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by Ricochet
Wed Aug 24, 2016 3:53 pm
Forum: Tin Pan Alley
Topic: Rainbow Album Rankings
Replies: 211
Views: 11592

Re: Rainbow Album Rankings


You seem to like to good ol' bop, overall, compared to the period in which Miles decided to turn the music tits up.
by Ricochet
Tue Apr 19, 2016 7:39 pm
Forum: Tin Pan Alley
Topic: Rainbow Album Rankings
Replies: 211
Views: 11592

Re: Rainbow Album Rankings

Bob Dylan is among the few artists I never "bulk-listened" - although, upon reflection, this idea of mine to immerse in his music bit by bit is quite irrational - I doubt I reached 10 different albums of his in my count, thus far. Anyway, I'd agree with H61 being a masterpiece. The only other albums that really stuck with me were Freewheelin' and Blood on the Tracks, if only for the delirious epic Lily, Rosemary and the Jack of Hearts.
by Ricochet
Tue Apr 12, 2016 5:06 pm
Forum: Tin Pan Alley
Topic: Rainbow Album Rankings
Replies: 211
Views: 11592

Re: Rainbow Album Rankings

agleaminranks wrote:Rico you had better save me a spot in that game.
You were the second to sign up for E.S.T., I've no doubt this will attract the firefly in you just as quickly. :p

You won't get to choose your role, this time, though. :feb:
by Ricochet
Tue Apr 12, 2016 12:10 pm
Forum: Tin Pan Alley
Topic: Rainbow Album Rankings
Replies: 211
Views: 11592

Re: Rainbow Album Rankings

I've never been in a place with a jukebox. The bartenders or DJs are czars over the playlist in our restaurants and bars, and the selection is rarely surprising to my ears.

For accordion, I would recommend the classical-trained and contemporary-versed Teodoro Anzellotti. Of course, many of his recordings delve into modern music written for the instrument, but he has one or two albums, like this one containing transcriptions from Erik Satie, that should please any listener.
And of course, when it comes to accordion, you can't go wrong with Aranis. :ohyeah: Debut and II compulsory, the others are ok.
by Ricochet
Mon Apr 11, 2016 6:25 pm
Forum: Tin Pan Alley
Topic: Rainbow Album Rankings
Replies: 211
Views: 11592

Re: Rainbow Album Rankings

Ok, but just so you know, vvlll is using my account more these days.
by Ricochet
Mon Apr 11, 2016 6:17 pm
Forum: Tin Pan Alley
Topic: Rainbow Album Rankings
Replies: 211
Views: 11592

Re: Rainbow Album Rankings

If you want rabbit hole descending, I posted on RYM back in 2010 (... wait, almost six years ago? fock! my life, I want it back :overreact: ) with a list I had written on a blog, with what I called "oddities" of avant-garde, nu free jazz, experimental and electroacoustic nature. These albums are basically the high gloss of what got me initiated in those genres back then. Mind you, though, these is actual a pretty mild selection. Dante hasn't seen shit in Inferno, compared to what can lurk in the depths of these orientations. :shifty:
by Ricochet
Mon Apr 11, 2016 5:55 pm
Forum: Tin Pan Alley
Topic: Rainbow Album Rankings
Replies: 211
Views: 11592

Re: Rainbow Album Rankings

thellama73 wrote:How come no one else has joined me in doing a Nurse With Wound list?
Too many albums, from what I can see.
by Ricochet
Sun Apr 10, 2016 4:28 am
Forum: Tin Pan Alley
Topic: Rainbow Album Rankings
Replies: 211
Views: 11592

Re: Rainbow Album Rankings

Ok, time to put this one to bed. I almost relistened to every single album, during the game I hosted, except for Strange Place for Snow, Seven Days of Falling (had to skim it real quick in order to write Silverwolf's death post), Tuesday Wonderland (MM never got close to dying :shrug:) and Live in Hamburg (already knew what to write, from my trip to Hamburg last year).

Esbjörn Svensson Trio


Live in Hamburg
Tuesday Wonderland
Seven Days of Falling

Strange Place for Snow
Good Morning Susie Soho
Winter in Venice

From Gagarin's Point of View
When Everyone Has Gone

Live '95
Plays Monk
by Ricochet
Mon Mar 28, 2016 6:25 pm
Forum: Tin Pan Alley
Topic: Rainbow Album Rankings
Replies: 211
Views: 11592

Re: Rainbow Album Rankings

Aw hell yöss K.A. supreme.

What's "Zühn Wöhl Ünsaï"?
by Ricochet
Wed Mar 23, 2016 6:41 pm
Forum: Tin Pan Alley
Topic: Rainbow Album Rankings
Replies: 211
Views: 11592

Re: Rainbow Album Rankings

I only TLET and MM and they're both great, but I still have to develop a real bond* with the 90s West Coast, the way I've been fukin with some of today's artists.

*err by that I mean immerse myself, it's not like I can actually form a "real" bond with that gen's music and statements
by Ricochet
Tue Mar 22, 2016 10:24 am
Forum: Tin Pan Alley
Topic: Rainbow Album Rankings
Replies: 211
Views: 11592

Re: Rainbow Album Rankings

MovingPictures07 wrote:I get to see Magma in concert this Sunday in Austin (something I never thought would ever happen). I haven't listened to them much in a while, but today starts my marathon in anticipation, so I think I'll be shooting up a Magma rainbow at some point this week. So Magma fans, I'm intrigued to see what your rainbows would look like. I need to relisten before even thinking about my rainbow though, because it's been a few years now since I listened to them religiously.
Hmm I would roughly say - I don't remember how half of this stuff sounds. My top 3-5 is solid, though.

Polo definitely needs to come reply to this.

K.A (Köhntarkösz Anteria)
Mekanïk Destruktïw Kommandöh
Theusz Hamtaahk - Trilogie


Retrospektïw I-II

Retrospektïw III
Üdü Wüdü

Christian Vander - Wurdah Ïtah
Riah Sahiltaahk

1001° Centigrades
Félicité Thösz


Not gonna rank the Akts, some are awful, some are ok.
by Ricochet
Mon Mar 21, 2016 11:38 am
Forum: Tin Pan Alley
Topic: Rainbow Album Rankings
Replies: 211
Views: 11592

Re: Rainbow Album Rankings

Relistened to Kveikur today. Now that the 2013 (#omgthatwasthreeyearsagoI'msooldanddyiiiing) new album letdown effect wore off, I find it respectable, but still weaker than the rest. Brennisteinn still burns and I can sort of see why Ísjaki would stick out as memorable, although I can also get nitpicky with it (like some counterpoint instrumentation and stuff). The rest still wears off with the echo, methinks, except for maybe Stormur, in which in regular music would count as balls-grabbed awkward falsetto, but since it's Nordic-with-a-bit-of-folksy-yearning-feel-to-it Sigur Ros, I guess that makes it better. Some of the last tracks really have a pop vibe overall that doesn't even resemble SR's core groove.
by Ricochet
Tue Mar 15, 2016 6:44 pm
Forum: Tin Pan Alley
Topic: Rainbow Album Rankings
Replies: 211
Views: 11592

Re: Rainbow Album Rankings

Anyway, back to Sigur Ros, if you thought that was corny, wait till see below.

So ( ) is one of my island discs. Better yet one of my mountain discs - more on that in the next paragraph. I don't have many of them, but ( ) is definitely one of them. I doubt it was coup de foudre, but it doesn't even matter anymore. I have no recollection of it past the point in which it became one of my favourite albums ever. The only SR album I tend to be contrarian about is Ágætis byrjun. I think it's overrated and I think ( ) is a perfect evolution from it. The moment my strong connection with ( ) was established was when I identified it with themes that, for better or worse, are close to me: melancholia, loneliness, detachment, trance or, and here's where the last track really helps in a big way, catharsis. Incidentally, I prefer the paranthesis and untitled format to the alternative track names as well, because it inspires "lack of identity" or "outer body / outer concept" stuff. Of course, I have no background knowledge into what SR tried to express through this album and it doesn't matter. Music is ours to see something in it or give an interpretation to.

My strongest recollection of forming a bond with this album was one summer holiday, when I was younger and I went with my parents at a cabin belonging to one of my uncles, that he happily shared with us, up in the mountains - hi, if you skipped the earlier paragraph all the way here. I don't remember being in my finest state at that time, but that's not actually my point. What I distinctly remember is that, as we drove up to the cabin and I played the album, the music suddenly clicked to me. The vocals, the harmonies, the minimal loop-like themes - they're all fairly volatile and ephemeral per se, but in my subconcious they lit everything on fire.

Then, at the cabin, an even greater moment, probably the defining one for me, happened one evening. JJJ spoke to us, using a different song from a different album, of the sun. I'd like to speak to you of the dusk. Because I listened to the entire ( ) whilst sitting outside in the garden, quite alone, lying in the grass or walking around and watching the sun fade behind a prominent hill, full of trees, to my right. One visual reference I could use in support of this is Ulver's Bergtatt cover (which, incidentally, I like way more than I should ever admit in public). Anyway, the view was stunning, the sunset was gorgeous and slow and entrancing, my emotions were both still and trembling, I was both at piece and drifting. Together with the music it was the perfect synthesis.

What for some may constitute boring in ( ), it is unity for me, although Untitled #8 also plays a key part in (finally?) offering some heavy contrast. Its build up and climax I would moreover associate with (musical/artistic) celebration (and, as I've said two paragraphs earlier, sheer catharsis). In the Heima DVD, they film it played at a concert, out on a field, with both fans and simple people gathering to listen to them, and it's quite the perfect message. Togetherness.

I feel the need to add that, 10 months ago when someone decided to depart and leave me rather lone in whatever is in store in life, ( ) was among five albums I could muster to listen to after that day of departure. I associated them with the five stages. ( ) stood for Depression. Again, it's not exactly medicine, but I have the tendency to embrace and amplify my moods, especially via musical sources.


Also, back on that cabin holiday, I swear I remember listening to Godspeed's Lift Yr Skinny Fists like Antennas to Heaven on another evening and the neighbours started a bonfire that ended up, like, 3 meters tall, while I was hearing chants of destruction and displeasure in my ears. I don't even.

Speaking of

Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Heaven
F♯ A♯ ∞

'Allelujah! Don't Bend! Ascend!

Slow Riot for New Zero Kanada
Yanqui U.X.O.

'Asunder, Sweet and Other Distress'
by Ricochet
Tue Mar 15, 2016 5:32 pm
Forum: Tin Pan Alley
Topic: Rainbow Album Rankings
Replies: 211
Views: 11592

Re: Rainbow Album Rankings

I would rather die than karaoke, except if I'm Bill Murray in Lost in Translation. Which I'm not. Or never will be.
by Ricochet
Tue Mar 15, 2016 5:26 pm
Forum: Tin Pan Alley
Topic: Rainbow Album Rankings
Replies: 211
Views: 11592

Re: Rainbow Album Rankings

oh god no. I've barely listened to one or two. I'm also a nerdtraveller, so when I was in London last year, I put their Barbican live album on headphones while I visited that area. It was actually a pretty great album.
by Ricochet
Tue Mar 15, 2016 5:14 pm
Forum: Tin Pan Alley
Topic: Rainbow Album Rankings
Replies: 211
Views: 11592

Re: Rainbow Album Rankings

I have a few favorites.

Hot Rats is not that great.

Some of the rest are good.

Some of the rest are bad.

Some of the rest are really awful.

I don't do posthumous in general, because I don't like dead musicians' music being milked on for years afterwards. Maybe if we're talking super-groovy archival stuff.
by Ricochet
Tue Mar 15, 2016 11:31 am
Forum: Tin Pan Alley
Topic: Rainbow Album Rankings
Replies: 211
Views: 11592

Re: Rainbow Album Rankings

Oh my heck... !!!
by Ricochet
Tue Mar 15, 2016 11:18 am
Forum: Tin Pan Alley
Topic: Rainbow Album Rankings
Replies: 211
Views: 11592

Re: Rainbow Album Rankings

Dom wrote:If only to be divisive and uncomforming...

One Direction
Made in the A.M.

Take Me Home
Midnight Memories

Up All Night
I've never heard of this band.
by Ricochet
Tue Mar 15, 2016 11:09 am
Forum: Tin Pan Alley
Topic: Rainbow Album Rankings
Replies: 211
Views: 11592

Re: Rainbow Album Rankings

Turnip Head wrote:
JaggedJimmyJay wrote:I think "Ísjaki" is the remarkable high of Kveikur, it's probably my second favorite track of theirs behind only "Viðrar vel til loftárása". Með suð í eyrum við spilum endalaust feels like a bloated caricature of Sigur Rós to me. "Ára Bátur" for example seems to follow the most typical Sigur Rós formula and it actually makes me laugh.
Agree about "Ísjaki" for sure, but "Brennisteinn" helps gives Kveikur an identity too. The first time I listened to the album and Brennisteinn came on as the opening track, I was like "Holy shit what's happening".

I see what you're saying about Vid spilum endalaust, it was like like they were trying for a more commercial sound. It reminds me of Jonsi's solo album, which I like quite a bit more, but I do like some of the shorter songs on there.
Brennisteinn also got me hyped, but then the rest felt :sigh: . I'll have to revisit for Ísjaki, I don't recall it being boners.

Með suð í eyrum við spilum endalaust is like cut in two, I think. The first half is like SR breaks character, but despite goofy, Animal Collective-esque tracks like the opener, I still especially like stuff the Inni meeny diiny dainy whatever second track. Very upbeat and energizing. Then, Festival onwards, it almost slips back into Takk-like comfy slippers and, whilst that puts it on an inferior spot than Takk, it's still comfy slippers moody listening time.
by Ricochet
Tue Mar 15, 2016 5:18 am
Forum: Tin Pan Alley
Topic: Rainbow Album Rankings
Replies: 211
Views: 11592

Re: Rainbow Album Rankings

Turnip Head wrote:Sigur Rós
Ooh oooooh


( )


Með suð í eyrum við spilum endalaust

Ágætis byrjun

*funny thing, I remember defending this album from the their-debut-sucks-ass PA hoards, back in the day, but I can hardly remember the music now, nor would I think anymore that it holds up well to their classics. I have no issue with Valtari, it's pretty pleasing actually and it was the album they promoted back when I saw them live... :cloud9: until they said right, enough of that and resorted to just blasting me into outer space with Popplagið \m/ \m/ \m/ \m/. I think Kveikur is the one that suffers the most from lackluster identity or having any remarkable high.
by Ricochet
Fri Mar 11, 2016 7:26 pm
Forum: Tin Pan Alley
Topic: Rainbow Album Rankings
Replies: 211
Views: 11592

Re: Rainbow Album Rankings

Talking Heads

Tina Weymouth

Remain in Light

Stop Making Sense

More Songs About Buildings and Food
Speaking in Tongues
The Name of This Band is Talking Heads

Fear of Music

Little Creatures
True Stories

King Crimson

In The Court of the Crimson King


The Night Watch
In The Wake of Poseidon

Absent Lovers
Happy with What You Have to Be Happy With

Larks' Tongues in Aspic

The ConstruKction of Light
Three of a Perfect Pair

Starless and Bible Black
The Power to Believe


The ProjeKcts
ProjeKct Two - Space Groove
Level Five


by Ricochet
Fri Mar 11, 2016 6:48 pm
Forum: Tin Pan Alley
Topic: Rainbow Album Rankings
Replies: 211
Views: 11592

Re: Rainbow Album Rankings

I'm actually more than ok with your list, G. You recognizing the beauty of Saucerful of Secrets compensates your inability to grasp the majesty of Animals.
by Ricochet
Thu Mar 10, 2016 3:40 pm
Forum: Tin Pan Alley
Topic: Rainbow Album Rankings
Replies: 211
Views: 11592

Re: Rainbow Album Rankings

Dream Theater

A Change of Seasons
A Dramatic Turn of Events
Falling into Infinity
Images and Words
Metropolis Pt. 2: Scenes from a Memory
Train of Thought
Systematic Chaos
by Ricochet
Thu Mar 10, 2016 8:33 am
Forum: Tin Pan Alley
Topic: Rainbow Album Rankings
Replies: 211
Views: 11592

Re: Rainbow Album Rankings

Different Stages - Live
A Farewell to Kings

Permanent Waves
Fly By Night
Exit... Stage Left

All The World's A Stage
Grace Under Pressure
Moving Pictures

Roll the Bones
Carress of Steel

Power Windows
Snakes & Arrows

Clockwork Angels
Hold Your Fire

Test for Echo
Vapor Trails
by Ricochet
Wed Mar 09, 2016 6:58 pm
Forum: Tin Pan Alley
Topic: Rainbow Album Rankings
Replies: 211
Views: 11592

Re: Rainbow Album Rankings

Led Zep

Houses of the Holy
Led Zeppelin
The Song Remains the Same
Led Zeppelin IV

Led Zeppelin III
Physical Graffiti

Led Zeppelin II

BBC Sessions
In Through the Out Door



OK Computer

In Rainbows

The Bends
The King of Limbs

Hail to the Thief

Pablo Honey

Kid A
by Ricochet
Wed Mar 09, 2016 4:57 pm
Forum: Tin Pan Alley
Topic: Rainbow Album Rankings
Replies: 211
Views: 11592

Re: Rainbow Album Rankings

I always felt Physical Graffiti's first CD is almost 5 stars (yes, even with Kashmir), but then the second CD is like a violent carcrash.
by Ricochet
Wed Mar 09, 2016 4:49 pm
Forum: Tin Pan Alley
Topic: Rainbow Album Rankings
Replies: 211
Views: 11592

Re: Rainbow Album Rankings

G-Man wrote:
Ricochet wrote:Extra pointless post from me, because I apparently accidentally hit "notify me when new posts" which is wtf.

wut? :scared:
by Ricochet
Wed Mar 09, 2016 4:46 pm
Forum: Tin Pan Alley
Topic: Rainbow Album Rankings
Replies: 211
Views: 11592

Re: Rainbow Album Rankings

Extra pointless post from me, because I apparently accidentally hit "notify me when new posts" which is wtf.
by Ricochet
Wed Mar 09, 2016 4:40 pm
Forum: Tin Pan Alley
Topic: Rainbow Album Rankings
Replies: 211
Views: 11592

Re: Rainbow Album Rankings

Oh good, something to consume my weekend.

So far members who ranked Led Zep's first as low as a yellow or orange are confirmed FOOLS.

I can probably managed a rainbow of Zep and Camel. I couldn't do a full Bowie one, because upon listening to his albums one by one in chronological order, getting past Station to Station was the equivalent of trying to stay awake. The Beatles would show up almost entirely in red, so no fun there.

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