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by Ben Linus
Fri Oct 16, 2015 12:39 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Game Over -The Syndicate Mafia
Replies: 2030
Views: 82145

Re: Game Over -The Syndicate Mafia

And in case anyone is curious, here's my 2nd-place entry to the sock guessing game circa Night 1.
Reywas 2 wrote:Bass - Blooper 2
Black Rock - Scotty 2
Blooper - Black Rock 2
boo - lipsticklacey 2
Cobalt - Timmer 2
Cookie - Turnip Head 2
Dom - Metalmarsh 2
Dr Wilgy - boo 2
Elohcin - JJJ 2
Epignosis - Cobalt 2
Golden - Ricochet 2
JJJ - Dom 2
lipsticklacey - Sig 2
Long Con - Llama 2
Metalmarsh - Elohcin 2
reywaS - Long Con 2
Ricochet - Golden 2
Scotty - Gamer Guy 2
Sig - Epignosis 2
SVS - Cookie 2
Synonym - Dr Wilgy 2
Gamer Guy - Synonym 2
thellama73 - SVS 2
Timmer - Bass 2
Turnip Head - reywas 2
Looking back, I have no idea why I ended up changing my read of Ricochet 2 to timmer. Should have stuck with my first read there XD
by Ben Linus
Thu Oct 15, 2015 6:46 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Game Over -The Syndicate Mafia
Replies: 2030
Views: 82145

Re: Game Over -The Syndicate Mafia

by Ben Linus
Mon Oct 05, 2015 11:06 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Game Over -The Syndicate Mafia
Replies: 2030
Views: 82145

Re: Night 8 -The Syndicate Mafia

come at me bro
by Ben Linus
Sat Oct 03, 2015 7:12 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Game Over -The Syndicate Mafia
Replies: 2030
Views: 82145

Re: Day 8 -The Syndicate Mafia

A "RIP" would be nice, bitches
by Ben Linus
Sat Oct 03, 2015 6:54 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Game Over -The Syndicate Mafia
Replies: 2030
Views: 82145

Re: Night 7 -The Syndicate Mafia

Epignosis 2 wrote:This was obviously a mafia ability, it seems they are trying to hold off the inevitably. I am thinking maybe on even nights we have a Third party killer and odd is when the mafia kills.
Yeah I think we've got a serial killer on the loose
by Ben Linus
Sat Oct 03, 2015 6:53 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Game Over -The Syndicate Mafia
Replies: 2030
Views: 82145

Re: Night 7 -The Syndicate Mafia

by Ben Linus
Fri Oct 02, 2015 9:05 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Game Over -The Syndicate Mafia
Replies: 2030
Views: 82145

Re: Night 6 -The Syndicate Mafia

well well well
by Ben Linus
Fri Oct 02, 2015 11:43 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Game Over -The Syndicate Mafia
Replies: 2030
Views: 82145

Re: Day 6 -The Syndicate Mafia

Scotty 2 wrote:I think I shall vote now. I'm going to vote for Cookie 2. I agree that Cookie 2 is likely bad taking advantage of the boo 2 situation. I'm hoping from this point boo 2 will settle down and play the game moving forward. I don't really think boo is a baddie.
Epignosis 2 wrote:Well Reywas 2 being satisfied with my response really took the wind out of my sails of martyrdom, but what can you do?

Looking over everything again I agree with Reywas the Cookie comment, also if we believe Black Rock 2 was innocent she made a case against Cookie. Today I would rather lynch Cookie 2 then Boo 2, for that reason I will be voting for Cookie.

Scotty 2 you could have just posted your thoughts and ignored the drama this seems like a rather weak reason for not posting.
That's true... if I myself felt comfortable in the thread at that time. I felt removed from the game and when I was reading the thread there was so much negativity I asked the hosts to replace me. I'm not good with negativity. Since I can't be replaced and I feel like dropping out for something that had nothing to do with me is lame I decided to sit back and wait. You may think this is weak but I'm not about to change my personality.
Talk to me about why Cookie 2 is *likely* bad.
by Ben Linus
Fri Oct 02, 2015 1:04 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Game Over -The Syndicate Mafia
Replies: 2030
Views: 82145

Re: Day 6 -The Syndicate Mafia

Scotty 2 has 8 posts.

Yeah Scotty 2, anything at all would be helpful at this point. Your voting record looks sketchy.
by Ben Linus
Fri Oct 02, 2015 12:35 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Game Over -The Syndicate Mafia
Replies: 2030
Views: 82145

Re: Day 6 -The Syndicate Mafia

I'm gonna need something from Scotty 2 other than a big ass picture of puppies.
by Ben Linus
Fri Oct 02, 2015 12:29 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Game Over -The Syndicate Mafia
Replies: 2030
Views: 82145

Re: Day 6 -The Syndicate Mafia

After mulling it over I'm mostly satisfied with Epig 2's response to my case. But I'll keep thinking on it.

I'm looking at a Cookie 2 vote today. Her comment about win cons can't be ignored. Why aren't more people talking about that? And she was a suspect before this boo 2 stuff happened. Maybe she truly feels like boo 2 needs to die for his attitude but that doesn't mean she isn't a baddie taking advantage of the situation.
by Ben Linus
Thu Oct 01, 2015 11:30 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Game Over -The Syndicate Mafia
Replies: 2030
Views: 82145

Re: Day 6 -The Syndicate Mafia

I have a new suspect and his name is Epignosis 2. I'll try to keep this short and to the point.
Epignosis 2 wrote:With Long Con 2 flipping mafia I find it more likely that Synonym 2 is clean.
This is from Night 3.
Epignosis 2 wrote:Ihave to go eat, so don't have much time I will be back, but will be voting. I decided I will vote for Syn 2 this phase. Iwill explain more later

Black Rock is asking to be lynched I don't think she is mafia so I would rather wait and lynch someone who I think could be.
And this is from Day 4. Talk about a quick turn around on the Syn 2 issue. Note that Epig 2 doesn't think BR 2 is mafia.
Epignosis 2 wrote:Timmer post was strange but not one a mafia would make, if Synonym 2 flips civilian he is on the chopping block. Rereading Elohcin's post and then Llama 2 reasons for voting Synonym 2 I found that to be a better lynch then either Black Rock or Elohcin. Out of the three I'm more confident with a Synonym 2 lynch then Black Rock or elohcin especially after elohcin last post. However, I could just as easily see Elohcin and Synonym being on the same team assuming there is two mafia teams or even if there is one though that seems more unlikely.
Only a bit of time left in this phase and then night phase right?
Apparently Black Rock 2 is lynching themselves, I will be reading over her argument on cookie as well as cookies post.
"However, I could just as easily see Elohcin and Synonym being on the same team assuming there is two mafia teams or even if there is one though that seems more unlikely." That doesn't make sense to me. Syn 2 was being suspected for cashing in on his LC2 suspicion. Elohcin 2 was suspected for defending LC2. What is Epignosis 2's argument for them being teammates? Looks like faux logic to me. We now know that neither of them were mafia. More defense of BR2.

So Epignosis 2 has done nothing but defend Black Rock 2 up to this point. Okay, maybe Epig 2 simply has a strong civvie read on BR2. Or maybe Epig 2 is a baddie and knows BR2 isn't on his team. Now let's see what happens after BR2 flips tracker.
Epignosis 2 wrote:The argument that Golden didn't lynch Black Rock and accidentally voted Bass makes little sense. We didn't get a list of which mafia was on her lynch or anything like that. This argument seems to be reaching especially since Golden said he would vote for her.

I'm weighing why if mafia he would purposely do this and it doesn't make much sense. Know without being able to info/role reveal in this game, golden could be the seemer but unless the mafia have a revive ability as well it would make little sense. Unless we are saying a civ revived him by accident and he was a mafia member?

I will consider this Golden thing but I don't believe he voted for Bass on accident. Interestingly also is Synonym 2 response to Black Rock in the post Dom quoted.
Epignosis 2 wrote:The issue I'm seeing with Golden being mafia is why would they kill him? Black Rock 2 was being considered as suspicious for awhile, she was going to get lynched at some point maybe this was a set up. The other option is that if there is a vigilante then they killed Golden 2 and it wasn't the mafia. This then brings up his revival, was the a misused civ power or a mafia ability? Assuming Golden is mafia that is.
Epignosis 2 wrote:Ah unfortunately this doesn't help us much, but at this point I would rather lynch Synonyms 2 then Golden 2.
Where has Epignosis 2's trust in BR2 gone? He seemed certain that BR2 wasn't bad, but after BR2 flipped tracker, Epig 2 is casting doubt on BR2's motives. Also back to suspecting Syn 2.
Epignosis 2 wrote:This reminds me of Sig's performance from Frisky Dingo well thought out theory but based on logic that is well completely lacking logical. So either he is a very good sock, a confused civilian, or a mafia trying to save Golden 2 a fellow mafia.

I'm interested in sig2 post it did make me suspicious and just confused me about Golden more. I had actually while confused saw logic in it until Lipsticklacey 2 pointed the above out.

This all goes back to whether or not Golden is innocent. What was Black Rocks purpose of her self lynch, As a mafia she might have lasted longer but would have eventfully died as a portion of players were ready to vote for her. Could this have also been done to save Synonyms from a lynch he and Elochin were the leading lynches until Black Rock then voted for herself and Sig 2 voted for her. Golden meant to vote for her.
Sig 2 opinion has shifted about Golden as well as of yesterday he was ready to lynch Golden and was firmly on Black Rock 2 side what changed?

I would blike to hear more people's thoughts on Sig 2 as well as the fact that this Black Rock matter has taken up the night and the first portion of the day,could this be a mafia distraction to help us forget yesterday's targets?
More doubt cast upon BR2. For someone who didn't think BR2 was bad all the way up until the flip, Epignosis 2 sure doesn't want to follow BR2's lead re: Golden 2 now.

I think these actions point to Epignosis 2 being a player who defended BR2 knowing she was civ, right up until the flip, at which point BR2's role became a problem for someone on Epig 2's team.
by Ben Linus
Wed Sep 30, 2015 10:26 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Game Over -The Syndicate Mafia
Replies: 2030
Views: 82145

Re: Day 6 -The Syndicate Mafia

I saw the deleted comments and they were totally out of line.

But I'm on the Dom 2 and Ricochet 2 side of this fence. Lynching boo 2 is the easy move because he all but stopped short of asking us to do it with that post.

I don't care that there's no more replacements. I'm not wasting a lynch to deal with him. My judgment call is to ignore him completely. Maybe he'll come to his senses and come back to the game, or maybe he'll be modkilled for not participating, or a replacement will pop up down the road. Until then, let him rot in exile. And in the meantime we should be lynching baddies.
by Ben Linus
Wed Sep 30, 2015 10:07 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Game Over -The Syndicate Mafia
Replies: 2030
Views: 82145

Re: Day 6 -The Syndicate Mafia

Cookie 2 wrote:
Reywas 2 wrote:I'd rather boo 2 get replaced or modkilled than waste a lynch on him. I'm not a fan of his attitude, but I'm also not a big fan of anyone using this as an opportunity to set up an easy vote. If he flips civ there's absolutely no accountability for those votes.

I got my eye on Lacey 2 and Cookie 2 for that.
He has made it clear he isn't going to ask to be replaced. If you miss the point of this, fine. But this thread has had a hostility element and perhaps this will purge it if we come together to do this. Our hostesses are awesome, and why force them to modkill one of their roles?
If he refuses to play then he needs to be replaced or modkilled. I agree that our hostesses are awesome. But I'm not willing to waste the civvies' most valuable tool just because a player has a bad attitude.

linki: What Dom said.
by Ben Linus
Wed Sep 30, 2015 9:47 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Game Over -The Syndicate Mafia
Replies: 2030
Views: 82145

Re: Day 6 -The Syndicate Mafia

I'd rather boo 2 get replaced or modkilled than waste a lynch on him. I'm not a fan of his attitude, but I'm also not a big fan of anyone using this as an opportunity to set up an easy vote. If he flips civ there's absolutely no accountability for those votes.

I got my eye on Lacey 2 and Cookie 2 for that.
by Ben Linus
Wed Sep 30, 2015 4:51 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Game Over -The Syndicate Mafia
Replies: 2030
Views: 82145

Re: Night 5 -The Syndicate Mafia

Bass 2 wrote:
Reywas 2 wrote:So you admit that I didn't say that. That you construed it that way, in a way to make me look bad, most likely intentionally. I hope you see the irony in that.

I know you were only interested in Metalmarsh 2's answer, you're proving my point. If you felt like your point was valid you would have opened it up to the whole thread. MM2 strikes me as an opinionated player capable of sharing his own opinions. He doesn't need your prompting. You did it to get buddy-buddy with him.

You are getting obnoxious Reywas 2. I did not claim that you said the words "I want Metalmarsh 2 to get upset and leave." I claimed that the words you did say were said with that underlying intent. You were the only one to mention that claim of exact words. If you are of the belief that the only information we should work off of is the exact words that people post, with no context or interpretation whatsoever, then we'll have to agree to disagree.
Sorry if you think I'm being obnoxious when I defend myself from what I believe are hyperbolic attacks from you. You've called me both ridiculous and obnoxious now, and apparently expect me to take that lying down.

I know I didn't say those words, I know that better than anyone. You are once again proving my point. You took what I said and interpreted it in a way that I've continually said I didn't mean it. And that's ironically exactly what you're accusing me of doing with MM2. I honestly don't know how you got "I want Metalmarsh 2 to get upset and leave" as my meaning from anything I've posted and it couldn't be further from the truth. All I did re: MM2 was disagree with him about something, and I did so in a non-confrontational way.

RIP Syn 2.

Here's a sheep.

by Ben Linus
Wed Sep 30, 2015 4:55 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Game Over -The Syndicate Mafia
Replies: 2030
Views: 82145

Re: Day 5 -The Syndicate Mafia

Golden 2 wrote:
Reywas 2 wrote:
Golden 2 wrote:
Ricochet 2 wrote:
Golden 2 wrote:Two more minutes and I'd break a tie by voting "Eloh"? Seriously?
Why Eloh and not cookie?
My suspicions on both haven't changed much, in that I've reading Eloh bad and got mixed stuff from Cookie. The "win con" stuff she got tangled it got my eye as well, but for once she hasn't even come back with an explanation what the hell she actually meant.
This is a nice catch by Rico 2 as well. If Golden 2 is getting bad vibes from Elohcin 2 as he says here, what does Golden 2 mean by "Seriously?" It should be an easy vote for him at that point. If Golden 2 is bad like I suspect he is, this post makes me think Cookie 2 is someone he doesn't want to lose.
That's no catch, he pushed for "Cookie"'s lynch and wanted to know why I'm looking the other way. I would have reacted the same way to any tie, with 2 minutes left to vote, because I made it clear why I had to wait with my vote. A tiebreak can be compromising.

Also, stop doing equations that I'm confirmed baddie and my interactions lead to baddies. I'm not bad, so the mentality can fail big time - except if you're not exactly civ and that's your idea of doing damage.
Pretty weak NO U at the end here Golden 2. C'mon, you can do better :D
by Ben Linus
Wed Sep 30, 2015 4:51 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Game Over -The Syndicate Mafia
Replies: 2030
Views: 82145

Re: Night 5 -The Syndicate Mafia

Bass 2 wrote:Something a particularly sagely player I know likes to do is point out how hard it is to lynch certain players. Naturally, mafia are harder to lynch than civilians, because mafia have a tea, running interference for them.

Reywas 2 you're being ridiculous. You are correct on the "buddying up" statement, however. I like making friends. Like Lacey 2, we're friends now and the game has been much more pleasant!
LOL what am I being ridiculous about? All you did in this post was say I'm correct. You have to explain why you're belittling my point of view.

And you're the one who said there's no logical reason to keep me around because of something I never said. Pretty sure that was the epitome of ridiculousness.
by Ben Linus
Tue Sep 29, 2015 11:13 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Game Over -The Syndicate Mafia
Replies: 2030
Views: 82145

Re: Day 5 -The Syndicate Mafia

Golden 2 wrote:
Ricochet 2 wrote:
Golden 2 wrote:Two more minutes and I'd break a tie by voting "Eloh"? Seriously?
Why Eloh and not cookie?
My suspicions on both haven't changed much, in that I've reading Eloh bad and got mixed stuff from Cookie. The "win con" stuff she got tangled it got my eye as well, but for once she hasn't even come back with an explanation what the hell she actually meant.
This is a nice catch by Rico 2 as well. If Golden 2 is getting bad vibes from Elohcin 2 as he says here, what does Golden 2 mean by "Seriously?" It should be an easy vote for him at that point. If Golden 2 is bad like I suspect he is, this post makes me think Cookie 2 is someone he doesn't want to lose.
by Ben Linus
Tue Sep 29, 2015 10:59 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Game Over -The Syndicate Mafia
Replies: 2030
Views: 82145

Re: Night 5 -The Syndicate Mafia

I'm gonna backpedal and change my tune re: Cookie 2. I went back and read and I totally see Ricochet 2's point. It makes no sense for Cookie 2 to bring up "splints hates alive or dead win cons" in the context of this game if she's civ.
by Ben Linus
Tue Sep 29, 2015 6:41 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Game Over -The Syndicate Mafia
Replies: 2030
Views: 82145

Re: Night 5 -The Syndicate Mafia

by Ben Linus
Tue Sep 29, 2015 6:02 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Game Over -The Syndicate Mafia
Replies: 2030
Views: 82145

Re: Day 5 -The Syndicate Mafia

Golden 2 wrote:Well hey "rey" did the honors. :beer:

Voted myself.
by Ben Linus
Tue Sep 29, 2015 6:01 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Game Over -The Syndicate Mafia
Replies: 2030
Views: 82145

Re: Day 5 -The Syndicate Mafia

Elohcin 2 wrote:I'm leaning towards Golden being genuine and BR being the seemer. The more I look at it, the more it seems like a set-up than a genuine way to help the civs. As it's been pointed out, she did take her time disputing a role that supposedly belonged to her.
No small task to dispute the role of supposedly an outted civvie. She did try.

I voted for you.
by Ben Linus
Tue Sep 29, 2015 5:58 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Game Over -The Syndicate Mafia
Replies: 2030
Views: 82145

Re: Day 5 -The Syndicate Mafia

Elohcin 2 wrote:but Rey's interactions with being questioned about how Golden could be on LC's team look floundering to me.
Explain what you mean.
by Ben Linus
Tue Sep 29, 2015 5:43 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Game Over -The Syndicate Mafia
Replies: 2030
Views: 82145

Re: Day 5 -The Syndicate Mafia

I think when BR2 told us to not look at her cases, she meant look at Golden 2.

Telling us not to look at her cases is a civvie move in my book btw. A seemer would want us to pursue all her "suspects".
by Ben Linus
Tue Sep 29, 2015 5:40 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Game Over -The Syndicate Mafia
Replies: 2030
Views: 82145

Re: Day 5 -The Syndicate Mafia

I think Blooper 2 is Bass and I think he'd be more involved if he had a team.
by Ben Linus
Tue Sep 29, 2015 5:35 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Game Over -The Syndicate Mafia
Replies: 2030
Views: 82145

Re: Day 5 -The Syndicate Mafia

Ricochet 2 wrote:@rey - thinking about seemer choosing an identity that is not their own makes me think...

if BR 2.0 was a seemer, could she have chosen from absolutely anyone not playing the game?

If so, the person I'd choose to gain cred is juliets. And I did find it surprising juliets was playing given she has been barely on the site in weeks, its not impossible.

I can't figure out who is behind socks so I don't know about that side of things, but I still think lynching golden is rational just because it seems like a 50/50 shot to me. But I also don't see value in putting a throwaway vote there if he isn't going to be lynched.

Right now, if it isn't golden, I'm voting cookie. I think cookie slipped and gave away that she didn't know the civ win condition, and then tried to cover. It's a big red flag for me.
I thought BR2 was juliets before her flip. If she was lying about anything, it wasn't that.

She also couldn't really have picked many other people, because BR2 was replaced. She couldn't have flipped as any identity that started the game with a sock.
by Ben Linus
Tue Sep 29, 2015 5:19 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Game Over -The Syndicate Mafia
Replies: 2030
Views: 82145

Re: Day 5 -The Syndicate Mafia

I'm still suspicious of Elohcin 2 but there's no momentum there because she doesn't post. She's not giving us anything to work with one way or the other. I think she looks bad due to her involvement in the LC2 lynch but she's not around for me to question her or get a better feel for her. She seems to just pop up before every deadline and quickly state her piece.
by Ben Linus
Tue Sep 29, 2015 5:16 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Game Over -The Syndicate Mafia
Replies: 2030
Views: 82145

Re: Day 5 -The Syndicate Mafia

Ricochet 2 wrote:Rey, yesterday you gave the most rational argument for waiting on golden. I wish we could flesh this out but I feel like end of day is too close now, because I'm interested in why your sudden change of heart. If I'm reading you right, I feel like perhaps it is entirely about sock identification? Could you point to things that make you feel confident in that?

linki @ rey - bass reads entirely buddy buddy to me too.
I think the cautious approach on Golden 2 is to wait and see what he gives us or if the baddies take him out. That said I think he's lying about who he is (fits him being seemer), his posts before LC2's flip shows him wanting to stay out of making a judgment on her, his HIMYM posts rub me the wrong way because he had nothing to say about LC2 beforehand and I don't think he had an alternative ending to the gag in mind. The only thing giving me pause is maybe I'm wrong about Juliets. And he's going to flip civvie again when/if we lynch him so it's not going to feel especially rewarding. But at this moment in time I think he's bad.

Can't really point to anything specific re: why I think he's lying about his identity. The cadence of his posts, word choice, syntax make me think he's someone specific.
by Ben Linus
Tue Sep 29, 2015 4:54 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Game Over -The Syndicate Mafia
Replies: 2030
Views: 82145

Re: Day 5 -The Syndicate Mafia

Bass 2 wrote:
Reywas 2 wrote:Here's my problem Bass 2. You asked MM2 if he thought I was misconstruing him on purpose. Why did you ask JUST him? Why didn't you ask the thread at large, or offer your own opinion before asking for MM2's?

My answer to that question is you did it because you were preying upon his ego and hoping to get on his good side by engaging with him and turning him against me. Maybe there's a different, civ-friendly answer to that question but that's not how I'm viewing it atm.
Of course you wouldn't tell someone you want them to go away, that'd more likely than not annoy them and make them stick around even longer. I wasn't claiming you had said those direct words. Please don't play dumb, it's a waste of time.

I asked JUST him because I was only interested in HIS answer. If I had cared what Synonym 2, for instance, thought about it I would've asked Synonym 2. But I don't care what Synonym 2 thinks of that exchange. He wasn't involved in it, and I don't think I'll get any significant information from asking that. To turn your own logic back on you, why aren't you asking everyone why I asked MM2 that question?

To be perfectly honest that wouldn't have been a bad plan, but your reaction made you look bad, not anything I said to Metalmarsh 2.
So you admit that I didn't say that. That you construed it that way, in a way to make me look bad, most likely intentionally. I hope you see the irony in that.

I know you were only interested in Metalmarsh 2's answer, you're proving my point. If you felt like your point was valid you would have opened it up to the whole thread. MM2 strikes me as an opinionated player capable of sharing his own opinions. He doesn't need your prompting. You did it to get buddy-buddy with him.
by Ben Linus
Tue Sep 29, 2015 3:52 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Game Over -The Syndicate Mafia
Replies: 2030
Views: 82145

Re: Day 5 -The Syndicate Mafia

Lipsticklacey 2 wrote:
Reywas 2 wrote:
Lipsticklacey 2 wrote:
Reywas 2 wrote:Do we know that LC2's team killed Golden 2?
So then there is evidence of a second baddie team, and you need to reassess.

He also could have been killed by the civ ninja so I don't think this is as cut and dry as you want to make it seem :shrug: If I feel that there's sufficient evidence of a second baddie team and I'm unhappy with Syn 2's contributions (he's been resting on his laurels ever since the LC2 lynch IMO) then I'll look that way. But you trying to strongarm me into going that direction doesn't make me want to do it.
Except that is an absurd argument to make. Go read Timmer 2, and explain to me why he would have chosen to kill Golden 2.

Either there is a single baddie team, and you need to come up with a compelling reason Golden 2's own team killed him, or there is compelling evidence that there are 2 baddie teams.

Anything else is making up excuses to hold on to theories that do not actually hold up.

I'm not going to do any of that.

When I'm the civ ninja I tend to kill people I'm suspicious of that I don't bring up in-thread. I don't claim to know the inner workings of Llama's mind.
Golden 2 wrote:
Reywas 2 wrote:
Lipsticklacey 2 wrote:
Reywas 2 wrote:Do we know that LC2's team killed Golden 2?
So then there is evidence of a second baddie team, and you need to reassess.

He also could have been killed by the civ ninja so I don't think this is as cut and dry as you want to make it seem :shrug: If I feel that there's sufficient evidence of a second baddie team and I'm unhappy with Syn 2's contributions (he's been resting on his laurels ever since the LC2 lynch IMO) then I'll look that way. But you trying to strongarm me into going that direction doesn't make me want to do it.
So "Timmer" killed me and the mafia just slept on the job that Night?
Don't act like I'm being ridiculous. It wouldn't even be the first time in this game that the mafia kill didn't go through.
by Ben Linus
Tue Sep 29, 2015 3:44 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Game Over -The Syndicate Mafia
Replies: 2030
Views: 82145

Re: Day 5 -The Syndicate Mafia

Golden 2 wrote:
Reywas 2 wrote:
Golden 2 wrote:
Reywas 2 wrote:One problem I've got with Golden 2 is his kitschy posts leading up to the LC 2 flip. He posted those How I Met Your Mother memes and finished up with the classic "Dary!" as if he was already expecting the result. I mean what was Golden 2 gonna post if LC2 flipped civ? That was bizarre IMO.
Once again, I shouldn't have to point out what compelled me to do all those "kitschy posts" throughout the duration of a Day phase. What was it that was kitchy, anyway, considering that I implemented my regular thoughts into them instead of just fooling around (well, maybe a little)?

As for the HIMYM reference, it was a paraphrase to two things: a) the player I was referencing with the so called "kitschy posts", who did these HIMYM lynch flip shenanigans in a previous game and b) a lynch drama regarding "LC" that lasted for three Days and was still in effect, considering the talk that "LC" might be get another good roll, if a die-hard, and survive yet another Day. The "Dary" picture would have been adapted to a less enthusiastic one (well EDIT: you already asked for proof), should "LC" have flipped civ, but the whole thing in itself was nothing short of a reference gag.
I'm calling your HIMYM memes "kitschy", not your image posts in general. I think that's a reference you make only if you know what the result of the flip will be. And your less enthusiastic version doesn't make much sense tbh. You were neither a proponent of lynching LC2 or defending her, so I don't know what compelled you to make the HIMYM reference during that specific lynch unless you knew you could complete the gag after the flip. I think you were coasting on your free civ cred and made a careless mistake by telegraphing the result. I think it points to you being on LC2's team.
A gag is a gag. I only made it to paraphrase the second skin I had to live in and to wrap up my phase of posting like that. Plus, re-read my point b). I didn't telegraph any result, I adapted it to a situation in which "LC" would have either flipped mafia, after three Days of hounding, either survive another lynch, and prolong the whole thing once more, or flip civ, and make the whole thing a blunder. All three would have made a lasting effect. You're putting too much sense into those posts. Vote to lynch me, if you really think that's your big lead.
It's just a piece of the puzzle, my tennis-loving friend.
by Ben Linus
Tue Sep 29, 2015 3:43 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Game Over -The Syndicate Mafia
Replies: 2030
Views: 82145

Re: Day 5 -The Syndicate Mafia

Lipsticklacey 2 wrote:
Reywas 2 wrote:Do we know that LC2's team killed Golden 2?
So then there is evidence of a second baddie team, and you need to reassess.

He also could have been killed by the civ ninja so I don't think this is as cut and dry as you want to make it seem :shrug: If I feel that there's sufficient evidence of a second baddie team and I'm unhappy with Syn 2's contributions (he's been resting on his laurels ever since the LC2 lynch IMO) then I'll look that way. But you trying to strongarm me into going that direction doesn't make me want to do it.
by Ben Linus
Tue Sep 29, 2015 3:36 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Game Over -The Syndicate Mafia
Replies: 2030
Views: 82145

Re: Day 5 -The Syndicate Mafia

Do we know that LC2's team killed Golden 2?
by Ben Linus
Tue Sep 29, 2015 3:33 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Game Over -The Syndicate Mafia
Replies: 2030
Views: 82145

Re: Day 5 -The Syndicate Mafia

Lipsticklacey 2 wrote:Also: Reywas 2, can you explain is to me. You do not want to lynch Synonym 2, because it is unconfirmed there are 2 baddie teams, but you are not willing to apply the same logic to Golden 2.


I don't understand what you're asking me. I think Golden 2 is on LC2's baddie team. I don't suspect Synonym 2 but if evidence appears that there's 2 baddie teams I'm willing to reassess.
by Ben Linus
Tue Sep 29, 2015 3:23 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Game Over -The Syndicate Mafia
Replies: 2030
Views: 82145

Re: Day 5 -The Syndicate Mafia

Golden 2 wrote:
Reywas 2 wrote:One problem I've got with Golden 2 is his kitschy posts leading up to the LC 2 flip. He posted those How I Met Your Mother memes and finished up with the classic "Dary!" as if he was already expecting the result. I mean what was Golden 2 gonna post if LC2 flipped civ? That was bizarre IMO.
Once again, I shouldn't have to point out what compelled me to do all those "kitschy posts" throughout the duration of a Day phase. What was it that was kitchy, anyway, considering that I implemented my regular thoughts into them instead of just fooling around (well, maybe a little)?

As for the HIMYM reference, it was a paraphrase to two things: a) the player I was referencing with the so called "kitschy posts", who did these HIMYM lynch flip shenanigans in a previous game and b) a lynch drama regarding "LC" that lasted for three Days and was still in effect, considering the talk that "LC" might be get another good roll, if a die-hard, and survive yet another Day. The "Dary" picture would have been adapted to a less enthusiastic one (well EDIT: you already asked for proof), should "LC" have flipped civ, but the whole thing in itself was nothing short of a reference gag.
I'm calling your HIMYM memes "kitschy", not your image posts in general. I think that's a reference you make only if you know what the result of the flip will be. And your less enthusiastic version doesn't make much sense tbh. You were neither a proponent of lynching LC2 or defending her, so I don't know what compelled you to make the HIMYM reference during that specific lynch unless you knew you could complete the gag after the flip. I think you were coasting on your free civ cred and made a careless mistake by telegraphing the result. I think it points to you being on LC2's team.
by Ben Linus
Tue Sep 29, 2015 2:23 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Game Over -The Syndicate Mafia
Replies: 2030
Views: 82145

Re: Day 3 -The Syndicate Mafia

Golden 2 wrote:Image
Golden 2 wrote:Image
fingersplints wrote:
Long Con 2 has been lynched.

With Long Con 2's death, the effects of the polyjuice potion wore off and revealed his true identity. Long Con 2 was
Spoiler: show
a baddie Elohcin. To the surprise of no one she had a lynch switch.
Golden 2 wrote:Image
Golden 2, can you show me the image you would have posted if LC2 flipped civ?
by Ben Linus
Tue Sep 29, 2015 2:06 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Game Over -The Syndicate Mafia
Replies: 2030
Views: 82145

Re: Day 5 -The Syndicate Mafia

Bass 2 wrote:
Epignosis 2 wrote:@Bass could you explain your vote to me as well?
Reywas 2 misunderstood Metalmarsh 2 in a strange way earlier in the thread. When I asked MM2 about whether or not he thought Reywas 2 intentionally misconstrued what he had said, Reywas 2 claimed that I was only acting interested in MM2's thoughts and aggressively asked me to put forth what I thought, not ask MM2. I think it's fair to say this is strange. The fervor with which Reywas 2 spoke to me said that I had hit a nerve. That, combined with the statement that seemed to be intentionally misconstruing Metalmarsh 2's position, tells me that Reywas 2 doesn't want Metalmarsh 2 to contribute, even going so far as to say that Metalmarsh 2 is "playing into my hand" when I had made I believe 2 posts asking for MM2's opinion on things. I can't see a logical reason why we should keep a person attempting to shut someone out of the game around, there's no situation I can imagine in which a civ-aligned player would want to aggressively dissuade someone from posting.

I'd be complacent with a Dom 2 lynch because their activity level has dropped dramatically since the Cookie 2 ISO post. Haven't posted in just over 48 hours. I'm not looking to trim unnecessary fat, so to speak, but it's strange for someone to drop off the face of the earth like that. Dom 2 was actually the first to post after the Gamer Guy 2 rezz, only a minute afterwards, so for that person to initiate radio silence for 2 days is disconcerting.

No, that's the genuine Gamer Guy on Golden 2. He wouldn't have noticed That Goofy Clown otherwise.
LOL I'm not trying to shut MM2 out of the thread. All this talk of intentionally misconstruing things and you're the one who's doing that. Show me where I said I want MM2 to stop contributing.

Here's my problem Bass 2. You asked MM2 if he thought I was misconstruing him on purpose. Why did you ask JUST him? Why didn't you ask the thread at large, or offer your own opinion before asking for MM2's?

My answer to that question is you did it because you were preying upon his ego and hoping to get on his good side by engaging with him and turning him against me. Maybe there's a different, civ-friendly answer to that question but that's not how I'm viewing it atm.

"No logical reason" to keep me around, haha. Talk about hyperbole.
by Ben Linus
Tue Sep 29, 2015 1:38 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Game Over -The Syndicate Mafia
Replies: 2030
Views: 82145

Re: Day 5 -The Syndicate Mafia

Golden 2 wrote:Busy RL once again, but I'll try to catch up in the next hour or so.

For now, I cannot say I get the jump on "Dom", except for "Cookie" having a problem with his ISO on her. I'd have to go back and study his posts, but the ISOs, overall, didn't give me the impression that they're superficial. I also have in mind who he might be and can't say his reads give me the wrong vibe. Au contraire.
Metalmarsh 2 wrote:I wouldn't be opposed to getting rid of Dom. :)
But you said, merely three posts earlier in the thread, that you'd need reasons to be inclined to lynch "Dom". Where has that motivation vanished? :suspish:
You are not Gamer Guy. You are Omelette Guy.
by Ben Linus
Mon Sep 28, 2015 11:38 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Game Over -The Syndicate Mafia
Replies: 2030
Views: 82145

Re: Day 5 -The Syndicate Mafia

Metalmarsh 2 wrote:
Reywas 2 wrote:
Metalmarsh 2 wrote:
Bass 2 wrote:Metalmarsh 2 analysis:
Spoiler: show
He begins the game on Day 0 by listing people he won't be voting for. His criteria was seemingly that he didn't want to vote for people who hadn't appeared yet. However, the below quote convinces him to not vote Cookie 2, but instead vote either Long Con 2 or Synonym 2.
Long Con 2 wrote:You are correct, cookie. I was trying to begin discussion, not stifle it. The act that Synonym talked about the skin of his sock account doesn't bother me as much as him saying that there are five baddies among us. How would he know that unless he was one of them.
The next player he won't vote for is Dom, for this reason.
Long Con 2 wrote:I believe it is a common mafia strategy to call out names in the beginning of the game to gauge reactions
Dom 2 wrote:I don't believe it is a common strategy at all
He then clarifies that he won't vote for the real Dom because he believes the real Dom was involved in the lynch stop. Next he disputes boo 2's illogical assertion that because there are 25 players someone MUST be playing as their own sock.

He then appears to have been "Timmer cursed", turning this post into borderline nonsense:
Metalmarsh 2 wrote:timmer, this is ridiculous tbqh.
timmer hasn't given a single reason to suspect timmer other than that timmer has been acting like timmer in order to try and last longer in a gme that timmer has, lately, been NK'd in a lot for very little reason.
The next day he asks people why they suspect Long Con 2, and in a response to why people don't suspect him, he says that there is virtually no reason to suspect him, and all suspicion thrown his way has been unsubstantiated.

He is asked by Golden 2 about what his contributions for the day are. Votes, suspicions, plans, anything. Metalmarsh 2 states that he's been ignored, saying that he's asked questions and participated, but people have been rude. Later that day, when Synonym 2 was excited about Long Con 2 flipping scum, Metalmarsh 2 is one of the first to bring up the possibility of two baddie teams. Literally 14 hours later nobody had responded to that statement and he quotes himself asking if anybody wanted to contribute to his post. After this, SVS 2 responds by saying that it's the same question as "How does Synonym know if there are five baddies" and Metalmarsh 2 disputes the equality of the two statements. This goes on, and ends with Metalmarsh 2 lamenting his fate of being ignored and then treated suspiciously.

Metalmarsh 2 asks Epignosis 2 how in response to his statement about being curious towards MM2's posts.

Reywas 2 asks people why they're voting Synonym 2, and Metalmarsh 2 responds saying Syn 2's immediate declaration of innocence after Long Con 2 flipped scum is premature at best, as we don't know if there are multiple baddie teams, independent roles, recruiter roles, etc. Reywas 2 misconstrues this and begins preaching that Synonym 2 is most likely not on Long Con 2's team, which is something Metalmarsh 2 has stated repeatedly.
Metalmarsh 2 appears to be genuinely frustrated at everyone ignoring him. For this reason I don't believe he's on a scum team, or at least a scum team with teammates, as literally a fourth of the game ignored him. While it is common for baddies to not interact with each other very much in thread, he has been asking questions that have been flat-out ignored, and his consistently ignored status appears uncoordinated. While I don't know if he's necessarily civilian, I'm pretty confident that he's not scum.

Metalmarsh 2, do you think Reywas 2 was intentionally redirecting your question to avoid discussing the possibility of multiple baddie teams and/or independent roles, or do you think he misinterpreted your statement?

I find it unlikely that if Black Rock 2 believed that there was only one civilian Tracker, and if she was that singular civilian Tracker, she would wait days before contesting Golden 2 in any way aside from planting a seed. After seeing the flip and knowing that juliets was behind the sock, do those actions add up more than they seem to without that knowledge? I'm unfamiliar with the player and I'm trying not to discount playstyle differences.
I appreciate your interest in me. You might be the first person all game to actually care about my thoughts and not just be condescending and rude to me because I chose to role-play more to see if I'd live longer (I did).

I definitely have an eye on Rey. I might vote for him, but I also find Syn and Cookie a tad suspicious as well. I am very unclear of anything having to do with this seemer business. I don't know TGG well enough to really have an opinion.
Reywas 2 wrote: What do YOU think, and why are you asking Metalmarsh 2 about it? Trying to act interested in his thoughts?
lol you're playing right into Bass 2's hand. And I know that's not gonna win me any brownie points with you but I'm saying it cuz it's the truth.

My problem with Bass 2's post is that he asked a leading question of Metalmarsh 2 expecting a certain answer. He's placating MM2 by asking his opinion when MM2 has felt slighted/ignored and he asks it in a way that he hopes will lead to MM2 suspecting me. Bass acknowledges that MM2 is feeling ignored and in the same post asks MM2 a question about me hoping to simultaneously drum up suspicion of me and get on MM2's good side. That's baddie manipulation straight up.

There was no misconstruing happening in my post intentional or otherwise. I realize MM2 doesn't think Syn 2 is on LC2's baddie team, and my point stands that finding baddies on that team is our best lead right now. If evidence pops up that there's a second baddie team we can start looking that way but it's unproductive at this moment and I don't care if you think I'm bad for saying that.
I think I found a potential second lead.

You literally did not care about this until you started getting flak for it. Why?
I don't trust Bass, but that doesn't mean he's always wrong.

So tbqh, what you're saying boils down to the following:
I don't care about MetalMarsh 2.

So, guess what? I don't care about anything you say. I don't anymore. You guys have been beyond rude to me this game. You all practically beg me to participate more else I be suspected-- when I do, you all ignore me. Every single one of you. I have commented on a more diverse selection of topics than any of you, so honestly, screw you. I'm not a stupid person. I don't blindly trust Bass, but I do think he is right here-- you deliberately tried to make it seem like I wasn't acknowledging Syn's role in LC's lynch (much like SVS). That is a fact. You cannot pretend like it didn't happen.
So, Rey, kindly get your facts straight. Synonym isn't the innocent little angel you have campaigned him to be. If he's bad, you're on his team.

Can't wait to be night killed.
Kindly get your facts straight at well. I'll take a page out of your playbook and tell you to READ MY POSTS before simply assuming that I don't care about your input. Your righteous indignation at me is misplaced. I think your input is misguided because looking for a baddie outside of LC2's suspected teammates = less of a chance of lynching a baddie.
by Ben Linus
Mon Sep 28, 2015 11:06 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Game Over -The Syndicate Mafia
Replies: 2030
Views: 82145

Re: Day 5 -The Syndicate Mafia

Ricochet 2 wrote:Rey, I see your point in how we can test golden long term. He catches us baddies or we lynch him, and in the mean time the baddies have to know that if they leave him alive he rats them out. It's a good plan.

What do you think of the thing I quoted from cookie, above?
You quoted her twice so not sure specifically what you're referring to. I think she's wrong that juliets makes that move as a baddie but that's just a difference of opinion. I like the way Cookie 2 is trying to think things through and I don't think she's bad.
by Ben Linus
Mon Sep 28, 2015 10:56 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Game Over -The Syndicate Mafia
Replies: 2030
Views: 82145

Re: Day 5 -The Syndicate Mafia

One problem I've got with Golden 2 is his kitschy posts leading up to the LC 2 flip. He posted those How I Met Your Mother memes and finished up with the classic "Dary!" as if he was already expecting the result. I mean what was Golden 2 gonna post if LC2 flipped civ? That was bizarre IMO.
by Ben Linus
Mon Sep 28, 2015 10:52 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Game Over -The Syndicate Mafia
Replies: 2030
Views: 82145

Re: Day 5 -The Syndicate Mafia

Ricochet 2 wrote:OK, cookie, two questions

1) If Juliet is bad, can you think of a plausible motive for making the move?

2) If we give golden the benefit of the doubt, how are we to figure out his trustworthiness long term?
If Golden 2 is a civvie then we need to make him the baddie's problem. They'll either need to kill him because he's got a powerful role or else he'll start to figure things out.

If Golden 2 is a baddie then he'll need to help us lynch some baddies or we're gonna lose faith in him.

I'm uncomfortable making that judgment at this stage in the game. I don't think juliets was bad tbh. That's not a move she makes if she's a baddie. My concern is that it's possible there's 2 civvie trackers and I want to let it play out. Either way, Golden 2 owes us a baddie sooner rather than later.
by Ben Linus
Mon Sep 28, 2015 10:47 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Game Over -The Syndicate Mafia
Replies: 2030
Views: 82145

Re: Day 5 -The Syndicate Mafia

Metalmarsh 2 wrote:
Bass 2 wrote:Metalmarsh 2 analysis:
Spoiler: show
He begins the game on Day 0 by listing people he won't be voting for. His criteria was seemingly that he didn't want to vote for people who hadn't appeared yet. However, the below quote convinces him to not vote Cookie 2, but instead vote either Long Con 2 or Synonym 2.
Long Con 2 wrote:You are correct, cookie. I was trying to begin discussion, not stifle it. The act that Synonym talked about the skin of his sock account doesn't bother me as much as him saying that there are five baddies among us. How would he know that unless he was one of them.
The next player he won't vote for is Dom, for this reason.
Long Con 2 wrote:I believe it is a common mafia strategy to call out names in the beginning of the game to gauge reactions
Dom 2 wrote:I don't believe it is a common strategy at all
He then clarifies that he won't vote for the real Dom because he believes the real Dom was involved in the lynch stop. Next he disputes boo 2's illogical assertion that because there are 25 players someone MUST be playing as their own sock.

He then appears to have been "Timmer cursed", turning this post into borderline nonsense:
Metalmarsh 2 wrote:timmer, this is ridiculous tbqh.
timmer hasn't given a single reason to suspect timmer other than that timmer has been acting like timmer in order to try and last longer in a gme that timmer has, lately, been NK'd in a lot for very little reason.
The next day he asks people why they suspect Long Con 2, and in a response to why people don't suspect him, he says that there is virtually no reason to suspect him, and all suspicion thrown his way has been unsubstantiated.

He is asked by Golden 2 about what his contributions for the day are. Votes, suspicions, plans, anything. Metalmarsh 2 states that he's been ignored, saying that he's asked questions and participated, but people have been rude. Later that day, when Synonym 2 was excited about Long Con 2 flipping scum, Metalmarsh 2 is one of the first to bring up the possibility of two baddie teams. Literally 14 hours later nobody had responded to that statement and he quotes himself asking if anybody wanted to contribute to his post. After this, SVS 2 responds by saying that it's the same question as "How does Synonym know if there are five baddies" and Metalmarsh 2 disputes the equality of the two statements. This goes on, and ends with Metalmarsh 2 lamenting his fate of being ignored and then treated suspiciously.

Metalmarsh 2 asks Epignosis 2 how in response to his statement about being curious towards MM2's posts.

Reywas 2 asks people why they're voting Synonym 2, and Metalmarsh 2 responds saying Syn 2's immediate declaration of innocence after Long Con 2 flipped scum is premature at best, as we don't know if there are multiple baddie teams, independent roles, recruiter roles, etc. Reywas 2 misconstrues this and begins preaching that Synonym 2 is most likely not on Long Con 2's team, which is something Metalmarsh 2 has stated repeatedly.
Metalmarsh 2 appears to be genuinely frustrated at everyone ignoring him. For this reason I don't believe he's on a scum team, or at least a scum team with teammates, as literally a fourth of the game ignored him. While it is common for baddies to not interact with each other very much in thread, he has been asking questions that have been flat-out ignored, and his consistently ignored status appears uncoordinated. While I don't know if he's necessarily civilian, I'm pretty confident that he's not scum.

Metalmarsh 2, do you think Reywas 2 was intentionally redirecting your question to avoid discussing the possibility of multiple baddie teams and/or independent roles, or do you think he misinterpreted your statement?

I find it unlikely that if Black Rock 2 believed that there was only one civilian Tracker, and if she was that singular civilian Tracker, she would wait days before contesting Golden 2 in any way aside from planting a seed. After seeing the flip and knowing that juliets was behind the sock, do those actions add up more than they seem to without that knowledge? I'm unfamiliar with the player and I'm trying not to discount playstyle differences.
I appreciate your interest in me. You might be the first person all game to actually care about my thoughts and not just be condescending and rude to me because I chose to role-play more to see if I'd live longer (I did).

I definitely have an eye on Rey. I might vote for him, but I also find Syn and Cookie a tad suspicious as well. I am very unclear of anything having to do with this seemer business. I don't know TGG well enough to really have an opinion.
Reywas 2 wrote: What do YOU think, and why are you asking Metalmarsh 2 about it? Trying to act interested in his thoughts?
lol you're playing right into Bass 2's hand. And I know that's not gonna win me any brownie points with you but I'm saying it cuz it's the truth.

My problem with Bass 2's post is that he asked a leading question of Metalmarsh 2 expecting a certain answer. He's placating MM2 by asking his opinion when MM2 has felt slighted/ignored and he asks it in a way that he hopes will lead to MM2 suspecting me. Bass acknowledges that MM2 is feeling ignored and in the same post asks MM2 a question about me hoping to simultaneously drum up suspicion of me and get on MM2's good side. That's baddie manipulation straight up.

There was no misconstruing happening in my post intentional or otherwise. I realize MM2 doesn't think Syn 2 is on LC2's baddie team, and my point stands that finding baddies on that team is our best lead right now. If evidence pops up that there's a second baddie team we can start looking that way but it's unproductive at this moment and I don't care if you think I'm bad for saying that.
by Ben Linus
Mon Sep 28, 2015 1:12 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Game Over -The Syndicate Mafia
Replies: 2030
Views: 82145

Re: Day 5 -The Syndicate Mafia

Golden 2 wrote:
Reywas 2 wrote:For what it's worth I don't think Golden 2 has been acting very Gamer Guy-esque. I have another player in mind for his sock.
It's called role playing.
Nerd alert! Image
by Ben Linus
Mon Sep 28, 2015 12:58 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Game Over -The Syndicate Mafia
Replies: 2030
Views: 82145

Re: Day 5 -The Syndicate Mafia

Bass 2 wrote:Metalmarsh 2 analysis:
Spoiler: show
He begins the game on Day 0 by listing people he won't be voting for. His criteria was seemingly that he didn't want to vote for people who hadn't appeared yet. However, the below quote convinces him to not vote Cookie 2, but instead vote either Long Con 2 or Synonym 2.
Long Con 2 wrote:You are correct, cookie. I was trying to begin discussion, not stifle it. The act that Synonym talked about the skin of his sock account doesn't bother me as much as him saying that there are five baddies among us. How would he know that unless he was one of them.
The next player he won't vote for is Dom, for this reason.
Long Con 2 wrote:I believe it is a common mafia strategy to call out names in the beginning of the game to gauge reactions
Dom 2 wrote:I don't believe it is a common strategy at all
He then clarifies that he won't vote for the real Dom because he believes the real Dom was involved in the lynch stop. Next he disputes boo 2's illogical assertion that because there are 25 players someone MUST be playing as their own sock.

He then appears to have been "Timmer cursed", turning this post into borderline nonsense:
Metalmarsh 2 wrote:timmer, this is ridiculous tbqh.
timmer hasn't given a single reason to suspect timmer other than that timmer has been acting like timmer in order to try and last longer in a gme that timmer has, lately, been NK'd in a lot for very little reason.
The next day he asks people why they suspect Long Con 2, and in a response to why people don't suspect him, he says that there is virtually no reason to suspect him, and all suspicion thrown his way has been unsubstantiated.

He is asked by Golden 2 about what his contributions for the day are. Votes, suspicions, plans, anything. Metalmarsh 2 states that he's been ignored, saying that he's asked questions and participated, but people have been rude. Later that day, when Synonym 2 was excited about Long Con 2 flipping scum, Metalmarsh 2 is one of the first to bring up the possibility of two baddie teams. Literally 14 hours later nobody had responded to that statement and he quotes himself asking if anybody wanted to contribute to his post. After this, SVS 2 responds by saying that it's the same question as "How does Synonym know if there are five baddies" and Metalmarsh 2 disputes the equality of the two statements. This goes on, and ends with Metalmarsh 2 lamenting his fate of being ignored and then treated suspiciously.

Metalmarsh 2 asks Epignosis 2 how in response to his statement about being curious towards MM2's posts.

Reywas 2 asks people why they're voting Synonym 2, and Metalmarsh 2 responds saying Syn 2's immediate declaration of innocence after Long Con 2 flipped scum is premature at best, as we don't know if there are multiple baddie teams, independent roles, recruiter roles, etc. Reywas 2 misconstrues this and begins preaching that Synonym 2 is most likely not on Long Con 2's team, which is something Metalmarsh 2 has stated repeatedly.
Metalmarsh 2 appears to be genuinely frustrated at everyone ignoring him. For this reason I don't believe he's on a scum team, or at least a scum team with teammates, as literally a fourth of the game ignored him. While it is common for baddies to not interact with each other very much in thread, he has been asking questions that have been flat-out ignored, and his consistently ignored status appears uncoordinated. While I don't know if he's necessarily civilian, I'm pretty confident that he's not scum.

Metalmarsh 2, do you think Reywas 2 was intentionally redirecting your question to avoid discussing the possibility of multiple baddie teams and/or independent roles, or do you think he misinterpreted your statement?
What do YOU think, and why are you asking Metalmarsh 2 about it? Trying to act interested in his thoughts?
by Ben Linus
Mon Sep 28, 2015 12:57 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Game Over -The Syndicate Mafia
Replies: 2030
Views: 82145

Re: Day 5 -The Syndicate Mafia

For what it's worth I don't think Golden 2 has been acting very Gamer Guy-esque. I have another player in mind for his sock.
by Ben Linus
Mon Sep 28, 2015 1:58 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Game Over -The Syndicate Mafia
Replies: 2030
Views: 82145

Re: Day 5 -The Syndicate Mafia

Okay but if that's true we still have the problem of 2 civvie trackers because BR2 wasn't Gamer Guy.
by Ben Linus
Mon Sep 28, 2015 1:23 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Game Over -The Syndicate Mafia
Replies: 2030
Views: 82145

Re: Day 5 -The Syndicate Mafia

Metalmarsh 2 wrote:
Reywas 2 wrote:I guess that's fair but I think it's highly unlikely he's on LC2's team and I think we're better off pursuing other leads. My two cents: I think Syn 2 is just indignant re: interactions with LC2 and the thread at large, and felt genuinely vindicated by the LC2 flip.
I don't think he's on LC2's team....
And my point is that finding LC2's team is the most efficient use of our time.
by Ben Linus
Sun Sep 27, 2015 11:57 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Game Over -The Syndicate Mafia
Replies: 2030
Views: 82145

Re: Day 5 -The Syndicate Mafia

I guess that's fair but I think it's highly unlikely he's on LC2's team and I think we're better off pursuing other leads. My two cents: I think Syn 2 is just indignant re: interactions with LC2 and the thread at large, and felt genuinely vindicated by the LC2 flip.

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