???

4. EPIGNOSIS (Nerolunar)<----HUMAN- Lynched rezzed as FINAL FIVE
9. EPIGNOSIS (sig)
14. EPIGNOSIS (rabbit8)
15. EPIGNOSIS (DrumBeats)
16. EPIGNOSIS (SVS)<----CYLON #1- Lynched but rezzed- BADDIE

2. DRWILGY (SokothQultuq)

6. RICOCHET (Ricochet)

7. BLACK ROCK (JaggedJimmyJay)

8. NEROLUNAR (Dex)<----NK'd- rezzed as FINAL FIVE- BADDIE

10. SOKOTHQULTUQ (juliets)<----HUMAN-Hot Dog- Died in sortie- rezzed as FINAL FIVE

-Black Rock

DAY 10
Spoiler: show

1. POLO (ObscureAllure)
2. JOHN CAVIL (Matt)
3. DEX (Nerolunar)<----HUMAN- Lynched rezzed as FINAL FIVE
4. DEX (Polo)
5. DEX (Epignosis)<----CYLON #8a- Lynched- auto-rezzed- ???
6. JOHN CAVIL (DrumBeats)
7. DEX (G-Man)
8. JOHN CAVIL (Dex)<----NK'd- rezzed as FINAL FIVE- BADDIE
9. OBSCUREALLURE (rabbit8)
10. DEX (juliets)<----HUMAN-Hot Dog- Died in sortie- rezzed as FINAL FIVE
11. DEX (JaggedJimmyJay)
12. DRWILGY (Black Rock)
13. JOHN CAVIL (insertnamehere)<----NK'd

-DrWilgy<----CYLON #?- ???
-Spacedaisy<----NK'd- rezzed as FINAL FIVE- BADDIE


3. DEX (Nerolunar)<----HUMAN- Lynched rezzed as FINAL FIVE
4. DEX (Polo)
5. DEX (Epignosis)<----CYLON #8a- Lynched- auto-rezzed- ???
7. DEX (G-Man)
10. DEX (juliets)<----HUMAN-Hot Dog- Died in sortie- rezzed as FINAL FIVE
11. DEX (JaggedJimmyJay)

2. JOHN CAVIL (Matt)
6. JOHN CAVIL (DrumBeats)
8. JOHN CAVIL (Dex)<----NK'd- rezzed as FINAL FIVE- BADDIE
13. JOHN CAVIL (insertnamehere)<----NK'd

1. POLO (ObscureAllure)

9. OBSCUREALLURE (rabbit8)

12. DRWILGY (Black Rock)

-DrWilgy<----CYLON #?- ???
-Spacedaisy<----NK'd- rezzed as FINAL FIVE- BADDIE

DAY 11
Spoiler: show

2. DRWILGY (Nerolunar) <----HUMAN- Lynched rezzed as FINAL FIVE
3. DRWILGY (ObscureAllure)
4. SPACEDAISY (Ricochet)
5. SPACEDAISY (Epignosis)<----CYLON #8a- Lynched- auto-rezzed- ???
6. JOHN CAVIL (Matt)
7. SPACEDAISY (juliets)<----HUMAN-Hot Dog- Died in sortie- rezzed as FINAL FIVE
8. SPACEDAISY (JaggedJimmyJay)
11. SPACEDAISY (Spacedaisy)<----NK'd- rezzed as FINAL FIVE- BADDIE

-Black Rock
-DrWilgy<----CYLON #?- ???


4. SPACEDAISY (Ricochet)
5. SPACEDAISY (Epignosis)<----CYLON #8a- Lynched- auto-rezzed- ???
7. SPACEDAISY (juliets)<----HUMAN-Hot Dog- Died in sortie- rezzed as FINAL FIVE
8. SPACEDAISY (JaggedJimmyJay)
11. SPACEDAISY (Spacedaisy)<----NK'd- rezzed as FINAL FIVE- BADDIE

2. DRWILGY (Nerolunar) <----HUMAN- Lynched rezzed as FINAL FIVE
3. DRWILGY (ObscureAllure)

6. JOHN CAVIL (Matt)

-Black Rock
-DrWilgy<----CYLON #?- ???
by G-Man
Sun Jun 12, 2016 9:30 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 199310

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day 11

Approaching the end of Inside Out.. Voting now just in case we're running late for the poll.

vote = Spacedaisy
by G-Man
Sun Jun 12, 2016 7:27 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 199310

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day 11

As requested by Ricochet, Day 10 votes:

1. POLO (ObscureAllure)
2. JOHN CAVIL (Matt)
3. DEX (Nerolunar)
4. DEX (Polo)
5. DEX (Epignosis)
6. JOHN CAVIL (DrumBeats)
7. DEX (G-Man)
9. OBSCUREALLURE (rabbit8)
10. DEX (juliets)
11. DEX (JaggedJimmyJay)
12. DRWILGY (Black Rock)
13. JOHN CAVIL (insertnamehere)

by G-Man
Sun Jun 12, 2016 6:15 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 199310

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day 11

Ricochet wrote:G-Man, do you happen to have the votecount for Day 10? Forgot to write it down yet again.
Actually no. Not on my smartphone anyway. I'll grab it from the computer after dinner.
by G-Man
Sun Jun 12, 2016 6:07 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 199310

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day 11

A few of the heist games I played and Spirited Away? :shrug:
by G-Man
Sun Jun 12, 2016 5:31 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 199310

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day 11

All I can go on is my personal experience with that kind of quote screw-up. Usually when someone butchers a quote there is a broken quote somewhere in their post. That's the norm I've seen. When was the last time you saw someone mess up a post that resulted in their standalone post being quoted by themselves? It stood out to me for that reason.

Also the recent norm for me is private threads for BTSC. I don't play as many games as most. In the recent games I've played I've seen hosts say baddie threads will be kept private or players asking for such threads to be kept private (well, except for the Turf Wars prison threads- those should be required reading material. :nicenod: ). I don't know the technical goingson of games run here like you do, so cry your pardon for my limited viewpoint.
by G-Man
Sun Jun 12, 2016 4:50 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 199310

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day 11

Epignosis wrote:G-Man, you said this:
G-Man wrote:Agree with you I do that Dex looks suspicious. Different our reasons are that lead us to this conclusion.

Vote now I will. Hockey must I watch. Pain must I ice.

vote = Dex

Post 6 of 10 this is.
You didn't name your reasons, but the only thing I saw from you about Dex that Day was this:
G-Man wrote:Overthinking it I fear Epignosis is. Logical Dex's viewpoint seems to me in only regarding the other three.
You felt I was overthinking my reason for thinking Dex was bad. I thought my reason was well thought out, but okay.

What you came up with left me scratching my head, and I didn't really read it carefully because of the Yodaspeak. I read it more carefully today.
G-Man wrote:How feel you about his quoted post and his response when questioned?
Dex wrote:
Dex wrote:SO SAY WE ALL!



For my own part, I doubt that a vote for Cavil will do anything more than to buy him more time. I have to agree that a focus on the 4ofF5 is our most productive approach, even though that includes me. If we have to eliminate Cavil's team to get to Cavil, one or two of them are there, and that's a small pool of suspects to search.

Nero's throwing S~V~S to the brig is behaviorally positive civ cred, albeit very easy. If I was nero and mafia, I'd do the same. Meanwhile, Julliettes has chosen to pursue some arcane issue with Sok that seems rather beside the point. SpaceDaisy seems to be mostly lurking. There is little left to go by than reads, and I'm terrible at reads.

I find it ironic, though, that I have spent the entire game trying to defend civ cylons, only to find myself in their very predicament.
Dex wrote:#2
G-Man wrote:Trust you before resurrection I did but a question I have. Why in quotes is your post? Suspicious this looks. Yes, suspicious. As if in another thread you wrote it once before and for posting here copied it you did.
D'oh! Started with a much larger post with lots of quotes and decided to simplify, frakking it up beyond repair. Must learn to use the preview function.
A slip perhaps he has made?

Rest now I must. Strong is the pain in my groin.

Post 5 of 10 this is.
What other thread? :huh:
A private thread. Since Biblical and Economics, I haven't heard many people mention chat rooms for BTSC communication. Private forum threads like the ones we had for the prison in Turf Wars are in vogue now. His post was quoted by himself. I thought it was weird. The only time I've ever almost done that to myself is when I quote my last batch of technicolors in order to work up the next set but I usually catch it before I post because I proofread via hitting 'Preview.' It looked like, instead of copying his post from somewhere else, he quoted it but forgot to get rid of the quote tags.
by G-Man
Sun Jun 12, 2016 3:37 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 199310

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day 11

Epignosis wrote:Nerolunar came back with his ability, so I can only assume Dex had his switch available when he got lynched unless he used it before.

The only thing that immediately makes sense is that he used it Day 6, when sig should have been lynched but wasn't. Perhaps Dex targeted someone else who would could not be lynched for whatever reason.
All the people who received votes on Day 6 were:

Glorfindel- 7
Sig- 5
Zebra/Rabbit- 3
Wilgy- 2
Black Rock- 1
DrumBeats- 1
OA- 1

I don't remeber who all claimed by that point though. I think it's in my spreadsheet but I'm on the couch with ice again. Lefty if doing just fine but Righty not so much. :(
by G-Man
Sun Jun 12, 2016 3:21 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 199310

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day 11

Nerolunar wrote:
JaggedJimmyJay wrote:
Nerolunar wrote:Posting urgently from my phone.

I dont have btsc with anyone. Not even juliets. Its just reads.

Soooo dont place too much stock in my statements in regards to that. See you later.
What made you suspect that there is a 2:2 split among the resurrectees?
An educated guess based on what would be fair design. I can't imagine 3 baddies revived + the already fairly large number of original baddies would be fair, so a split seems reasonable to me.

Can someone break down the whole Wilgy thing for me? Did he evoke the amnesty act/avoided lynch? What happened?

Why do people think OA is suspicious?
At the end of Day 5, Wilgy made his amnesty claim. Wilgy and Long Con had been tied after 13 votes before a late run on Wilgy pushed him out to a wide lead. Wilgy actually botched the original claim but Polo corrected him. Wilgy made an almost literal last-minute correction. The lynch bypassed Wilgy and Long Con was lynched instead. Not sure why Polo corrected Wilgy but it's a non-issue because I read Polo as a civ.
Epignosis wrote:
Ricochet wrote: linki: Vompatti could have been anything.

I don't see how a "here are five roles; if they don't (all) die within the first nine cycles, ech, forget about it" design is plausible.
I should have clarified with "yet." My meaning is that the Final Five aren't revealed until they're all dead.
That actually makes sense. Vomp was modkilled Day 8 and the Final Five rezz came with the Night 8 post.

Linki: Rico- They were probably rezzed with the night post so they could be on the poll. Easier for people to track votes for Final Fivers in the poll even though thread votes are what count. Out of sight, out of mind, you know? Polo had also already voted Day 8 when Vomp was modkilled. With all votes being final, maybe Golden the Coward ;) wanted to keep it fair?
by G-Man
Sun Jun 12, 2016 12:27 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 199310

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day 11

At a farewell picnic for our pastor. Be back later for discussion.

If we decide to vote for a Final Five, I'd vote Spacedaisy. If we're voting on general suspicions, I'd keep Drum and Sokoth in the mix. Having a good day pain-wise. I ought to be able to spend some time at the computer this afternoon and update technicolors and go over the votes and why I think vote records clear some and implicate others.

I won't vote Epi. I need to read up on the Wilgy argument. Still not leaning his way but I'll see what his votes tell me.

@sig- why am I on your list?
by G-Man
Sat Jun 11, 2016 4:51 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 199310

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day 11

A few questions:

@sig- Why OA? Why Wilgy? Which first?

@OA- Really? Have you forgotten that Dex and the Final Five are Toasters, not humans?

@OA- If Cavil can't NK Toasters then how did Dex and Spacedaisy die?

@OA- Why Wilgy?

@Matt- I'm not sold on the Epi Is Bad theory. How confident are you in your other suspicions? I went down the sus tunnel on Glorfindel and came out the other end unfocused. Despite your current inclinations, are you willing to vote for any of the people you listed earlier?
by G-Man
Sat Jun 11, 2016 12:59 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 199310

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day 11

So say we all!

Afternoon everyone. To address the admiral's requests:

1) If Cavil controls the kill, then we should leave him alive until we think we've rounded up all his teammates. The fact that Nero wasn't NK'd makes me pretty sure there is another Cavil-aligned member of the three exposed Final Five. NK'ng Nero allows Cavil to kill every night but it also reduces the exposed Final Five to two. Leaving him alive makes us take longer to go through trial and error on them and might even be intended to make us doubt Nero's alignment. With Nero alive, we can neutralize Cavil's kill every other night. That's a powerful advantage for us at this stage.

2) Juliets voted sideways for Sokoth Day 9, which I wasn't crazy about but at least she voted for someone I'm suspicious of. I want her to be civ because she's Hot Dog. If she's civ, Cavil can't risk NK'ing her without potentially killing one of his minions. For that reason I say juliets is civ. I think Nero is civ as well because he put Cavil in the brig. Night 9 was the time for him to screw the civs over and make himself an easy target if he was going to. Cavil would have killed someone and we'd have lost a day to little discussion as we lynched Nero. Spacedaisy seems like she's trying to fit in, which is what a baddie Final Fiver would do. I'll double check her posts but her thoughts and opinions have felt soft since she rezzed. Baddie on her.

3) Keep on trucking. Forcing conversation and contribution has been beneficial so I see no reason to ease up on it now.

Now for lunch and some ice. Back in a bit.
by G-Man
Thu Jun 09, 2016 8:26 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 199310

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day 10

Agree with you I do that Dex looks suspicious. Different our reasons are that lead us to this conclusion.

Vote now I will. Hockey must I watch. Pain must I ice.

vote = Dex

Post 6 of 10 this is.
by G-Man
Thu Jun 09, 2016 8:06 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 199310

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day 10

DrumBeats wrote:#2

@ G-Man Outline:

One Confirmed cylon claims to suspect John Cavil

We split votes between an agreed upon top suspect and John Cavil, making sure they are tied and that the cylon in question is votin john cavil.

If cylon is civ then Cavil is lynched. We should check what happens when we do this before doing this plan so it does not mess with our results.

If cylon is scum, our main suspect is lynched. Then we know for sure that cylon is aligned with Cavil.

We may need to find out how lynching Cavil works though in order to make sure that it doesn't go to the person with the next most votes, which would render this plan useless
Appreciated this clarification is. Creative it is but concern have I regarding implementation. Have we enough time this plan to see through completely? Difficult will it be to gain compliance from some players, yes? Curious am I to see how many others interested in this plan there are.

JaggedJimmyJay wrote:
Spoiler: show
G-Man wrote:I think I found what I didn't like about S~V~S's Day 6 vote but I'm going to keep reading through her content to see if there's any more to it.
It looks like G-Man had a PLAN to follow this up, but I don't think he ever did. Talk about that if you could G-Man, unless it'd waste one of your 10 posts.
Found, I did, an uneven progression in S~V~S's views on Glorfindel. Agree do you? All S~V~S's reads on Glorfindel from Night 4 through Day 6 are these:
Spoiler: show
Just before the Night 4 night post does this post occur:
S~V~S wrote:Thanks, OA.

Linki,he reads to me like he did in the last game I played with him where he was civ. That is the total basis for my read on Glorfindel :shrug2:
Reference she does to similarities between Glorfindel's previous civvie game and this one.

Ten hours before the Day 5 lynch post does this post come:
S~V~S wrote:The insanifier seems more insane that it used to seem. I recall being able to at least kind of decipher it, but not it is totally incomprehensible :confused2:

Poor Rico. I look forward to hearing what he has to say when he is able to say it. Glorfindel sounds pretty much exactly the same to me as he did the last two games I went hard for him, and he was a civ. I also agree with him about IAWY/Wilgy.

I am going to resume my Wilgy reread. As of now, it is still either him or LC for me. I am trying to recall if Wilgy was blendier in the GoC game; I seem to recall that he was. I tend to think of Wilgy as being more present and a voice in the thread when he is civ, although his recent experimental playstyles have fuzzed his meta, which I suppose is the point of experimental playstyles.
a2thezebra wrote:Do you honestly think that that's all that means? That Golden would go to the trouble of making that distinction for every character if it didn't have a major effect on the game? Yeah sure, he might as well have adjusted the size of the font based on the characters' height, like just for shits and giggles you know. It's not like it could possibly mean something more relevant to the direction the game is going or anything. :sigh:
This is a good point this has to mean SOMETHING for game purposes, or Golden would not have done it. Kind of like why I think Cain is not just another civvie as LC would have us believe; why havea super secret role thatis just another civvie? Golden has put an insane amount of thought (and I do mean insane, Golden, you need help) into this game. Those locations mean something. Canon people, any ideas?
More comparisons does she make.

Half a day before the original Day 6 deadline say this she does:
S~V~S wrote:So say we all. Just in case.

I think I maybe see what comment Wilgy made that Dex was referring to. So I will continue to defer to Dex on this. I still feel pretty much the same about sig. I am not understanding why anyone thinks Zeebs is bad. I felt that Glorfindel sounded exactly the same as when he was a civ; G Mans case was somewhat subjective, but Silvers hard push for him out of the gate today makes me want to take a harder look.
bea wrote:
Black Rock wrote:
Epignosis wrote:Black Rock! I want an update on S~V~S and your accusation of her. What say you?
Sorry, I just spent the last 10 mins screaming at the top of my lungs at my selfish 17 year old. I think LC thinks I went insane.

I do need to get back on that track and expand on SVS. Really a lot of my thoughts are when she first came into the game she seemed to be Anti-Cylon. Like she thought it was the "in" thing. Then when a consensus came in that you were not evil she seemed to jump on the Cylon train. It just seems way to convenient and opportunistic. Which is words I would use to describe Mafia. I also do not trust any other listed Cylons. If the final five are like the final five of the show then I'm not too worried. I really don't know half the shit that's going on. I am with the humans (with the exception of your role), I do not trust Cylons.

I feel like I just did a tangent. My brain is filled with rage. Anyways SVS = opportunistic = no trust.

Although Black Rock =\= trusting Cylons is likely I will vote Dr Wilgy first. I do need to finish my catch up though.

Please show me exactly where svs was opportunistic
I am interested in seeing this as well. I think that LC was pro human, which is not the same as pro town.

Also re being anti cylon at the beginning, well yeah. I grew up with original BSG, where all the cylons WERE bad, and had never seen this version. Once I started listening to people and reading the wikis, I realized it was not so black & white. This is a huge part of the reason why I thought LC was not playing for the town, just for the humans. So lack of topic knowledge =/= convenient or opportunistic.

Linki, this is a good question. We need a consensus back up candidate just in case he does claim.
More repetition does she make, yes? This time read back she says she must. On the conviction of Silverwolf's case does she place this new need.

Halfway into the extended Day 6 day phase do we see her next mention of Glorfidnel:
S~V~S wrote:
Silverwolf wrote:
S~V~S (F) - Huh?
G-Man wrote:So say we all. (A lot of posts from Golden back there. Thought I'd throw that in for insurance)
Epignosis wrote:
Polo wrote:Glorfindel's posts seem to be full of words but devoid of content.
I'd use a stronger verb than "seem."
I hear you.

As for Black Rock, I'm curious to hear more from her. Any time an accuser goes back a long way with the accused, I can't help but perk my ears up. It happened after SVS seemed to waffle on one or two stances.

DrumBeats fell out of my civ reads for his bizarre advocation to put Nero ahead of LoRab Day 3. That defied the whole purpose of squeezing a claim out of LoRab while she was on top.

I think 'nonconfirmed Cylon' might mean a Cylon of undetermined alignment. That would be my guess at least. And to be picky, it should be 'unconfirmed' and not 'nonconfirmed.' I can see your angle on putting Polo in a lose-lose situation. Drum feels quiet overall, probably because he disappears for longish stretches of time. I'm not really one to condemn anyone for that though.

Linki: :ponder:
What did I waffle on? And I also would like to hear more from BR, I think she may have misunderstood something I said to be snide (and I can see why) when I did not intend it that way, and whether she thinks I am bad or not, I hope she is not staying away becasue of me.
Epignosis wrote:
Glorfindel wrote:
sig wrote:@Glorfindel you came in, made a post then poof. :(

Current thoughts on the game?
So Say We All

Yeah, I thought it was important to check in (without reading the rules carefully first) - nothing like starting the game screwed from your first post... :mad:

From what I (skim) read I feel happy so far about Zebs (I wonder if I've developed some skill in reading her now given our rocky start). There's a lot of players here I've not encountered before which is something of a challenge. I thought Matt's remark about the different coloured font in the profiles of our Cylon friends was interesting. I'd not noticed that's til he mentioned it. What if anything that is indicative of I have absolutely no clue. I notice my friend IAWY hasn't posted yet :(

Oh, and congratulations on the Ambassador thing. To be honest, this site has no more passionate and insistent promoter than you.
This is Glorfindel's second post.

If you begin with zebra's post prior to this:
a2thezebra wrote:I find it most unusual.
...and if you work backwards, you will see that there is no basis in the thread for Glorfindel to think zebra is good or to even think he has developed some special skill involving zebra.

I bring this up because zebra adamantly defended Glorfindel, and there's no way Glorfindel has enough experience with a2thezebra to have that puzzle solved Day 1.
I am not sure what you are getting at here (not sarcasm, I honestly don't understand it). I think Zeebs was a civ; I think when she is civ she cares less what people think and just says what comes to mind. I base this on prior games not this one. Are you only talking about this game, or reads in general?

In any case, having read back on Wilgy with an eye for topics that the host may not like discussing, I think I get what Dex meant, I won't be voting for Wilgy today. Will probably go for Glorfindel; while he looks pretty much the same to me as the last game we played, someone I trust has a strong opinion there, so I am inclined to trust that. Unless he claims. Or sig. He has dropped way down in the face of the Wilgy & Glorfindel suspicions;he is one of the top third posters, but his last post was: Tue May 24, 2016 10:51:00 am,
sig wrote:@Drum why should I be lynched?
But if Glorfindel does claim, we need to think about seconds. I will be around tonight.

Looking forward to Rabbit accusing me, that's always fun.

Linki @Glorfindel, are you gonna claim?
Again she repeats that like his civvie games does Glorfindel sound but vote for him she says she will. Not on her own convictions is this vote based. Rather, built upon the theories of others do her intentions rest. Easy it will be to deflect suspicion because claim she can that she trusted another's thoughts while still holding the opinion that civvie he sounded.

Hours before the deadline comes this next post:
S~V~S wrote:
Vompatti wrote:
Glorfindel wrote:I personally believe that there are some things more important than winning a Mafia game.
You don't seem very motivated. :ponder:

I'm Keanu Reeves.
Keanu Reeves is supposed to be a very nice man. And no, he does not seem very motivated.

So essentially, Glorfindel, you suspect G Man cause he's a meanie?

Sorry to say Glorfindel, but that just moved you up my list. Like to the top of my list, tbh. For me it was sig or you, and you really only cause I trust Silvers read here, but now it is you, and sig if you claim.

I can wait towards the end to vote, though, if there is a claim. Glorfindel did not claim yet, did he?

@JJJ, where it started for BR is when Epi was lynched, I said something like, "OMG he's a rezzed baddie?" and she said, rather sharply, "Why did you say that?". That remark of mine pinged her, and tbh her quick question is the main reason I think she is a civ, and have thought so all game. Bad BR would never do that imo. That was Day 1 that we lunched Epi, right? So she has had at least some level of suspicion of me pretty much the entire game. It just came to a head during the Cain thing.

Linki, why shouldn't Epi keep his claim?
How can one be to the top of the list moved when suggest her previous post does that for Glorfindel she will vote? If not already atop her list, weak her reasoning is in this post. Never did suspicion of me Glorfindel state in his post. Express did he the desire to remove me from the game but out of suspicion not. Glorfindel's words did S~V~S twist. Yes, this was the post that my attention grabbed. Back I read through to evaluate, for sudden this comment seemed.
S~V~S wrote:
Matt wrote:
S~V~S wrote:
Vompatti wrote:So say we all. :beer:

I thought we already sunk all the Cylon Battleships?
I immediately saw this post from Vomps and started laughing at his silliness.

And I'm wondering why SVS responded to it so seriously. Hrm.

SVS is actually one of my topsie civ reads based on "other stuff" but her game thread speak has given me the heebies.

Also, I have to take a break for about an hour pretty soon, then I'll only have an hour left or so after that before work, and I'm still about 8 or 9 pages behind.

I'm trying!

Right now, I'm leaning on a Wilgy vote because I'm not a fan that he didn't claim until the bitter end of the last day phase. Also, did he officially claim that day? Epi said something about "10:02 eastern", I'm still not entirely sure if Wilgy made his claim before or after the phase was over.
Welcme Back!

I like talking to Vomps. I find him charming.

Welcome INH,it's old home week allover again, I am probably going to vote Glorfindel, but want to read back on today.

Linki, Image
On the fence she finds herself again, yes? Ooh hee hee hee!

In the final hour this last post comes:
S~V~S wrote:
DrumBeats wrote:
Matt wrote:
S~V~S wrote:Ah but you need to go back and read how I replied to that post of BRs you quoted, Rabbit. I DID think all cylons were bad at the start of the game. I never saw this show. No one made any mention of potential civ cylons until after Epi was rezzed that I can recall.
I did. :biggrin:

Specifically listed Athena too, as I recall.

3J asked why I believe Wilgy is a confirmed civvie...I don't. But Dex (and maybe someone else, I think it was Rico who said I was on drugs) asked me to read the rest of the thread before I do that, so I thought maybe he became one.

Yeah, he's definitely not. Basically my understand of things is that Dex provided very solid reasoning as to why we likely have two more civ cylons other than Epig, Cap Six and Leo. However, I have seen nothing that points to Wilgy being one of them.
Did you go back in Wilgys posts and look for what Dex said to look for? You should make the effort,imo.

If Glorfindel claims, and if the votes stay as they are, Zeebbit is gonna die, and I don't think he is bad. And I want to go to bed, so I gotta vote now.

So as a counterwagon, I am gonna vote sig as a just in case Glorf claims, since a few days ago everyone thought he was bad, and he has dropped way down since then, and I think him more likely to be bad than Rabbit, Wilgy or OA, the other people with votes.

Linki @Drum, maybe Dex is reluctant to talk about it becasue there may be certain things a certain glowy yellow metallic personage may not want him to say. Maybe think about that.

*voting sig*
On two premises is this vote founded. First, a counterwagon is needed so she suggests. Momentum had sig's train at the time, if correctly I recall. Second, protecting rabbit claims she as her intent. Two noble causes to justify a vote. Powerful defense this combination is. A powerful ally hindsight is. Protect her from suspicion if flip civ Glorfindel does, for she voted him not. Two justifiable reasons for voting holds she if lynched and civ sig is. A choice between two civvies she had I presume. Well defended from either result was she. Blinded was I at the time in my own pursuit of Glorfindel. Add to my shame this does.

Overthinking it I fear Epignosis is. Logical Dex's viewpoint seems to me in only regarding the other three. How feel you about his quoted post and his response when questioned?
Dex wrote:
Dex wrote:SO SAY WE ALL!



For my own part, I doubt that a vote for Cavil will do anything more than to buy him more time. I have to agree that a focus on the 4ofF5 is our most productive approach, even though that includes me. If we have to eliminate Cavil's team to get to Cavil, one or two of them are there, and that's a small pool of suspects to search.

Nero's throwing S~V~S to the brig is behaviorally positive civ cred, albeit very easy. If I was nero and mafia, I'd do the same. Meanwhile, Julliettes has chosen to pursue some arcane issue with Sok that seems rather beside the point. SpaceDaisy seems to be mostly lurking. There is little left to go by than reads, and I'm terrible at reads.

I find it ironic, though, that I have spent the entire game trying to defend civ cylons, only to find myself in their very predicament.
Dex wrote:#2
G-Man wrote:Trust you before resurrection I did but a question I have. Why in quotes is your post? Suspicious this looks. Yes, suspicious. As if in another thread you wrote it once before and for posting here copied it you did.
D'oh! Started with a much larger post with lots of quotes and decided to simplify, frakking it up beyond repair. Must learn to use the preview function.
A slip perhaps he has made?

Rest now I must. Strong is the pain in my groin.

Post 5 of 10 this is.
by G-Man
Thu Jun 09, 2016 12:46 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 199310

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day 9

A revised set of technicolors this is. Review them I must. Confusing OA's vote today is.

Spoiler: show

1. EPIGNOSIS (Metalmarsh89)<----NK'd
2. IKA (Vompatti)<----MODKILLED
3. MATT (Long Con)<----SECRET ROLE-Admiral Cain- Lynched-CIVVIE
4. POLO (ObscureAllure)
5. BLACK ROCK (a2thezebra)
6. OBSCUREALLURE (Nerolunar)<----HUMAN- Lynched rezzed as FINAL FIVE
7. EPIGNOSIS (Silverwolf)
8. DFARADAY (Scotty)<----NK'd
9. RICOCHET (Matt)
10. EPIGNOSIS (Ika)<----NK'd
11. s~v~s (Ricochet)
12. RICOCHET (DrumBeats)
13. MATT (Spacedaisy)<----NK'd- rezzed as FINAL FIVE
14. LONG CON (sig)
15. METALMARSH89 (juliets)<----HUMAN-Hot Dog- Died in sortie- rezzed as FINAL FIVE
16. RICOCHET (S~V~S)<----CYLON #1- Lynched but rezzed- BADDIE
17. EPIGNOSIS (indiglo)<----NK'd
18. METALMARSH89 (G-Man)
19. EPIGNOSIS (JaggedJimmyJay)
20. INAWORDYES (LoRab)<----CYLON #3- Lynched- INDY

Bea<----HUMAN- Lynched- CIVVIE
DFaraday<----NK'd- rezzed as FINAL FIVE
Inawordyes/DrWilgy<----CYLON #?- ???
Epignosis<----CYLON #8a- Lynched- auto-rezzed- ???
Glorfindel<----CYLON #8b- Lynched- CIVVIE
Nutella<----CYLON #4- Lynched- BADDIE

Black Rock


1. EPIGNOSIS (Metalmarsh89)<----NK'd
7. EPIGNOSIS (Silverwolf)
10. EPIGNOSIS (Ika)<----NK'd
17. EPIGNOSIS (indiglo)<----NK'd
19. EPIGNOSIS (JaggedJimmyJay)

9. RICOCHET (Matt)
12. RICOCHET (DrumBeats)
16. RICOCHET (S~V~S)<----CYLON #1- Lynched but rezzed- BADDIE

3. MATT (Long Con)<----SECRET ROLE-Admiral Cain- Lynched- CIVVIE
13. MATT (Spacedaisy)<----NK'd- rezzed as FINAL FIVE

15. METALMARSH89 (juliets)<----HUMAN-Hot Dog- Died in sortie- rezzed as FINAL FIVE
18. METALMARSH89 (G-Man)

2. IKA (Vompatti)<----MODKILLED

4. POLO (ObscureAllure)

5. BLACK ROCK (a2thezebra)

6. OBSCUREALLURE (Nerolunar)<----HUMAN- Lynched rezzed as FINAL FIVE

8. DFARADAY (Scotty)<----NK'd

11. s~v~s (Ricochet)

14. LONG CON (sig)

20. INAWORDYES (LoRab)<----CYLON #3- Lynched- INDY

Bea<----HUMAN- Lynched- CIVVIE
DFaraday<----NK'd- rezzed as FINAL FIVE
Inawordyes/DrWilgy<----CYLON #?- ???
Epignosis<----CYLON #8a- Lynched- auto-rezzed- ???
Glorfindel<----CYLON #8b- Lynched- CIVVIE
Nutella<----CYLON #4- Lynched- BADDIE

Black Rock

Spoiler: show

1. A2THEZEBRA (Metalmarsh89)<----NK'd
2. RICOCHET (a2thezebra)
3. NUTELLA (G-Man)
4. LONG CON (Nerolunar)<----HUMAN- Lynched rezzed as FINAL FIVE
5. VOMPATTI (Vompatti)<----MODKILLED
6. LONG CON (indiglo)<----NK'd
7. LONG CON (LoRab)<----CYLON #3- Lynched- INDY
8. A2THEZEBRA (Matt)
9. NUTELLA (S~V~S)<----CYLON #1- Lynched but rezzed- BADDIE
10. NUTELLA (Silverwolf)
11. EPIGNOSIS (sig)
12. SIG (Long Con)<----SECRET ROLE-Admiral Cain- Lynched- CIVVIE
13. NUTELLA (ObscureAllure)
14. NUTELLA (Scotty)<----NK'd
15. LORAB (bea)<----HUMAN- Lynched- CIVVIE
16. A2THEZEBRA (Ricochet)
17. EPIGNOSIS (DrWilgy)<----CYLON #?- ???
18. VOMPATTI (Polo)
19. LONG CON (Spacedaisy)<----NK'd- rezzed as FINAL FIVE
20. NUTELLA (juliets)<----HUMAN-Hot Dog- Died in sortie- rezzed as FINAL FIVE
21. LONG CON (nutella)<----CYLON #4- Lynched- BADDIE
22. NUTELLA (JaggedJimmyJay)
23. A2THEZEBRA (DFaraday)<----NK'd- rezzed as FINAL FIVE
24. NUTELLA (Black Rock)
25. NUTELLA (DrumBeats)
26. LONG CON (Glorfindel)<----CYLON #8b- Lynched- CIVVIE

Epignosis<----CYLON #8a- Lynched- auto-rezzed- ???


3. NUTELLA (G-Man)
9. NUTELLA (S~V~S)<----CYLON #1- Lynched but rezzed- BADDIE
10. NUTELLA (Silverwolf)
13. NUTELLA (ObscureAllure)
14. NUTELLA (Scotty)<----NK'd
20. NUTELLA (juliets)<----HUMAN-Hot Dog- Died in sortie- rezzed as FINAL FIVE
22. NUTELLA (JaggedJimmyJay)
24. NUTELLA (Black Rock)
25. NUTELLA (DrumBeats)

4. LONG CON (Nerolunar)<----HUMAN- Lynched rezzed as FINAL FIVE
6. LONG CON (indiglo)<----NK'd
7. LONG CON (LoRab)<----CYLON #3- Lynched- INDY
19. LONG CON (Spacedaisy)<----NK'd- rezzed as FINAL FIVE
21. LONG CON (nutella)<----CYLON #4- Lynched- BADDIE
26. LONG CON (Glorfindel)<----CYLON #8b- Lynched- CIVVIE

1. A2THEZEBRA (Metalmarsh89)<----NK'd
8. A2THEZEBRA (Matt)
16. A2THEZEBRA (Ricochet)
23. A2THEZEBRA (DFaraday)<----NK'd- rezzed as FINAL FIVE

5. VOMPATTI (Vompatti)<----MODKILLED
18. VOMPATTI (Polo)

11. EPIGNOSIS (sig)
17. EPIGNOSIS (DrWilgy)<----CYLON #?- ???

2. RICOCHET (a2thezebra)

12. SIG (Long Con)<----SECRET ROLE-Admiral Cain- Lynched- CIVVIE

15. LORAB (bea)<----HUMAN- Lynched- CIVVIE

Epignosis<----CYLON #8a- Lynched- auto-rezzed- ???

Spoiler: show

1. RICOCHET (Long Con)<----SECRET ROLE-Admiral Cain- Lynched- CIVVIE
2. SIG (Scotty)<----NK'd
3. S~V~S (Matt)
4. DRWILGY (Nerolunar)<----HUMAN- Lynched rezzed as FINAL FIVE
5. LORAB (Polo)
6. LORAB (a2thezebra)
7. LORAB (Vompatti)<----MODKILLED
8. LORAB (Ricochet)
9. LORAB (S~V~S)<----CYLON #1- Lynched but rezzed- BADDIE
10. LORAB (DFaraday)<----NK'd- rezzed as FINAL FIVE
11. LORAB (JaggedJimmyJay)
12. BEA (LoRab)<----CYLON #3- Lynched- INDY
13. NEROLUNAR (ObscureAllure)
14. NEROLUNAR (Epignosis)<----CYLON #8a- Lynched- auto-rezzed- ???
15. JAGGEDJIMMYJAY (SokothQultuq)
16. NEROLUNAR (Juliets)<----HUMAN-Hot Dog- Died in sortie- rezzed as FINAL FIVE
17. NEROLUNAR (sig)
18. NEROLUNAR (Glorfindel)<----CYLON #8b- Lynched- CIVVIE
20. NEROLUNAR (Bea)<----HUMAN- Lynched- CIVVIE
21. NEROLUNAR (DrumBeats)
22. LORAB (Black Rock)
23. LORAB (Spacedaisy)<----NK'd- rezzed as FINAL FIVE
24. NEROLUNAR (DrWilgy)<----CYLON #?- ???
25. NEROLUNAR (Metalmarsh89)<----NK'd




5. LORAB (Polo)
6. LORAB (a2thezebra)
7. LORAB (Vompatti)<----MODKILLED
8. LORAB (Ricochet)
9. LORAB (S~V~S)<----CYLON #1- Lynched but rezzed- BADDIE
10. LORAB (DFaraday)<----NK'd- rezzed as FINAL FIVE
11. LORAB (JaggedJimmyJay)
22. LORAB (Black Rock)
23. LORAB (Spacedaisy)<----NK'd- rezzed as FINAL FIVE

13. NEROLUNAR (ObscureAllure)
14. NEROLUNAR (Epignosis)<----CYLON #8a- Lynched- auto-rezzed- ???
16. NEROLUNAR (Juliets)<----HUMAN-Hot Dog- Died in sortie- rezzed as FINAL FIVE
17. NEROLUNAR (sig)
18. NEROLUNAR (Glorfindel)<----CYLON #8b- Lynched- CIVVIE
20. NEROLUNAR (Bea)<----HUMAN- Lynched- CIVVIE
21. NEROLUNAR (DrumBeats)
24. NEROLUNAR (DrWilgy)<----CYLON #?- ???
25. NEROLUNAR (Metalmarsh89)<----NK'd

1. RICOCHET (Long Con)<----SECRET ROLE-Admiral Cain- Lynched- CIVVIE

2. SIG (Scotty)<----NK'd

3. S~V~S (Matt)

4. DRWILGY (Nerolunar)<----HUMAN- Lynched rezzed as FINAL FIVE

12. BEA (LoRab)<----CYLON #3- Lynched- INDY

15. JAGGEDJIMMYJAY (SokothQultuq)




Spoiler: show
1. LORAB (DrumBeats)
2. LORAB (Polo)
3. LORAB (ObscureAllure)
4. LORAB (SokothQultuq)
5. LORAB (a2thezebra)
6. DFARADAY (Metalmarsh89)<----NK'd
7. DFARADAY (Silverwolf)
8. SIG (Scotty)<----NK'd
9. LORAB (DFaraday)<----NK'd- rezzed as FINAL FIVE
10.DFARADAY (Long Con)<----SECRET ROLE-Admiral Cain- Lynched- CIVVIE
11. LORAB (Matt)
12. LORAB (Black Rock)
13. A2THEZEBRA (sig)
14. LORAB (juliets)<----HUMAN-Hot Dog- Died in sortie- rezzed as FINAL FIVE
15. A2THEZEBRA (Vompatti)<----MODKILLED
16. SIG (Epignosis)<----CYLON #8a- Lynched- auto-rezzed- ???
17. LORAB (S~V~S)<----CYLON #1- Lynched but rezzed- BADDIE
18. SIG (DrWilgy)<----CYLON #?- ???
19. SIG (JaggedJimmyJay)
20. LORAB (Ricochet)
21 LORAB (bea)<----HUMAN- Lynched- CIVVIE
22. DRWILGY (Glorfindel)<----CYLON #8b- Lynched- CIVVIE
23. LORAB (Spacedaisy)<----NK'd- rezzed as FINAL FIVE
24. SIG (LoRab)<----CYLON #3- Lynched- INDY



1. LORAB (DrumBeats)
2. LORAB (Polo)
3. LORAB (ObscureAllure)
4. LORAB (SokothQultuq)
5. LORAB (a2thezebra)
9. LORAB (DFaraday)<----NK'd- rezzed as FINAL FIVE
11. LORAB (Matt)
12. LORAB (Black Rock)
14. LORAB (juliets)<----HUMAN-Hot Dog- Died in sortie- rezzed as FINAL FIVE
17. LORAB (S~V~S)<----CYLON #1- Lynched but rezzed- BADDIE
20. LORAB (Ricochet)
21. LORAB (bea)<----HUMAN- Lynched- CIVVIE
23. LORAB (Spacedaisy)<----NK'd- rezzed as FINAL FIVE

8. SIG (Scotty)<----NK'd
16. SIG (Epignosis)<----CYLON #8a- Lynched- auto-rezzed- ???
18. SIG (DrWilgy)<----CYLON #?- ???
19. SIG (JaggedJimmyJay)
24. SIG (LoRab)<----CYLON #3- Lynched- INDY

6. DFARADAY (Metalmarsh89)<----NK'd
7. DFARADAY (Silverwolf)
10.DFARADAY (Long Con)<----SECRET ROLE-Admiral Cain- Lynched- CIVVIE

13. A2THEZEBRA (sig)
15. A2THEZEBRA (Vompatti)<----MODKILLED

22. DRWILGY (Glorfindel)<----CYLON #8b- Lynched- CIVVIE


Spoiler: show
1. SIG (a2thezebra)
4. DRWILGY (ObscureAllure)
5. LONG CON (Dex)<----NK'd- rezzed as FINAL FIVE
6. LONG CON (Spacedaisy)<----NK'd- rezzed as FINAL FIVE
7. DRWILGY (Silverwolf)
8. DRWILGY (Metalmarsh89)<----NK'd
9. DRWILGY (Long Con)<----SECRET ROLE-Admiral Cain- Lynched- CIVVIE
11. LONG CON (Ricochet)
12. LONG CON (JaggedJimmyJay)
13. GLORFINDEL (Epignosis)<----CYLON #8a- Lynched- auto-rezzed- ???
14. DRWILGY (Glorfindel)<----CYLON #8b- Lynched- CIVVIE
15. DRWILGY (S~V~S)<----CYLON #1- Lynched but rezzed- BADDIE
16. SIG (bea)<----HUMAN- Lynched- CIVVIE
17. DRWILGY (Black Rock)
18. DRWILGY (SokothQultuq)
19. DRWILGY (sig)

DrWilgy<----CYLON #?- ???


5. LONG CON (Dex)<----NK'd- rezzed as FINAL FIVE
6. LONG CON (Spacedaisy)<----NK'd- rezzed as FINAL FIVE
11. LONG CON (Ricochet)
12. LONG CON (JaggedJimmyJay)

4. DRWILGY (ObscureAllure)
7. DRWILGY (Silverwolf)
8. DRWILGY (Metalmarsh89)<----NK'd
9. DRWILGY (Long Con)<----SECRET ROLE-Admiral Cain- Lynched- CIVVIE
14. DRWILGY (Glorfindel)<----CYLON #8b- Lynched- CIVVIE
15. DRWILGY (S~V~S)<----CYLON #1- Lynched but rezzed- BADDIE
17. DRWILGY (Black Rock)
18. DRWILGY (SokothQultuq)
19. DRWILGY (sig)

13. GLORFINDEL (Epignosis)<----CYLON #8a- Lynched- auto-rezzed- ???

1. SIG (a2thezebra)
16. SIG (bea)<----HUMAN- Lynched- CIVVIE


DrWilgy<----CYLON #?- ???

Spoiler: show
2. GLORFINDEL (Dex)<----NK'd- rezzed as FINAL FIVE
3. A2THEZEBRA/RABBIT8 (Vompatti)
5. OBSCUREALLURE (DrWilgy)<----CYLON #?- ???
6. DRWILGY (Obscure Allure)
7. DRWILGY (SokothQultuq)
8. DRUMBEATS (Epignosis)<----CYLON #8a- Lynched- auto-rezzed- ???
9. SIG (Metalmarsh89)<----NK'd
11. GLORFINDEL (insertnamehere)
12. A2THEZEBRA/RABBIT8 (Ricochet)
14. SIG (S~V~S)<----CYLON #1- Lynched but rezzed- BADDIE
15. SIG (JaggedJimmyJay)
16. SIG (DrumBeats)
17. BLACK ROCK (Glorfindel)<----CYLON #8b- Lynched- CIVVIE
18. SIG (rabbit8)
19. GLORFINDEL (sig)
20. GLORFINDEL (bea)<----HUMAN- Lynched- CIVVIE

Black Rock

2. GLORFINDEL (Dex)<----NK'd- rezzed as FINAL FIVE
11. GLORFINDEL (insertnamehere)
19. GLORFINDEL (sig)
20. GLORFINDEL (bea)<----HUMAN- Lynched- CIVVIE

9. SIG (Metalmarsh89)<----NK'd
14. SIG (S~V~S)<----CYLON #1- Lynched but rezzed- BADDIE
15. SIG (JaggedJimmyJay)
16. SIG (DrumBeats)
18. SIG (rabbit8)

3. A2THEZEBRA/RABBIT8 (Vompatti)
12. A2THEZEBRA/RABBIT8 (Ricochet)

6. DRWILGY (Obscure Allure)
7. DRWILGY (SokothQultuq)

5. OBSCUREALLURE (DrWilgy)<----CYLON #?- ???

8. DRUMBEATS (Epignosis)<----CYLON #8a- Lynched- auto-rezzed- ???

17. BLACK ROCK (Glorfindel)<----CYLON #8b- Lynched- CIVVIE

Black Rock

Spoiler: show
1. S~V~S (Polo)
2. GLORFINDEL (Dex)<----NK'd- rezzed as FINAL FIVE
3. GLORFINDEL (ObscureAllure)
5. GLORFINDEL (S~V~S)<----CYLON #1- Lynched but rezzed- BADDIE
6. GLORFINDEL (Epignosis)<----CYLON #8a- Lynched- auto-rezzed- ???
8. GLORFINDEL (insertnamehere)
9. DRWILGY (sig)
10. DRWILGY (Glorfindel)<----CYLON #8b- Lynched- CIVVIE

bea<----HUMAN- Lynched- CIVVIE
Black Rock
DrWilgy<----CYLON #?- ???

2. GLORFINDEL (Dex)<----NK'd- rezzed as FINAL FIVE
3. GLORFINDEL (ObscureAllure)
5. GLORFINDEL (S~V~S)<----CYLON #1- Lynched but rezzed- BADDIE
6. GLORFINDEL (Epignosis)<----CYLON #8a- Lynched- auto-rezzed- ???
8. GLORFINDEL (insertnamehere)

9. DRWILGY (sig)
10. DRWILGY (Glorfindel)<----CYLON #8b- Lynched- CIVVIE

1. S~V~S (Polo)


bea<----HUMAN- Lynched- CIVVIE
Black Rock
DrWilgy<----CYLON #?- ???

Spoiler: show
1. S~V~S (Polo)
2. BEA (rabbit8)
3. RICOCHET (Matt)
4. RABBIT8 (JaggedJimmyJay)
5. SIG (bea)<----HUMAN- Lynched- CIVVIE
6. BEA (S~V~S)<----CYLON #1- Lynched but rezzed- BADDIE
7. RABBIT8 (Epignosis)<----CYLON #8a- Lynched- auto-rezzed- ???
9. BEA (insertnamehere)
10. RABBTI8 (DrumBeats)

Black Rock
DrWilgy<----CYLON #?- ???


2. BEA (rabbit8)
6. BEA (S~V~S)<----CYLON #1- Lynched but rezzed- BADDIE
9. BEA (insertnamehere)

4. RABBIT8 (JaggedJimmyJay)
7. RABBIT8 (Epignosis)<----CYLON #8a- Lynched- auto-rezzed- ???
10. RABBTI8 (DrumBeats)

1. S~V~S (Polo)

3. RICOCHET (Matt)

5. SIG (bea)<----HUMAN- Lynched- CIVVIE


Black Rock
DrWilgy<----CYLON #?- ???

Spoiler: show

1. SVS (Polo)
2. DRWILGY (SokothQultuq)
4. EPIGNOSIS (Nerolunar)<----HUMAN- Lynched rezzed as FINAL FIVE
5. SVS (ObscureAllure)
6. RICOCHET (Ricochet)
7. BLACK ROCK (JaggedJimmyJay)
8. NEROLUNAR (Dex)<----NK'd- rezzed as FINAL FIVE
9. EPIGNOSIS (sig)
10. SOKOTHQULTUQ (juliets)<----HUMAN-Hot Dog- Died in sortie- rezzed as FINAL FIVE
11. SVS (G-Man)
12. SVS (insertnamehere)
13. SVS (Spacedaisy)<----NK'd- rezzed as FINAL FIVE
14. EPIGNOSIS (rabbit8)
15. EPIGNOSIS (DrumBeats)
16. EPIGNOSIS (SVS)<----CYLON #1- Lynched but rezzed- BADDIE
17. SVS (DrWilgy)<----CYLON #?- ???
18. SVS (Epignosis)<----CYLON #8a- Lynched- auto-rezzed- ???

-Black Rock


1. SVS (Polo)
5. SVS (ObscureAllure)
11. SVS (G-Man)
12. SVS (insertnamehere)
13. SVS (Spacedaisy)<----NK'd- rezzed as FINAL FIVE
17. SVS (DrWilgy)<----CYLON #?- ???
18. SVS (Epignosis)<----CYLON #8a- Lynched- auto-rezzed- ???

4. EPIGNOSIS (Nerolunar)<----HUMAN- Lynched rezzed as FINAL FIVE
9. EPIGNOSIS (sig)
14. EPIGNOSIS (rabbit8)
15. EPIGNOSIS (DrumBeats)
16. EPIGNOSIS (SVS)<----CYLON #1- Lynched but rezzed- BADDIE

2. DRWILGY (SokothQultuq)

6. RICOCHET (Ricochet)

7. BLACK ROCK (JaggedJimmyJay)

8. NEROLUNAR (Dex)<----NK'd- rezzed as FINAL FIVE

10. SOKOTHQULTUQ (juliets)<----HUMAN-Hot Dog- Died in sortie- rezzed as FINAL FIVE

-Black Rock

Post 4 of 10 this is. Forgot I did to mark properly my previous post.
by G-Man
Wed Jun 08, 2016 8:03 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 199310

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day 10

Polo wrote:I think Conoy's power is the insanifier. This is an assumption based purely on lore.
Assumed did I that insanification a host punishment was. Not immediate were such posts. Yes, mid-phase did they for OA and Matt begin.

Confusing and wordy DrumBeats's plan is. Outline it might he? Easier to understand that way it should be.

Dex wrote:
Dex wrote:SO SAY WE ALL!



For my own part, I doubt that a vote for Cavil will do anything more than to buy him more time. I have to agree that a focus on the 4ofF5 is our most productive approach, even though that includes me. If we have to eliminate Cavil's team to get to Cavil, one or two of them are there, and that's a small pool of suspects to search.

Nero's throwing S~V~S to the brig is behaviorally positive civ cred, albeit very easy. If I was nero and mafia, I'd do the same. Meanwhile, Julliettes has chosen to pursue some arcane issue with Sok that seems rather beside the point. SpaceDaisy seems to be mostly lurking. There is little left to go by than reads, and I'm terrible at reads.

I find it ironic, though, that I have spent the entire game trying to defend civ cylons, only to find myself in their very predicament.
Trust you before resurrection I did but a question I have. Why in quotes is your post? Suspicious this looks. Yes, suspicious. As if in another thread you wrote it once before and for posting here copied it you did.

Broken my ice bag has. Peed the couch my wife will think when home she returns. Ooh hee hee hee!
by G-Man
Wed Jun 08, 2016 6:30 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 199310

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day 10

A chronological vote order this is. Wait my technicolors can for revision. Pain do I still feel from my stitches. Easy enough it is to add a mental note that Cavil S~V~S is.

1. SVS (Polo)
2. DRWILGY (SokothQultuq)
3. EPIGNOSIS (Nerolunar)
4. SVS (ObscureAllure)
5. RICOCHET (Ricochet)
6. BLACK ROCK (JaggedJimmyJay)
8. EPIGNOSIS (sig)
9. SOKOTHQULTUQ (juliets)
10. SVS (G-Man)
11. SVS (insertnamehere)
12. SVS (Spacedaisy)
13. EPIGNOSIS (rabbit8)
14. EPIGNOSIS (DrumBeats)
16. SVS (DrWilgy)
17. SVS (Polo again???)
18. SVS (Epignosis)

Necessary is it from our host to receive clarification on Polo's second vote.

Post 2 of 10 this is.
by G-Man
Wed Jun 08, 2016 5:47 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 199310

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day 10

All say we so. Yes, all say we so.

Awake and less drowzy am I now that run out my prescription has. Catch up I must, for to understand the present, the past must I know. Skim-read have I just now but more thorough will I be after this post. Skim-reading is the path to the Dark Side of the Force. Yes, very tempting it is and very dangerous. Strong is its pull on the weak and hurried.

Post 1 of 10 this is.

Linki: A vote count can I recreate when no longer painful my stitches are.

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