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by Bereft
Thu Nov 16, 2023 5:11 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Severance [Evening Four]
Replies: 5250
Views: 103471

Re: Severance [Evening One]

I decided to take a peek at the record-keeping books. Everything looks nice and orderly, almost perfectly so except the conspicuous absence of the metal plate, the disco ball, and the box i bought to keep her things in.

Its almost as if, that's exactly it, the answer is staring me right in the face. Surely it cant be this easy I wonder? But for now I will entertain it.

~ Bereft
by Bereft
Thu Nov 16, 2023 4:57 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Severance [Evening Four]
Replies: 5250
Views: 103471

Re: Severance [Evening One]

I imagined her in the kitchen.
Then it left.

I've always hated when she does this.

~ Bereft
by Bereft
Thu Nov 16, 2023 4:41 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Severance [Evening Four]
Replies: 5250
Views: 103471

Re: Severance [Evening One]

I'm curious about the stuffed animal, so I snap a photo and Google it.

Well, would you look at that, its supposed to be a silky anteater, the more you know, I guess.

~ Bereft
by Bereft
Thu Nov 16, 2023 4:19 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Severance [Evening Four]
Replies: 5250
Views: 103471

Re: Severance [Evening One]

I don't remember what I was doing, but I feel like accomplished it, ah right, the disco ball. Think I've had quite enough for now.

I put the ball back on the wooden table, but keep the desk lamp on, wondering if I should do anymore work after that strange experience.

~ Bereft
by Bereft
Thu Nov 16, 2023 4:16 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Severance [Evening Four]
Replies: 5250
Views: 103471

Re: Severance [Evening One]

Everyone should maintain an appropriate work/life balance. Disco balls do not encourage this. ~ not Bereft
by Bereft
Thu Nov 16, 2023 4:15 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Severance [Evening Four]
Replies: 5250
Views: 103471

Re: Severance [Evening One]

The disco ball pays attention only to nobody itself. It thinks its too pretty and supposedly everyone at the dance party is just there to gaze at it and say how its so beautiful and all. Well no, that's not how it works actually, nobody who goes to dance parties actually cares about the disco ball all that much, they just glance at it, appreciate that its doing its stupid job and move on. But I'm digressing here.

The disco ball certainly knows how to reflect light. It was reflecting light at the tabasco bottle earlier, but all that light was doing was hurting visual faculties. The tabasco bottle doesn't have visual faculties but for the sake of analogy, [I'm in too deep, amn't I?] here, the light didn't do anything, the tabasco bottle was perfectly visible to anyone who looked at it, wtf was the point of the reflecting the light then.

The disco ball also constantly has it out for me, but this time they don't even bother to try reflecting light at me, it just sits there, doing jack$%#!, at least the tabasco bottle did a little rumbling around my insides, but the disco ball?

As far as I'm concerned the disco ball is actively unhelpful, this is not a dance party, you don't just get to say "lets have a merry good time, I'm sure if we just sit here and look pretty everything will be okay", its a crisis rn.

But what's even worse, it. It. IT. Why can't I explain IT.

~ Bereft
by Bereft
Thu Nov 16, 2023 4:02 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Severance [Evening Four]
Replies: 5250
Views: 103471

Re: Severance [Evening One]

The stuffed [I don't what that thing is, the fam told me it was an anteater, and I don't believe them?] facsimile of an animal, locks eyes with me as I move towards the disco ball, daring me to stop from moving it for closer inspection. Yes, on a surface level, you can see the lines clearly, but that's just surface level, its a disco ball, its a pernicious thing, I've always hated dancing, we need o look inside. The comfort object's head chooses this moment to slip from its awkward positioning, looking at the doll. Ugh not the kewpie doll, the kewpie doll is the least of our problems. Despite this, I still feel like hugging the stuffed animal. Bad anteaters eat tiny ants, or at least that what I think I was told? Well, its not eating anything right now by the looks of it, poor guy.

But I was getting distracted. I lift the ball, finally.
by Bereft
Thu Nov 16, 2023 3:54 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Severance [Evening Four]
Replies: 5250
Views: 103471

Re: Severance [Evening One]

Right, the morning. I can't exactly rely on being mentally present in the morning, can I?

I take some of the objects and turn on a desk lamp. Maybe shining a light on them will help.

Lets start with the disco ball.
by Bereft
Thu Nov 16, 2023 4:16 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Severance [Evening Four]
Replies: 5250
Views: 103471

Re: Severance [Evening One]

Time to pour myself a glass. Maybe in the morning this premonition of disaster can be dealt with.

~ Bereft
by Bereft
Thu Nov 16, 2023 4:10 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Severance [Evening Four]
Replies: 5250
Views: 103471

Re: Severance [Evening One]

I notice that the compass is just going to keep ppinting North.
Right at her box.

I need to move the box.
But somehow its not her fault the box is where it is. It's the compass' fault for being wrong and I'm getting tired of all this by point.

~ Bereft
by Bereft
Thu Nov 16, 2023 3:54 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Severance [Evening Four]
Replies: 5250
Views: 103471

Re: Severance [Evening One]

I lose the staring contest with the tabasco bottle and decided to smile. It feels so good to choose to have a smile. I take the bottle off the table, for now at least, everything would be tasteless without the thing.

~ Bereft
by Bereft
Thu Nov 16, 2023 3:50 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Severance [Evening Four]
Replies: 5250
Views: 103471

Re: Severance [Evening One]

pyxxy wrote: Thu Nov 16, 2023 3:46 am
Bereft wrote: Thu Nov 16, 2023 2:27 am Marlboro, ofc. Red brick, ofc. ~ not Bereft
hey not/Bereft can I get a small piece of guidance around the difference between you two?
Just pay attention to Bereft. I haven't the faintest clue who not Bereft is, but they're not Bereft. ~ Schweppes
by Bereft
Thu Nov 16, 2023 3:39 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Severance [Evening Four]
Replies: 5250
Views: 103471

Re: Severance [Evening One]

Ranmilia wrote: Thu Nov 16, 2023 3:16 am here's a freebie, the tabasco sauce is me and he's, understandably, not thrilled with when I called for consolidation on him.
Here's a freebie. Tabasco is Rondo and not you. If you're going to complain abt stylistic differences between cigarettes and a toy sword, then at least put in the effort to make heads or tails of the actual content. ~ Schweppes
by Bereft
Thu Nov 16, 2023 2:32 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Severance [Evening Four]
Replies: 5250
Views: 103471

Re: Severance [Evening One]

I glare harder at the tabasco bottle. ~ Bereft
by Bereft
Thu Nov 16, 2023 2:27 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Severance [Evening Four]
Replies: 5250
Views: 103471

Re: Severance [Evening One]

Marlboro, ofc. Red brick, ofc. ~ not Bereft
by Bereft
Thu Nov 16, 2023 2:25 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Severance [Evening Four]
Replies: 5250
Views: 103471

Re: Severance [Evening One]

I put the compass to the side now and turn to the toy sword. Playful maybe, but when extricating it from its place, it nearly stabbed me. Its so childish, too childish. And why would it look like a sword? Too naked and obvious. Not that I'd ever trust it around me again.

By far the largest thing on the wooden table is the metal plate. I don't even know what its supposed to be a part of. I can't make heads or tails. I move on.

I turn to the carton of orange juice. Already I'm regretting my decision to do something. Why did I even take it out of the fridge? I take a sniff of whats inside. It gives off absolutely nothing. I sigh. I move on.

There's a doll. I move it off the table. I've learned my lesson about kewpie dolls.

Bath ducky? I hurl it off the table. It was that compass again, pointing out all of the wrong things. The bath ducky that refused to make any squeaky noses was the least of my problems.

The empty tabasco bottle glares at me. I glare back.

I stop, getting rather tired of all and look back to take stock.
At this point, theres only a stuffed animal, the tabasco bottle, the metal plate, the carton of orange juice, the toy sword, and ... the disco ball.

I still want to smash the disco ball. To smithereens.

Somehow I will need to take a more detailed look at things thats not just taking a metaphysical divining rod to everything.

~ Bereft
by Bereft
Thu Nov 16, 2023 2:07 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Severance [Evening Four]
Replies: 5250
Views: 103471

Re: Severance [Evening One]

When I finally snap out of it, I feel even sicker. I don't know if its the tabasco. I don't- out of the corner of my eye I think I see a shadow outside.

Time is running out, faster than I'd like to admit. I feel like I've already dodged multiple bullets.

I do the only thing I think can give answers, and maybe a way out.


I lay out everything of interest on the wooden table.

I remove the brick and cigarette immediately, not it. I turn towards to the locked box with her things in it. I can imagine her screaming rn, yelling, bemoaning. Try as I might, I cannot blame her for everything. Things had always been like this as far as my memory serves me.

I then look at the compass. Its pointing to her box. That's not right, its not her. I stare at the compass, willing it to point a different direction. The compass is reliable, it points North, but its pointing in the wrong direction and its frustrating.
by Bereft
Wed Nov 15, 2023 4:27 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Severance [Evening Four]
Replies: 5250
Views: 103471

Re: Severance [Evening One]

I exit the storeroom, and feel funny in my stomach. Maybe ingesting the Tabasco sauce wasn't such a good idea after all.

But the evening is still young, and I'd rather watch tv than think anymore upon unsettling things.

~ Bereft
by Bereft
Wed Nov 15, 2023 4:23 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Severance [Evening Four]
Replies: 5250
Views: 103471

Re: Severance [Evening One]

The boxes look less menacing now. But where then was the source of it all?
There's a disco ball. I suddenly feel like smashing it on the floor.

~ Bereft

[VOTE: unvote] aubergine

[VOTE: tedxtr] aubergine
by Bereft
Wed Nov 15, 2023 4:15 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Severance [Evening Four]
Replies: 5250
Views: 103471

Re: Severance [Evening One]

I explore the rest of the storage room. It's disorienting.

There's a cigarette in a corner, I like it, too bad I quit smoking many years ago to enjoy it now.
Next to it there's a bath ducky, I like it too, but, ... I feel like someone wants me to hate this ducky. It feels wrong.

I want to stop rummaging.
by Bereft
Wed Nov 15, 2023 3:18 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Severance [Evening Four]
Replies: 5250
Views: 103471

Re: Severance [Evening One]

I'm dying of laughter rn. Scheduled Bereft programming will resume after the break. ~ Schweppes
by Bereft
Wed Nov 15, 2023 12:17 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Severance [Evening Four]
Replies: 5250
Views: 103471

Re: Severance [Evening One]

~ Bereft
by Bereft
Wed Nov 15, 2023 12:14 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Severance [Evening Four]
Replies: 5250
Views: 103471

Re: Severance [Evening One]

Something doesn't feel quite right.

I rummage thru the storage room, and nothing that I once leaned on, looks alright, smells alright, feels alright to the touch.

Nothing out of the ordinary has happened to prompt this. I think.

[VOTE: Robyn] aubergine [VOTE: Dyslexicon] aubergine [VOTE: MacDougall] aubergine
by Bereft
Wed Nov 15, 2023 11:56 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Severance [Evening Four]
Replies: 5250
Views: 103471

Re: Severance [Evening One]

MacDougall wrote: Wed Nov 15, 2023 4:41 am ⛧ I̴̛̤̬̰̦̯̣̪̞̦͖͕͚͓͐̒̊͆n̶͓̪͚͉͓͚̥͑͊͘ ̷͈̭̣̜̬̞̋̂̈̿̌́͘̚͝b̷̡̞͙̘̦͍̠̬̖͗ͅȩ̴̹̣̯̰͙̪̫̝̝͖̟́̓̇́̀͜ŗ̷̲̯̝̫̹̟͍̳͇̙͙͙̈̐͘e̴͎̲͑̇̓͐͗̎͛͛͋͘̕̚͝f̴̳̯̠̦͕̬͖͗̀̅̈̈́̇̒̌̚t̶̡̨̳͚̣̗̺͎̰͙̭̹̀̋̎͋̌͝ ̸̨̲̱͔̹̻͓͇̰̍̍̐́̇̂̐̚͘̕͝I̴̜͎̓͆̈́̐ ̵̧̪́͒̓̌͒̈̄̍͌̌͘s̷̡̈́͘ę̷̳̥͙̼̜̌ͅȇ̵̢̛̻̥̤̗̏͗͋̓́͐̀͝ ̶̡͚̥̩̗̩̦͕͍͈̑͆͑̌̉͂̂͠a̸̭̪̖̣̼̲͕͈͋̔͗̏̑ ̷̲̙̥̪̽͋͆͑̅̂̊̀̚͝v̶̝̣̹̂̑̽̇̌̏͆͊̀́̅a̵̭̩̳̜̝͈̭̺̞̝̪̭͌͒͆̈̌͊̈̿̀͠p̶̡̧͇̮̦͖̬͔͕̜͖̣͛i̸̢͚̦͕̯̥̫̞̺̔̍̈̏̊̑́̑́͜d̵̟̖͎̪̙̣̪̬̃̽͂ ̷̡̆͑̑s̷̡̯̥͐͊͒̈́̿̑̅̎̆͘n̵̡̛͚̦̞͚̝͓̪̽̑̇͊̀̑̽͘͜͠ͅͅì̶̬̗̠̝̪͚̻̼̮̮̼̅̈͊̉̾́͑͝ͅv̶̧̧̒̒̃̒̾͝͝ẻ̶̢̗̺̤͜l̴̖̠͓̞͈̓̍̀͛̐͗̇̋̊͐̑į̷̧̨̗̠̫̞̣̩̺̹̍̂͑̇͠͝n̷̪͎͚̄̒͠ģ̵̡͍̟͈̺̖̪̖̰̲̽̈́̀͂͂͐͠ͅ ̵̢̛͈̰̝͓̹͔̱̣̜͔̱̌̏͐͊̍͋͝c̴̨͇͉̺̺͙̠̙͕̍̒̉̓r̴̮̜̙͎͚̬̙̤̥͛̐̄̏͠ě̷̛̛̳͙͖̳̰̐̈́̉͑̊̃̃̌̽t̷̨̧̩̺͉͕̥̞͌͋̔̏̋̒ͅį̴̥̟͓̰̜̩̹͖̫̥̈́̀͊͋̔̃̆͜͜n̷̺͛͌̑́̓͆̾̌̑͘ ̷̛͉̱́͒̔͑͒̌̓͒͛̈́͌͠d̴͇͔͇̫̗̯̊͗͑̇̒̌͒e̵̡̬͂̀̀̆͊͑̏̓̊̚͝v̵̢̩̞͎̂̅̍̉͑̊̑͒̀̚͝o̴̢̜̪͍͇͎̩̲̤̳͕͎̍͌͛̀̉͌̈̈i̶̘͐͊́d̷̩͈̥̖̪̝͈͝ ̴̛̤̳́͛̈́̀͑͆͋̎̈͝͝͝ŏ̶̢͖̮̳̥̇f̴̢͚̥͈̼̤͍̟͈̀̍̃̎͜͝ ̷̝͎̻͔̚͝ạ̸͍̽̍̒͂̿̉̒͑̉ ̶̧̗̱̖͖̘̦̟͓͇͉̙̠̓̓͆͊͒̇͌̃̉́̊͐s̶̭̤̲͓̠̟̺̃̽̃͋̌̽̾͋͋̌p̸͍̘̬͚̳̮͉̟̺͚̆͜͜ͅĭ̸̮̀̌̓͒̀̔̊̂̌n̶͚̤͚͍͗̆̚e̵͓̒͑̄̑̌̾̅̕.̸̛͕͕̫̟̠̱͇͖̝̗̓̽̐͗͜ ̷̳̩̻̺̣̱̼̺̼̤̰͑́̈́͊̎̚Ḯ̷͖̬̥̠́͂̈̅f̶̡̧͖̫͙̦̜̲̥͐̑̑̋ͅ ̵̡̼̮̜͕̭̰̩͓̹̮̃͗̈́̂͑͆̊͌̄̎͂͘ẗ̶̞͓́́̑̕ͅĥ̶͍̼͍̞̺̦͐̋̄̄́̿͘͠o̷͓̤̙̤̰͉͎̍̂̅̔̏̓̐͐̃̚u̴̡̧̝̬̝͙̫͔̮͎͔͐̓͜ ̶̡͓͕̰͉͓̞̪̅͋̂̊͋̄̀̈́́̈͜ḍ̵̛͙̝͕̼̅̀͐̒̃̉̉͗̊̍o̴̡̧̰̟̥̫͈̱̰̥̘̦̓ͅe̴̲͓͈̙͚̓̑͊̈́̃̂͒̈́̽͜ṡ̶̢̨̡̳̹̯̫̹͉̞͕̣͒̃̌͋̏̈́̈́̽̅̑ͅ ̸̼̠͇̯̼̘͈̜̝̝̥̙́n̶̙̪͖̮͔̟̰̓̽̀͘͜o̶̢̡̖͖͙͓̩͍̪̥̪͖̅̑͌̽͠t̷̛̪̔̈́̑̍̋̂̄̔͜͝͝ ̷̰̻̫̊̀́̈́͐̔̾͠͠ḣ̶̰̣̼̰̞̎̑̔̏å̴̡̭̠͉̻͍̘̠̻͊͋͛̌s̶̡̡̹͇̳͈̟̪̰̗͑̐͛̌̊̂͑̽̊̐̆͘ṭ̴̡̼̙̥̋̇̋̀͛͘͘̕i̷̠͈̭͖̗̤̗͑͂̀͊̊͑̈̅̎ḻ̴̛̓̄̏ͅy̷͙͑ ̴̡̮͖͚͎͍͚̯̲͔̯͎͉̏̍̅͌̔̾̆̎̓̀̚͝ḭ̴̡̡̣̱̻̠͈̱̜̬̺͛̔͑̈́̆́̓͌͘m̴̡̞͉͚̙̦̤̻̳͚͊p̶̨͉̓̾͐̽͘̚͠r̷͔̻̯̱̻̖̪̥̹̦͒̿̓̉̉̏͗͛̒̀͑̉͝o̵̙͕̜̘͋͛̎̍̓͒̾̉̒͋̚ͅv̵̢͖̖͖͖̭̻̰̰̂̾̆́͂̓̓͗̎̂ȅ̸̲͈͉̖͜ ̴̡̧̺̩̗̠̰̲̫͆͆̎͑̚I̵͇̼̼̯̼̜̦̪̘̥̬͔͊̚ͅ ̸̨̲̙̬͍̯̼̽ș̵̨̨̠͚̦̓ͅh̶̨̛̛͚̳̥̤̬̫͕̲̱̥̀̑̆̄͆̽͗̚͜͠ạ̵̛͈̳̤̝̟̱̩͒͂̎̈́͠͝͝l̷͚̞̫̣̘͋̅̒̉ͅḻ̷͈̻̻͇̣̈́̆͂͆̾̑̆̅̚ ̸̛̖̙͙̀̊̃̅́̽̇̈́͑͜͝d̴̺͕̈̑͜ȩ̸̠̖͎̱̟̯͇̹͐̑͐̈̐̔̚v̷̢̡̛̮̥͇̥̘̭̫͔̤͂͗o̸̢̞͙̟̗̜̩̅̉͋̀̓̀̈͗͊͠ṹ̷̦̱̙̥͕͎̉͜r̶̢̮͇͍̈́̅͒̿ͅͅ ̵̡̤̪̙͖̘̤͇̦̈̇̐͊͊ṫ̸͕̪̯̥̳ḩ̷̮͇̠͕̫̗͓̍̎̈́͊͘e̶͕̚͝ḿ̴̧͍͎̬̙͉̺͍ͅ ̵̼͔͖̬̲̠̇̋́́̍̂̒̈̄á̸̢̮͖̮̩͇̟̰̫̰̳̉̆̽͘̚n̴̠̘͎͔̠̮̣͆̌́͌̽̚ḑ̵̨͚͈̣̣͕̈̀̈́̈́̀̾́̒̚ ̶̧̢̧͈͙̣̙̣̖̤̳̣͕͗̒̓͛͋͑̽̓͆c̴̨̝͚̞̑̔͋̉̈́̈̎̀́͑̑͝͠a̶͚̾̒̊͐̌l̷̼͖͂̋͗́͠l̵̰͛̂̓̃̇̑̑͐͘͜ ̵̧͖͙͔̱̦̱͂̍͝ẗ̶̛̹͎͙̝̞̱̮̆͑̐̔̿̽̿̌̍͜h̵̨̜͕̭͍͈̝̿̑͑̀̓̇̋͋̒̅͝e̷̢̻̪̣͍̓̃̊́̑͝m̴̨̫̩̩̮̱̬̊͛̀̇̈́̈́̿̈́̀̒́͜ͅ ̶̢̡̡͓̦̪̳̜͚͎̥̦͒̊͜n̴̙̻͓̮͐̀̾̒͊̑͘͝a̴͈̓̔̚u̴̝̻͖̙͖̗̞̜̽̇̽̾͝͝g̷̛̩͈̥̭͇̮̜͜͜͝ḧ̵̢̡̥͇̜͕̮́t̵̛̳͕̣̤̪̝̥͈̬͔̒́̈́́͘ͅ ̷̝͓̽͑̀̏̑͝͝ḃ̷͉͓͕̥̈́y̴̙̗͚̙̟͉̹̪̮̘̰̝̏͊͒̅͘͝ ̶̮̾̽̀̉̎̍͐͌̔̈͝ã̷̩̞̙͎͉̬̒̈́̈̾̾̊̊̎͐͠͝ ̶̻͖͚̾̈́͝ͅs̸̖̺̠̖̰̥̭̼̣̀h̵̡̬̣̻͔͇̭̝̰̹͈̔̒̈́̓̐̓̃̄̒̈́͝a̷̻̦͕͌̓̌͒̎̄͗͜d̸̛͓̋͌̒̃̿̈͑̄̒͘ͅó̶͎̿w̷̢̢̛̼̯̼̗̣̪͍͇̎͆͌͝.̸͓̅̅ ⛥
The darkness grows ever darker. ~ not Bereft
by Bereft
Wed Nov 15, 2023 1:04 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Severance [Evening Four]
Replies: 5250
Views: 103471

Re: Severance [Evening One]

In the gray light of the refridgerator I spot a bottle of Tabasco sauce. I already know what I'm having for dinner tonight. ~ Bereft
by Bereft
Tue Nov 14, 2023 11:16 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Severance [Evening Four]
Replies: 5250
Views: 103471

Re: Severance [Evening One]

I'm tired, I wanna be home, but all I see is my Toyota Corolla. ~ Bereft
by Bereft
Tue Nov 14, 2023 11:13 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Severance [Evening Four]
Replies: 5250
Views: 103471

Re: Severance [Evening One]

Those who look behind and see all, see not the sun. ~ signed B e r e f t . . .. . . . . . . .. .. . . .
by Bereft
Tue Nov 14, 2023 8:53 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Severance [Evening Four]
Replies: 5250
Views: 103471

Re: Severance [Phase Zero]

EGGZ! ~ signed, Bereft
by Bereft
Tue Nov 14, 2023 11:42 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Severance [Evening Four]
Replies: 5250
Views: 103471

Re: Severance [Phase Zero]

Doth who still seeketh answers, see not beyond thine nose. ~ signed, Bereft
by Bereft
Tue Nov 14, 2023 11:11 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Severance [Evening Four]
Replies: 5250
Views: 103471

Re: Severance [Phase Zero]

This is home.
Unbeknownst to us there is work.

Now, we ask the question:
If we die at work, do we die here?

Ofc. ~ signed, Bereft
by Bereft
Tue Nov 14, 2023 12:00 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Severance [Evening Four]
Replies: 5250
Views: 103471

Re: Severance [Phase Zero]

Ginger, oranges, kale, avocado, chicken noodle soup, these are nature's solutions. ~ signed, Bereft
by Bereft
Mon Nov 13, 2023 11:54 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Severance [Evening Four]
Replies: 5250
Views: 103471

Re: Severance [Phase Zero]

Pound, pound, the sandbags, they [...] ~ signed, Bereft
by Bereft
Mon Nov 13, 2023 10:38 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Severance [Evening Four]
Replies: 5250
Views: 103471

Re: Severance [Phase Zero]

I'm fake. ~ signed, Bereft
by Bereft
Mon Nov 13, 2023 10:07 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Severance [Evening Four]
Replies: 5250
Views: 103471

Re: Severance [Phase Zero]

A peaceful entrance. ~ signed, Bereft

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