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by Enrique
Thu Sep 04, 2014 2:10 am
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Hello
Replies: 143
Views: 9510

Re: Hello

Hi! I told Keys to say hi to you for me yesterday, not sure if he came through :p

Haven't heard from Sparrow in aages, but even before he was gone he was already kinda disassociating from us. Who knows, tho, people come back to #piano all the time. In the age of the internet you can't truly disappear forever.
by Enrique
Wed Sep 03, 2014 11:12 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Hello
Replies: 143
Views: 9510

Re: Hello

Oh, it's already happening. Check out the Speed Queue :D
by Enrique
Wed Sep 03, 2014 7:11 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Hello
Replies: 143
Views: 9510

Re: Hello

Oh damn he goes to Stanford.
by Enrique
Wed Sep 03, 2014 7:10 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Hello
Replies: 143
Views: 9510

Re: Hello

He was like half a year younger than me, so I guess he's in college now? Weird. Hadn't really thought about it. I probably still have him on Facebook, somewhere.
by Enrique
Wed Sep 03, 2014 7:01 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Hello
Replies: 143
Views: 9510

Re: Hello

At 19, I think I'm the only regular from there that still is :omg:

Well, and umm, Tin Man. But Tin Man is from a different LP era :p
by Enrique
Wed Sep 03, 2014 6:49 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Hello
Replies: 143
Views: 9510

Re: Hello

Huh, really, when was this? I've been on #revmafia pretty consistently for a few years an I don't really remember you being there a lot. Maybe this April-July while my laptop was broken? Or maybe I take more breaks than I give myself credit for. But at least I'm there now :p
by Enrique
Wed Sep 03, 2014 6:45 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Hello
Replies: 143
Views: 9510

Re: Hello

btw you should help me convince Lizzie to sign up for Dr. Who :srsnod:
by Enrique
Wed Sep 03, 2014 6:45 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Hello
Replies: 143
Views: 9510

Re: Hello

Oh, man, you should definitely get on IRC more. Emma is usually on all the time during holidays, not so much during the schoolyear. Lizzie is on at least for a few hours pretty much every day. I keep telling Dom to get on, but the idea just seems too complicated for him :p
by Enrique
Wed Sep 03, 2014 6:32 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Hello
Replies: 143
Views: 9510

Re: Hello

OK, well... since everybody seems to be doing it. My name is Enrique (who woulda known?), but I've been known by a few other names before. I joined Lostpedia as Eko way way back in 2007, I think before I had even turned 12. Summer before I started middle school, how crazy is that? This community has been a part of my life through all of my teenage years. I haven't been active in any of the forums for a few years; iirc, the only games I've played since 2012 are Lost in Rev (where I got NKd early on) and Recruitment 3, where I had to sub out after a couple days unfortunately after my laptop's screen broke :( But this whole time I've been on the IRC, so I never felt disconnected, either. I've talked to some of you most days since like 2011, so I think I'm good :p

I remember Ikkl Genius fondly for other things he brought to the table on Lostpedia (Lost the Alternate Story, participating in The Whispers RPG, etc.), but when he first introduced Mafia to the forums it just looked too complicated and I didn't wanna bother. Oh boy. It took me until Mike's "Ten Little Indians" (Mafia the Thirteenth) to sign up for a game, and this was still when the idea of themed games was being introduced. I wish I could check LP for this, but it was played concurrently with Frex's Star Wars and right before Trev's Simpsons Mafia?

I was Mafia in my first game. If I'm not mistaken, my teammates were LoRab, Diamond Dog and Ceb18. We were all making it until the very end when we started getting picked out one by one. I think this was one of the first games with two different Mafia teams, too, so the competition was a lot of fun. We lost, but whatever, there's no record of that since Lostpedia got wiped a few days ago :p

To be honest, I hadn't thought much about coming back to Mafia. I never played much outside of LP and TP, so with those sites gone, it just seemed like a chore to have to sign up to a new one and have to meet a bunch of new people, etc. This summer I watched the first 3 seasons of Misfits and got nutelLA really into the show, so she was ADAMANT that I sign up for Misfits Mafia. I said naaah not feelin it, but Dana and Jer (also from IRC) were intrigued so I explained the site to them and they decided to sign up. I followed Misfits Mafia somewhat closely, and even though I wasn't playing, it was still a lot of fun to see my new and old friends in action together. Whenever Dana messaged me telling me how hard of a time she was having not knowing who to trust, I was DYING to get back into playing. I even read up on some old games, and realized that: 1) I needed to bring Last Man Standing back, and 2) Indy roles are always the most fun.

So here I am now. A few days into Monty Python and the Holy Grail, it's been ridiculous amounts of fun. I'm a sophomore (Multicultural relations / Anthropology major) in college now, studying in Universidad de las Américas Puebla (did I mention I'm Mexican? Oh well, it's not too late) which can be VERY demanding. Mafia adds to the stress somedays, but I also love being back with you guys and being allowed to blow off some steam on this thing.

You might also know me as dl15 (my original handle on Piano), Enrico (HV), Rico Suave (HV derived nickname), etc. I know there was some confusion when I first signed up, but I think most of you have recognized me by now. Glad to be here! You guys are the best. :hug:

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