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by DharmaHelper
Tue Jul 22, 2014 4:53 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [NIGHT 4] Fight Club Mafia - New Castle, DE
Replies: 344
Views: 9792

Re: [NIGHT 1] Fight Club Mafia - New Castle, DE

Ok I'm officially real sad :(
by DharmaHelper
Tue Jul 22, 2014 2:42 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [NIGHT 4] Fight Club Mafia - New Castle, DE
Replies: 344
Views: 9792

Re: [NIGHT 1] Fight Club Mafia - New Castle, DE

Gonna be real sad if only three votes come in :P
by DharmaHelper
Tue Jul 22, 2014 12:30 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [NIGHT 4] Fight Club Mafia - New Castle, DE
Replies: 344
Views: 9792

Re: [NIGHT 1] Fight Club Mafia - New Castle, DE

I went with Wilmington then. Hope to see you all there.
by DharmaHelper
Tue Jul 22, 2014 11:36 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [NIGHT 4] Fight Club Mafia - New Castle, DE
Replies: 344
Views: 9792

Re: [NIGHT 1] Fight Club Mafia - New Castle, DE

Now all we need is a consensus on which city to move to and invade, and for safety's sake EVERYONE needs to vote. I think if people miss the vote, its possible they just stay here. Which would suck.

Who wants to go to Willmington?
by DharmaHelper
Mon Jul 21, 2014 10:10 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [NIGHT 4] Fight Club Mafia - New Castle, DE
Replies: 344
Views: 9792

Re: [NIGHT 1] Fight Club Mafia - New Castle, DE

Long Con wrote:I'm down with sticking together to maintain majority control in a new city.

Granted, I'm not sure it would be majority control. Could end up with 20 people in one city, or 17 or more. But as long as we have some semblance of a unified front we will be better off than if we decided to split up or something, for example.
by DharmaHelper
Mon Jul 21, 2014 8:59 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [NIGHT 4] Fight Club Mafia - New Castle, DE
Replies: 344
Views: 9792

Re: [NIGHT 1] Fight Club Mafia - New Castle, DE

Russtifinko wrote:Whew, discussion. I just logged in to vote myself to fight DH, but apparently the poll is over. I think the site is still on European time for me :/.
I am eager to see what you think about all this so far.

Sorry if it seems like I'm spewing guys, I'm just really interested in the game and committed to getting a good start. I'm starting to feel like I'm talking a bit too much tho so I will try and shush and get a consensus. This plan only works if we are a democracy and if everyone has a say before we reach a final decision.
by DharmaHelper
Mon Jul 21, 2014 8:05 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [NIGHT 4] Fight Club Mafia - New Castle, DE
Replies: 344
Views: 9792

Re: [NIGHT 1] Fight Club Mafia - New Castle, DE

Mister Rearranger wrote:
DharmaHelper wrote:Another thing to keep in mind is that it seems like we will be fighting people within our city (or more accurately the city we are currently in), since I'm fighting Kate. What I originally thought was that it would be city vs. city, so I'm sort of disappointed that we are guaranteed to lose someone tonight. But that also means that each of these other cities are going to be losing people.

The main reason I want to make sure we all pick a unified option is so that in the future we are not forced to fight (and therefore die) because one city has a majority rule. If we all go to the same place we have a cushion of 8 votes to give to someone NOT from our city, giving us some security when it comes to fights.
I don't necessarily agree with your reasoning, but I understand it.

I'd like to figure out a bit more about what goes into the fighting process and how it's resolved before I jump to any conclusions.
What are your concerns? I would feel much better if we were all on the same page, so if something is itching at you I think its best to put it out in the open so that others can clear it up if at all possible, or at the very least offer thoughts on it. I agree that once things are a little bit more established it will be easier to make decisions, but again I can't stress enough how important unity is. Based on how this vote went, I am fighting because I got the majority vote and Kate was selected to fight randomly because no one was in clear second place.

This is fine, because it is just the 9 of us in this city right now. But if we assume the same thing is happening in every city where there are people, then that means after tonight there will be four groups of 8 (if there is 1 person eliminated from each fight). Once you introduce the concept of moving to a different city then things get murky. Whereas since each of the cities started with 9 people the votes and fights for this past day were fair and balanced (and there were 4 fights guaranteed), moving forward we could end up with empty cities, or cities with a disproportionate number of people who have the same hometown, so we could see 3 fights instead of 4, or 2 fights, or fights between two people from the same city, or something along those lines.

Therefore, the safest way forward is together, so that we do not end up stranded in enemy territory and forced to fight while other cities skate by. Logically, having 7 people at your back makes the most sense.
by DharmaHelper
Mon Jul 21, 2014 7:38 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [NIGHT 4] Fight Club Mafia - New Castle, DE
Replies: 344
Views: 9792

Re: [NIGHT 1] Fight Club Mafia - New Castle, DE

Leamiteo wrote:So sorry that I didn't a) wake up on time this morning to vote before work b) remember to vote during lunch break and c) just got home. I'll take more care in the future!

As far as the vote goes, I don't know, it might be fun to check out other places! But I still don't even know what the heck is going on here. But I do see your point DH. Good thinking! What do others think? Is there a preference?

Also, does anyone know how will lynches work?
I believe that lynches are the fights between the top two vote getters (or in this case, the only person to receive votes and a random opponent). Night Kills are I think the Cops and possible part of the secrets of Tyler/Narrator/Marla/whomever.

@Bullz - I see your points, but I think that open discussion is our best course of action. We don't have access to a massive chat or btsc or anything of the like, so this is the best and only way to coordinate an effort. As you said, most likely the other cities are considering the same sort of plans and strategies, so in my mind it doesn't matter if we try to hide it or not. Everyone should know where they stand, the cards are out on the table. It would be illogical NOT to work with the people in your city at this stage in the game, and I would expect nothing less from the other cities, so I see no reason for the cloak and dagger just yet.

In regards to the City Alliance Idea, I do remember Sherlock, trust me. I would not endorse nor participate in an alliance unless we as a group were 100% sold on it and we were in considerable control of the situation. I just have to believe that at some point the suggestion of an alliance is going to come up, and would rather we not get caught behind the eight ball and fall victim to a massive push from 2 or 3 other cities.

In regards to the issue of trust:

We have 30 civilians, and 5 policemen. Then we have Tyler, Marla, and the Narrator.

In reality, the only people who at this stage are at odds are Tyler, Marla, and the Narrator. Marla and the Narrator cannot be recruited into Project Mayhem, so they cannot win with Tyler or anyone from Project Mayhem. Civilians can be recruited and can win with Tyler. Cops can as well, although they kill anyone in Project Mayhem. BUT, this early, I doubt very heavily that anyone is recruited at all yet.

This means:
The Cops have no one apart from Tyler they are able to kill
Tyler has only the Narrator and Marla to worry about (He can recruit cops later, as well as civilians)
Civilians have no skin in the game at all.
Narrator and Marla are only opposed by Tyler at this time.

Which means that, statistically, right now we are all on the same team. We have no reason not to work together initially, as the odds that Tyler, Marla, and Narrator are all 3 among us and therefore that this group cannot win the game together at some point are very very low. Whereas the odds that this group contains players that are all capable of winning together (either Tyler and Cops/Civs, or Narrator and Cops/Civs, or Marla and Cops/Civs) are higher.

As for preference to which city to move to, I have none. Penns Grove is the only option not in Delaware, so to me I think that option stands out (and would therefore draw more people to it if they decided to move at all.) So I would caution against picking that option however phallic it may sound.
by DharmaHelper
Mon Jul 21, 2014 6:55 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [NIGHT 4] Fight Club Mafia - New Castle, DE
Replies: 344
Views: 9792

Re: [NIGHT 1] Fight Club Mafia - New Castle, DE

So essentially we have two options I think, play defensively and stay in New Castle, or play aggressively and invade another city with the intent to force them to fight each other. Both options have drawbacks and advantages, which I will try to cover in this post (Terribly sorry if I am rambling but I want to get as much of my thoughts as I can out so that in the event I am eliminated, at least I did my best to ensure that New Castle is safe and secure and you all are well equipped moving forward.

If we stay here, we have no idea how many people from how many different cities are coming to New Castle. But we have home field advantage in that anyone who decides to come to us has no idea what to expect when they get here. We also make sure that New Castle stays in control of New Castle, and that our city (and our thread) Do not get overrun.

If we go to another city, we have no idea how many people are there or how many other city folks have the same idea, but we have at least some plan of attack and we would learn the lay of the land a bit more as opposed to if we remained here, and were therefore isolated from any of the other threads/discussions.

Therefore what I think is the best move for ALL of us is this:

We decide which city we'd like to move to, and move there en masse, leaving New Castle behind for now. Once in our new city with the 8 of us that remain after my fight with Kate, we are likely to ensure at least one person who is not from New Castle fights the next fight, if we all buckle up and vote together *(And if we all vote..cough cough)*. From there, hopefully we can press our advantage and numbers until we reach a tipping point and the fights are less of an issue.

Ideally, I would also argue that discussing an alliance with another city would be most helpful at least in this early stage of the game. 8 votes is nice, but 16 would be better.
by DharmaHelper
Mon Jul 21, 2014 6:19 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [NIGHT 4] Fight Club Mafia - New Castle, DE
Replies: 344
Views: 9792

Re: [NIGHT 1] Fight Club Mafia - New Castle, DE

Another thing to keep in mind is that it seems like we will be fighting people within our city (or more accurately the city we are currently in), since I'm fighting Kate. What I originally thought was that it would be city vs. city, so I'm sort of disappointed that we are guaranteed to lose someone tonight. But that also means that each of these other cities are going to be losing people.

The main reason I want to make sure we all pick a unified option is so that in the future we are not forced to fight (and therefore die) because one city has a majority rule. If we all go to the same place we have a cushion of 8 votes to give to someone NOT from our city, giving us some security when it comes to fights.
by DharmaHelper
Mon Jul 21, 2014 5:23 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [NIGHT 4] Fight Club Mafia - New Castle, DE
Replies: 344
Views: 9792

Re: [NIGHT 1] Fight Club Mafia - New Castle, DE

Can I make a proposal?

Assuming we all survive the night, it would be in our best interests collectively to stay together. If that means we all want to move, we all move into the same new city. If we all elect to stay, so be it. But we should work together and vote together from here on out. In this way we can ensure that we do not needlessly endanger ourselves moving forward.
by DharmaHelper
Mon Jul 21, 2014 4:25 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [NIGHT 4] Fight Club Mafia - New Castle, DE
Replies: 344
Views: 9792

Re: [DAY 1] Fight Club Mafia - New Castle, DE

I'd feel like a bum if I signed up for Fight Club and didn't fight.
by DharmaHelper
Mon Jul 21, 2014 1:47 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [NIGHT 4] Fight Club Mafia - New Castle, DE
Replies: 344
Views: 9792

Re: [DAY 1] Fight Club Mafia - New Castle, DE

I'm comfortable going into the fight Bullz, And would rather it be me than anyone else in this group.

If I die, stick me on a table and start chanting "His name was Dharma Helper"
by DharmaHelper
Mon Jul 21, 2014 1:34 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [NIGHT 4] Fight Club Mafia - New Castle, DE
Replies: 344
Views: 9792

Re: [DAY 1] Fight Club Mafia - New Castle, DE

I hope I didn't just volunteer to lynch myself.
by DharmaHelper
Sun Jul 20, 2014 9:17 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [NIGHT 4] Fight Club Mafia - New Castle, DE
Replies: 344
Views: 9792

Re: [DAY 1] Fight Club Mafia - New Castle, DE

Russtifinko wrote:I think it fitting that DH and I would fight each other, given our rivalry and such as. So if 2 people from New Haven are fighting, I volunteer to be the second one. I guess it's also possible DH would fight someone from another group, though.

1v1 me bruh
by DharmaHelper
Sun Jul 20, 2014 2:35 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [NIGHT 4] Fight Club Mafia - New Castle, DE
Replies: 344
Views: 9792

Re: [DAY 1] Fight Club Mafia - New Castle, DE

I'm glad you're back too Kate :D
by DharmaHelper
Sun Jul 20, 2014 12:13 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [NIGHT 4] Fight Club Mafia - New Castle, DE
Replies: 344
Views: 9792

Re: [DAY 1] Fight Club Mafia - New Castle, DE

The way I see it this isn't a typical lynch and I would and should have a good chance of coming back once the fight is over. So I want to fight for a couple of reasons, most importantly that if I am wrong and it is a lynch at least I can fall on the sword and save my fellow New Castles from being taken down.
by DharmaHelper
Sun Jul 20, 2014 12:07 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [NIGHT 4] Fight Club Mafia - New Castle, DE
Replies: 344
Views: 9792

Re: [DAY 1] Fight Club Mafia - New Castle, DE

Yes I really want to fight.
by DharmaHelper
Sun Jul 20, 2014 12:23 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [NIGHT 4] Fight Club Mafia - New Castle, DE
Replies: 344
Views: 9792

Re: [DAY 1] Fight Club Mafia - New Castle, DE

Maybe in their hometowns.
by DharmaHelper
Sat Jul 19, 2014 8:34 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [NIGHT 4] Fight Club Mafia - New Castle, DE
Replies: 344
Views: 9792

Re: [DAY 1] Fight Club Mafia - New Castle, DE

Oh holy shit are we all from New Castle and we have to pick someone to fight the other Hometown Hero :P

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