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by boo
Sat May 30, 2015 11:18 am
Forum: Apollo Square
Topic: Top 5 Video Games
Replies: 40
Views: 4021

Re: Top 5 Video Games

Devin the Omniscient wrote:As for my list, I'm mainly a modern game fanatic. However, there are a few oldies that hold a place in my heart.

1. Bioshock 1 and Infinite (2 was alright but it doesn't compare).
2. Dragon Age: Inquisition - Fell in love with the story and customization almost immediately. (I must confess to logging over 100 hours into this game. And I plan to play it again eventually.)
3. The Doom franchise - Best fps series ever, imo.
4. AC Blackflags - Incredible open world game play and great story.
5. Spyro franchise (with the exception of Skylanders) - I have a weird thing for purple and dragons :blush: This was a childhood favorite of mine.

Honorable mentions:
Mass Effect series - This has some of my favorite recruit-able characters of all time. Garrus is probably number 1.
Destiny - Currently obsessed with playing this game. The repetitiveness doesn't bother me one bit, lol.
Fusion Frenzy - My all time favorite competitive arena style game. I have fond memories of my brother and I bonding over kicking each others asses in this game.

That's all I can think of right now :)
by boo
Mon Apr 20, 2015 2:22 am
Forum: Apollo Square
Topic: Top 5 Video Games
Replies: 40
Views: 4021

Re: Top 5 Video Games

In no real order (but WoW is #1):

1) World of Warcraft - I've played it on and off (in recent years, mostly off, but still) since a little less than a year after it's release. So around 9 years? It's not the same anymore (all of my RL friends who have ever played are long past it, and in game friends are also mostly gone when I was playing briefly when the most recent expansion came out).

2) Goldeneye N64 - Don't give me any of that Perfect Dark is better crap. Also for the N64 (but not top games), Mario Kart, Mario Party, and Super Smash Bros.

3) Various other shooters - They're all pretty equal, but stuff like Halo, Gears, CoD (of the Modern Warfare 1 and 2 variety, plus a few others) for the PvP. For single players, I enjoyed the Bioshock games, but the only one that from a FPS perspective that I actually liked was Infinite, the others were to clunky).

4) Mass Effect series - I can live with the ending to 3 without hating them.

5) There's lots more, but Civ 3 deserves a mention. I didn't like 4, and 5 is fine (although I prefer 3 because unit stacking 50 tanks is awesome), and I haven't played the most recent one (I suppose I'll get it during a steam sale at some point, but probably not until there's lots of DLC for it, since I made that mistake with 5).

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