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by Gunther
Sun Apr 10, 2016 4:42 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 191571

Re: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

Prisoner 813142's account has been "cleared."
by Gunther
Sat Apr 09, 2016 8:29 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 191571

Re: [NIGHT 12] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

Prisoner 208986 wrote:Timmer I knew that was you! And G-Man you are a lot of fun to play with. Sorry I did not get back from my funeral in time to vote. Just the way things go sometimes in life.
Thanks! I so wanted to spring you with me but I felt that 920 had truly earned it from his efforts in the first prison break.
by Gunther
Sat Apr 09, 2016 8:08 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 191571

Re: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

Oh well Operation IVY was a rousing success. I fought the law and I won!

Mwa haa haa. Haa haa haa haa! Haa haa haa haa!

Haa haa. Haa. Hmm.
by Gunther
Sat Apr 09, 2016 8:05 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 191571

Re: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

Riiiiight. Now I'm even more confused than before. How did the Police win?
by Gunther
Sat Apr 09, 2016 7:56 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 191571

Re: [NIGHT 12] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

Prisoner 509378 wrote:Welcome to freedom, 813!
Yes, it appears that not even an Intervening Marco can prevent my freedom now. Thank to all who voted for me. I am humbled.
by Gunther
Sat Apr 09, 2016 7:55 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 191571

Re: [NIGHT 12] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

Prisoner 813142 wrote:Knock knock
*sigh*. Where's 208 when you need him.
by Gunther
Sat Apr 09, 2016 7:52 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 191571

Re: [NIGHT 12] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

Knock knock
by Gunther
Fri Apr 08, 2016 10:10 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 191571

Re: [NIGHT 12] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

Prisoner 920077
Entry Date: [REDACTED]
Likely Identities: [REDACTED]
Number of Challenges Present For: [REDACTED]
Player Notes: A little pessimistic at the start, he really came into his own leading up to the prison break. Circumstances prevented him from participating as much as some of us in the 30-minute and 10-minute posting challenges but his efforts there still shine brighter than anything contributed by later arrivals, save maybe for one. Here is another player who did what he could, when he could. He was most in his element during the prison break, where he wore himself ragged poring over the details of the game thus far. He also deduced that Epignosis was a cop based on his interactions with RadicalFuzz. It took you all until Day 11 to prove him right. Of any of the seven I listed, he was the hungriest for digging in and trying to break this game for the civvies. He will be getting my vote. If this game is not being conceded, he would be the most useful to the civvies in sorting out the remaining baddie. Well done, sir. I tip my hat to you.
by Gunther
Fri Apr 08, 2016 10:02 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 191571

Re: [NIGHT 12] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

And here is mine again.

Prisoner 813142
Entry Date: [REDACTED]
Likely Identities: [REDACTED]
Number of Challenges Present For: [REDACTED]
Player Notes: Brilliant reformed evil genius with a penchant for note-taking and usage of "quotation marks." Got off to a slow start but excellent participation, generally speaking. Since the departure of 509378, he has been something of a unifying force in the prison, encouraging others not to lose hope, coming up with plans with clever acronyms in their name, and easing the tension through knock knock jokes. Some prisoners would be lost without his guidance. He asks little and gives much. A strict disciplinarian to be sure but his heart is in a good place.

I did my best to pick up where 509 left off. I wasn't always patient but I tried as hard as could. I did my best to contribute during the first prison break, even though my efforts helped to lynch a civvie in Dragon D. Luffy. I am a flawed and imperfect individual but this whole process has been very rewarding. The teamwork displayed was unlike anything I've witnessed before in a game and I hope to find a way to bring that to future games. Whatever your decision, it has been a pleasure working with you all.
by Gunther
Fri Apr 08, 2016 9:56 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 191571

Re: [NIGHT 12] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

I covered this one already but I will elaborate a little more here.

Prisoner 640326
Entry Date: [REDACTED]
Likely Identities: [REDACTED]
Number of Challenges Present For: [REDACTED]
Player Notes: Better than average participation throughout their duration. Came in clutch during one challenge the 10-minute post challenge. Hostile at first but endearing. Humorous side appears at unexpected moments. Do not provide access to lighters or other means of starting a fire. She provided little of worth to you during the first prison break though. We'll always be tight but it would be a stretch to say she is your best option.
by Gunther
Fri Apr 08, 2016 9:52 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 191571

Re: [NIGHT 12] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

Prisoner 483934
Entry Date: [REDACTED]
Likely Identities: [REDACTED]
Number of Challenges Present For: [REDACTED]
Player Notes: This is the only one on the list that I cannot speak kindly of. Just one post in the 30-minute post challenge and two posts in the 10-minute post challenge (which yielded nearly 2,000 posts mind you). Performed to the bare minimum in the remaining challenges during which I saw her in action. Contributed little to nothing during both the first prison break and this one now. I am sorry, 483934, but you have not carried your share of the load.
by Gunther
Fri Apr 08, 2016 9:45 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 191571

Re: [NIGHT 12] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

Prisoner 413022
Entry Date: [REDACTED]
Likely Identities: [REDACTED]
Number of Challenges Present For: [REDACTED]
Player Notes: Another solid, early contributor. He was not the most helpful during the 30-minute post challenge but performed admirably during the 10-minute post challenge. I remember him always having a positive attitude and generally taking the high ground during tense moments and disputes. Here is a real team player. A very shrewd mind, he could be helpful to you if this game is not actually wrapping itself up for you all. He always had my back and I thank him for it.
by Gunther
Fri Apr 08, 2016 9:40 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 191571

Re: [NIGHT 12] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

Prisoner 277058
Entry Date: [REDACTED]
Likely Identities: [REDACTED]
Number of Challenges Present For: [REDACTED]
Player Notes: A little abrasive and blunt at times, but never too pessimistic for my taste that I can recall. Quite helpful in a number of early challenges and very instrumental in the 30-minute post challenge. He was unable to help much in the 10-minute post challenge, however. Solid overall participation really but he contributed little to your cause during the first prison break.
by Gunther
Fri Apr 08, 2016 9:34 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 191571

Re: [NIGHT 12] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

Prisoner 208986
Entry Date: [REDACTED]
Likely Identities: [REDACTED]
Number of Challenges Present For: [REDACTED]
Player Notes: Despite some family issues taking this prisoner away from us, 208986 performed admirably in many challenges. He provided vital support during the 30-minute and 10-minute posting challenges. Participation may have waned after these challenges but he gets a solid A for effort. He did what he could when he could and that was often quite a bit.
by Gunther
Fri Apr 08, 2016 9:22 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 191571

Re: [NIGHT 12] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

Okay, here's the "skinny." If you want to win tomorrow then the only way to do so is to parole one of the following prisoners:

Prisoner 208986
Prisoner 277058
Prisoner 413022
Prisoner 483934
Prisoner 640326
Prisoner 813142
Prisoner 920077

These seven prisoners were all present during the previous jailbreak. All other prisoners who were present during the first jail break are either in this "game thread" with you, left the game in victory, or are now dead either by "shanking," "modkill," or some other mechanic. Because I have been not been told that I can discuss arrival times to the prison beyond what I have already state here, I cannot vouch for anyone but these seven. In the following posts, I will reveal to you what I can from my notes on each of these prisoners.

Please note that paroling any prisoner not on this list may result in the accidental release of the "seemer."
by Gunther
Fri Apr 08, 2016 8:18 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 191571

Re: [NIGHT 12] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

What a bizarre end to a wild day. It seems our time with you will be even shorter than last time. While I would very much appreciate your vote in the parole poll, I also feel that I must vouch for a handful of my peers. I will provide you with summaries of the best choices for parole in short order based upon my notes. Some prisoners are not to be trusted. Be very careful with your vote.
by Gunther
Fri Apr 08, 2016 5:30 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 191571

Re: [DAY 12] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

Prisoner 606386 wrote:You mean Exhibit A as in more evidence that you hate me?
Oh look, I'm Zip-pi Longstocking!
by Gunther
Fri Apr 08, 2016 5:25 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 191571

Re: [DAY 12] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

Prisoner 606386 wrote:
Prisoner 813142 wrote:
Prisoner 606386 wrote:
Prisoner 813142 wrote:
Prisoner 606386 wrote:813 you forgot to mention that he has an unexplained hatred for 606 and that he disrespects them every chance he gets. :(
You still can't get over the fact that I wanted to do "99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall" as a solo and not a duet, can you?
No, I can't. Especially since you didn't even finish it and with my help you would have.
I did finish that song thank you very much. I stopped 2/3 of the way through and then resumed when I was able. Once the prison yard threads are fully visible, I can prove it. I believe 208 was there to witness the occasion.
It doesn't count if you took a break. :meany:
Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, Ex-zip-it A.
by Gunther
Fri Apr 08, 2016 5:20 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 191571

Re: [DAY 12] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

Anyway, we are derailing the subject at hand. I have nothing more to say at this time on relevant issues. I will return when I have more pertinent information to share.
by Gunther
Fri Apr 08, 2016 5:19 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 191571

Re: [DAY 12] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

Prisoner 606386 wrote:
Prisoner 813142 wrote:
Prisoner 606386 wrote:813 you forgot to mention that he has an unexplained hatred for 606 and that he disrespects them every chance he gets. :(
You still can't get over the fact that I wanted to do "99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall" as a solo and not a duet, can you?
No, I can't. Especially since you didn't even finish it and with my help you would have.
I did finish that song thank you very much. I stopped 2/3 of the way through and then resumed when I was able. Once the prison yard threads are fully visible, I can prove it. I believe 208 was there to witness the occasion.
by Gunther
Fri Apr 08, 2016 5:13 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 191571

Re: [DAY 12] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

Prisoner 606386 wrote:813 you forgot to mention that he has an unexplained hatred for 606 and that he disrespects them every chance he gets. :(
You still can't get over the fact that I wanted to do "99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall" as a solo and not a duet, can you?
by Gunther
Fri Apr 08, 2016 5:08 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 191571

Re: [DAY 12] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

Prisoner 419713 wrote:813, could you case yourself?

Prisoner 813142
Entry Date: [REDACTED]
Likely Identities: [REDACTED]
Number of Challenges Present For: [REDACTED]
Player Notes: Brilliant reformed evil genius with a penchant for note-taking and usage of "quotation marks." Got off to a slow start but excellent participation, generally speaking. Since the departure of 509378, he has been something of a unifying force in the prison, encouraging others not to lose hope, coming up with plans with clever acronyms in their name, and easing the tension through knock knock jokes. Some prisoners would be lost without his guidance. He asks little and gives much. A strict disciplinarian to be sure but his heart is in a good place.
by Gunther
Fri Apr 08, 2016 4:54 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 191571

Re: [DAY 12] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

Prisoner 640326 wrote:What are your player notes on me 813?
Prisoner 640326
Entry Date: [REDACTED]
Likely Identities: [REDACTED]
Number of Challenges Present For: [REDACTED]
Player Notes: Better than average participation throughout their duration. Came in clutch during one challenge. Hostile at first but endearing. Humorous side appears at unexpected moments. Do not provide access to lighters or other means of starting a fire.
by Gunther
Fri Apr 08, 2016 4:48 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 191571

Re: [DAY 12] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

Posting this again in case it got lost in the avalanche of posts that followed it.
Prisoner 813142 wrote:
Sloonei wrote:I'll ask this again for the prisoners, since no one seemed to answer the first time: Chaindeath or Elohcin? This is every bit as important a question as the one about soneji/ika.
Elohcin and Serge's vote and participation history match the fingerprints of a "baddie" role on life support. Not voting for RadicalFuzz the day he was lynched, never voting for another "baddie", sporadic participation, and late votes on obvious "baddie" trains. It all looks like a "baddie" ship sinking rapidly.

The only thing that gives me pause is just how convenient it looks given the situation you find yourselves in. Momentum and overconfidence are hard to distinguish at times.
by Gunther
Fri Apr 08, 2016 4:40 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 191571

Re: [DAY 12] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

Sloonei wrote:I'll ask this again for the prisoners, since no one seemed to answer the first time: Chaindeath or Elohcin? This is every bit as important a question as the one about soneji/ika.
Elohcin and Serge's vote and participation history match the fingerprints of a "baddie" role on life support. Not voting for RadicalFuzz the day he was lynched, never voting for another "baddie", sporadic participation, and late votes on obvious "baddie" trains. It all looks like a "baddie" ship sinking rapidly.

The only thing that gives me pause is just how convenient it looks given the situation you find yourselves in. Momentum and overconfidence are hard to distinguish at times.
by Gunther
Fri Apr 08, 2016 4:22 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 191571

Re: [DAY 12] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

Sloonei wrote:chaindeath's post history is short if any of you prisoners feel like ISOing him.
I may do this later on today, time permitting.
by Gunther
Fri Apr 08, 2016 4:18 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 191571

Re: [DAY 12] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

Sloonei wrote:That was that prisoner's first post here. Anyone got any info to share on them?
*flips through his notes*

Prisoner 419713
Entry Date: [REDACTED]
Likely Identities: [REDACTED]
Number of Challenges Present For: [REDACTED]
Player Notes: Better participation in their first challenge than even some "established" prisoners. Waning participation afterwards. Participation level in "grouped challenges" unknown. Level of motivation is difficult to determine. Not as hostile seeming as some other prisoners.
by Gunther
Fri Apr 08, 2016 3:17 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 191571

Re: [DAY 12] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

Prisoner 640326 wrote:Yo 813, old buddy, tell me who to vote. I trust your judgement.
I am reserving judgement for the time being. There is still much time remaining for careful thought and deliberation.
by Gunther
Fri Apr 08, 2016 2:51 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 191571

Re: [DAY 12] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

Sloonei wrote:Who would we all prefer to lynch between Elohcin and chaindeath? Even if soneji is a cop, one of those other two has to also be a cop.
If we're sure that Elohcin is police, I say we lynch her. Here's why:

At this point, the double-arrest is effectively off the table. If, as is speculated by some, that Turnip Head and Sloonei are the dons, then there would only be three players remaining after the lynch that can be arrested: chaindeath, Prisoner 509378, and Soneji. One of them is the cop, so pulling a double-arrest will single them out. Now, if they HAVE to put in the double-arrest request, then there's a chance you folks will catch a lucky break and have the final cop handed to you on a "silver platter." If the Chief does not HAVE to place a double-request, then they won't for that very reason.

If it's chaindeath of Soneji, then that means that Prisoner 509378 is the only candidate for their arrest tonight. Are there any protection powers or team kill powers believed to still be in existence to protect 509? If so, you'll all (excepting Elohcin) still be around tomorrow to continue on with this discussion.
by Gunther
Fri Apr 08, 2016 1:59 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 191571

Re: [DAY 12] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

Sloonei wrote:My first thought based on the tone and vocabulary of 126's posts is that they are Silverwolf.
Would that change your opinion on Soneji at all?
by Gunther
Fri Apr 08, 2016 1:48 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 191571

Re: [DAY 12] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

Sloonei wrote:
Prisoner 813142 wrote:So shall I halt my re-read if it's all settled? I'd be lying if I said I had plenty of time for it.

Linki: Do 126's assertions give anyone pause? He seems awfully sure of himself.
I do not know 126's true identity and at the moment I'm not putting much stock in that post. What can you tell us about 126's behavior in prison?
Again, I am waiting on the host's to let me know how much of my notes I can reveal (arrival times for instance). My notes show at least minimal participation in a couple of challenges, though I cannot speak to their participation in the Day 9 or Day 11 challenge, as they were not grouped with me.

One thing I can say is that it may be worth going back to Day 5 to see which prisoners were in the initial prison break and which were not. I think 509 (and perhaps the rest of you) might have a little more confidence in those of us who were around for the first one. I am not sure if I can say any more on that without getting myself "modkilled."
by Gunther
Fri Apr 08, 2016 1:36 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 191571

Re: [DAY 12] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

So shall I halt my re-read if it's all settled? I'd be lying if I said I had plenty of time for it.

Linki: Do 126's assertions give anyone pause? He seems awfully sure of himself.
by Gunther
Fri Apr 08, 2016 1:05 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 191571

Re: [DAY 12] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

Really, eliminating the double arrest is a "no-brainer." That might also make sense why the the hosts didn't just let Serge's role wallow in unused oblivion. The police need that role active to keep the double-arrest alive. Did there seem to be tension or desperation at all at the time the hosts were looking for a replacement? It could help explain Elohcin's recruitment by Epi- "Please, honey, just fill in for the role. We need the help. You won't even have to post much. You keep the double-arrest chance alive and we'll take care of you."
by Gunther
Fri Apr 08, 2016 12:59 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 191571

Re: [DAY 12] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

So maybe we should lynch chaindeath and just hope Elohcin isn't paying attention and misses the night phase? Or go for Elohcin since we think she is the Chief, thereby eliminating the prospect of a double arrest?
by Gunther
Fri Apr 08, 2016 12:50 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 191571

Re: [DAY 12] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

Prisoner 509378 wrote:I have a little time before I am absorbed into mass transit, so I'll do some work. Why might each of the suspects have killed Nero? I'll theorize:


Throughout the game he has been stating a cop read on Nero (and Nero very often stated a cop read on chaindeath). On Night 11 however, chaindeath changed his mind:
chaindeath wrote:Chaindeath is fine with Sloonei being warden. Soneji and Elo are likely the cops that are remaining. And to preemptively stop the OMG he changed his mind on Nero. It happens. In light of Epi's flip as a cop and some of the conversation leading up to and in the time between days chaindeath has an idea. Epi kept pushing for the two of us to be lynched and if Nero was his teammate that probably wouldn't be a smart thing to do. What would happen if the town rallied to chaindeath's side and we ended up lynching him and loosing the game from it. He'll be keeping an eye on Nero but for the moment he seems like he could be town.
Prior to this moment, Nero only had two significant enemies left in this thread -- chaindeath himself and me. Soneji and Sloonei have been more positive in their reads on Nero lately. So with chaindeath changing his mind like this, Nero's chance of being lynched immediately dropped by quite a bit. I can't lynch him by myself after all (and it's a good thing he was removed or I might have tried. :p). This might be an example of chaindeath projecting his own kill inadvertently by justifying it with a newly developed town read. With that read in the thread, suddenly a highly questionable arrest choice makes at least a little more sense.

Moreover, I think the Nero kill was strategically dubious -- he was a legitimate candidate to be a cop and he didn't have to be arrested. I fully expected to be arrested myself, because I'm never getting lynched on Day 12 and my vote can contribute to the lynch of an actual cop. chaindeath is the newest player remaining in this field, and this might have simply been a newbie mistake. I mean no offense chaindeath, we've all had moments like that.


Epignosis frequently asserted that Eloh just isn't reading this thread at all. He might have been with the cops, but I still believe him on that point. I don't think she is paying attention to this game beyond the necessity to meet voting requirements. That might be enough to explain a dubious arrest choice like Nerolunar.


If he's a cop, he has to arrest someone -- and among the standard townies he has no options except for people that could be lynched (anyone not including Sloonei or Turnip Head). The only question to be asked for Soneji would be: "Why wouldn't he arrest Prisoner 509378 instead of Nerolunar???" If there's any reason to be stated, it'd be the cop win condition -- all members of the crime families must be eliminated. If Soneji has reason to doubt that I count among them, then removing me is not necessary to meeting that win condition regardless of my strategic position in the game currently.
Prisoner 509378 wrote:Part of me wonders if Epi specifically convinced his wife to fill in for his team mate (Serge) when the need arose for a replacement.
These are all excellent observations, 509. I am going to go back now to read through from Day 10 onward. If I have time, I will ISO the three suspects.
by Gunther
Fri Apr 08, 2016 12:37 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 191571

Re: [DAY 12] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

Prisoner 509378 wrote:I'll help the prisoners understand why they don't need to worry about Sloonei and Turnip Head in ways that those two cannot.

We know for sure that both dons are still alive. They cannot be arrested, and no lynches have resulted in a don flip.

Sloonei mechanically must be a don. agleaminranks the traitor was triggered to switch sides after Day 1. This means his don voted for him on Day 1. The following people voted for agleam on Day 1:

S~V~S - can't be don, was arrested
Golden - can't be don, was arrested
DDL - can't be don, was lynched and flipped Sockface
Epignosis - can't be don, was lynched and flipped Warden
Sloonei - alive and the don

Turnip Head is 98% likely to be the other don. An attempt to lynch him already failed, and a clear consigliere candidate is visible in thellama73.

I cannot be a cop because only one had been arrested when I was paroled (RadicalFuzz), and he was already modkilled.

This is why our focus is completely on chaindeath, Elohcin/Serge, and Soneji.
So to be clear, you think that Sloonei is the don because, even though his vote did not stay on Gleam by the end of Day 1, the fact that he voted for him at all triggered the defection? The Traitor role descritpion does seem to suggest this possibility.
by Gunther
Fri Apr 08, 2016 11:41 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 191571

Re: [DAY 12] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

Prisoner 640326 wrote:Aka crazy
Like a "mofo."
by Gunther
Fri Apr 08, 2016 11:37 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 191571

Re: [DAY 12] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

I see that everyone else is stunned silent by our accomplishment with that 10-minute challenge. No, we are not immortal, just committed.
by Gunther
Fri Apr 08, 2016 11:18 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 191571

Re: [DAY 12] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

Prisoner 640326 wrote:Go team 10 minute challenge.
Indeed. That challenge should have been worth double, frankly.
by Gunther
Fri Apr 08, 2016 11:10 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 191571

Re: [DAY 12] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

Very well. You know the first three challenges, but I'll give the full recap:

Day 2: Everyone had to post at least five times but everyone had to post once before anyone could post a second time and so on. Victory

Day 3: Decoding the secret text with only 4 or 5 letters to guide us. Victory

Day 4: We had to match at least 10 of 15 quotes to the players who said them in the "game thread." Victory

Day 5: Either this or this depending on your musical preference.

Now for the ones you missed out on:

Day 6: Each time someone posted it reset a 30-minute timer. If 30 minutes went by without someone posting, we would fail. Victory

Day 7: Same concept as Day 6, except it was a 10-minute timer. The hosts expected us to concede but we refused to yield and managed to generate almost 2,000 posts in 48 hours, a feat which will not soon be forgotten by those of us who lost sleep over this one. Victory

Day 8: Every player had to post at least five times in a different language. No one could use the same language and English was prohibited. Thanks to two non-participating prisoners who have since been shanked, we lost this very winnable challenge. Failure

Day 9: The prison population was divided into two groups. Group 1 was asked one question at a time. Group 2 started with $500 and had to wager between $0 and $100 on how we thought Group 1 would answer. Purely guesswork and we came up short. Failure

Day 10: The shank poll had to be a unanimous decision and all prisoners had to vote in order to succeed. Prisoner 331347 was gracious enough to vote for himself another prisoner failed to show up and vote. We lost the challenge but 331347 was still shanked. Failure

Day 11: We were all split up into pairs and got to chit-chat for a day. During the night, one player in the pair was asked questions and the other had to guess their answers. The prison population had to average 20 out of 25 questions correct to win. I was pleasantly surprised to see us win that one, bringing us here today. Victory
by Gunther
Fri Apr 08, 2016 10:44 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 191571

Re: [DAY 12] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

Prisoner 509378 wrote:
Soneji wrote:That Nerolunar was lynched says to me that Epi successfully deduced my role. The Prisoner likely wasn't arrested due to what Epi himself stated as the reason he hadn't been arrested in prior phases: he doesn't interfere with the cop win-con.


Epi waved away suspicion of her based on meta reasons that she would be active if she had BTSC and hes been too vocal of chaindeath for me to put much trust in him being the Police Chief.
Who do you think the seemer was, and what degree of confidence do you have in your answer?
The options for the seemer would be:

DrWilgy (D1)
RadicalFuzz (D2) flipped Surveillance Specialist
Long Con (D3)
Gleam (D4)
DDL (D5)
ika (D6)
Boomslang (D8)
Scotty (D9)
Dom (D10) flipped Rookie Cop
Epignosis flipped Warden

I doubt there would be any reason for the "seemer" to appear as one of the other police officers because it would still let everyone know a "pig" is dead even though they're thinking the wrong role has been eliminated. What's interesting is that the Warden stopped taunting us long before Epignosis was lynched. We assumed you all had lynched him Day 7 or 8.

Long Con was very instrumental in our third challenge, which led to our first escape. Perhaps he was motivated by revenge or just wasn't ready to be done with the game yet. DDL flat out asked us to shank him because he was just done with the game after he got lynched. Not likely a cop there. Knowing more now about the relationship between Silverwolf and Ika, it could very well be that Ika was the seemer since Silverwolf voted for Ika two days in a row. They claim to be able to read each other very well.

I am still waiting on our hosts. Would like to know what challenges we were faced with since your departure, 509? You missed some good ones.
by Gunther
Fri Apr 08, 2016 10:21 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 191571

Re: [DAY 12] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

Okay, just by looking at the vote profile, Elohcin is pretty clearly one of the police. I fully agree with 509, however, that we should use this day to the fullest to discuss all possible scenarios and try to break the last "pig" out of the other two being suggested.
by Gunther
Fri Apr 08, 2016 9:28 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 191571

Re: [DAY 12] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

Sloonei wrote:
Prisoner 413022 wrote:
Prisoner 509378 wrote:Hey prisoners: it looks like you folks were running into some bad luck with the challenges considering the number of shankings that have occurred. Were any of the challenges blatantly hijacked by someone, or were they honest errors?
I don't think any of it was intentional blatent hijacking. I think most of it was non participation and bad luck. Things that are honestly pretty common on TS.

can't wait to figure out which one of my co-prisoners is epi though. :feb: :feb:
You can help us on the latter point! I don't know how the mechanics of the prison works just yet, but I assume you guys can all see when new Prisoner accounts are added and become active. Epi was just lynched during the last day phase, so he would habe entered into the penetentiary within the last 24 hours or not at all.

The only other cop possibly in there with you is the undercover cop. We know they are not with us, or else the game would have ended a few days ago, but we do not know who it is. A few names have been speculated on, but there is no consensus.
I have been keeping full documentation of new arrivals and when they joined us in "the slammer." I am checking with our hosts to see how much of that information can actually be shared. Don't want to get myself "modkilled' you know.

Sloonei wrote:@Hosts: Are the identities of all prisoners the same as they were during the last prison break?
I believe so. I am the same as I was before and I have not seen any personality changes in those of us who took part in the first prison break.
by Gunther
Fri Apr 08, 2016 8:56 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 191571

Re: [DAY 12] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

Well, updating my notes on how was arrested and when has been very informative, if you know what I mean. Now I shall update my notes on the votes. It seems Elochin is headed for prison, which from what few notes I took the first time, seems fine with me.

Glad to see you still fighting the good fight, 509. Your departure from our ranks was felt for quite a while afterward. I'm glad we could keep things together for this second "field trip." Sorry to hear that 740 abandoned you. Perhaps he took Operation IVY a little too literally.

It seems that the Chief was still alive as of Night 9, given the dual arrests of Quin and Black Rock. My notes also tell me that only three of the six police appear to have been "dealt with." Given the number of players currently in the game, is it safe to assume that it is 4-2 with the Undercover Cop arrested under an assumed identity, rather than 3-3? Typically a tie defaults to the baddies' wincon but that's just my experience.
by Gunther
Fri Apr 08, 2016 6:17 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 191571

Re: [DAY 12] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

Thank you all for you briefings on the goingson of this game since our departure back to prison Day 6. I am going to updat my notes on this side of the prison walls first, re-read everything since our latest escape and go back to read from Day 10 as was suggested. I will try to answer questions about us but please noted that our ability to share information is highly restricted by the hosts. I don't want to have made it this far just to get "modkilled" like Long Con did.

And by the way, congratulations and excellent work to my fellow prisoners. Our recent spate of participation issues had me concerned about our ability to win that last challenge. I'm glad we found the old "fighting spirit" once again.
by Gunther
Thu Apr 07, 2016 11:45 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 191571

Re: [DAY 12] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

Greetings. *puts pinkie to his mouth*
by Gunther
Sat Mar 19, 2016 5:58 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 191571

Re: [NIGHT 5] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

Scotty wrote:Lol can the cops kill prisoners currently out? Like if they knew prisoner 509 was being pardoned, could they just kill him?
Other players have the wisdom to not give the Police any ideas if they hadn't already thought of it. Scotty don't! :mad:
by Gunther
Sat Mar 19, 2016 5:17 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 191571

Re: [NIGHT 5] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

Okay, I'm here to vote quick and then I've gotta split. Lots to try to do yet with my last few hours remaining on the "outside." With all due respect to 509, I'm throwing my vote to 920 because he deserves to have more votes than I do. Thank you all for your generosity, those who voted for me. Best of luck to you 509. It has been a pleasure. Your hard work has paid off for you. Don't forget about us little guys in the clink while you're out here poppin' some pigs yo.
by Gunther
Fri Mar 18, 2016 10:11 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 191571

Re: [NIGHT 5] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

Greetings players and my soon-to-be-incarcerated colleagues. To the players, I can offer you this- I am not the best choice for the pardon but I certainly would appreciate it. If pardoned, I promise to keep analyzing this game in depth. It's difficult to cover so much ground in one day, so I will double my efforts to root out the evil forces of the police. After all, who better to help root out evil than a reformed evil genius? I also plan to keep "trolling" Scotty and tell Golden to zip it, for whatever that's worth.

If you should choose to send me back to prison, know this: I can't blame you. I had a busy day and couldn't contribute as much as others. If you want my honest opinion, I would recommend either 509378 or 920077. They were a little more important than I was in getting us to this point. I think either one would be an "asset" to the civvie cause.

To my fellow prisoners, remember Operation IVY. Do not let it fail. Letting Operation IVY fail will make me angry. And when Dr. Evil gets angry, Mr. Bigglesworth gets upset. And when Mr. Bigglesworth gets upset, people DIE!
by Gunther
Fri Mar 18, 2016 5:54 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 191571

Re: [DAY 5] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

Oh hell, I'm just going to vote for Dragon at this point. I'm going to go eat a real meal for a change. Prison food numbs the taste buds.

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