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by nutella
Wed Jan 15, 2014 4:13 pm
Forum: Tinsel Town
Topic: Sherlock
Replies: 26
Views: 787

Re: Sherlock

insertnamehere wrote: How? Just because something has more POC characters or more women doesn't mean it's less misogynistic. I'd rather a character be included in a story because they are interesting, not because the writers want to fill up a bingo card so they can't be called racist. In my opinion, having a black guy in the show just for the sake of having a black guy, is more racist then not having one at all. I don't care how many POC or women are in the show, it's how they portray them is what I care about. And what do you mean, by comparison it's misogynistic? Stories serve different purposes and themes, and try to achieve different things. The new Robert Redford film where he's the only character who just tries to survive on a boat during a storm could be considered "misogynistic" compared to something like The Handmaid's Tale. They both have different themes, stories, and points. Comparing them on the grounds of which is the most pro-women, and then calling the other misogynistic regardless of the actual content of the story just squashes actual discussion, and is just frankly offensive to whoever worked on the "misogynistic" story.
Since you haven't seen it, no, they're not there just for the sake of being there. They're all incredibly developed characters. And sure, they're different shows. I guess Sherlock is sort of more true to the canon in some ways, whereas Elementary, for example, genderswaps a few major characters and makes other changes, but is still a really good adaptation -- it does a really good job of retaining stuff from canon and adapting it to a modern NYC setting. Maybe you could call it more experimental or progressive, because of the way it stretches the "Sherlock Holmes genre" into a somewhat less male-dominated realm. In any case, I'm not trying to put down BBC Sherlock, I really love both shows, and I do kind of judge the extreme-tumblr-social-justice types who refuse to give something a chance because they think it's misogynistic. But I have to agree with them on some of the reasons Elementary is such a great show. And it's a great show regardless.
insertnamehere wrote: Did you see the after credits scene where the real Moriarty turned to the camera and said "Miss me?"? I feel like that's just confirmation that he really is back. I'm really disappointed with this development.
I saw it, but I'm reluctant to interpret it that way. It's hard to say. But if he is back, there better be a DAMN good explanation, because there's no way he survived blowing his brains out.
by nutella
Wed Jan 15, 2014 2:13 pm
Forum: Tinsel Town
Topic: Sherlock
Replies: 26
Views: 787

Re: Sherlock


OK, seriously, you can't assume that M is somehow resurrected means bring bak 2 lyfe. There's absolutely no way. So clearly he just had set up some elaborate plan before his death. Like he made the videos, and told someone who worked for him to release them when a certain event triggers (most obvious being Sherlock leaving). And my thinking is that whoever that someone is will become a new villain with their own motives.

---end spoilers---

As for the misogyny discussion, WATCH ELEMENTARY. ALL OF YOU. IT IS SO GOOD. In comparison with Elementary, which has prominent and badass female characters (as well as more POC characters), BBC Sherlock can be called misogynistic :p But as for me, I LOVE both shows. It is possible to be a fan of both. Let me tell you, Elementary is AWESOME.

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