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by Elohcin
Sun Apr 10, 2016 5:04 pm
Forum: Previous Job Sign-Ups
Topic: Downton Abbey Mafia Sign-Ups
Replies: 100
Views: 3992

Re: Downton Abbey Mafia Sign-Ups

Hey everyone! This game is finally full and I'm excited to get started. We should be getting started this evening between 6-7pm EST.
by Elohcin
Mon Mar 21, 2016 7:50 pm
Forum: Previous Job Sign-Ups
Topic: Downton Abbey Mafia Sign-Ups
Replies: 100
Views: 3992

Re: Downton Abbey Mafia Sign-Ups

As SVS says, I'm flyin' solo. I'm excited for it.
by Elohcin
Sun Mar 06, 2016 9:16 pm
Forum: Previous Job Sign-Ups
Topic: Downton Abbey Mafia Sign-Ups
Replies: 100
Views: 3992

Downton Abbey Mafia Sign-Ups

Civilians: To win, civilians must lynch the Mafia.


Robert Crawley, Earl of Grantham
He's the patriarch of Downton Abbey while his family and servants confront war, death and an ever-changing England. Sometimes, though, the change can be too much for even him to bear.
Likes: Walks with his dog; whiskey
Dislikes: Change; most of his daughters' decisions
As head of the household, Lord Crawly can protect someone from death each night.

Cora Crawley
Robert's American wife. She is a calming presence in his life, even though that, thanks to British laws, her huge fortune can only go to a male heir.
Likes: Her family; comfort
Dislikes: Controversial issues; her mother-in-law
Cora is a typical mother in that she always finds out the truth. She is able to select a line from the thread each night to determine if it is a lie.

Violet, Dowager Countess
Robert's mother is both feared and revered, depending on whom you ask. A staunch defender of tradition, she nonetheless can surprise by embracing the new.
Likes: Snappy one-liners
Dislikes: Telephones; swivel chairs
The Dowager Countess loves to impose her opinion on others and can force a player to vote a certain way.

Lady Mary Crawley
Being Robert and Cora's oldest daughter, the pressure to produce a male heir has fallen on her. Strong-willed and impetuous, she at last found love with distant cousin Matthew Crawley and they had a son together.
Likes: Being right, Matthew
Dislikes: Society's constraints, Edith
Lady Mary must be heard and will talk her target out of committing any action at Night.

Lady Edith Crawley
The Crawleys' middle daughter, Edith is the plain one. She's lonely, sensible, but has a mean streak when she wants to. Edith is ambitious.
Likes: being noticed
Dislikes: Mary
Thriving for attention, Lady Edith will pen an editorial to be published in the thread through the host.

Lady Sybil Crawley
The youngest Crawley girl is also the most passionate. She is fiercely political, devoted to the cause of votes for women, and generally angered by injustice everywhere. After becoming a nurse during World War I, she fell madly in love with Branson, the family chauffeur. They later eloped.
Likes: Helping the help and the helpless
Dislikes: Selfishness; narrow minds
Eager to stop injustice, Lady Sybil sneaks out at night and tracks someone's movements.

Matthew Crawley
A distant cousin of the Crawley clan, he was nonetheless appointed heir to Downton after the previous heir sank with the Titanic. At first reluctant in his duties, he came to love the Crawleys, especially Mary.
Likes: Mary
Dislikes: Breaking hearts
Matthew is a lawyer and settles disputes. He will be a lynch tie breaker. He'll submit a list to the host at the beginning of the game showing his preference. His list can change any night.

Isobel Crawley.
Isobel is Matthew's widowed mother who has clashed with other members of the Crawley clan since the day they arrived. Still, she has a good heart and has managed to form some surprising alliances.
Likes: Meddling
Dislikes: Dishonesty
Isobel loves to be in-the-know. She can search someone each night to find out if they have BTSC.

Tom Branson
The former Crawley chauffeur, Branson is now their son-in-law. Perched uneasily between upstairs and down, his placement in Downton is awkward for all involved.
Likes: Sybil; revolution
Dislikes: The monarchy
Tom goes against the grain and hopes for a revolution. He has one lynch switch.

Lady Rose MacClare
She's the spontaneous, vivacious, and reckless cousin who moves in with the Crawleys. She continues to push against the wave of tradition, encouraging the latest in technology and shortest of hemlines at the estate.
Likes: Dancing; the wireless
Dislikes: Boundaries
If Lady Rose were born 100 years later, her theme song would be "Girls Just Want to Have Fun." She provides a bit of fun to the thread by insanifying a player each night with the insanity of her choice.


Mr. Carson
The Crawleys' head butler, he tries to run a proper household, war or scandal be damned. He mostly succeeds.
Likes: Doing things the right way
Dislikes: Impropriety
Mr. Carson gives the orders and can redirect a person's action. He and Mrs. Hughes enjoy talking over tea - BTSC.

Mrs. Hughes
The head housekeeper, Mrs. Hughes has a stern manner but a soft heart. Unlike Carson, she isn't afraid of bending the rules when the moment calls for it.
Likes: Being a good servant; loyalty
Dislikes: Mary; Thomas
Mrs. Hughes is quick to provide mercy to those at Downton. She may remove someone from the lynch poll each day. She and Mr. Carson enjoy talking over tea - BTSC.

John Bates
Robert Crawley's valet, he is a fiercely loyal servant. Trouble, however, follows him wherever he goes, even after he finds love with fellow servant, Anna.
Likes: Anna; preserving the Crawley name
Dislikes: those who hurt the ones he loves
Searches for Anna each night. If he finds her, they gain BTSC.

Anna Smith Bates
Mary's ladies maid, Anna is kind and devoted to her husband (Mr. Bates) as well as Lady Mary.
Likes: Perseverance, hope
Dislikes: disloyalty; unkindness
Searches for Mr. Bates each night. If she finds him, they gain BTSC.

Mrs. Patmore
The head cook, Mrs. Patmore has opinions about everything from Daisy's personal life to the proper way to bake a cake.
Likes: Hearing herself over others
Dislikes: anyone who questions her authority
Quiet in the kitchen! Mrs. Patmore can silence a player each night. Her target may not speak the following day or vote in the lynch poll.

Daisy Mason
Assistant cook to Mrs Patmore, Daisy grows from a farm girl afraid of electricity to a young woman attempting to assert herself.
Likes: Her friends; cooking
Dislikes: Being bossed around so much
Sweet Daisy is like Mrs. Patmore's famous cake: Vanilla.

Joseph Moseley
Mr. Moseley get's a second chance at Downton as First Footman after leaving his job as a butler serving Isobel Crawley. He's a bit of a misfit but strives to do his job well.
Likes: Having someone to talk to
Dislikes: Unkindness
Second chances are always nice. Mr. Moseley will not be lynched the first time he receives the most votes.

Mafia: Have BTSC. Kill every night. Must kill civilians, upstairs and downstairs.

Thomas Barrow
The footman of Downton, Thomas is a schemer who doesn't care who he offends. He spends his smoke breaks plotting with O'Brien.
Likes: Feeling powerful
Dislikes: Being a servant
Thomas can blackmail someone each night. If his target doesn't comply Thomas will gain control of his target's power the following night.

Sarah O'Brien
A devoted ladies maid to Cora for many years, her calm exterior hides a simmering resentment about her lot in life. She eventaully leaves Downton after an incident involving slippery soap and the loss of Cora's 4th baby.
Likes: Eavesdropping
Dislikes: Too numerous to list
Each night, Ms. O'Brien listens carefully and determines someone's role.

James Kent
He's known as a vain and silly flirt. He flirts with the maids and even unknowingly led Thomas on. He can also be selfish, arrogant, and rude. He eventually gets sacked for being found in bed with a lady.
Likes: Mirrors
Dislikes: French Cuisine
James flirts with his target each night, making him or her forget to do anything at night.

The Doctor: Wins if he and at least one of the three Crawley sisters (Mary, Sybil, or Edith) are alive at the end.

Dr. Richard Clarkson
He is the local doctor for the Crawley family.
Likes: Isobel Crawley
Dislikes: Conflicting views on medicine
Has one lynch stop and one resurrection.

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